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The Doctor's Runaway Bride

Page 15

by Sarah Morgan

  Tia felt her heart lurch. She really, really didn’t want the baby to come early. She wanted to have a normal, healthy full-term baby like everyone else. What had she done to deserve this? Why couldn’t she have had the sort of birth that she’d read about in the glossy magazines?

  Tears pricked her eyes and she cursed herself for being so emotional. Before she’d become pregnant she’d considered herself to be a resilient person, someone who hardly ever cried, but today she felt as though there was a dam inside her, waiting to burst.

  Sharon must have noticed because she waited for Dan to leave the room and then slipped her arms around Tia.

  ‘You poor thing. You must be so worried, but try not to be, sweetheart. We’ll sort you out. Have a good cry if you need to. It’s mostly hormones, you know that as well as I do. And disappointment.’ She nodded wisely, the gentle expression in her eyes showing that she’d understood everything that Tia was feeling. ‘Everyone assumes that they’ll have a normal pregnancy and delivery but it doesn’t always happen that way.’

  Tia sniffed and rubbed away the tears with the back of her hand. ‘I don’t know why I’m being so pathetic.’

  ‘Because you’re worried,’ Sharon said simply. ‘We all have certain expectations about childbirth and when things deviate from what we’re expecting we feel cheated, but the truth is that plenty of people have less than perfect textbook births.’

  ‘I know.’ Tia sniffed again and gave a watery smile. ‘I just want the baby to be OK.’

  ‘Tia, nothing is going to happen to your baby with both Dan and Luca in charge,’ Sharon said soothingly, gathering up Tia’s belongings and handing them to her. ‘Now then, can you manage these on your lap if I push you in the wheelchair?’

  Tia nodded. ‘Thanks, Shaz.’

  Sharon pushed her up to the ward and helped settle her into a side room.

  ‘I feel guilty, taking a side room,’ Tia mumbled, and Sharon waved her hand dismissively.

  ‘Nonsense. It’s the least we can do for you and, anyway, for once we’re not actually that busy at the moment. If we have to move you out, we will. In the meantime, the room is yours.’

  Tia settled herself on the bed and gave a sigh. ‘Am I allowed to move around?’

  ‘Well, there’s no way I’m bringing you a bedpan, if that’s what you’re asking,’ Sharon said dryly. ‘But, seriously, I think you should take advantage of the opportunity to get some rest. How’s that pain now?’

  ‘About the same,’ Tia admitted, rubbing a hand across her swollen abdomen.

  ‘OK. Well, I’m just going to sort out that dexamethasone and then we need to do those blood tests Luca requested.’ Sharon walked towards the door and propped it open, smiling as one of the student midwives entered. ‘Have you been shopping?’

  ‘As instructed.’ The girl passed two bags to Sharon who walked back into the room armed with magazines, books and flowers. ‘Here we are—a few things to keep you occupied.’

  Tia started to laugh as she poked through the bags. ‘Shaz, I can’t possibly eat all that chocolate! I’m the size of a house already.’

  Sharon put her hands on her hips and surveyed Tia through narrowed eyes. ‘Not a house. More a small cottage, I should say, but it doesn’t matter because the chocolate isn’t for you. It’s for us poor midwives who have to look after you.’

  Tia shook her head, still smiling. ‘And I suppose you’re going to hide in here and read my magazines as well?’

  Sharon clicked her fingers. ‘Bother. You’ve rumbled my clever plan.’

  ‘Thanks, Shaz.’ Tia folded her legs underneath her and reached for one of the magazines. Maybe being in hospital wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  At least she felt safe.


  SHARON sorted out the injection and the tests and then suggested that Tia take a nap.

  When she awoke it was dark on the ward and Luca was sprawled in a chair by her bed, his eyes closed. Dark stubble was beginning to appear on his hard jaw.

  ‘Luca.’ She struggled to sit up, strands of sleek blonde hair falling over her eyes. ‘How long have you been here?’

  ‘About an hour and a half.’ He suppressed a yawn and gave her a sleepy grin that did something strange to her insides. ‘I’ve had a really good sleep. It seems that while no one seems to give a second thought to bleeping me at home, if I’m in my girlfriend’s hospital room I’m given total peace and quiet. I’m thinking of leaving you here permanently.’

  She smiled. ‘I’m sorry I woke you.’ Her voice was still scratchy with sleep and he reached out a lean hand and switched on the bedside lamp so that he could see her more clearly.

  ‘How’s that pain?’

  Tia considered for a moment, rubbing her hand gently over her precious bump. ‘Better,’ she said with a nod. ‘Definitely better. Maybe rest was all it took.’

  ‘Let’s hope so.’

  Tia bit her lip, anxious for reassurance. ‘Do you think the baby is all right, Luca?’

  ‘The baby is fine,’ he murmured, his voice deep in the semi-darkness. ‘You are still feeling movements and I saw the trace that you had done before you went to sleep. There is no evidence of foetal distress. Go back to sleep now. The best thing that you can do for that baby is get some rest.’


  Tia snuggled back down under the covers and did as he’d suggested.

  When Tia finally awoke the next morning she was feeling much better.

  The pain had all but gone and the prospect of a day doing nothing but lying on the bed, watching television and reading the magazines that Sharon had brought her was suddenly very appealing.

  There was no sign of Luca but presumably he’d had to leave before she’d woken up. She knew that he usually did a ward round first thing in the morning.

  It was only as she lay doing nothing that she realized just how hard she’d been finding it to be on her feet all day at work.

  One of the nurses brought her breakfast and she sat in bed and munched toast and drank tea.

  ‘Lady Muck.’ Sharon arrived a few minutes later, a broad grin on her pretty face. ‘I’d be feeling quite jealous if it weren’t for the fact that I’m about to stab you in the bottom with another injection of dex.’

  ‘Oh, thanks.’ Tia pulled a face. She’d forgotten that she was due to have another steroid injection. She knew that they gave steroids to women under thirty-four weeks because they helped to mature the baby’s lungs in the event of a premature delivery.

  She chatted to Sharon while she finished her toast and then wriggled down on the bed, screwing up her face as Sharon gave her the injection.

  ‘I hope you don’t expect me to thank you,’ she grumbled, pulling her nightie down and sitting back up. ‘Horrible.’

  ‘Yes, well, with any luck it will have been for nothing. If you hang onto that baby, you won’t need it.’ Sharon sat down on the edge of the bed and checked Tia’s pulse and blood pressure.

  ‘Midwives should not sit on the bed,’ Tia recited, and Sharon grinned.

  ‘But I’m the boss. Are you going to report me?’

  ‘Not for that. But if you carry on stealing chocolates when I’m asleep then I definitely am.’ Tia shook her head, her expression one of complete disbelief as she watched Sharon eat four chocolates in quick succession, even though it was only breakfast-time. ‘I’ve never known anyone eat as much as you. How do you stay so slim?’

  ‘It’s probably something to do with running round after people like you.’ Sharon stood up and scribbled on the chart. ‘Well, that’s all fine. You’re pretty healthy for someone who looks like a baby elephant.’

  Tia laughed. ‘I am huge, aren’t I?’ Then she stroked her bump anxiously. ‘The scan didn’t indicate I was any bigger than average but I feel like I’ve swallowed a balloon.’

  ‘I suppose that’s because you’re basically a very small person,’ Sharon observed, her eyes sweeping over Tia’s arms and legs. ‘Any size of baby would
seem massive on you. Any more bleeding or pain, Tia?’

  Tia shook her head and they chatted for a while longer, then Sharon went off to do her work and Tia snuggled down and promptly fell asleep again.

  Tia woke up in time to eat her lunch and then slept right through until teatime when Luca strolled through the door.

  Tia felt her heart miss a beat.

  He was a spectacularly good-looking man.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he sat down in the armchair by her bed and stretched long, powerfully muscled legs out in front of him.

  ‘What a day.’ He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. ‘No one seemed to be able to manage a normal delivery.’

  Safe in the knowledge that he wasn’t watching her, Tia treated herself to a long look at him, her eyes sliding over his thick, dark lashes and resting on his roughened jawline.

  He was enough to give a woman a heart attack.

  His eyes opened and his expression changed as he intercepted her look.

  ‘Tia?’ His voice was gruff and he rose to his feet and settled himself on the edge of her bed, a strange light in his eyes. ‘How are you feeling? Sharon told me that you’ve slept for most of the day. That’s good.’

  His nearness was making her whole body weak and before she could stop herself she reached out a hand and drew his head down to hers.

  With a low groan his mouth closed over hers, his tongue seeking entrance as he kissed her slowly and thoroughly.

  Her heart thumping, she felt one of his hands slide into her hair, holding her head immobile so that he could increase his access to her mouth.

  Her body started to ache and burn as his tongue explored her intimately, his kisses growing deeper and more demanding. His free hand slid gently over her breast, cupping the fullness, teasing the peak with the rough pad of his thumb until she thought she’d go mad with frustration.

  By the time he finally lifted his head she was shaking so badly that had she not already been lying on the bed her legs would certainly have given way.

  ‘Cara.’ His voice was thick with passion and he brushed his knuckles over her flushed cheeks with a rueful smile. ‘I’m sorry. I should have shaved before I kissed you.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter.’ Her eyes dropped to his dark jaw and desire curled deep inside her.

  ‘Do you realise that is the first time in the whole of our relationship that you have touched me first?’ His voice was soft and his eyes were strangely penetrating, as if he was trying to read her mind.

  Tia dropped her eyes, thinking to herself that it was a good job that he couldn’t read her mind or he’d be able to see just how much she loved him, and she didn’t want that.

  It would be more than her pride could bear to let him know just how deep her feelings were for him.

  There was an exaggerated cough from the doorway and Sharon stood there, a wicked grin on her face.

  ‘Sorry to disturb you two lovebirds. I’m supposed to be checking your blood pressure, Tia, but it’s going to be sky high after that!’

  Luca laughed and stood up slowly, as relaxed and self-possessed as ever.

  ‘Absolutely. Better give her five minutes to get her breath back.’

  Tia watched him curiously, her cheeks still flushed. He didn’t seem to mind at all that Sharon had caught them kissing.

  Still smiling, Sharon checked Tia’s pulse and blood pressure and then listened to the foetal heart.

  ‘You shouldn’t be doing all this,’ Tia said, watching her friend recording all the results. ‘I ought to have a student midwife.’

  Sharon looked horrified at the mere suggestion. ‘I’ve already told you—we’re not that busy today, so you can have star treatment.’

  ‘Let’s put her on the monitor for an hour,’ Luca suggested, rubbing a hand over his face and suppressing a yawn. ‘I might go and have a shower while you do that.’

  He touched his rough jaw and looked at Tia with an apologetic smile.

  ‘You go,’ she said softly. ‘I’ll see you later.’

  Luca left the room and Sharon sighed.

  ‘That man is seriously gorgeous, Tia.’

  ‘I know.’

  Sharon’s eyes narrowed. ‘You do realise that he’s crazily in love with you, don’t you?’

  Tia’s eyes widened and she shook her head. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

  ‘I’m not being ridiculous,’ Sharon said, her tone dry. ‘The man is crazy about you. For goodness’ sake, Tia, why do you think he can’t stay away?’

  Tia shrugged. ‘He’s worried about the baby.’

  Sharon arched an eyebrow. ‘Oh, right. And wild, passionate kisses are the latest thing for averting pre-term labour, are they?’ She gave a grin. ‘I must have been reading the wrong research papers.’

  Tia flushed. ‘You’ve got it all wrong.’

  ‘No.’ Sharon’s smile faded and she shook her head. ‘It isn’t me who’s got it wrong, angel, it’s you.’

  ‘So if he’s crazy about me, why hasn’t he told me?’ Tia asked, trying to sound indifferent.

  Sharon gave a shrug. ‘I don’t know. I admit that’s a mystery. But you haven’t exactly been honest with him about your feelings either, have you? When did you last tell him that you love him?’

  Tia shook her head. ‘Not since that fiasco on the day of the wedding that wasn’t.’

  ‘Precisely.’ Sharon breathed out heavily and shook her head. ‘What a mess. The two of you need to have your heads knocked together.’

  Tia bit her lip. ‘Sharon…’

  ‘All right, I’ll drop it.’ Sharon looped her stethoscope around her neck and moved towards the door. ‘But take my advice. Any man who can kiss a woman like that is worth hanging onto.’

  Tia watched her go with a faint smile. There was no doubt that Luca knew exactly how to kiss a woman senseless.

  She touched her mouth with her fingers, remembering just how that kiss had felt.


  But she still couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she loved him. It would make her too vulnerable.

  An hour later Sharon popped her head round the door to tell her that Luca had been called down to Theatre and had said that Tia should have an early night.

  Hiding her disappointment, Tia closed her book and snuggled down in bed, deciding to take his advice. Sleep certainly seemed to be helping. She felt better than she had for ages.

  The baby was still very active and the pain had gone.

  Maybe there really was nothing to worry about.

  Tia awoke when the pain hit her.

  With a muted gasp she struggled to sit upright, her hand pressed to her abdomen as the severe cramping pain tore through her insides.

  Groaning softly, she bit back a sob and realised that the room was still empty. Luca obviously hadn’t come back. Eyes closed, she breathed gently, hoping that the contraction would soon pass. Because that was undoubtedly what it was. She’d never had a baby before so she didn’t have first-hand experience of labour pains, but the hand she had placed on her abdomen told her everything she needed to know.

  She was definitely in labour.

  Six weeks early.

  Trying not to panic, she took shallow breaths and waited for the pain to pass. Finally she was able to reach out and press the buzzer.

  Polly, the night sister, was by her side in an instant. ‘Problems?’

  Tia nodded, her lower lip caught between her teeth. ‘I’m in labour, Polly. Or at least I think I am.’

  ‘Can I have a feel?’ Polly sat down on the bed next to her and placed a hand on Tia’s bump.

  Tia tensed as another pain hit and Polly glanced at her watch, timing the contraction. After a few minutes she stood up and bustled around the room.

  ‘I’m going to put you on a monitor,’ she told Tia, ‘but it does look as though you’re in labour. I’ll call Dan Sutherland.’

  ‘Where’s Luca?’ Suddenly Tia desperately wanted him to be with her. It didn’t m
atter whether he loved her or not. She trusted his judgement and she felt safe with him.

  ‘He was in here having a kip and then he was called down to labour ward again,’ Polly told her. ‘One of the registrars was having problems with someone and popped up to ask his opinion.’

  And she hadn’t even heard him leave. She must have slept like the dead. ‘Will you call him for me?’

  Polly nodded. ‘Right away.’

  Tia watched her leave the room and tried not to panic. The baby should be fine. She was just thirty-four weeks pregnant, which was early, of course, but not as seriously early as it might have been. The baby might well have problems, but surely he shouldn’t die?

  Polly was back in the room a moment later with the CTG machine. The CTG—or cardiotocograph—gave a graphic record of the response of the foetal heart to uterine activity, as well as information about its rhythm and rate.

  Tia shifted in the bed until she was more comfortable and then Polly strapped an ultrasound transducer to her abdomen.

  ‘Right…’ Polly adjusted the strap and fiddled with the machine. ‘Let’s see what this tells us…’

  Tia relaxed slightly as she heard the reassuring galloping of the baby’s heart.

  Polly’s eyes were fixed on the machine and she rested a hand on the top of Tia’s abdomen to feel for any contractions.

  Seconds later Tia felt the pain begin to build and grip her. With a moan she shifted again, trying to find some relief from the agony, but the pain was so intense she could barely breathe.

  ‘Well, you’re definitely having strong contractions,’ Polly muttered, watching the machine and then glancing at Tia. ‘I’ll go and try Luca again.’

  ‘I’m here.’ His deep voice came from the doorway and he entered the room, his handsome face strained as he instantly assessed the situation. ‘You are in labour, cara?’


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