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More Than a Mistress (Latin Men Book 5)

Page 13

by Delaney Diamond

  Then Tyler Stevens happened.

  Sonia faked a yawn, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. “I’m going to bed. Tired from my trip. Good night. I’ll see you in the morning, Uncle Rowell.”

  “Good night, baby doll.”

  Sonia went into the bedroom where she would sleep the weekend and started getting ready for bed, thinking about her relationship with Valencia.

  Valencia’s crush on Tyler Stevens, a high school junior who lived in their neighborhood, was no secret. What was a secret was his interest in Sonia. He spent a lot of time over at the Melancon household, doing homework with Valencia and helping Uncle Rowell around the house. Turned out he did all those things to be close to Sonia, and he acted on his feelings one day after school.

  Sonia had missed the bus, and Tyler gave her a ride home. When they pulled up to the house, it looked empty. They sat in the driveway and talked for a few minutes, both apparently reluctant to separate—because the truth was, Sonia had a little crush on him, too. He was tall and cute, with light brown skin and a lean, wiry build. She’d stayed away because of Valencia.

  Yet when he leaned over and kissed her, she didn’t push him away. It was her first kiss, and her young heart fluttered and danced in her chest, a short-lived excitement when Valencia unexpectedly came out of the house and caught them in the act. The resulting confrontation resulted in name-calling, tears, and pleas for forgiveness, and was the final straw that broke the back of their tenuous family bond.

  After that, Sonia avoided Tyler, and she and Valencia barely spoke. They didn’t double-date to the prom as planned, and six years later their relationship had remained less than cordial, so it was no surprise that Sonia’s invitation to Valencia’s wedding had supposedly gotten lost in the mail.

  Sonia didn’t dwell on the slight or question her cousin’s decision to exclude her. She knew Valencia’s behavior was the result of resentment that had accumulated over the years. But being excluded stung. Even now, she longed to repair their relationship, but so much time had passed, she didn’t know how.

  At the staccato rapping on the door, she called out, “Come in.”

  Valencia entered, flicked her gaze over the open suitcase, and crossed her arms. “Long time no see.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a minute.” Sonia waited, wondering why Valencia had come back here to talk to her.

  “Still trying to find full-time work?”

  Uncle Rowell must have told her about Sonia’s job situation, because she certainly hadn’t. She and her cousin never spoke.


  “That’s so sad. Maybe you should try to get some…real skills. You think?” She spoke in a syrupy voice, dripping with venom.

  “Is that why you came back here? To insult me?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Sonia took a deep breath to stay calm. “Don’t you think this has gone on long enough? You’re married now. Why are you still angry about something that happened twelve years ago, when we were kids?”

  “You think I’m still angry about you and Tyler? I’m not.”

  “Then what? Why do you have to insult me every time I come around? You’re a successful attorney, but you act like a jealous brat.”

  “Jealous?” Valencia’s nostrils flared and her mouth twisted up. “You’re so vain, it’s pathetic, you know that? You want to know the truth? Here it is: I think you’re ungrateful and don’t appreciate the sacrifice my father made to take you in.”

  “That is not true.”

  “Oh yes, it is. When was the last time you sent him some money or offered to help him in any way, huh? You see how he’s living. All he has is social security and a small pension, and I help him out whenever I can. But what do you do, Sonia?”

  “I appreciate everything Uncle Rowell did for me, but I don’t care what you think and whether or not you believe me.”

  “You’re twenty-seven years old, and you work a part-time job at some raggedy restaurant in Miami. When are you going to get your shit together, Sonia? You’re not a big-time sommelier. What do you have to show for all the money you spent and the time you wasted working in restaurants all these years?”

  “It wasn’t a waste of time. It’s called paying your dues.”

  “And you have such a great job now, am I right?” Valencia tapped one pointy-toed shoe.

  “It’ll come, in due time.”

  “Whatever. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but you’re a dreamer like your mother. You need to be smart and practical. But looking pretty is more your style, so I shouldn’t expect much. You could always marry rich or hook up with some rich man who’s looking for arm candy. Might want to stay away from the married ones this time,” she finished with a tight smile.

  “You’re such a bitch.”

  “A bitch who speaks the truth.” Her gaze flicked over the open duffel bag on the bed. “When do you leave?”

  “In a couple of days.”

  “Perfect. I won’t come back until after you’re gone, and if you’re feeling generous, you might want to leave a few dollars for Daddy to help with some bills. You know he’d never ask, but it’s obvious he can use the help.” Valencia swung on her heel and closed the door on her way out.

  Sonia sank onto the edge of the bed and swallowed down her cousin’s painful barbs. Valencia was right. She should be further along by now and have more to show for her efforts. She should be able to help out Uncle Rowell in his old age, after all he’d done for her.

  She could accomplish all of those things if she accepted Esteban’s offer. But at what cost?

  She set the duffel bag on the floor, turned out the light, and crawled under the covers.

  Accepting his offer would solve a multitude of problems and put her in a position to help her uncle, but could she do it? She was attracted to him, and sleeping with him would not be a chore. They had chemistry, and the night she’d spent in his arms was hands down the best night she’d spent with any man. Esteban was not only sexy, he was a skilled lover.

  No one would have to know the details of their arrangement. She could request he keep the exact nature of their relationship quiet.

  Was she crazy? Was she seriously considering becoming his mistress?

  She swallowed as a knot emerged in the lower part of her belly.

  Instead of making a decision tonight, she’d sleep on it.

  Chapter 21

  Brunch with Jackie was one of Sonia’s favorite things to do. There was nothing like sitting outside and feeling the balmy breezes off the Atlantic Ocean, listening to the rumble of the vehicles go by, as they sipped mimosas and indulged in fattening and delicious breakfast fare.

  This time, however, Jackie wanted to get in some shopping after they finished the meal, so they ate at Lincoln Road Mall, which ran the length of a pedestrian street, filled with shops and plenty of places to eat. They ordered mimosas and breakfast tacos, and caught up with each other’s news.

  “How was your trip to Georgia?” Jackie asked.

  “Good. Uncle Rowell is doing well.”

  “How was that awful woman you call a cousin?”

  “Still awful,” Sonia replied. “You’re not coming back to Azul, are you?” Jackie had taken a leave of absence.

  “I’m afraid not. It was fun for a while, but I’m over it.” A dreamy smile crossed her lips.

  “What is that smile about?”

  Jackie bit her lip and looked around as if she were about to divulge a secret she couldn’t afford to let anyone else hear. Leaning across the table, she whispered, “I have something to tell you.”


  “I met someone.” She bit her lip again.

  “When? How? Tell me everything!”

  Jackie giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. “His name is Evan. We met in the line at the grocery store, of all places. Can you imagine? He made a clever remark about all the snacks I had in my basket, and we started talking from there. He’s a personal chef to a few
celebrities and wealthy sorts, and he’s absolutely brilliant. We’ve been on two dates already. He’s blond and not my usual type, but I don’t care. He makes me laugh like no one else.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful.” Sonia reached across the table and squeezed her friend’s hands.

  “He’s wonderful, but he not exactly the kind of man my parents would like to see me marry.” She wrinkled her nose. Jackie’s parents wanted her to marry someone who matched her social status. “They’re going to be appalled, of course, but I’m so happy I don’t care if they disown me.”

  “They won’t disown you.”

  “I hope not. I’ve never felt this way before. He makes me so…happy.”

  “When do I get to meet him?”

  “How about in a couple of days? I can set something up.”

  “Sounds perfect. I need to make sure he’s good enough for you.”

  “You’ll love him, I promise.” Jackie rested her chin in her hand. “What about you, love? Have you recovered from Hurricane Pedro?”

  Sonia smiled. “His cheating hurt, of course, but our relationship was already nearing the end.” She shrugged.

  Jackie nodded in agreement.

  “I have something to tell you. A development in my personal life.” Sonia took a deep breath. “It’s about Esteban Galiano.”

  Jackie’s eyes widened. “You worked for him for a spell, but that didn’t work out, yeah? What about him?”

  Sonia licked her lips nervously because she didn’t quite know how to tell her friend she was going to accept Esteban’s proposal. It wasn’t exactly the kind of thing one could brag about, but Jackie was her closest friend, and Sonia had to share her decision with someone. “It turns out that he wasn’t only interested in my wine knowledge. He was interested in me, too.” She bit the corner of her lip and waited for Jackie’s reaction.

  Her friend’s mouth fell open, and she leaned across the table. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  “I sort of slept with him.”

  Jackie shrieked and clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes darting back and forth at the other diners. Everyone else was engrossed in their own conversations and didn’t pay them any mind. “Are you kidding me?” she demanded in a hushed whisper. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Oh my, I know a man like him must know his way around a woman’s body. This is terrible, but you must tell me—how was it? I want to know all the details!”

  “It was…excellent.” Which was the absolute truth.

  Sitting here with Jackie, Sonia wondered why she was even telling her that she was going to do this before she’d spoke to Esteban. Maybe she wanted Jackie to help her figure out the ins and outs, or perhaps even talk her out of this crazy idea. She needed a voice of reason and knew Jackie would be that voice.

  “So…?” Jackie prompted, wiggling anxiously in her seat as she awaited more details.

  “I’m not going to give you any specifics, Jackie. But you’re right, he knows his way around a woman’s body.”

  Jackie sighed dramatically. “I knew it. I’m not surprised.” Her head tilted to one side as she observed Sonia across the table. “But I feel like there’s more. Are you holding back on me?”

  “There is more, but I’m not sure how you’re going to react to what I say.”

  “Tell me. I’m dying to know now.”

  The waiter arrived with their mimosas. “Here you go, ladies. Your order will be up shortly.”

  They murmured their thanks, and Sonia took a sip of her drink to give herself a little liquid courage. “He asked me to be his mistress.”

  “I beg your pardon. His what?”

  “His mistress,” Sonia repeated. What she said sounded ridiculous even to her ears.

  “Like a prostitute?”

  “No, like a mistress. There’s a difference.” She’d had plenty of time to convince herself of that.

  “A mistress? He’s not married, is he?” Jackie sounded appalled.

  “No! Stop, okay?” Sonia lifted her hands to stem the flow of panicked questions. “His mistress, as in the woman he’s seeing.”

  Jackie slumped against the back of the chair. “I’m speechless. Has he had this kind of arrangement with other women?”

  “He has, but he wouldn’t say with whom. He doesn’t want a girlfriend, but a mistress meets all the criteria without the demands of a committed relationship.”

  “It sounds dreadful.”

  “I think it can be mutually beneficial for both of us.” Another thing she’d convinced herself of. “I get all the benefits of being a girlfriend, without having the burden of being a girlfriend. And he gets a companion.” Sonia shrugged, as if this information were common knowledge.

  “You make it sound so…”

  “Cold? Clinical? It’s better that way, so both parties don’t get their feelings tangled up, don’t you think?”

  “And you think you can have a relationship like that with him without getting your feelings involved? You’re not that type of woman, Sonia.”

  “Well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”

  Relationships were being redefined in all kinds of ways nowadays, and she could go with the flow and be that type of woman. And why not capitalize on her looks? Instead of feeling bad about it, she should play up her appearance and, as her cousin had said, be practical.

  “I don’t like this at all. Is he going to—to pay you?”

  Sonia’s face burned. That part still bothered her, but she pretended otherwise. “Don’t be so judgmental.”

  “I’m not. I just know I could never put up with that type of lifestyle.”

  “You don’t have to. You’re rich.”


  “Listen, I’m sure lots of women say they couldn’t, until presented with the opportunity. I felt the same way, until I was presented with the opportunity.”

  Jackie leaned across the table. “I don’t want you to get caught up. Men like Esteban are temporary. They’re not for keeps, and they discard women like old newspapers.”

  “I know, but I’m not playing for keeps, either. I’m going into this thing with my eyes wide open.”

  “I certainly hope so, or you’ll end up in a world of hurt,” Jackie muttered. “I’m not judging, but I could never be a kept woman. You’re basically working for this bloke, and I’m not sure it’s worth the money. I don’t like it, Sonia. In a relationship like that, he holds all the cards.”

  “Does he?

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Not really. I’ve thought about it, and I want to see him anyway. The money is a bonus.”

  “All the more reason why you need to be careful not to get caught up.” Jackie sighed. “You’ve already made up your mind,” she said sadly.

  Admittedly, Sonia had. Maybe what she’d really wanted was for Jackie to tell her this was a good idea. Because the more Jackie tried to talk her out of it, the more Sonia was determined go through with her plans.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Jackie said, concern in her dark eyes.

  “I do. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be happy. We’re attracted to each other, so what’s wrong with letting a man spoil me for a change? At least for the time being, for however long we want to continue in our relationship.”

  “And how long do you plan to continue this?”

  Sonia shrugged. “A year, max. If I want to end it before then, I will. Honestly, I doubt we’ll stay together that long. It’s not like we’re in love. This is a business arrangement. I’ll collect as much money as I can and move on when it’s over.”

  “Just like that, eh?”

  “Just like that.” A niggle of doubt was at the back of her mind, but she didn’t let on. “I haven’t been happy in my past couple of relationships. So why not try something different? He has money and likes to spend it on me.” She shrugged.

  “Money can’t buy you happiness,” Jackie warned.

/>   “I used to think the same thing, but you know what I think now? I think people who say that just don’t know where to shop,” Sonia said.

  Chapter 22

  Sonia stared at her phone on the coffee table. She ran her sweaty palms down the length of her jeans and then stood abruptly. After all her bravado at brunch with Jackie, she was now acting like a big chicken, hesitant to make the call to Esteban. But he’d told her she had until he left town, so she still had time. She simply needed to pick up the phone.

  Before she lost her guts, she snatched it up and dialed his number. Her jumpy nerves offered no reprieve and jumped even faster as she listened to the phone ring. After the fourth ring, she was about to hang up when Esteban answered.

  “Hello?” His warm voice came through the line.

  “It’s me, Sonia.”

  “It’s good to hear from you.”

  I don’t need forever, she reminded herself. She only needed right now, and she’d be able to secure her future and help her uncle. It was a small price to pay.

  Sonia closed her eyes. “I accept your offer, but with conditions.”

  Silence for two beats, then, “We need to talk. When are you available?”

  “As soon as you’re free.”

  “I’m free now. I’ll send Abel to bring you to me.”

  Esteban hit the intercom button. “Abel, please pick up Miss Kennedy from her home. She’s waiting for you.”

  The speaker clicked. “Right away, sir.”

  Esteban sank onto the sofa in his home office and propped his feet on the coffee table. He should be ecstatic he was about to get what he wanted. Sonia Kennedy was about to become his mistress. He hadn’t planned this, but from the beginning he’d been obsessed with her.

  But why? He’d dated plenty of beautiful women before. Was it because she was a challenge, when so many women were not?


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