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Cupids Bakers Dozen

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  Pain, Sadie knew there would be it, but damn. “God.” She tried to smile. “But not anymore.”

  His nose touched hers, and he growled. “When I get you to our new home, you are getting spanked.” He growled and nipped her lip. “You could have really hurt yourself, baby,” he reached up and cupped her face.

  “You don’t realize how much you mean to me. For the past month, I’ve been watching and listening. I bought us the house you kept driving past. The one that was on your wish list.”

  “What; you had my wish list, how?” she glared at him.

  “You left it on your desk, and of course, I was snooping. Now hush up, I want to make love to my woman.” He said right before he lifted her slightly off him and pushed right back into her.

  “Oh...” she mumbled, the pain was gone now, but with his thrusting, Jasper was turning up the heat and her need.

  “Touch yourself, Sadie.” He ground out. “Touch that little nub.”

  Could she? Sadie slid her hand down between them, while holding onto his shoulder with the other hand. She actually whimpered the first time her finger touched herself.

  “You can do it, baby,” he said, covering her nipple with his mouth sucking.

  She shook, rubbed and played, as Jasper thrust in and out of her. So many sensations, it was too much. “Jasper,” she whispered as her orgasm came on fast and quick.

  “That’s it; squeeze me!” he snarled, his warm seed filling her as he thrust twice more into her.

  “Oh, my god,” she rested her head on his shoulder, trying to catch her breath. “So that is what I’ve been missing.” She smiled and placed a kiss on his shoulder. “I think I need to make up for all those times I said no, don’t you?”

  He threw his head back and laughed before he turned his golden eyes on her. “Only with me,” he growled.

  “Well, of course, only with you, silly.” She teased wrapping her arms around his neck. “I feel you inside my head. It’s starting, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, his hands cupping her butt cheeks. “Yes, soon, you will be like me and fully mine. Does that scare you?”

  “No, it feels like coming home.” Sadie promised to give his friend Eros a big hug next week when she saw him.

  * * * *

  Eros smiled at the little woman. Yes, she would make his friend a perfect mate. Now, that one had been easy. He looked down at the paper in his hand. Violet, a loner and vampire. He sighed; this one was going to be hard.

  Violet Shayne’s Story

  Violet Shayne stared down at the quiet city of Dearborn, Michigan. She had chosen it because it was free of other species, and Violet didn’t need to run into anyone. She had enough of the political bullshit of her so-called kind.

  But now, Violet hadn’t been so lucky that one of the oldest vampires was in her town; for what, she had no idea.

  “Because your maker was worried about you. Terry called in a favor, asking me to find you and bring you home,” Ian Corse said behind her.

  She spun around so fast Violet would have fallen off the roof of the building if Ian hadn’t raced forward and pulled her away from the edge.

  “He shouldn’t be.” She pushed away from him. “Thank you. It was he who sent me away sort of.” Violet jumped down off the building.

  “He found his blood mate, and they were bonding. Plus, he didn’t think you’d leave town.” Ian followed behind her.

  “He was my fucking lover, what the hell do you think?” she growled, turning to glare at the man. “Just go tell him I’m fine and leave me alone.”

  “I’m sorry, Violet, I can’t do that. You will come back with me.”

  “I will not. This is my home now. I’ve lived here for the past ten years. I’m not going anywhere.” She growled. “Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you are an elder, you have no right to tell me what to do.”

  “But there you are wrong,” he said, stepping into her personal space, but Violet would not back down. If he was going to kill her, then let him do it now.

  “Silly woman, I’m not going to kill my own blood mate,” he grinned.

  “Your what?” Violet jumped back, glaring at him, shaking her head. “No fucking way.”

  “I really don’t like that kind of language, especially coming from the woman who will be standing beside me from now on. Now, please come here. You haven’t fed and your hunger needs to be addressed.”

  “My hunger will be fed when I’m ready.” She jumped forward, rubbing her ass. “What the hell? Did you do something to me?” she snarled.

  “No, I didn’t. Eros, knock it off!” Ian growled and rubbed his own arm. “I don’t need your help with my own woman,” Ian yelled into the air.

  “It does not look like you are doing such a great job right now,” a voice said out of nowhere. “Enjoy; I’ll see you next week?”

  “Yes, now get lost,” Ian said, scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “I have a woman to explain a few things to.”

  “Put me down, you old fart!” She growled and hit his ass then stopped, remembering who he was.

  “Violet, I’m not going to kill you. I might spank your cute butt, and most likely will, but we need to talk, and out here in the open is not the place.”

  One minute he was walking through the alleyway and the next he was walking up to some huge house, somewhere warm, not in Michigan.

  “Where are we?” She tried to lift up using his back.

  “We’re at my home in Torrance, California. It’s quiet, and we can talk without worrying about anyone interfering,” he said, lowering her down in front of him as the front door opened.

  “Sire, I have the fire going, and I’ve ordered dinner for you, as you have requested. However, I’m afraid you have visitors waiting for you.”

  “Ha, some quiet place,” she muttered as he guided her into the house.

  “They will be gone in a few minutes, I guarantee it. Especially since everyone knows my home is off limits.”

  “Does that include Violet’s sire?” Terry asked, meeting them in some kind of parlor room. His blood mate next to him.

  She stiffened and stepped back right into Ian’s body.

  Terry frowned and stepped forward. “Violet, what is wrong?” he asked, but she didn’t want to hear it.

  “Take me back now.” Violet glared up at Ian.

  “We will work this out here and now,” he said, frowning down at her.

  “No, we will not. I don’t feel like dying, damn it,” she snarled and twisted away from him, heading right for the door.

  “Stop,” Ian said, and Violet couldn’t believe she couldn’t move one muscle.

  He walked around her and stood in front of her. “I didn’t want to do this to you, but until we know what happened, I will not release you.”

  “You can’t do this, don’t you understand; if I say anything, they’ll come for me. I’ve already said too much.”

  “Terry, take your woman and go into the parlor while I speak with my woman,” Ian ordered.

  “I should be here,” Terry said, but one look from Ian and even Terry knew not to argue. A few seconds more and Violet knew they had left them when his gaze returned to hers.

  “Now, tell me what has you so scared. No one can hear you, and it’s just you and me here.” He reached up and brushed a lock of red hair back away from her face, his spell gone, allowing her to move.

  “I gave Terry and his blood mate the room they needed, but I guess that wasn’t enough. I was a threat to the princess’s family, especially her father. After all, who wants to be connected to a human... well, used to be a human.” She looked down. “You know others are not going to like you being with me. They’ll threaten you or me,” she said.

  “No one would dare.” He stopped; fires seemed to be dancing in his eyes. “You knew I was your blood mate...”

  She looked down at her feet and sighed. “I saw you once; it was right after Terry had his party for her. You walked by me, and I thoug
ht for sure I was going to burn up, but you didn’t even recognize me. That is the same night the threats came. I knew I had to leave.” She looked up at him.

  “I can’t stay, Ian, you’ll find another.” Violet took a sideways step to move around him and froze when he growled.

  “Mine!” He wrapped an arm around her and yanked her into his arms. “No one will touch you or threaten you again. If they can’t accept you, they can stay away. We’ll make our home here. It’s protected; now, come; it’s time to see where Tina stands on this threat.”

  “Can’t I just go in another room or something,” she mumbled.

  “No, from now on, you stand at my side, my little angel. I still can’t believe I could have had you here ten years ago. I, for one, do not like to waste time, and I’m going to be kicking myself in the ass for a long time to come,” he grumbled, lowering his head and licking her lips. “Let’s get rid of these two; you need to eat, and I want to get to know my woman.”

  Violet leaned into him and rested her head on his chest, tired. “You know she’ll deny it if she was in on the threats.”

  “And I’ll be able to tell the truth, as will Terry.” They made their way into the room, and warmth hit her. For the first time in a long time, her bones didn’t ache.

  But all too soon that was gone when Terry stood with Tina joining him.

  “I’m surprised you found her, but welcome back, Violet,” the bitch said, and already, she wanted to rip the woman’s eyes out.

  Ian’s hand on her side tightened on her. “Tell me, Tina, were you aware of the threats your family made to my woman?” her mate asked, not waiting a second.

  “Tina,” Terry growled and turned to look at his mate. “Did you know what was going on?”

  The woman looked down at the floor and shook her head. “No, but I had an idea Father or my brother might have had a hand in this.” She looked up at her and sighed. “I’m sorry. I was jealous that first month, and I kind of ranted and raved to my father, but I really didn’t think they’d do anything.”

  “Now you are lying. You knew they did something but did nothing, not even to inform your own mate,” Ian snarled. “I could have had my woman by my side for the last ten years. She wouldn’t have been out there alone.”

  Ian was furious as Violet slowly wrapped her arms around him, trying anything to calm him down. But it seemed she wasn’t the only one worried about this, because in the next few seconds, the elders appeared surrounding them.

  “Ian,” she whispered, all of a sudden scared. They wouldn’t allow her to stay, she knew it. Violet tried to step back, but Ian’s grip would not let up. “Hold still,” he glanced down at her and frowned.

  “You’re scared?” he asked.

  “Well, yea, look around you,” she snapped. “My grave marker is going to say, her mouth killed this human,” she mumbled and shook her head.

  Terry busted out laughing, and Ian grinned before he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. “No one touches what is mine, and I happen to love your little mouth. It will be used—”

  She slapped her hand over his mouth before he could finish that sentence, but the snorts and a few laughs around Violet had her confused.

  “They’re not going to hurt me?” she asked, and Terry shook his head.

  “Violet, if any man in this room even tempted to touch you, they’d be dead in seconds. No, I’m afraid they are here for my mate,” her sire and former lover said. “Why didn’t you come to me?” he asked her.

  Tears streamed down her face. “I didn’t want you to see how insecure I was. Daddy always said it was my weakness,” she whispered the last part.

  Violet pulled on Ian’s shirt. “What’s going to happen to her? You’re not going to hurt her, are you?” Violet asked earning many stares.

  “You don’t wish to see her hurt or dead after what her family did to you, to us?” Ian asked.

  She shook her head. “No, because I have those same feelings. I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong,” Violet glanced up at him. “Like right now.” She nodded to the elders.

  He sighed and turned a glare at the men around them. Each of them seemed to step back. “Quit intimidating my woman, damn it,” he growled.

  “Now, it’s obvious you can’t go unpunished, and we will be dealing with your father later, I promise you that. But for you...” A slow smile formed. “If it is okay with the elders, I would have Tina stay here with us. Since she was raised thinking humans are under her, it’s time for her to understand my woman is just like her and does not deserve this kind of thinking. For the next month, she will live here, not going anywhere, speaking with no one but her mate and us.” Ian stepped forward and stared down at Tina.

  “Now, your own mate must suffer, because he won’t be able to leave also. Maybe with this time you will learn to not keep secrets from him, and maybe, he’ll forgive you for what you have done. But you have a month; if I feel you haven’t changed, then I hand you over to the elders,” Ian glanced at the ten men, and they each nodded.

  “Take heart, young lady, that Ian’s blood mate has a big heart, because I know for a fact Ian would have killed you seconds ago,” one of the elder said and looked toward her, and she stepped back.

  He sighed. “You have nothing to fear from us, Violet. Your man here would wipe us out with one thought if we even considered hurting you. I suggest you ask your mate who he is really,” he got out before Ian snarled and stepped toward the man, but he vanished.

  “I’m not done with you, Irish!” he yelled and turned to glare at Terry. “West wing. Do not disturb us; we will meet you for lunch tomorrow.” He held out his hand. “Come here, Violet.”

  She didn’t know why, but Violet knew once she took his hand there was not going back. “I’m scared,” Violet said but reached out and put her small hand into his.

  “I’m sorry.” He pulled her toward the fire and took a seat in front of it.

  “It won’t be easy, Violet,” he acknowledged, pulling her onto his lap as he sat. “But I promise to always be there for you. All I ask is, please, talk to me. I’m here for you and will always be.”

  She slid her arms up around his neck. “Tell me what that man meant? Who are you, Ian,” Violet asked.

  “I’m your mate, the man who will love you, protect you and show you a world you have never seen before. I’m older than anything on his planet, and I come from another place far, far away from here. Most of my family left to go back to my world. They believed I was crazy for staying here, but look who I have found finally.” He lowered her down, kissing her, demanding entrance into her mouth.

  “Ian,” she whispered, giving him the entrance he needed. His kiss was just like him, masterful but gentle.

  He broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Come eat, now.” His shirt disappeared, and he brought her head up to his chest. “Drink, baby,” he ordered.

  She placed a kiss over his heart before sinking her fangs into him. Strong, powerful blood poured into her; it was like nothing she had ever had.

  “Because I am the only one of my kind still here. Just so you know, you are the only one I’m gentle with,” he told her while she drank.

  For the first time in years, Violet felt whole. She closed the holes in his chest, running her finger over the mark she’d left on it.

  “I will have many of my marks on you tonight; now, show me yourself.” He lifted her up and set her in front of him.

  “Let me see the beautiful woman under all those clothes,” he asked, and she glanced to the doors.

  They shut and locked. “No one will disturb us, or they will regret it.”

  Violet stared at the man before her. In a lot of ways, she could see the old ways in him. He would always be the master of the house, and for some reason, Violet had a feeling he’d be the master of her heart, too. She smiled and stepped over to the small table next to him, taking the weapons she carried off her body.

  He didn’t smile or move, just watched
as she stripped her clothes off and moved back to where he had placed her.

  “Turn,” he said, and she almost groaned, knowing he was going to see the scars on her back.

  She sighed and turned; his hand on her shoulder had her standing still as he ran his finger over the long slice. “This is a demon mark, and it’s recent.”

  “A week ago, he caught me unaware, but I got away. I was lucky,” she said and glanced over her shoulder and flinched at the anger in his eyes.

  He placed his hand over the mark. “You will only be marked by me,” he growled; heat ran up her back, and Violet swore she could hear something screaming.

  “You do. The one that did this is no more.” He placed a robe over her body and stepped in front of her. “Cax, I am busy here?”

  “You killed one of mine!” a screeching voice said as she turned to look around Ian; Violet almost wished she hadn’t.

  The demon’s gaze hit her, and she stepped closer to Ian, burying her face into his back.

  “Do not look at my mate, and your man touched what was mine. I’ve warned you before, you touch or interfere with mine, I wouldn’t hesitate to destroy those who dared. As it is right now, you have come here unannounced.”

  “I’m sorry, sire, I meant no disrespect; had I known, I would have personally brought the one to you,” the demon said and confused her.

  “Violet, did any others touch you or try and harm you?” Ian asked, reaching back, wrapping his arm around her to bring her to his side.

  “Ian, please,” she whispered and looked up at him.

  “Who? Show me.”

  Violet growled, wanting to kick the stubborn man in front of her.

  “And I’d spank your butt right here in front of Cax; now tell me,” he said.

  “Fine, there were two more, but I don’t want to hear them, please,” she asked looking down at the ground.

  “She won’t hear anything. I will personally take care of them and report back to you,” Cax said.

  “Later this week, now leave us. I have a woman to claim, love and possess.” He turned her toward him, the robe disappearing as Cax did.


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