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A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges

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by Hattie Black

  A Billionaire's Obsession


  His Urges

  Hattie Black

  Copyright © 2015 by Hattie Black. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the author.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, incidents and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents









  Knock, knock...Bang, Bang, Bang

  "Urgh! Who is banging on my door this early on a Saturday morning?" Renee mutters while making herself coffee in her small apartment kitchen. She looks up at the time on the microwave's clock "After almost no sleep last night-this is the last thing that I need at 7:00 am." She complains. The coffee cup slams onto the kitchen granite countertop, and Renee charges toward the front door. She whips the door open.

  "Melaine? Wha...Why...." Before Renee can manage a sentence, Melaine walks directly in without waiting to be invited in.

  "So this is where you spend your nights, and weekends. Hmmm...Quaint!" Melaine comments. Renee stares at the woman confused, and somewhat worried. "Melaine, why...". Renee begins, but Melaine interrupts.

  "Renee, I know you're wondering why I'm here." Melaine begins in a softened tone. "Colin told me everything that he did to you yesterday. He really does feel awful, and I am sorry too."

  Renee's eyes widen. She knows? He told her! Melaine keeps talking. "He doesn't want you to leave the firm...he knows you've worked hard, and deserve every chance you get." Melaine continues. Renee is slightly agitated by the comment. Still, she appreciates all Melaine's done for her. She's discerned that her boss genuinely took her under her wing, to mentor, and grow her creative gift, but her boss' boss, and founder of the company - Colin Winston - had been cruel to her. As far as she is concerned, he is a predator.

  "Melaine, I can't stay there." Renee begins, trying to conceal her true displeasure about the incident that transpired between herself, and Colin the evening before. The incident where he deceptively lured her to the back room of a French restaurant to seduce her, as he had done with other young women-or so she thought. "I don't want to stay there." Renee confirms.

  "He wouldn't be there Renee." Melaine begins to explain in a calming tone. "He's leaving...he's heading overseas to check in on some of our foreign firms, and scout new locations for possible new ones. Melaine informs, now smiling. Renee sighs loudly. That is supposed to make me feel better? she thinks.

  "So, is that how he gets away with inappropriate behavior toward an employee...He just gets to up, and fly away?" Renee says, finally displaying her frustration, and anger. "Well I guess that's what rich, and powerful gets ya." Renee spits out disgusted. She plops down onto her brown leather couch in the middle of the room, facing the wall opposite the kitchen. Melaine sighs, walks over to the couch, and plops down next to her.

  "Renee, I am not trying to make excuses for Colin, but he usually doesn't care. Women, at the firm, and outside the firm, throw themselves at him all the time. He goes through them without remorse. Somehow, this time what he's done irks him to the core. Our office is the flagship office, which he is very proud of. Yet, he's leaving it in Travis' hands so that you don't have to start over. He usually couldn't care less about the ramifications of his actions. This was all his idea."

  Renee stands up, and looks down at Melaine. If Melaine dared to come into her personal space, the same place she had witnessed her boyfriend and best friend betray her-almost two months ago-then she is going to get an earful. "I just want to turn old into new, to surprise, to make art. I didn't interview at BYWINSTON because of Colin. I interviewed because your firm is doing things that others are not. You guys are edgy, and shake things up. I admired that, and wanted to be apart." Renee reveals to Melaine. "So what happened, is the last thing I wanted. It is the last thing I even expected. I wish you never changed me. He would have never seen me." Renee boldly confesses and walks over to the countertop to grab her cold coffee, in order to mask the tears welling up in her eyes.

  Melaine rises and walks over to the kitchen counter too. She is a tough business woman, but she is also a nurturing leader. "Renee, I am so sorry about everything, but my purpose for helping you with your image was to instill confidence...and yes, to assist with winning clients over. I had no idea that you would have had such an impression on Colin Winston. Perhaps he sees what I have always seen in you. You are a remarkable woman. You're just the only one who doesn't know it." Melaine informs Renee, and without an invitation, walks over to Renee's coffee pot, sitting near her stove, and brews a fresh pot of coffee.

  "So this is where you dream up all your fabulous ideas huh?" Melanie investigates each room as she waits for the coffee to be ready. Standing over Renee's entertainment center, across from her couch she notices her trade magazines. Melanie picks them up, one by one and rifles through them. She then looks up at the flat screen hanging above her head. "Smart TV I'm guessing?" She says, pivoting her neck, and shoulder to look back at Renee who hasn't moved from the kitchen, and still wears a frown on her face. "Very nice...but we will have to get at least a 52" in here. This is...what 32"? No, no it wouldn't do for you any longer." Melanie tells Renee, who just shakes her head.

  Melaine continues down the short hallway leading to the bathroom, and bedroom. Renee begins to follow her. Where does she think she's going? Renee begins to wonder. Melaine peeks into the open bathroom, on the left, mumbles incoherently, and continues further toward the bedroom straight ahead. "What are you doing?" Renee finally asks.

  "Is this your bedroom?" Melaine answered with a question.

  ", it is, and there is nothing to see." Renee tells her.

  A curious Melaine takes one more step to reach the door handle, and begins to open the door. "There is nothing to see in there!" Renee screams. A startled Melaine quickly releases the door knob, jumps back, and turns around to face a frantic Renee. "You can't go in there." Renee tells her shaking. "It's not ready for anyone, not even me."

  Melaine has so many questions but she just walks over to Renee, places her right hand on Renee's right shoulder, and turns her around. "Let's go get that coffee."

  Melaine fixes a cup of coffee for Renee, and herself. Then she rummages through Renee's kitchen cupboards, and fridge to produce a decent breakfast. The mentor, and mentee sip coffee, nibble on a hodgepodge breakfast and chat continuously for about three hours or so.


  Renee is glad that she embraced the opportunity to open up to Melaine on Saturday morning. She felt more understood, and learned more about how her immediate boss thinks, and what she knows about the young Mr. Winston - Still, Melaine failed to mention that she and the young tycoon are related.

  Early Sunday morning, several bouquets of flowers, and boxes with gifts begin to arrive via private delivery. Each card read; "I am sorry. Don't hold it against me, and don't leave, Colin Winston." Renee holds her head with both hands, on each side near her ears, She gazes at the bunches of flora, and varied sized gift boxes cluttering her entry way. She is initially unable to move or think. "What have I gotten myself into?" Are the only words that she is able to utter.
  She concluded her conversation with Melaine the day before, agreeing to deeply contemplate remaining at BYWINSTON past two weeks. However the items in her home causes Renee to want to far away, and fast. "No, no, no." Renee says pacing the area between her entry way, and her couch. "I thought I could just return to work quietly, and he would be gone." Renee says out loud, trying to rework in her mind, what she thought she'd already figured out. She eventually sits on her couch, and extends her hand to the end table. She retrieves her cell phone, and begins to dial Melaine. In light of the recent situation, Melaine made herself accessible to Renee 24/7.

  "Hello...Hello, Renee?" Renee hears Melaine's voice on the other end, but she can't move her lips. "Renee, what is it?" Melaine volume increases.

  "Um...I'm sorry Melaine. My phone accidentally dialed you." Renee lies.

  "Oh...okay...I see." Melaine says awkwardly. "Look Renee, if you need something don't hesitate to contact me but do be careful with your phone. Time is very precious to me." Melaine says firmly.

  "Of course! I'm sorry Melaine!" Renee tells her, extremely remorseful. "Enjoy your Sunday." Renee says, and hangs up the phone. I'm going to have to figure this out on my own.

  She establishes, and clears the entry way, one item at a time.

  On Monday morning, Renee clutches her tote bag tightly into her body, and wearily tries to read the faces of each person on the elevator, as she rides up to the 5th floor of the BYWINSTON office building. From what she could tell, no one is looking at her strangely, or appears to be gossiping about her. She exits the elevator somewhat relieved, lifts her head and struts toward her cubicle.

  "Wainwright! Melaine wants to see you, immediately." Renee hears Marina say as soon as she begins to turn the corner to enter the "thick" of the Designer's Pit. Of course she does. Renee thinks, sighs and spins around to go in the direction of Melaine's office.

  "You wanted to see me?" Renee says, as she gently pushes the door into Renee's office.

  "Have a seat Renee." Melaine says without looking up at her. Once Renee is seated, Melaine looks up from her computer. "Enjoyed your weekend, I hope." Melaine begins. "Did you enjoy the gifts you received yesterday?" Melaine concludes. Renee's mouth gaps open.

  "You know about them?" Renee tells Melaine in shock.

  "Yes I do. Is that what you called me about yesterday?" Melaine asks with a dry tone.

  "Um, yes it, I didn't want to interrupt you." Renee informs her.

  "You had...anyway it doesn't matter now. Did you enjoy them?" Melaine interrogates.

  "Um...I put them away." Renee says quickly.

  "So, you didn't enjoy them." Melaine retorts.

  "They made me feel uncomfortable." Renee admits.

  "There it is! Didn't you learn anything from our talk on Saturday morning? Why so cryptic?" Melaine says with a bit of agitation in her voice. "You could have shared that with me, if you wanted to Renee. I only know because Colin called me, after you did."

  "Did you give him my address?" Renee asks pointedly.

  "No, I did not! He has his way of finding out those things on his own." Melaine educates Renee. "Look, if you want to leave before the agreed two weeks, I fully understand." Renee allows Melaine's words to wash over her for a few seconds. She looks up at, what appears to be her only friend at the moment.

  "I just want to grow as a professional. How can I return the gifts?" Renee says soberly.

  "I can take care of that. Just let me know when is a good time." Melaine says assertively.

  "Thank you!" Renee replies.

  Feeling relieved, Renee begins to briskly walk toward her work area when she notices a tall sturdy frame, walking toward her, in her peripheral vision. She immediately turns to see Colin Winston walking toward her.

  "Ms. Wainwright, a word please." Colin says authoritatively, and points toward the smaller conference room next to Melaine's office. Renee is frightened but does not want to cause a scene. She apprehensively obeys, and walks toward the room. Colin notices that Renee is shaking.

  "It wouldn't be long. I promise." He whispers. Marina witnesses the entire occurrence, and is conflicted about informing Melaine. She senses that something unusual is transpiring between them, but is not certain. Marina sits at her desk, and pretends to be typing, while thinking about what she should do.

  "Renee...I am preparing to head out of the country, but I have to know if you are okay. How are you?" Colin begins. "I'm glad to see that you're here." He rambles on nervously. "Are you okay?" He reiterates. Renee can feel her knees about to buckle under her, but she continues to stare at Colin - trying to peer into his soul. Who is this guy? I mean really?

  "Who are you...really?" leaps out of her mouth, and surprises her.

  Colin is taken aback by the question as well. "Excuse me?" He responds. Renee wishes that the floor would open up and consume her. Then she considers that she was willing to quit anyway, and has nothing to lose.

  "Which is the true you? - The Colin Winston who roars at everyone and makes them tremble, or the one who appears to be genuinely concerned about a little, inexperienced newbie like myself. What's the deal?" Renee asks honestly, seeking to uncover Colin's true motives.

  ", okay. Let's just say, I am both of those people." Colin tells Renee, and flashes a grin. Renee is not impressed.

  "I am fine. I will be returning your gifts as soon as possible. They were not necessary." She tells him, in a matter-of-fact manner. Just then, there is a rap on the door, and Melaine enters.

  "Goodness Colin, what are you doing?" Melaine says angrily. "You agreed to leave, and not bother her anymore." She tells Colin frustrated.

  "I just needed to know if she was alright Melaine. I haven't touched her!" Colin reassures his cousin.

  "You agreed Colin. Please leave." Melaine firmly reiterates to Colin, then turns toward Renee. "Are you alright Renee?" Melaine asks with sincere concern.

  "I am fine Melaine." Renee responds, wondering how she ended up in the center of all of this. "I really am." She underlines. "Can I return to work now?"

  "Yes, please do." Melaine says, and clears the door. Renee heads straight for the door, walks through it, and takes one last glimpse of Colin before shutting it behind her. As she walks toward her desk, she sees Colin face reappearing in her mind like the images on a photography reel. She sees the face that hurls rude words at whomever crosses his path, and the face that seems to be genuinely concerned about another's feelings. The latter images gnaws at Renee as she tries to diligently complete all her tasks for the day. Was his concern sincere?..Is he even capable of being kind? Renee mulls over.

  Renee made it through the day. By 6:00 pm, she has made a fair amount of progress, despite her many distracting thoughts. She swings by Melaine's office to say goodnight. Marina waves her right in. Although, she is not completely in the loop, Marina has picked up on enough to know that she'd better permit Renee immediate access.

  "Thanks Marina." Renee offers respectfully, knocks and enters. "Goodnight Melaine...I just wanted to say goodnight." Renee says, not fully in the office.

  "Come in Renee. That wouldn't do. Give me a run-down of what you accomplished today." Although their relationship was developing into something more, Renee knew that her professional relationship with Melaine would always take precedent. Renee divulges into a thorough break down of her activities of the day. When Melaine is satisfied, she asks a follow-up question. "About this are you really doing?" Renee expected the question, though not certain when.

  "I am doing well. I'd just like to return the gifts with your help." Renee expresses.

  "Done! Do you think that you can bring them in, or would they need to be picked up?" Melaine inquires.

  "I would prefer to have them picked. Too many know?..." Renee says nervously.

  "Understood. I will have someone there at 9:00 am tomorrow, so don't come in until 10 in the morning. Take the work tablet home, and log on if you feel guilty about miss
ing an hour and a half." Melaine says with a wide grin. Renee chuckles.

  Feeling fortunate that her mother let her hang on to her car, about two months prior when Renee was in dire need of her parent's comfort, she drove home that evening experiencing a plethora of emotions. She is grateful that her parents support her unwaveringly, and insisted that she come home on the evening she discovered her then boyfriend, and then best friend stark naked in her bed having sex. She is appreciative for the interesting new dynamic between herself, and her immediate supervisor. However, she is confused by how she should now view Colin Winston. She was certain that he was an asshole, but when Melaine questioned him that morning, she thinks she saw a glimpse of a kind person. However, she maybe mistaken - or so she thinks.

  Renee runs up the staircase to her apartment, with her keys in hand. She is eager to get inside, and pack-up the "gifts" to be picked up. Just want to get back to designing...and growing my craft. She thinks excitedly. Renee begins to turn the key in the door, and feels a warm sensation on the back of her neck.

  "Hello Renee." Colin's deep voice rings in her ear. She spins around immediately scared, and trembling.

  "What on earth are you doing here?" She asks, now tilting on furious

  "I had to make sure you are okay..." Colin begins to explain.

  Renee shakes her head. "I'm sure that you can see that this is becoming ridiculous...Colin. Why can't you just go, like you said you would?" Renee pleads with him.


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