A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges

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A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges Page 3

by Hattie Black

  Patrons are arriving, and Renee completes checking on the motion graphics, on each of the fifteen screens throughout, just in time. She stands in the yacht, that is prepared to receive tours, twitching, and fidgeting in her long black designer gown. It exposes her left shoulder, and she is decorated with gold accessories. Melaine ensured that her voluminous hair was blown out, and fashionably styled into a French braid that encompassed the circumference of her head. Thus she resembled a Greek goddess. Her professionally done makeup enhances her high cheek bones, and tiny dimples, and her lips beam a bright red.

  "Well, don't you look spectacular!" Nicholas tells Renee when he sees her. Renee blushes.

  "Thanks Nick. This is more than I'm used to." Renee replies sheepishly.

  "Well, it suits you." He confirms.

  "You don't look too bad yourself." Renee tells him. Nicholas becomes equally bashful as a result of the compliment. "You don't have to say that, but thanks!" Nicholas is appropriately suited in a rented tuxedo. His usually spiked up hair lays neatly on his scalp. He came to impress.

  "Are your motion graphics good?" He asks Renee with a broad smile.

  "Thank God! They're all running smoothly. Thanks so much for your help Nick."

  "Sure! Anytime." Nick responds.

  "Renee...Nick, the ceremony is about to begin. Get your butts down to the floor. Amanda dictates. She is striking in a short red dress with a long train. Her hair is pulled up in a traditional French roll. Amanda hustles her teammates, and now friends, down to the main floor of the warehouse which is decoratively furnished with a stage, podium and microphone.

  Caspian Lampros starts off the speeches. He is ecstatic, and proud at the same time. He thanks everyone involved, and gives a special acknowledgement to Melaine Nordstrom. "Oh, I just wish I could put her in my pocket." He says when describing how integral she was to the success of the re-launch. He also mentions her team, referring to them as her "Dream Team".

  "I liked them from the start. Melaine sure knows how to pick good ones." Caspian winks at Renee who is standing near the front, behind Melaine. Her face begins to feel warm. Amanda begins to chuckle. Finally Caspian introduces, "the man who I trust with my life...Ok, well maybe just with my business." Laughter erupts through out the audience. The laughter dies down, and Caspian completes his introduction of Colin, who takes the stage to say a few words.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, the branding, marketing, and public relations genius himself, Mr. Colin Winston."

  Renee's mouth gaps slightly open. She had absolutely no idea that Colin would return for the event. She imagined, he might at some point, but she dispelled the thought when Melaine calmly replied, "No...no feedback from Mr. Winston." whenever one of the staff asked. Her eyes become affixed on the tall man who looks like he has just walked out of a men's wear catalog for extremely rich men. His tuxedo fits impeccably. His shoulders appear even wider, and the black, white, and red plaid handkerchief in his upper jacket pocket is particularly suave, as far as Renee is concerned. No, no, no! Stop staring Renee! She warns herself. She looks around, and as expected, every other woman in the room is salivating over the attractive gentleman with the perfectly coiffured sandy brown hair, and the baritone voice.

  Renee stares at her feet for the remainder of Colin's speech. As soon as he's finished, both Colin, and Caspian is mobbed by well wishers, and glamorous looking women alike. Renee sneaks off to check on each screen again, and decides to get lost in her work. From screen, to screen she manages to dodge Amanda, Nick, Melaine, and Marina. Renee circulates until she returns to the yacht used for the tours. She enters as quietly as possible, trying not to interrupt the Lampros Yachts personnel currently hosting the tour. Renee stands at the back of the group for the entire duration. She plays with the gold bracelet on her right hand, while listening attentively to the information being delivered by the tour guide.

  Soon the tour ends, and the yacht empties out. The video created by Nicholas, and his team now plays on the screens. Renee stands near one of the screens on the yacht, and patiently waits for her presentation to return. She stands with her back to the yacht's entrance. Suddenly, Renee hears footsteps approaching. She spins around assuming it's Nick.

  "Great work Nick..." Renee's mouth gaps slightly open, once again. She freezes. "Um, what...um, hello Mr. Winston." Renee looks around Colin to see if he had an entourage.

  "Hi Renee. It's just me." He says smiling. Renee's bright brown eyes widen and she swallows hard. "And remember, it's just Colin." He continues. Renee tries to talk but the words are not coming out of her mouth. "It's okay...I know my appearance is a surprise." Colin says to break the awkward silence. Renee looks everywhere else on the yacht except, at Colin.

  She does look down at her feet, and at Colin's and notices that he is a safe distance away.

  "You've done a tremendous job Renee! Congratulations!" Colin says. Renee smiles awkwardly.

  "Thank you." She replies shyly.

  "I always knew you had this sort of...um, greatness in you. That day you presented for our first "Caspian Meeting", I wasn't sure what to think but the passion...the awareness...I knew we were in good hands. Colin states, as eloquently as possible. Renee doesn't buy it.

  "Thanks. It was a team effort." She replies robotically without giving him any eye contact.

  Colin looks at Renee. He knows she doesn't believe he is being sincere. He takes two steps forward toward her. Renee swallows nervously. Gulp

  "Thank you for your comment. I have to check the screens." Renee says in rapid succession, and turns back around to face the presentation screen.

  Colin steps beside her. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" He tells her softly. Renee tries to remain composed. She inhales the odor of his cologne. She tries to remain calm. Colin extends his left hand, and holds tightly onto her right hand.

  "I think you're the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time. I am drawn to you. I'm drawn to your passion...your determination...your creativity." Colin unfolds. Renee bravely looks up at Colin's profile. She still questions his motives. Then she looks at his hands over her own. This doesn't make sense. Why would he want me? Renee pulls her hand out of Colin's grasp, and he lets her. Colin turns to face Renee.

  "I don't want to hurt you Renee." Colin immediately tells her. Renee shakes her head and faces him too.

  "You may say that now, but you will." Renee replies firmly.

  "I understand. You don't believe my words are sincere because of my reputation?"

  "Exactly!" Renee replies. "I refuse to be anyone's 'flavor of the month'!" Renee proclaims. Colin cannot help but chuckle. Renee's way with words is entertaining, and attractive to him. However, he soon becomes quite sober.

  "Renee, I simply can't get you out of my mind. I wish I could. Probably then I could move on." He confesses.

  "Oh I see. So you would like me to succumb to your charm...give in, so that you can be free to move onto the next girl. Is that it?" Renee quips.

  Colin sighs loudly. "No, that is not it." Colin replies, beginning to establish his case. "You know my reputation. It takes no effort for me to charm, and even seduce several ladies at the same time. Yet, I yearn for just one. I'm drawn to just you Renee." Colin declares. Renee can't believe what she's hearing is the truth. She studies Colin's face, and he waits patiently. She can have all the time she needs. Colin determines. Renee looks into Colin's green eyes for a flicker of deception. She waits for him to look away, and studies his body language. Then she comes to her own conclusion.

  "So, are you at that phase in your life where you want to know what being with a black woman would be like?" Renee asks bluntly. Colin throws his head backwards and releases a raucous laugh. Renee continues to stare at him. She was somewhat offended that he would consider her legitimate question, a joke. She turns to begin to walk away. Colin gently grabs hold to her left wrist. Renee is startled.

  "Renee...wait...please. Let me explain." Colin says apologetically. Renee twists her wrist out
of Colin's clasp. She is confused by the entire situation, but stands still to wait for Colin's explanation. Colin swallows hard. He can sense Renee's discomfort, and would genuinely like to repair that.

  "Renee, I have dated black women in the past. I have also traveled the world on numerous occasions where I have experienced, and lived among many varied cultures. I'm not as shallow as you think." Colin explicates. Renee continues looking over Colin's face in silence. She ponders just how many women he has slept with, and imagines what their precise background was. Suddenly, like a burst bubble her thoughts dissipate, she returns to reality.

  "So, does that mean I should be added to that number like a collection of beads on a charm bracelet?" Renee tells Colin pointedly. "I think not!" Renee begins to walk away. Colin doesn't stop her. Keep going Renee. Don't be conflicted by that handsome chiseled face. You can't afford to be hurt again! She takes two more steps forward then stops abruptly, and looks back. Colin smiles sweetly. Renee's heart begins to race so fast that she feels as though it will explode. Colin motions toward Renee. She wants to flee but her feet wouldn't cooperate with her brain. Colin stands toe to toe with Renee. He takes both of her hands into his. Renee can't speak. It's as though her heart is in her throat. She breathes heavily. Colin moves his large hands up her chocolate, muscle toned arms. Renee is shaking. Yet her feet still feel like clay. Colin's left hand now softly touches her face. Renee instinctively tilts her head and leans into Colin's hands. Her head only reaches his chest. Renee looks up in Colin's eyes.

  "You're beautiful." Is all Colin says when their eyes meet. Renee looks down at their feet lined up closely together, and suddenly wakes up, as though from her dream. "I can't do this! I can't be here...with you...not like this!" She forcibly pulls away from Colin. He is reluctant to let go, but eventually does. Renee walks backwards, away from Colin, for a few steps then turns, and runs away. She runs out of the yacht, and down to the main floor. Renee realizes that security detail stood at the entrance of the yacht to prevent anyone from going on board.

  Renee runs in search of the nearest restroom. Her eyes are welling up with tears, and her heart continues to beat rapidly. What is happening to me? Flashes on the neon sign of her brain. "Get yourself together Renee! You're still at work!" She whispers to herself as she enters the Ladies Room, specially constructed for the event. Renee looks around to ensure that she is alone in the bathroom. She stares at herself in the mirror.

  "What are you doing Wainwright?" This could never end well. He's a billionaire. You're a recent college grad, just starting your life. This could never end well!" Renee gives herself a pep talk. She then freshens up as best as is possible, and returns to the event.

  Renee keeps her eye out for Colin. She doesn't want to be anywhere near his vicinity for the remainder of the night.

  "Hey!" Out of nowhere, Melanie walks up to Renee, and startles her, almost to pieces. "Where have you been?" Melanie asks, in a celebratory mood. "The dancing started about half an hour ago." Melanie says shouting into Renee's ear.

  "Um...I was...I wanted to check on the screens." Renee tries to communicate back. Melanie laughs.

  "Oh Renee! Stop working...PLEASE!" Melanie is light, and jovial. She's had a drink of champagne, or two. She takes Renee by the hand, and begins to dance with her.

  Colin remained on the yacht looking down on to the celebration. Unknown to Renee, his eyes have been following her every move. Renee, feeling quite awkward tries her best to loosen up under Melaine's tutelage. However, she is not quite successful. Her thoughts revert to her recent encounter with Colin.


  "So how can one change, and demonstrate to those around him that he is truly different?" Colin asks his best friend Travis in the privacy of his lavishly decorated office.

  "What the heck is going on with you Colin? Can we please have the 'Bull Dog-in-business' back?" Travis says bewildered. "Did you have a life changing experience with a Buddhist monk or something?" Colin smiles broadly.

  "Something like that." Travis and Colin chuckle. "Travis, have you ever met someone who reminds you about what life is really about? Someone who embodies true passion for life through their God-given gifts, and isn't living life selfishly? Colin says. Travis stares at Colin for a few seconds.

  "Ok, what's her name Colin. I know it's not Katya, because she called inquiring about your health while you were away." The men laugh hysterically for close to two minutes. Finally Colin composes himself, and clears his throat.

  "Um, we should get back to talking about our transition into video production, beyond 60 second to three minute promotional pieces." Colin says with a poker face. Travis smiles.

  "Oh! Ok, so you're going to avoid the question completely. I see. Well, we'll circle right back to it...after a few drinks at dinner. Travis says, and the laughter resumes.

  "Oh come one Travis. There are deals to be made here! "Colin says trying to gain his composure. The gentlemen manage to get back into the work at hand. Colin's thoughts sway toward Renee every now, and then but the "Bull Dog" is able remain focused, and they begin to draft a formidable plan for the new area that BYWINSTON is setting out to conquer.


  "We've returned to the bland top-knot bun, I see." Melanie says to Renee, sitting across from the nervous young woman in her office. Renee smiles politely. She can't think of an immediate response. Melanie sighs loudly. "Renee, please answer me honestly. Will Colin's return to the building, hinder your work?" Renee is not really surprised by the question, but she isn't in the mood for a 'Melaine Nordstrom-mentor-session' in that moment. Still, Melaine is her supervisor and she must honor that relationship in this moment.

  "No, it is not going to hinder my work." Renee replies politely. The room is silent. Melaine doesn't respond right away. She contemplates the varying emotions the young, inexperienced woman must be confronting right then. Melaine gathers from both Renee, and Colin that they had some sort of encounter at the Lampros event, four days ago, but she has not gotten the entire story from either. Colin has remained locked away in his office, while dutiful Renee has returned to some semblance of her former self prior to Melaine's intervention. Melaine finally finds the words.

  "Look Renee, I know that you didn't come here for more than enhancing your skill...maybe being promoted a few times, then moving on, but with life comes challenges, and with challenges come opportunities to overcome them." Melaine says, trying to encourage her gifted but sheltered mentee.

  "I understand." Renee responds politely. She is distracted by, and burdened with several thoughts. She can't shake the feeling that perhaps she encouraged Colin. She is also still quite transfixed by her ex-boyfriend's betrayal. Renee was overwhelming attentive to Ronald. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him, even to her own detriment. Now, another man is filling her head with compliments - far more eloquently than Ronald ever did, and with ample passion - but...No! Renee must stand her ground. "I really do understand Melaine. I will stay focused on my work." She assures her boss.

  Melaine is worried. She isn't particularly worried about Renee's ability to continue to produce good work. She can tell that Renee will throw herself into her work anyway. Melaine is concerned that she will choose to leave, and loose out on this wonderful opportunity. I must find a way to inspire her...to distract her. Melaine thinks.

  "Thank you Renee. That's all for now. We'll talk some more later on." Melaine smiles, and stands to escort Renee out of her office. Renee attempts to play catch up, and finds the words to say to Melaine that she should have sooner. Renee walks and talks with Melaine.

  "Melaine, thank you for everything you've done for me. I wouldn't let you down. Um, I will remain focused... I will conquer."

  "Renee, I'm counting on it." Melaine, and Renee exit the office in tandem. Renee nods respectfully and continues toward her cubicle. Melaine stands over Marina's desk.

  "Marina, schedule a meeting with all my graphic artists for 3:00 pm today." Melaine instructs Marina.<
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  "Certainly!" Marina replies, and acts immediately. Melaine continues to look out into the Designer Pit. She is smiling. She smiles as she watches Renee reach her work area, and descend into her seat. "There is hope yet." Melaine whispers.


  "So what did Boss Lady want this time?" Amanda sneaks up to Renee's desk. A surprised Renee jumps up in her chair.

  "Amanda, you really have to stop doing that!" Renee says still quivering.

  "Relax, would ya!" Amanda responds unmoved. "What did Melaine want? Not long after your pow wow in her office, she sent out a graphic designers-wide bulletin about a meeting this afternoon. Did you gather any Intel?" Amanda says in her usual entertaining fashion.

  "No, I did not. Melaine did not mention anything about a meeting!." Renee affirms. It was widely known that Renee was Melaine's protégé. Though many of the other graphic artists muttered their disapproval under their breaths, they did not treat Renee differently. They knew that if word got back to Melaine, that wouldn't be in their best interest. Melaine did what she pleased, without apologies, particularly when it came to business. More than that, Renee's talent stands on its own. She always contributes solid, and innovative ideas, and executes superiorly. As a result, Amanda Chen and the others found it difficult to hate her too much.


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