Goddess in the Middle

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Goddess in the Middle Page 21

by Stephanie Julian

  “We’ve overlooked them and that was our mistake.”

  Tessa’s gaze narrowed down to a glare. “They’re gathering power. While we fade, they’ve been amassing a power base. They’ve been biding their time.”

  “Do you think Cole’s aware of this?”

  “I’m sure he is, though he hasn’t said anything to me.” Lucy sighed. “And before you ask, no, I don’t think he purposely kept the information from us. You know how meticulous Cole is. I believe he didn’t have enough evidence and didn’t want to raise an alarm without proof.”

  Tessa’s pretty face screwed up into a frown. “And it’s not like we could do anything about it. Our powers have been fading for so long, we’ve gotten used to being obsolete. And now…”

  Tessa and Lucy exchanged a glance that said so much without using any words at all. Tessa’s remaining powers could only be used in conjunction with childbirth. Lucy… Amity didn’t know if Lucy had any powers left at all. She didn’t talk about what had happened when she’d transferred her mantle of power to Cat.

  And none of her sister goddesses had wanted to ask for fear of hurting Lucy.

  Amity had lain awake at night, wondering what she would do if she lost her powers completely. She hadn’t thought life would be worth living. And, for an immortal goddess, life had a very different meaning.

  The only way she could end her life would be to give her soul to Charun. Then she would cease to exist. Or be reborn again. No one really knew because no one had ever gone through the process. Only one goddess had been missing since Charun had started his campaign against them, and no one was absolutely positive that she’d been taken by Charun. He certainly wasn’t revealing what had happened.

  “You knew about Cat, didn’t you, Lucy?” Amity asked. “You’ve known for years.”

  Lucy’s gaze held steady. “Yes, I knew she was born to be my replacement. I felt it the moment she was placed in my arms only hours after her birth. For years I told myself I was wrong. And when it became obvious I wasn’t, I foolishly did nothing to prepare her.”

  “What I don’t understand,” Tessa chimed in, “is why I don’t have a replacement.”

  Lucy shrugged. “Maybe you just haven’t met her.”

  “What if there isn’t one?” Frustration began to creep into Tessa’s normally even-tempered tone. “What does that mean?”

  Amity shook her head. “I don’t have any answers.”

  Tessa’s mouth twisted. “And maybe I was never really needed in the first place. Let’s face it, our people never really needed a Sun Goddess. They had Usil and Catha. Needing a third Sun deity never really made sense.”

  “Maybe because Usil and Catha were always more concerned with devastation,” Lucy said. “And you have always been a bright spot in the dark, Tessa.”

  Amity repressed a shiver at the thought of the dueling Etruscan sun deities. The God Usil and the Goddess Catha were always at odds. It was a wonder the world had survived their constant bickering. The scorched places of the earth bore Usil and Catha’s distinctive marks.

  Tessa grabbed Amity’s free hand and squeezed. “And you give so much of yourself to others. Maybe that’s why you don’t have a replacement. No one can replace you.”

  “Then why have my powers been waning along with everyone else’s?” Amity’s frustration seeped into her tone. “There’s just so much I don’t understand about what’s happening between me and Remy and Rom. Like why did I gain so much power from making love with Rom and Remy?”

  Tessa’s mouth got that wicked grin again, and even Lucy began to smile.

  “I think maybe you need to tell us all about it.” Lucy leaned forward, her gray eyes sparkling. “And be sure not to leave anything out.”


  “And you’re sure this will work?”

  Rom must have asked the question three times already, but Remy totally understood. He’d had trouble wrapping his head around the idea when X had first proposed it.

  Now… well, he didn’t think it was a downright shitty idea. But Rom did.

  “I understand your reticence, Rom.” Cole’s voice held absolutely no impatience, no anger. “But this is what she wants and it’s our duty to do what she wants.”

  Yeah, Remy got the whole “she’s a Goddess, we do her bidding” deal. But she was his goddess. His and Rom’s. Rom might not be fully on board with that concept yet, but Remy had no doubt he’d change his mind. He’d have to. Because Remy wasn’t giving her up.

  Something had happened between Rom and Amity earlier today. They’d gotten closer. Probably because they’d had sex.

  And, contrary to what Rom probably thought, that wasn’t a bad thing. Remy would have to make him see that.

  At least they were in total agreement about how much danger they’d put Amity in. Basically none.

  That possessiveness was making Rom twitchy. And when Rom got twitchy, Remy had learned to keep his own anxiety under wraps.

  “If it makes any difference,” X said, “I’ve done this before. And I’m not half bad with a sword if it comes down to a fight.”

  Remy didn’t doubt what the Cimmerian was saying. X had a grip that spoke of sword training and a lean, muscled body. Of course, the guy owned a bakery—a high-end, world-famous bakery, but still, the guy made cupcakes.

  His brother, Cal, had the air of a man who wouldn’t be afraid to kill you if you looked at him wrong. And Cal had the utmost faith in his brother.

  “So we’re just going to walk into the dream plane and confront Charun?” Rom’s tone held a shitload of disbelief, but the look he shot at Remy held much, much more. “And no one else thinks this is a catastrophe waiting to happen?”

  Rom caught Remy’s gaze and held it, but Remy wasn’t backing down. This plan was their best option. The faster Rom realized that, the faster they could get it over with.

  Rom must have sensed his thoughts because his cousin sighed and started to pace along the back wall. “Fine.” The word sounded like he’d bit it off. “Then what about Kari? We can’t let the Mal get away with this. They’re after us. They need to be shut down, now, before they get bolder.”

  “We know that.” Cole’s expression showed no surprise, no shock. “We’re working on it.”

  Cole glanced at the two men to his left. The older one with the scruffy brown hair and five o’clock shadow had intense green eyes that missed nothing. Rom figured that was a good thing for a tracker. He didn’t look dangerous, but he didn’t look like he’d be an easy mark either.

  The other guy, the dark-haired one who looked to be around Rom’s age… This one was dangerous. Built like a brick shithouse, the guy exuded menace from the tats on his muscle-bound arms to thighs the size of tree trunks.

  Kyle Rossini was the king’s lead assassin, a job he apparently took to heart because he looked ready to murder at the hint of a gesture from Cole. Dangerous seemed like too tame a word for the guy, but that didn’t mean Remy and Rom couldn’t take him.

  “We’ve suspected for a while that the Mal have been gearing up for something,” Cole continued. “We just didn’t know what until you two showed up to fulfill a hundreds-of-years-old prophecy. We get that they want your power. What we can’t figure out is how the Mal knew to target Amity.”

  Cole paused but he didn’t have to continue. Remy realized where this was going.

  “Because someone’s feeding them information,” he said. “Someone’s been watching Amity.”

  Cole nodded. “That would be my guess.”

  “But how’d they know how to find her?” Rom asked the question aloud but he’d already come up with the answer. “They were with the demon the night of the attack. We missed them. Gods dammit.”

  Remy wanted to pound his fist into something. How the fuck had they missed that? Sonuva—

  “I’d cut yourselves some slack before you take responsibility for this.” The sicari, Kyle, finally opened his mouth. He hadn’t said a word the entire time and his voice pulled Remy�
��s attention. “You were a little busy killing a tukhulkha demon. Nice job, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” Remy looked at Cole. “How do we get her back?” The guy was king, after all. Maybe he had some bright idea—

  “You don’t.” Cole held up one hand before Rom could break in. “You two shouldn’t go anywhere near the Mal. It’d be like offering you up on a silver platter, and we don’t want to give them any help finding you. Kaisie will find Kari. Kyle and the sicari will bring her back.”

  Remy wanted to argue and he felt Rom’s angry frustration mirror his own. He had to bite back the snarl building in his chest at the tone of command in Cole’s voice. He might be the lucani king, but they weren’t his subjects.

  Except technically, they were.


  And he couldn’t argue with Cole’s logic.

  “You two are going with Amity to Cimmeria.” Cole continued on in the same calm tone of voice, though he had to realize Rom wanted to chew the furniture. “She needs you with her. And so does Cat.”

  Gods damn right, Amity needed them. And, if the prophecy was correct, so did Cat.

  Still, this mess with the Mal was theirs. They would be the ones to clean it up.

  But they couldn’t be two places at once, and neither one of them wanted to let Amity out of their sight.

  Cole turned to Kyle, who hadn’t taken his eyes away from Remy or Rom the entire time. Remy thought the guy didn’t like them. Put enough alpha males together in one room and, sooner or later, they’d try to kill each other.

  Instead, Kyle shocked the shit out of both of them.

  “Cat’s my daughter.”

  Remy’s mouth fell open for several seconds before he closed it. Holy shit. No wonder the guy looked tense enough to chew nails.

  “I will kill anyone who tries to harm her and I would give my life for her,” Kyle continued. “So would her other father and her mother and every member of this den. But there are only two men who were born to fulfill a prophecy that’s directly linked to her. Apparently you two are it. I will do whatever it takes to get you to stay. I’ll beg if I have to. My daughter means the world to me. She needs you here.”

  Remy wanted to accuse Kyle of hitting below the belt with that one. The sicari knew their story, knew what had happened to their families. Pleading for them to stay because of his daughter… that was almost like saying Bambi’s mother would get to live if they stayed behind to protect her.

  But Remy also understood. If his brother was alive… If Rom’s sisters had lived, he knew they would’ve done anything for them.

  Remy glanced at Rom and knew exactly what his cousin was thinking.

  Baciame il culo.

  “You don’t have to be on your own anymore,” Cole added, dangling the most tempting carrot in his arsenal. “Not if you don’t want to be. You are members of this den, just as your parents were before they left. They did what they felt they needed to do to protect you. I understand that and I will never hold it against them or you. But now you need us and we need you. Let us help. Come home.”

  Chapter 12

  Kyle opened the door to the small house a short walk from the community center and practically smack in the middle of the den.

  “I know it’s not real big but it’s one of the only houses in the den that’s empty at the moment.” Kyle waved them in then handed the key to Rom. “You won’t be bothered, and the fridge and cupboard are stocked.” Kyle turned and bowed. “Lady Amity. Sleep well. We’ll see you in the morning. We hope Kaisie will have a lead by then.”

  With a nod to Remy and another to Rom, Kyle left, leaving silence behind.

  Amity’s gaze flitted though the cozy little house, checking out the comfortable looking furniture in the living area, the small, wood dining table and the tiny kitchen to the right.

  At the back, she saw two doors that she assumed led to the bedrooms.

  She really hoped she wouldn’t be sleeping in one of them alone.

  She didn’t want to sleep alone. Worry about Kari made her stomach tighten into a ball. She knew her twin hadn’t been taken to Aitás, because she still felt Kari in that place inside where she held her sister. If Kari had been taken off their plane, she would know.

  She didn’t think the Mal would hurt Kari. She didn’t think they’d dare.

  But Kari had a way of pissing people off. And not knowing when to keep her mouth shut.

  And maybe you’re not giving Kari enough credit.

  Her twin had been known to talk her way out of any number of sticky situations. It would take much more than a simple kidnapping to make her cower in a corner like a frightened child.

  “They won’t hurt her. She’s too valuable.”

  Rom’s voice drew her out of her thoughts and her gaze automatically sought his. The steady rumble of his voice, the way he held her gaze without faltering, the way he held his body straight, as if he could stop an army onslaught by himself… She felt her lips curve up at the corners, and finally she let herself smile at him.

  “I know you’re right. Of course you’re right. I was thinking the same thing. Kari’s strong. She’ll get through this. She may actually be able to talk herself out of it. Kari can charm blood from a stone.”

  Strong arms encircled her from behind and she let her head fall back against Remy’s firm chest as her hands gripped his forearms. Such strength in the firm muscles under her fingers. So much heat seeping into her body from his.

  Tight muscles relaxed as Remy drew her closer. The fear for her sister’s safety remained a steady beat in the back of her mind, but she knew she could do nothing about Kari’s situation at this moment.

  She needed to clear her head so she could think straight tomorrow. She needed to speak to Charun about his desire to leave his post and destroy the gate to the Underworld, allowing the souls of the dead to wander through as well.

  Most of those souls you wouldn’t have to worry about. There were some, though, who should never be allowed to see the light of the sun again.

  She took a deep breath and felt Remy’s arms tighten as his lips pressed against the sensitive skin behind her ear.

  Arching her neck, she kept her eyes open, watching Rom’s reaction with a fast-moving lust rushing through her veins. His expression showed nothing at all. Stoic described the man perfectly. Beneath the exterior, however, she felt the raging emotions he kept so well hidden.

  Today had been pretty much a train wreck for all of them.

  Remy understood. She needed him. She needed them. And they needed her. They needed to drown themselves in sensation and be taken out of reality for however long they could manage to hold the rest of the world at bay.

  The thick ridge of Remy’s erection pulsed with heat against her lower back and she pressed into him, trying to get closer.

  Rom’s gaze dropped to where Remy’s hand had spread across her stomach, the tips of his fingers brushing the top of her mound. She gasped in a breath, her lungs suddenly having to work much harder. And when Remy bared his teeth and nipped the curve of her shoulder, her knees went weak and she let her head fall back to rest on his shoulder.

  She refused to close her eyes, though it became harder to hold them open. Rom remained on the other side of the room, unmoving. She willed him to look at her and got her wish when he lifted his gaze.

  “I’m not sure I can give you what you want right now, Amity.”

  She felt Remy’s split-second hesitation before he moved the hand on her stomach lower. Each centimeter he got closer to touching the center of her desire, the harder it became for her to breathe.

  And the harder the lines of Rom’s face became. He wasn’t unaffected by the scene before him but he was fighting his desire to join them. She didn’t understand why.

  Reaching one hand behind her to curve around Remy’s neck, she held out the other to Rom. “I only need you to be here. To want me.”

  She couldn’t disguise the need in her voice, the note of pleading, as she sucked in
a quiet gasp. She realized Remy had frozen behind her.

  Damn it. She hadn’t meant to slight Remy in any way. She tightened her grip on him, her nails scraping against his skin, raising goose bumps and causing him to shudder. He needed to know he was equally desired, equally wanted.

  She probably should be ashamed of her weakness, of how much she wanted them. Her body had never responded to anyone the way it did to these two men. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she soaked in the sensation of Remy’s hands on her body, then she forced them open to stare at Rom again.

  The intensity of his gaze burned as he stared into her eyes. She willed him to come to her, to join them. But he refused to move.

  Fine. She could play dirty when she needed to.


  “Shh.” He spoke directly into her, so quietly she didn’t even think Rom could hear him. “I’m right here with you, babe.”

  His words acted like an aphrodisiac. She didn’t think she’d ever heard anything whispered to her with such passion before, with such raw want.

  Before, most Etruscan men spoke to her with such reverence that passion was almost an afterthought. And eteri men never connected with her the way she needed them to.

  Putting her hand over the one Remy held on her stomach, she pushed his hand lower, a centimeter at a time. But instead of angling his hand between her thighs, she moved him down to her thighs, covered by her silk skirt.

  She knew Remy understood what she wanted when he continued the downward slide to the hem. Since she wasn’t wearing stockings, he brushed against bare skin as he pushed his fingers beneath the skirt then began to tunnel back up.

  Pulling her skirt up, as well.

  Each inch of skin Remy exposed tightened at the brush of cooler air even as it sizzled at his touch. She held Rom’s gaze as long as she could before his dropped to watch Remy’s hand.

  Her stomach muscles contracted at the desire that transformed Rom’s face from expressionless to pure carnality. Heat drenched her sex, and moisture coated her slick lower lips until her panties clung to her folds. Every time she took a breath, she could smell her own arousal.


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