A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges

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A Billionaire's Obsession 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance): His Urges Page 4

by Hattie Black

  "Alrigh-tee then! It'll just be a surprise for all of us." Amanda says, very animated. Renee chuckles. "So have you heard about Nick?" Amanda then asks.

  "Nick? What's up with Nick?" Renee responds, giving Amanda her full attention.

  "The big man, upstairs, was so impressed with Nick's video production skills during the Lampros event that he wants him to develop a team for a full video production department. I mean beyond short ads, and stuff." Amanda fills Renee in.

  "Oh wow! That's pretty cool! Good for Nick!" Renee is over-the-moon happy for her friend.

  "Yes, pretty cool indeed. I guess you're not the only one with a super power around here." Amanda says laughing.

  "Oh be quiet, and get back to your station Ms. Chen. I'll see you in two hours for lunch." Renee tells Amanda playfully. Renee knows that although Amanda teases her, it's not meant to be malicious. When working together on the Lampros event, whenever they hit a "rough patch", they opened up to one another, worked through it, and other areas of their relationship.

  Amanda salutes Renee, and walks back to her desk. Renee is laughing. She can't help herself as she relives her recent conversation with Amanda in her mind. Renee is also smiling at the thought of Nick being awarded with his recent appointment. It's nice of Colin to recognize Nick's skill. She thinks. Uh-oh, the "Colin-flood-gates" have opened. Renee goes on to think... He stood so handsome on the stage, behind the podium. He was so funny. His hands...oh his hands are so strong... Renee begins to look at her own hands resting at the edge of her keyboard. They are clammy. Her heart beats rapidly. Renee stands. I need some water. She looks in the direction of the water cooler. It is located outside of Library. The Library stores materials for the use of each type of designer. Whichever tool, inspiration or gadget needed, is stored there. It is on the other side of the Designers Pit, parallel to the elevators. It is a somewhat considerable walk from Renee's work station. Hence why she usually packs a bottle of water into her tote bag - but not today.

  Renee is casually filling up one of the cups at the water cooler when she hears a familiar baritone voice approaching. She tries to hasten filling up the cup, and take off, but she doesn't before Colin walks right next to her. His hand carefully grazes her own while she stands at the water cooler. Her heart beats faster. She watches as Colin, Travis, and Nick's continue down the hallway. They had been in the library. Of course! Renee figures it out. They are able to access the library, without being seen from her end of the Pit. Oh My God! Renee's thoughts are off and running, even more wildly. She raises her right hand to her chest to examine it. She can still feel Colin's lingering touch.

  Renee dips back into her work chair, still in a daze. She can't believe what has just taken place. She looks up at her desktop screen, takes a deep breath, and attempts to get her work done. Renee sketches, researches, plays with varying color options, and sketches again. She is able to find her momentum despite her most recent close encounter with Colin. She's decided to block it out. Melaine's words, from earlier that morning, about conquering the situation, has kicked in. It's truly Renee's objective to "win".

  "Ready for lunch?" Renee looks up to see Nick smiling down at her.

  "Is is that time already?" She asks, totally oblivious. Renee diligently plugged away at her latest assignment. She created her own mental cocoon, and blocked everyone, and everything out including her thoughts.

  "Yep! Amanda is waiting for us in the downstairs lobby."

  "Okay then...let's get out of here." Renee says, and the two head out, to embark on the elevator.

  Nick, and Renee talk and laugh heartily while waiting for the elevators to come. They become fully engaged in conversation about Nick's promotion.

  "Well Nick, it is truly well deserved. You've got skills!" They laugh in unison. "Congratulations!" Just then one of the elevator doors opens. Colin and Travis are already on it. Renee and Colin's eyes immediately connect. Colin smiles. Renee looks away. Travis senses awkwardness, but doesn't think much of it. Colin has made many a young woman nervous.

  "Going down?" Travis asks. Colin is fixated on Renee.

  "Yeah." Nick responds, and extends his left arm, indicating to Renee to get on ahead of him.

  "Thank you." Renee says unconsciously, and stands on the elevator directly in front of Colin. He snaps a mental picture of Renee from his vantage point. His eyes trace her curves, accentuated in a black tailored sleeveless dress. It stops just before her knees. Her legs shimmer like gold, and her athletically toned rear end is perfectly elevated by her two inch pumps.

  Travis makes conversation with Renee, and Nick on the short ride to the lobby but Renee is too nervous to talk, and only offers forced smiles. Colin contributes short phrases that don't distract from his concentrated focus on Renee. Once on the lobby level, Renee immediately springs forward, and speedily walks toward Amanda. Nick breaks from Travis and Colin amidst more small talk, and joins the Ladies who are waiting patiently for him. Colin takes the opportunity to gaze at Renee one last time. Amanda waves gracelessly at the company's founder. She mistakes his look in their direction as an opportunity to interact. Colin nods. Renee can't help but laugh at her comical friend, and finally relaxes about the entire situation.

  "See? Everyone thinks those upstairs guys are stuck up. They're cool, right?" Nick says as he approaches.

  "Come on Nick. Now you know, that Winston was not always like that." Amanda sets him straight. "I think he found God overseas or something." Amanda deduces.

  "Well, whatever it is. He's pretty cool now. I had a blast with him, and Travis this morning. They're really shaking things up in here." Nick concludes while the three are walking out of the building. Renee listens intently. What is truly happening around here? She wonders.


  "You're working late. Does it have something to do with Melaine's competition?" Colin asks leaning on the partition surrounding Renee's desk. Renee immediately looks around to see if anyone else is still in The Pit. She is alone. Yes, she remained at work because, not only did Melaine introduce a competition among the graphic designers to determine who will work on one of three upcoming high profile contracts, but she is finishing up an already assigned project.

  "It does have something to do with that." Renee replies, trying not to look at Colin directly in his eyes.

  "I see." Colin clears the partition, walks behind Renee and over to her other side. He leans against her desk.

  "What are you doing?" Renee rolls back her chair, and stands. Colin steps toward her.

  "Would you like to join me for dinner?" He asks calmly. Renee sighs.

  "No, I would not like to join you for dinner." Renee responds mocking Colin's tone, and inflections.

  "Ok. Raincheck?" Colin offers quickly. Renee studies his face, but not for too long. She can't afford to get lost in his green eyes tonight - and in the office.

  "Did you brush by me - very closely - on purpose earlier today?" Renee was dying to know.

  "What if I did?" Colin asks. "Would you write me up?" He jokes. Renee is trying her best not to smile. She must conquer. She must win.

  "I should get back to work." Renee tells the company founder, and prepares to sit again. Colin takes her hand, and pulls her closer to him.

  "What the heck are you doing?" She says. Her eyes are on fire. Colin picks up her tote bag from her desk, puts it on her shoulder, and leads her to the elevator, grasping her left hand, with his right. Renee is tense, and can no longer feel her feet. They enter the empty elevator. Renee takes her position in one deep corner of the elevator, and Colin remains in the center of the elevator gazing into Renee's eyes. After a few short seconds, Colin walks over to the anxious young woman, and whispers in her ear.

  "Every second away from you, is torture." Colin says impassioned. Suddenly Renee's body goes limp, and Colin begins to kiss her ever so gently on her lips. She doesn't push him away. This is NOT how you win Renee. Plays in her mind. Very soon, the elevator pings signaling that they've reached th
e Lobby level. Colin resumes his position in the center of the elevator, and Renee tries her best to stand upright, and appear cool, calm, and collected. Colin exits the two seconds ahead of Renee.

  "Good night Derrick!" Colin waves at the night guard man. Renee walks briskly past Colin, trying to grab the elevator in the lobby, down to the parking level, before he can join her. Just as the elevator door is about tot close, Colin prevents it with one hand. Renee is breathing heavily. She does not want the kiss to happen again. Colin smiles at her. She steps back into the elevator until she can't anymore.

  "Stay away from me!" She warns Colin. Colin is alarmed.

  "Renee...I...I'm not trying to hurt you." Colin says calmly, and with kindness in his voice. "I'm sorry!" Renee swallows hard. She doesn't know what to believe, but this can't be happening. He's Colin Winston. He's a billionaire, and the founder of the company she enjoys working at with Melaine, Amanda, and Nick.

  "I can't do this! Please...please stay away from me." Renee's voice cracks. She begins to cry. The elevator opens on her parking level, and she runs out past Colin. Colin runs after Renee. Renee walks vehemently toward her car. She looks back, and notices Colin following her. She attempts to get her car keys out of her tote bag. In her haste, she drops the car keys on the ground. Colin reaches for the keys, and hands them to her. A wide, and teary eyed Renee, stares at Colin. He holds on to her hand, with the keys in it.

  "Renee..." Before he can say anything Renee speaks up.

  "Look Colin, I take my job here very seriously. I can't let you take that from me. I wouldn't!" Renee says firmly. Colin is speechless. He watches as Renee climbs into her vehicle. He steps forward to secure the driver's door shut.

  "Renee, don't leave like this. You're upset. Let me take you home." Renee is fuming. She starts the car, and motions to reverse out of her spot. Colin relents, and steps back. He watches as Renee drives out of the parking structure, very emotional.


  At home in his expansive penthouse apartment, located ten blocks west of the downtown BYWINSTON building, Colin is unable to settle down. He sits at his stainless steel, elevated kitchen countertop with a glass of tea, trying to calm down. His thoughts bounce back and forth like a tennis ball. Why the heck did I do that? Renee is simple, yet deep. Beautiful like a supermodel, yet a real woman. I've forgotten. I haven't felt this way in many years. How can I make things better?

  Colin puts down his tea, and begins to pace his entire spacious kitchen. He eventually reaches for his metallic silver phone, hanging on the wall in his kitchen. He dials Renee's cell phone number, which he secured from the human resources department. There is no answer. He returns the phone to its cradle. "Damn!" He exclaims. He considers contacting Melaine, but is fully aware of how protective she will be. "Not in the mood for a lecture tonight."

  Colin walks into his den containing a pool table, and humungous "L" shaped black leather couch. He plops down into the couch. "I have to fix this!" Colin resorts to "old tricks". He begins ordering numerous bouquets of flowers to be delivered to Renee's apartment just before she leaves for work in the morning, and just before just arrives home in the evening. Colin kept this going for the next week. He strategically stays clear of Renee in the BYWINSTON building. He wants her to realize that he's serious about respecting her wishes. He's staying away from her...For now.


  Renee has thrown herself into her work. She is giving her full attention to designing art work for a client, and for the in-house competition simultaneously. Every emotion, every thought regarding Colin, is applied to her tasks. Amanda is excited about the opportunity to score another high profile client, although she wishes she could work in collaboration with Amanda again.

  "Whatcha up to?" Amanda asks, almost sitting on Renee's desk. Renee is that focused. She doesn't respond. "Hey! Wainwright! Earth calling Wainwright" Amanda leans in, and speaks directly into Renee's right ear. Renee rolls her eyes.

  "What do you want Amanda? Don't you have a competition to prepare for?" Renee says lackluster.

  "I am preparing. This is called 'taking a break to recuperate'. A concept that you are clearly unfamiliar with." Amanda teases.

  "Leave me alone Amanda. I just want to work." Renee responds uninterested in Amanda's banter. Amanda examines her friend's demeanor.

  "Ok Wainwright, you win. I'm going back to my desk, but if you'd ever like to talk, you know where my cube is." Amanda pats Renee on the right shoulder, and heads back to her place in The Pit.


  Renee's focused hard work pays off. She is awarded one of the high profile projects as a result of the competition. The non-profit organization Cherished Friends aids sick pets belonging to impoverished owners, and helps stray cats, and dogs to find homes. Renee who is a pet lover herself, and would have one if she was allowed to at her building, is ecstatic about the project. She feels fortunate to be able to combine her two loves.

  Cherished Friends is funded by a very wealthy benefactor who has chosen to remain very well hidden in the background. As a result, no one knows who he or she is. When Renee was named one of the 3 finalists for the project, she pitched her ideas to the Executive Director, Beverly Harmon and Public Relations Manager, Natalia Lopez of Cherished Friends. They appreciated Renee's sensitivity toward the needs of the animals. She went above, and beyond to recommend community engagement activities that incorporated her design. She was also forward thinking, and enlisted Nick, and his team to develop a short documentary about the organization. The Cherished Friends personnel ate it all up.

  The group's overwhelming approval of Renee led to them inviting her to participate with organizing their launch/press event at the Barboa Hotel in the city. For four weeks, Renee worked part time with CF, and part time at BYWINSTON. She barely saw Amanda, who was attached to her own high profile project via the competition. Renee checked in with Melaine every day but did not see her every day. She did see Nick when he visited Cherished Friends offices with her to record video footage, and tape interviews which Renee produced herself. However, there was no interaction between Renee, and Colin except for the flowers he did continue to arrange to be left for her, each morning and each evening.

  The morning of the Cherished Friends press event arrived like a thief in the night.

  "Where did the days, and weeks go?" Renee remarks to herself while packing a bag of paraphernalia decorated with her designs for the occasion. "I can't wait to snuggle some of those puppies." Renee is beyond ecstatic to be apart of this project. The freedom that she's been given to think, and operate "outside-the-box" has made her joy quotient level soar beyond her own belief. Renee proudly, and excitably walks out of her apartment with three large shopping bags in tow. Some other items are already packed in the trunk of her car.

  Renee crosses her threshold into the building's hallway. She takes a deep breath, places her bags on the floor, then picks up another bouquet left outside her door, and places it inside of her apartment. "When this is all said, and done, Got to get the recent bouquets home to Mom." Renee whispers, and closes her door shut. After the first week of receiving the flowers, Renee begun to give it away to neighbors, and local shopkeepers in her neighborhood. Renee even took a flower into work for Amanda one day. She only told her, "This is for always busting my balls, keeping me on my toes."

  "Very funny!..But thanks!" Amanda responded, and the women laughed out loud.


  Set up is on the way at the Barboa Hotel. Renee and the CF team are busily executing their belabored plans with the utmost precision, in one of the hotel's ball rooms, that Saturday morning. Renee appears to be on cloud 9. She is smiling from ear to ear, and is openly enthusiastic as pets begin to arrive with their destitute owners, and other rescued animals enter the event space. She walks over, and stoops down next to a small black, white, and brown beagle and begins to pet him. "Cherished Friends is going to take great care of you girl, yes they are!" Renee soon resumes her standing position, and introduces
herself to the dog's owner. Just then, CF Public Relations Manager, Natalia Lopez approaches.

  "Every thing looks absolutely wonderful Renee. The banners, the give-a-ways, the seal for the podium, all with your design, looks spectacular. We couldn't have done this without you, and your vision." Natalia tells Renee overjoyed. "I mean it when I say to you that you have accomplished beyond what we could have ever imagined." Renee bows her head, pleased with the feedback but also humbled that she could make such an impact. She doesn't consider herself to be special, but she does love what she does, and it drives her. Still, her innate creativity, and passion combined causes her to be a remarkable force of nature.

  Within fifteen minutes the press begins to filter in, along with other attendees. Renee feels butterflies in her stomach as she stands off to the side, near the front of the room. "I can't believe I helped make this happen. The gosh darn media are here!" Renee whispers to herself, and takes a deep breath. Suddenly Renee feels someone nudge her on her left arm.

  "Hi there renegade. I haven't seen you in weeks." Melaine says to Renee playfully. Renee chuckles.

  "Hi boss! Welcome." Renee replies.

  "This place looks amazing Renee. I knew you were good, but you're better than good. Great job!" Melaine says meaningfully. Renee blushes.

  Soon it's show time. Executive Director, Beverly Harmon takes the stage. She welcomes everyone, and introduces significant participants including Natalia, BYWINSTON, Melaine, and Renee. Renee bows her head. She almost tries to hide from the crowd. The program moves along. Suddenly...Renee's mouth drops open...Colin is escorting a white haired, older woman who is elegantly dressed in a pink, and white plaid skirt suit, and white heels. Renee looks at Melaine. Melaine looks back at Renee, and smiles.


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