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Violet and Twinkle

Page 5

by Julie Sykes

“Something tells me Ms Willow won’t allow herself to be caught that easily,” said Freya, as Twinkle finished the sky berries and stood up, his strength restored.

  “I wonder what she’s planning on doing,” said Ariana uneasily, as Violet vaulted on to Twinkle’s back. “How is she going to control all the unicorns?”

  “I don’t know,” said Rosa. “But Ms Nettles is right, she has to be stopped. And if there’s any way we can help, we will!”

  “Hooray for Diamond dorm!” whooped Matilda and the others joined in the cheer.

  They raced back to the stable block but, as the others headed inside, Twinkle held back and looked up at the glittering sky. “I always said I liked the starlight, didn’t I?” he said softly to Violet.

  “You did. You said it gave you a magical feeling,” said Violet. “I guess we just didn’t know how true that was!” She smiled. “Starlight magic is so cool. We’ll have to go for lots of night-time rides from now on so you can practise it.”

  Twinkle turned and looked at her. “One little canter before bedtime, now I’ve got my energy back?”

  Violet grinned. “Yes, let’s!”

  With a happy toss of his head, Twinkle set off across the frosty grass. As the cold air stung Violet’s cheeks, she buried her hands in his long mane and urged him faster as the bright stars twinkled down at them from the clear night sky.


  First published in the UK in 2019 by Nosy Crow Ltd

  The Crow’s Nest, 14 Baden Place, Crosby Row

  London, SE1 1YW, UK

  Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered

  trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd

  Text copyright © Julie Sykes and Linda Chapman, 2019

  Illustrations copyright © Lucy Truman, 2019

  The right of Julie Sykes, Linda Chapman and Lucy Truman to be identified as the authors and illustrator respectively of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book will be available from the British Library.

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  Printed and bound in the UK by Clays Ltd, Elcograf S.p.A.

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  ISBN: 978 1 78800 507 4

  eISBN: 978 1 78800 508 1




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