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Witness Protection: Moving Target

Page 36

by Jet MacLeod


  It was enough for Angie to stop teasing. She rose up, removed her own shirt, and moved back between Del’s legs. She could feel the warmth and wetness against her torso. She wanted more. She ran her thumb over Del’s bottom lip before working her way down her body. She settled between her thighs. She kissed each hip and ran her arms under Del’s thighs and around her hips so she could hold her. Angie broke away her kisses from Del’s body to look up at her. Del’s head was raised off the bed and she was watching Angie’s every move with the eyes of a hawk.

  Angie never broke her gaze as she leaned down into her heat and kissed her there. Del’s moan was loud and deep. Angie couldn’t help but smile. She hadn’t even kissed her underneath the cloth yet. Angie released her hips to tear the panties from Del’s body. Del lifted her hips off the bed to allow Angie better access. Once they were gone, Angie lay back down between her legs and kissed her stomach. She lightly nipped and sucked at random points of Del’s torso. She moved down gently and once again, ran her hands under Del’s hips and resumed her earlier position without any impediment.

  She blew slightly against Del and was rewarded with a high pitched moan. She leaned forward and kissed her clit. Del let out a breathy moan. She could feel Angie smile as she slightly nipped at her. Del’s body moved on its own. Her hips bucked slightly upwards and Angie held her firmly, no letting her get too far away from her mouth. She let go of Del’s clit and ran her tongue through her slit. Del bucked harder.


  She didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. She needed the taste of Del on her tongue. She pushed her tongue inside Del as far as she could and curled it back. Del ass came off the bed and it didn’t matter that Angie was holding her. She moved with each twitch, buck, and thrust of Del’s body, not letting her go until Del reached her peak. Slowly she moved up again, stiffening her tongue as she ran it over Del’s clit again. A silent scream came from Del’s body and Angie moved her right hand back around her thigh. Her left hand moved up Del’s body and found her breast, kneading it gently until Del’s right hand buried itself in Angie’s hair.

  Del’s other hand went to Angie’s hand on her breast. She held Angie fast there. After a few licks and sucks on her bared bundle of nerves, Del intertwined her fingers with Angie’s and moaned. Angie grinned into the sound and her right hand joined her mouth. A deep groan erupted from Del’s body, starting from her belly and out of her mouth. Then short gasps and pants came as Angie moved her fingers inside her.

  Determined to make the pleasure last, Angie set a slow pace. She licked with each thrust and listened to the gasps, moans, and pants that Del was making with each movement. She couldn’t help herself anymore and she moaned into Del’s core. The vibrations were enough to set her off. Del’s hips came off the bed. Her hand buried in Angie’s hair held fast and curled into her scalp. Their intertwined hands were brought up to Del’s mouth as she curled her body with her orgasm. She kissed Angie’s hand, but didn’t release her. Angie didn’t either. She ran her tongue down her length again and Del moaned.


  “Do you want me to stop?” Angie said backing up from her.

  “Sweet… mother…of…all…that…is…holy, NO!” Del gasped between moans and pants.

  Angie smiled at her and ran her tongue back through her folds. Del fell back to the bed and let Angie destroy her sensibility slowly. And, for once she didn’t care. She was enjoying herself.

  Del came again. This time she sat up and pulled Angie up on to her lap. She held Angie there. When she realized that she was eye level with Angie’s breasts, she leaned forward and kissed them. Angie leaned back into Del’s arms and let out a needy whimper. Del felt her hands digging into Angie’s back. She soothed her hands down Angie’s back as she latched her lips onto her breast. Angie let out a breathless moan and held tighter to Del.

  Del moved from one breast to the other. She held tight to Angie’s body as it bent backwards in pleasure. When she leaned back up, Del slowly leaned her back into the headboard. The tiny moans that they were both making spurred them both onwards towards more pleasure.

  Angie tried to reverse their positions, but Del used her slight weight and strength advantage to hold her put. She licked a nipple and held Angie’s hips still. Quickly two hands found Angie’s boxers and ripped them from her body tossing them wherever they were going to land. She teased her nipples and ran her hands over Angie’s perfect alabaster flesh. Angie melted further into Del’s embrace.






  Delia didn’t know what she was trying to tell her, but she guessed at the need. She moved her hands down from her back to Angie’s ass. She cupped her cheeks and pulled her up and closer into her body. Angie fell into her with a humph. Del used her superior strength to pick Angie up and lay her down on the bed, keeping their chests together and kissed her fiercely.

  Del held herself up over Angie and stared down into her trusting baby blues. There was a depth of feeling that Del could see and now, she knew from experiencing Angie what it was. She still didn’t have a name for it, but she liked it and she wanted more of it. She wanted Angie to feel like she had moments before. She knew that there were no barriers between them, just feelings and she didn’t have to be worried about Angie trying to kill her. It was an amazing, soul-piercing desire, want and need all rolled into an emotion she didn’t quite understand yet


  But, she was learning that it would be enough. She could find her peace with Angie. She could feel it surrounding them. All she had to do was what Angie begged for her to do: Let go.

  She leaned in and kissed her. It was a delicate kiss. There was no fury behind it, just a simple passion that she wanted to convey. She cared and Angie knew it. She could feel in it in her touch. Del didn’t know how to tell her but she be damned if she wasn’t going to show her completely. Angie moaned into the kiss and tried to deepen it, but Del wouldn’t let her. She kept the kiss simple but needy, desirous but wanton, passionate but loving. Del said more with that kiss than she had said to Angie since they left New York.

  Nothing else mattered in that moment to Del. The world could be exploding around them but all she could see was Angie. And, for a small dramatic moment, she realized that she loved her. She was amazed that her heart didn’t explode and that the world didn’t end. She had learned to love and it was Angie. She wanted to scream it out from the rooftops, but she couldn’t let her excitement take over. She needed to let Angie feel it. She needed to tell her body what her mouth couldn’t say. She needed to make Angie burn for her, like she did for Angie.

  Angie got comfortable on the bed, as Del sat up to readjust herself. She spread her legs and invited Del back into her body. Del’s hands found their way to Angie’s hips and held them. She didn’t move any further. She just stayed on her knees between Angie’s thighs and stared down at the alabaster woman with the most wanton look that Angie had ever seen in her eyes.

  Suddenly, Del dropped to the bed and found her head in Angie’s core. Her tongue danced out across her heat and Angie let out breathy whimper. Del met her eyes and smirked as her tongue continued to play. Never once letting up on the rhythm she started, Del watched in a love-induced stupor as Angie writhed beneath her and her tongue. After several short strokes and some directed nibbling, Angie reared off the bed screaming Del’s name.

  Del held onto her and waited until her body quietened to move. She pulled Angie into her as Angie refused to lie back down. She wanted to touch Del again. She moved as Del pulled her into her and straddled her lap, her legs over Del’s hips as she sat on Del’s legs. They kissed for long minutes, reveling in each other and their taste on each other’s lips before their need for more became too great.

  The need to touch each other and sear their desire on each other pushed them both over the edge. D
el couldn’t get enough of Angie’s skin and kept touching her everywhere. Angie couldn’t stop herself. She wanted to make Del call out her name. She snuck a hand between them and found Del’s dripping mound. She quickly inserted her two middle fingers to the hilt and Del gasped partially in surprise and pleasure.

  Angie started slow, watching her eyes and mouth. As the gasps became more and more frantic, she sped up her pace until she was almost pounding Del. The only sounds that could be heard were Angie’s fingers moving and Del’s quiet whimpers of want. There was a desperation in her pleas and Angie curled her fingers find that rough patch inside of Del that she knew would skyrocket her into oblivion. She brushed against it, once, twice, and finally she got her name.

  “ANGIE!” Del called out like she was praying for the feeling to never end.

  Her body surged forward into Angie’s, who held her upright with one arm as she continued to plunge inside her. She wanted to draw her orgasm out. Del was surprised at the strength in which Angie possessed as she kept wave after wave rolling through Del’s body. After the third orgasm, Angie finally relented and let Del fall back onto the bed.

  As Del’s body quaked and quivered, it had become overly sensitized by Angie’s musings and hands. She watched bonelessly as Angie moved to allow her gracefully descent onto the bed. She reached out for her and Angie came to her willingly, lying down partially on top of her. Angie ran her hand up and down Del’s side, petting her, not willing to stop touching her. Del smiled.



  “No, what?” Angie asked.

  “I think I will take a few days off.”

  “Oh, you will.”

  “Yeah, especially if I get to wake up like this every morning.”

  “That could be arranged, Del,” Angie told her cocking her eyebrow at her before resting her head on Del’s ample bosom.

  She lay there listening to Del’s rushing heartbeat. It was a quiet comfort to know that she had been the reason for Del’s pounding pulse. But, it was also enough to know that Del wanted more, now. They had found each other and they weren’t going to let go. Angie wasn’t going to let her go except in bed. She would teach her what it meant to be loved and she was going to enjoy every blissful minute of every whimper, moan, gasp, and wanton scream that she could coax out of Del’s lithe, broken and beaten, body. She would be Del’s balm.

  Chapter 36

  Del woke sometime later in the morning. She was actually surprised that Cole or Sanchez hadn’t come to wake them. She thought about it and realized that they thought she needed the rest. She did, but she wouldn’t admit it. Too many years of being on high alert wouldn’t allow her body to stop for long. She usually only got about four to six hours of sleep a night if she was lucky. She reached over to the bedside table and turned the clock towards her face.

  It read just after noon. Her eyes got wide. She’d never slept that late. But then she smiled when she looked down at the blonde sleeping next to her. As the memories of what they shared earlier colored her face, she realized that she had actually napped after. She smiled bigger.

  She needed to get up. She needed to move. She needed to work out her muscles.

  She rolled out of the bed, covertly, as to not wake Angie up from her slumber. She put a pillow in her place and waited as Angie snuggled up to it catching her scent. Del sighed. She looked around for some clothes and then remembered that she wasn’t in her room in the cabin, she was in Angie’s. Her clothes were across the way, through the common room, and her room. She sighed again and prepared herself to cross the cabin.

  She opened the door to the common room and saw Cole sitting on the couch with a smug look on his face. She didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was naked. She decided that she would own it. She walked out into the room, bruises and skin out, shut the door and softly padded across the room towards the other bedroom door.

  “Have a good morning?” Cole asked her as she reached out for the door knob to her room.

  “I did, yes,” she replied as she walked into her room.

  She shut the door behind her. She found her bag and rummaged through it. She pulled out a well-worn pair of jeans and put them on forgoing underwear at the point. She would worry about them after a shower. She next grabbed a sports bra and pulled it on over herself. She winced a little when she seated it properly and it brushed across her right breast and the massive bruise there. She then grabbed an old ratty Army t-shirt and pulled it on. Once she had fiddled with her hair a little, she decided that she was decent enough to go back out to see Cole.

  She went back into the main common room or living room of the cabin. She sat down on the couch next to the chair he was sitting in. She crossed her legs, right over left and smiled up at him. She waited for him to address her again.

  “So, I’m assuming y’all talked over your issues.”

  “We did.”

  “I am glad.”

  “So am I,” Del stated truthfully.

  “Does she understand what happened?” Cole asked.

  “She does in her own way, yes. We’ve come to agreement about it, though. It seemed to be the only logical thing to do while she stays under my protection.”

  “An agreement, eh? What were her terms? I am sure that she had some interesting terms for you. Am I wrong?” he questioned.

  “They weren’t really interesting. They made sense to me and I agreed to them. What more is there to wonder about the issue, Cole?”

  “So, did you come to term last night or this morning?” he asked in response.

  “Again, what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Nothing, nothing at all, just asking,” he teased.

  “Stop with the innuendo and just say it.”

  “Well when you put it that way, umm…no,” Cole told her.

  “Fine, then, is there something you need?”

  “Not at the moment, I can’t think of anything. Is there something that you need? Or, is there something that you might want?” Cole inquired, still with a teasing lilt in his voice.

  “To know why you are here would be a good place to start,” Del told him.

  “I came to see how you are faring this morning, but when I came over to check on you, I noticed that you were faring very well. So, I left you alone to deal with your…issues with Angie. It seems that you were both working it out. I decided to wait and come back to see how things were. By the look on your face, it seems that your discussion when rather well,” he stated.

  Del just stared at him. She didn’t feel like getting into it with him today. He was her friend so she would give him some leeway, but not a lot. He caught her stare this time and dropped his smile. He laughed a little and stopped.

  “I’m just joshing you, kiddo.”

  “I know.”

  “No worries, Sanchez doesn’t know.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Do you need to talk some more?”

  “No, I think I am good in that department. But, I have to know one thing. Did Gregor clean up everything concerning Rudakov?”

  “He is still in the process. Is there something else that you need to add to the case? I can call him and let him know. I know that you probably don’t trust him, but I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You know that, right? I wouldn’t do that,” Cole stated.

  “I know that, Cole. It is the main reason that I came to you in the first place. It is why I called you when she was kidnapped. I don’t have many people that I can trust and you are one of them. Sanchez is the other,” she replied.

  “What about Gregor?”

  “He is just a man on the end of the phone. I don’t know not to trust him. I also don’t know that I shouldn’t trust him, either. He hasn’t done anything to betray me like Rudakov did. You trust him and for me, right now, that is enough,” Del told him.

  “I’ll take that answer. How are you doing otherwise? Are you okay?”

  “I feel fine, Cole. I don’t hurt. I am
a little sore, but that is nothing that a good stretch won’t cure. I’ve spoken with Angie and while I happy with the over outcome of the situation, I am still not happy that we had a situation to begin with. That is my problem and something that I am going to resolve on my own. There is nothing and no one that will convince me differently on that point. So, please, don’t try,” she replied.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”


  “Yes, Del. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Coming to help me. Keeping me calm enough to do what I needed to do. Getting me what I needed quickly enough so that that Angie wasn’t harmed. Telling me the truth about Yulia. And, most importantly, making realize that I didn’t have to be alone doing this anymore.”

  “You mean living?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she answered simply.

  “I would never leave you alone, Del . You are like a daughter to me. And, Girlie in there has grown on me, too. I am glad for the both of you that you have found each other.”


  “Yes?” he replied.

  “Have you found out any more about the house in Seattle?”

  “I have.”


  “I’m having some modifications done to it before I turn it over to you. It is almost ready. I spent part of my morning making sure that the time line I wanted had been put into place. I started rushing things. Hopefully, it will be ready in two weeks. Does that give you enough time, Del ?”

  “Enough time for what? I don’t even know what I am doing anymore. We left New York to hide her. Rudakov still found us. If he can find me, then the cartels can as well. She isn’t safe with me anymore. I don’t know what to do. It would have been ideal to hide in Seattle in that house. I know that it would be safe, but I can’t guarantee that now. I can’t. I just can’t.”


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