Goddess in the Middle

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Goddess in the Middle Page 20

by Stephanie Julian

  “No!” Amity cried out and tried to push past Rom, but he reached for her and shoved her back behind him.

  “Amity, stop.” Rom didn’t take his eyes off the trio in front of him. He noticed how Kari didn’t look at all afraid, and how Den, whose sole purpose was probably to provide muscle and intimidation with the sheer bulk of his body, didn’t take his eyes off Rom.

  “We won’t hurt your sister, Lady Amity. Ah, you’re surprised we know who you are, aren’t you? You shouldn’t be. The Mal continue to practice many of the old ways, though the deities wouldn’t know that, would they? Most of your kind abandoned the Mal many years ago.”

  Amity huffed. “Only because you declared war on your own people—”

  “After they declared war on us centuries ago.” The Mal didn’t raise his voice but Rom heard his tone change. This guy was lethal. “We will take Lady Kari with us—”

  Rom threw himself forward, the element of surprise allowing him to get the jump on the men.

  He sensed their momentary shock and hoped it would be enough to give him the upper hand. He hit the shorter guy hard, a no-holds-barred roundhouse that landed with the distinct crush of bone. He stumbled back into Kari and the three of them went down like dominoes.

  Behind him, he heard Amity cry out but he couldn’t stop now. He followed the guy down and started to pummel him. The big guy lost his hold on Kari, who scrambled away, kicking at him with her spike-heeled boots as he tried to grab her back.

  The Mal beneath him began to fight back and it was clear he knew how to defend himself. Rom couldn’t afford to split his concentration between the men but he knew he couldn’t hold both men off on his own for long.

  Rom took an uppercut that caught him in the temple and pain exploded through his head. The guy went to throw another but Rom intercepted it before it connected. Using his greater weight, he tackled the Mal, hoping to get him pinned against the bigger guy and tie them both up so Amity and Kari could get away.

  It worked, but not as well as he would’ve liked. They got tangled together, fists and feet, arms and legs, until Rom wasn’t sure what was attached to whom.

  All he knew was that he needed to keep the men away from the women long enough for them to get the hell out of there.

  Rom took another shot to the gut that had him gasping for air, and someone’s foot came too close to making him a soprano, but he fought to hold his own against the two men.

  Getting back to his feet, he aimed a kick at the smaller guy’s head, hoping to knock him out. He moved at the last second, and Rom’s foot grazed his shoulder instead. The big guy also got to his feet, and Rom prepared for an attack. Instead, the guy turned and ran back toward the kitchen.

  What the—

  He turned for a brief second. “Amity! Run!”

  She obeyed him without hesitation, grabbing Kari by the arm and pulling her toward the front door.

  “No, up—”

  Rom caught a roundhouse in the face that nearly spun him around just as the door opened. He didn’t know whether Amity or Kari had opened it. Didn’t matter.

  Kari screamed in fury as the goon grabbed her and dragged her out of the house.

  Amity would have followed if Rom hadn’t grabbed for her arm, just before he felt the muzzle of a gun stuck in his side.

  “I can’t kill you. You’re too valuable.” The Mal’s voice was calm as he spoke in Rom’s ear. “Don’t worry. We won’t hurt her. She’s too important. Consider her leverage.”

  Rom contained the urge to knock the gun out of the guy’s hand, just to get it away from Amity. He didn’t think she’d be injured if it went off. More likely he’d take the brunt of a close-range shot. But he wasn’t taking chances. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “You know what we want.” He nodded at Amity. “Next time we come, Lady Amity, it won’t be just the two of us. We’ll take them both. And they will do what we want.”

  Rom lunged for the man but he’d already turned to sprint for the back door. Torn between giving chase and protecting Amity, he realized there wasn’t much of a choice.

  He grabbed Amity and pulled her against him. She came willingly, wrapped her arms around his waist and held on.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her question caught him off guard because it was exactly what he was going to ask her.

  His heart beat like a bass drum in his chest and he felt hers pounding as well.

  “Fine. They didn’t hurt you?”

  If they had, he’d tear their fucking throats out.

  She shook her head. “We’ve got to get to Charun before they decide Kari’s worth more to Charun than to them. I’ve got to talk to him, Rom. I’ve got to put a stop to this.”

  “What we’ve got to do is get you somewhere safe so the Mal can’t get to you. I’ll go after Kari. You and Remy—”


  He cut off a growl before it started and reached for patience. “Yes. You and Remy will get the hell out of here. I’ll—”

  He cut off as she put her fingers over his lips.

  “No. I’m not saying I won’t agree to go somewhere you deem safe, but wherever we go, it has to be close. I won’t abandon my patients. And you will not go after Kari without help.”

  She didn’t plead, didn’t bat tear-stained eyes, didn’t beg. She just stared at him with an unwavering resolution. He nodded, though his jaw felt ready to crack as he bit back the demand that she obey him. “Fine. It’ll be close. Let’s just… Go pack a bag. I wanna be out of here in a few minutes.”

  She nodded and headed toward the steps, and he found himself following on her heels. Watching her ass sway as she walked up the stairs.

  Damn, he was a total dick.

  He forced his gaze to look anywhere but at her as she headed for her bedroom and started sifting through drawers and pulling things out of her closet to neatly fold and place in an overnight bag. He knew he should call Remy and let him know what was going on but he lost himself watching her pack. He had no idea how she managed to fit all the stuff inside that bag but she was ready in less than five minutes.

  Her hands shook, but she didn’t ditz around, didn’t open and shut drawers without purpose. She gathered her stuff together and didn’t complain once about having to do it or cry about her sister, though he knew she was worried.

  She stayed focused. And he forgot to call Remy.


  Pulling his cell from his pocket, he dialed his cousin.

  And started to sweat when Remy didn’t answer right away.

  Three rings. Four. Five.

  Rom had his finger on the button to disconnect when Remy finally answered.

  “Yeah. What’s up?”

  Rom paused at the strain he heard in Remy’s voice though he hadn’t answered with the phrase they’d agreed on if either of them were in trouble. That would’ve been, “Can I call you back?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  It was Remy’s turn to pause. “When can you get out here?”

  Rom’s palms went instantly clammy. He turned and headed for the hall as Amity finished packing. “We’re heading out now. There were two Mal waiting at Amity’s house. They took Kari.”

  “Shit.” Remy’s voice had lowered almost to a growl then paused as someone spoke to him, too softly for Rom to hear. “I’ll text you directions. Get here as soon as you can.”

  Behind him, he heard Amity say, “Rom, I’m ready. Is everything okay?”

  He turned to find Amity watching him with wide eyes. Without thought, he held out his hand and breathed a little easier when she let him draw her into his side. Her shoulders fit perfectly under his arm. And the ding as he received a text message made him stiffen all over again.

  “Did you get the text?” Remy asked.

  “Yeah. We’re leaving now.” Rom felt the stiffness of her body and wanted to gnash his teeth at the helplessness he felt. They were fast losing control of things.

  And that was unacceptable.
/>   “Make it fast,” Remy replied. “Life just got a hell of a lot more interesting.”


  Rom had just opened the passenger door and was helping Amity out of his truck when a dark-haired stranger who didn’t look much older than Remy stepped out of the barnlike building in the middle of the den.

  In khaki pants and white button-down shirt, he didn’t look like a king.

  Until you looked into his eyes. Then… Yeah, this definitely was the lucani king. His king. Rom’s jaw tightened until he thought it might crack under the strain.

  Amity smiled at the guy, and Rom had the almost overwhelming urge to step in front of her and keep her away from him.

  “Cole.” Amity’s voice held a warm note that made Rom’s gaze narrow. “How are you, dear?”

  The guy bowed perfectly, without hesitation or awkwardness. “I’m fine, Lady Amity. We’ve been waiting for you.”

  “And here we are.” She curled her hand around Rom’s bicep and he nearly bared his teeth in satisfaction.

  “Romulus Cangelosi.” Amity’s hand tightened on his arm, and her fingers began a slow, soothing rub. “Meet Cole Luporeale.”

  King Cole—Rom would bet his best sword no one ever cracked wise about that to the guy’s face—walked down the stairs to stand in front of Rom then held out his hand and looked him straight in the eyes without a shred of domination.

  Turned out the guy didn’t need to be showy about his strength. All you had to do was shake his hand.

  Rom took the guy’s hand and bowed his head, which felt like the right thing to do. When he met Cole’s gaze again, he felt some of that stress drain away.

  “Nice to meet you, Rom. Sorry it’s under these circumstances. Why don’t you come into the center and get caught up. I know Remy’s… anxious to talk to you.”

  That pause didn’t sound good. “Who’d Remy piss off?”

  Cole smiled, transforming his stern expression into something much more approachable.

  “Actually, your cousin’s been informative. And entertaining.”

  A little more of that stress drained away. They’d definitely made the right choice about who to send because, if they’d sent Rom, the king would probably be telling Remy he’d been uncommunicative and a pain in the ass.

  Cole released him and bent to kiss Amity on the cheeks, short pecks on each cheek that put Rom’s back up. Idiot.

  “Lady, I’ve got Kaisie inside ready to track her, and the sicari on standby when he finds her.”

  “Thank you, Cole. Rom, why don’t you go speak with Kaisie and I’ll go see Remy and my sisters.”

  He didn’t want to let her out of his sight but he didn’t want to start a pissing match with the king. Not unless he had to. Besides, if this Kaisie guy was going to find Kari, then he needed to talk to him. And he definitely wanted to meet the sicari. The king’s assassin.

  Still… he balked at letting her out of his sight. Shit.

  She smiled up at him, which did screwy things to his insides.

  “I’ll be fine here. I promise not to leave the building without one of you at my side.”

  She lifted onto her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips that nearly rocked him back on his heels. She didn’t hold anything back, and he felt the wall inside him begin to crumble. She clung to him and when he would have pulled away, she leaned closer. And he kept kissing her.

  He only pulled away when he felt Remy’s presence. Remy stood behind them, watching. Rom couldn’t decipher his expression.

  Shit. What was Remy thinking? For the first time, Rom couldn’t tell. Could Remy tell he’d made love to Amity without him? Was he pissed?

  Remy nodded as Rom put his hands on Amity’s shoulders and moved her a few inches backward so Remy could wrap one arm around her shoulders from behind and press his mouth against her neck.

  Rom felt no jealousy as Remy kissed her. If it’d been anyone else, he would have torn his head off.

  Damn, this was so fucked up. And they had no time to hash it out now.

  When Rom turned back to Cole, the king got points for showing absolutely no surprise or shock. Of course, the woman who stood just inside the doorway of the community center had enough surprise for two people.

  Until she started to smile. And then giggle.

  The woman giggled like a teenage girl, her blonde hair bright as sunlight, and her blue eyes sparkling over the hand she’d placed over her mouth so he wouldn’t see her laughing, or so he assumed. Which made no sense at all.

  Then she motioned to someone he couldn’t see, and a dark-haired woman with solemn gray eyes and an expression to match moved into the doorway with her.

  Amity had followed his gaze and her face lit up as she saw the other women. The blonde took that as an invitation and tripped down the stairs to grab Amity in a bear hug. The other woman followed at a more sedate pace but she hugged Amity just as hard.

  And when she turned to face Rom, he bowed low to the goddesses.

  “Wow.” The blonde had a smile a mile wide. “Guess all those Doublemint ads weren’t wrong. Double your pleasure, double your fun.”


  “So the Mal took Kari.” Lucy settled into a huge leather chair and curled her legs under her. “I wondered how long it’d be before they got bold enough to attempt something like this.”

  Amity and her sisters had retreated to a private sitting room, complete with mini bar, after she’d promised Remy and Rom she wouldn’t leave the room without a chaperone.

  Not that she needed one here. It’d been over a year since the Mal had breached the lucani defenses and taken Cat, a child, and another woman by force. Since then, the wards had been strengthened, most recently when Cat had assumed Lucy’s powers.

  Tivr had worked on those wards for weeks on end. No one could get through them using magic and, if the wards sensed even a whiff of Malandante, the lucani sentries would be alerted and the wards would shock the offenders with a spell rendering them unconscious. The only people the spell didn’t work on were deities and those given a specific charm to carry on their bodies at all times.

  “Nortia said they’ve been planning something,” Tessa said. “She just hadn’t been able to figure out what.”

  Amity rummaged through the mini bar. She needed a drink, and Cole was bound to have a bottle of Fuflun’s wine here. And maybe, if she was lucky, he’d have some of the Etruscan God of the Vine’s personal stock of beer. Hops grew on vines, too. Most people tended to forget that little piece of trivia.

  Yes! Slim brown bottles filled an entire row in the refrigerator. She grabbed one, twisted the cap, and took several grateful swallows.

  Finally, she turned and waved the bottle at Tessa, who scrunched up her nose and shook her head, then Lucy, who nodded.

  She’d have to get a case of Fluff’s beer for her guys. They’d love it.

  If they even liked beer. The thought made her pause, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

  Did they like beer? Or did they like liquor? Steak or pizza? Well, really, they were lucani after all. Steak it would be.

  Country or rock? Mystery or sci-fi? Boxers or briefs?

  Okay, she did know the answer to that last one.


  She smiled but couldn’t hold on to it for more than a second.

  “Amity, I know you’re worried about Kari and so are we,” Tessa said. “But you know Cole. He won’t rest until he finds her.”

  Setting her beer on the table, Amity dropped onto the couch next to Tessa and rested her head on her sister’s shoulder. “I know. I just feel like it’s my fault. They came for me. Charun is after me. If anything happens to her, it will be my fault.”

  “Kari can take care of herself.” Lucy’s rational tone eased some of Amity’s anxiety but not all. “And the Mal wouldn’t dare hurt her.”

  “Kaisie will track her,” Tessa said. “He’s the best. And when he finds her, Cole will get her back.” Then her smile turned downright wicked. “But ri
ght now, why don’t you tell us what’s going on with the cousins? They look more than capable of finding missing goddesses. Your Remy is certainly the charmer, but that Rom… he’s got hidden depths, doesn’t he?”

  She knew Lucy and Tessa were trying to take her mind off the situation. Her gut tightened with jumbled emotions, but one comment about Remy and Rom and she went wet between the legs.

  How the curve of Remy’s mouth could turn her world upside down. And how a glance from Rom was all it took to make her burn.

  “It’s… complicated.”

  Which was totally the truth. Complicated by the fact that they were mortal and she wasn’t. That she’d been marked for extinction by a god. That she could do very little to save herself, much less protect them. That she wanted them desperately and knew she should be pushing them away rather than letting them take care of her.

  “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, much less with two men who make me feel like I’m a necessary point in a circle we create together.”

  Sighing, she reached for her beer and took a few more gulps before she realized Tessa and Lucy were staring at her with identical wide eyes.


  Tessa blinked and looked at Lucy who’d started to shake her head.

  “Amity.” Tessa voice held a hint of tears. “That’s… beautiful.”

  Yes, it was. But she had no idea how the men felt about her and she felt guilty about wanting her men when her sister was missing.

  Lucy leaned forward and gripped her hand. Trying to comfort her.

  An odd feeling, she realized, to be the one needing comfort. For the past few millennia, comfort had been her stock in trade.

  Amity laced her fingers with Lucy’s and held on tight as she abruptly changed the subject.

  “We know the Mal have been recruiting eteri who are descended from the bloodlines, even if they can’t access their power. Remy and Rom believe the Mal hired a demon to capture them and kill their families. Now, the Mal are ramping up their plans. We need to figure out why and if they’re working with Charun.”

  “They have been awfully quiet the last century.” Lucy’s voice dropped to a low murmur. “And we haven’t been monitoring them like we used to.”


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