Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 38

by Jet MacLeod

  “If you don’t let me up, we are going to be late,” Angie told her.

  “Would that be so bad?” Del teased her back.

  Angie smiled up at her and said, “No, it wouldn’t.”

  “Then, what is truly your argument, Counselor?”

  “I’m not sure that I have a sufficient one for you, Del. I know that I would enjoy spending some more time in bed with you, but I know that you want to go to the range. Besides, we could always come back from the range and come back to bed. Who knows what we might do later?”

  “I am really beginning to like the way you think.”

  “I knew that you would. Besides, we do need to get some supplies. We’ve been running on the few stores we had left. I did an inventory last night. If we are going to keep moving like we were, we are going to need more supplies. I think that we should find a camp store. I think you would be happier if we had things that we could use in any environment. Don’t you?”

  “We don’t have to camp anymore, Angie. We can find somewhere to stay. We can get a hotel or something. I…I know that I asked you to camp and I needed a change, but it wouldn’t need be an all-time thing. I know that you like comfort and I am not unwilling to indulge.”

  “I never said anything about needing indulgence, Del. I do like comfort, but it isn’t a necessity for me. I know that I may have seemed highbrow and uppity, but I’m really not. I can rough it when needed. And, if we need to rough it, I can. I am not afraid of it. I think that it will help me be a better person. I can’t always get my way and have everything I want just because I can. I still think that we should get some supplies, regardless. Who knows when I am going to want to go camping with you again?”


  “Look, this isn’t camping. I know that much. And, our last try at camping ended in a very unfortunate and quick ending. I was actually enjoying myself, though. I wouldn’t mind trying again. That is if you think you can handle it,” Angie teased her in the end.

  “I think that I can handle anything that you try to give me, Princess,” Del replied.

  “Princess, again?”

  “Yes, Princess, now get ready. We have a gun range to get to and I don’t want to be late for our time. So, get up and get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you just outside the door,” Del told her, getting off the bed and leaving the room.

  Angie watched her go. If she had been a second quicker, she would have grabbed Del’s ass and held her closer. She would have liked to do something else with Del, but she knew that Del needed to go to the range. So, to the range they would go.

  Angie didn’t say anything as they pulled up to a gate in the Suburban. Del got out and unlocked the gate. She got back in, drove in the trail a little ways, waited for Sanchez and Cole to follow in behind her, and then she shut and locked the gate back. They drove in a little while more and parked in the designated parking area. Angie waited for instruction from Del before she got out.

  Cole and Sanchez were already out of their SUV. The tailgate was in the air and they were getting gear together in the back of the SUV. They were laughing and carrying on while Del got out and watched them. When she turned around to see Angie still sitting in the Suburban, she came back over to Angie’s side of the SUV and knocked on the window.

  “You getting out?” Del asked her.

  “I am waiting for you to tell me what to do,” Angie stated.

  “First of all you need to get out of the vehicle and just stay next to me. I’ll take care of everything for you. Do you want to practice with the pistol or do you want to shoot a rifle?”

  “A pistol, please. I don’t think that I will ever be in a situation where I will need a rifle, but I think that past circumstances have shown that I might have to use a pistol. I don’t like guns, period, but I guess it is like they say: ‘Better to be prepared, than not’.”

  “True, being prepared is a good thing for any situation.”

  Del smiled at her. She reached into the back of the Suburban and hit a panel on the side. The panel fell down and revealed a case of some sort. Del pulled the case towards her. She sat it on the end of the tailgate. Then she reached into another area of the cargo area and plucked out a box of ammo. She grabbed the box, the case, and a small bag. She backed up and started towards a wooden table about fifteen feet away. She motioned for Angie to follow her.

  Angie watched as Del set everything down on their table. When she turned to see what Cole and Sanchez were going, she realized that they had selected two other tables and they were setting up to shoot as well. She turned back around to see what Del was doing. It was then that she noticed that the case was open and two pistols were inside. She watched in rapped fascination while Del loaded, checked the pistols and then set them back down on the table before making sure that the barrels were facing towards the target area.

  Del grabbed the bag and unzipped it. She reached inside and grabbed two pairs of glasses. She handed one to Angie, who just stared at her for a second before putting them on. Then she got out two pairs of ear muffs. She handed one to Angie, who didn’t need to be told what they were for. She put them on without any fuss.

  “Ready?” Del asked her.

  “I guess,” Angie replied.

  “Okay, take off your shirt.”

  “You want me to strip here? That’s a little kinky, don’t you think? I figured that we would need a lot of alcohol before you decided to show me off like that, Liv,” Angie teased.

  “You do have a short sleeve shirt on under that one, right?” Del asked, ignoring her teasing.

  “No, I don’t. No one told me that I would need one. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “Not for me, but it might be for you. Come here. I’ll fix you up.”

  Angie stepped closer to her. Del grabbed her right hand and pulled on the shirt sleeve. She was glad that she had worn and button up shirt. She unbuttoned the cuff and started to roll up Angie’s sleeve. Once she got it to Angie’s elbow, she stopped rolling and pulled it tight situating it there. Angie look down at the sleeve and then back to Del. She watched Del turn back to the table and take her over shirt off.

  In that split second, Angie forgot herself and the fact that Del had that form fitting black tank top on underneath it. She sucked in a breath and watched as Del put on her own set of shooting glasses and hearing protection. When she turned back to Angie, her eyes were blown in lust. Del just smiled at her, knowing what her state of dress was doing to Angie.

  She pulled Angie over to her and to the firing line. She reached back and took a pistol. She handed it to Angie, who securely took it and waited. Then, she reached back and took the other pistol. She nodded towards the targets and then took aim on hers. She watched Angie out the corner of her eye. She was surprised to see Angie support herself and take up a good stance. She was surprised but she was proud of her at the same time.

  She remembered that she had been teaching her the basics while they were at Cole’s farm back in Pennsylvania, but that seemed so long ago. Then, she remembered how Angie handled herself with her pistol as she held it on Rudakov. She felt her body go rigid with the thought, but she was glad that Angie didn’t have to pull the trigger. She had been ready. She remembered her lessons and she was prepared. Del’s heart was breaking. She never wanted that for Angie and she was glad that she didn’t have to deal with the aftermath of Angie having to shoot him.

  Angie was waiting for her to fire. When she looked over at Del, she caught her watching. She smiled and then turned back to look down the pistol. She lined up the “lazy E” like Del had taught her. She breathed in and out. She counted to three and on her next exhale, she pulled the trigger. The pistol went off slightly scaring her like she knew that it would. She didn’t wait to see if Del was still watching. She heard other gun fire, so she continued to aim and fire upon her target. When she emptied the clip, she released it, caught it, and left the slide to the rear to prove that the chamber was clear. She turned back to lay it on the table whe
n she finally caught Del’s eyes on her again.


  “Nothing,” Del answered.

  “No, what?”

  “How did that feel?”

  “Easy,” Angie replied.


  “I did exactly what you told me. Shooting a target is easy. Shooting something else…well, that might be a different story. I am no sure that I could do that,” Angie replied.

  “But with Rudakov?”

  “I thought he had killed you. I wasn’t thinking about him being a human at that moment in time. He was a monster that needed to be put down. I wasn’t worried about what would happen if I actually shot him. I was only hoping that if I did shoot him that it would kill him, because I wasn’t sure that I would be able to do it again,” Angie explained.

  “I hope that you are never in a position like that, again.”

  “Me, too,” Angie replied.

  “Do you want to shoot some more?”

  “Are you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Then, I will.”

  Del prepared them some more magazines to fire. She made extra clips this time. She wanted to shoot, change and shoot. She knew that she could do it, but it didn’t hurt to practice. She knew that Angie probably wouldn’t do the same maneuvers that she did and she was okay with that. She was just glad that Angie could handle herself around a pistol and that was really all that mattered.

  She handed Angie a magazine and took up her own position beside the table. Angie took another stance and ready to fire. She squeezed the trigger and fired. After the fourth shot, she realized that Del wasn’t firing anymore. When she turned to her right to see Del, she wasn’t there.

  Before she could get worried about it, she felt Del’s arms around her. She felt her hips square up against Del’s. She had to stop herself from pushing her ass back into Del’s crotch. She held her moan as she felt Del’s hands slide down her arms and help her support the pistol.

  “You have to keep a firm grip,” Del breathed into her ear.

  “I’ve got a good grip.”

  “Okay, widen your stance a little. Put your left foot next to mine. Now lean your weight forward but not too much. There, that’s right,” Del told her, but she didn’t let go.

  She kept her hands on Angie. When she turned back to look at Del, Del just gently pushed Angie’s head back towards the target. Del aligned her body with Angie’s, tighter. It was so close that Angie could have melted from the heat from Del’s body. She swore that she could feel the gentle rise and fall of Del’s breasts in her back every time that Del took a breath.

  “Now pick a sight on the target that you want to hit,” Del told her.


  “Got one?” Del asked.


  “Good, now, line up the front sight post on that spot.”

  “Alright, all lined up,” Angie told her as she raised the pistol on the target.

  “Yeah? Now ease up the back sight until it is equal in height with the front sites. Remember the ‘lazy E’ I was talking about? When you have that and you feel comfortable, take the shot.”

  She felt Angie breathe in and breathe out. She knew that Angie remembered what she was doing. She was just trying to be close to Angie and she knew that Angie knew it, too. Angie gave her a little shimmy as she relaxed her body into Del’s a little more. Del took her weight gracefully and still kept her on target. She felt Angie take another breath and on her exhale squeeze the trigger. The gun went off, but this time it didn’t scare either one of them. They were bracing against each other for it.

  “That is a good shot group,” Del told her.

  “I would hope so. I had a good teacher. Maybe, I’ll get her to call you sometime. You know after all of this over,” Angie stated teasingly.

  “I will. She deserves my compliments. Especially for having to do deal with your smart mouth and sassy attitude. How did she do it?”

  “I don’t know, but she found a way,” Angie replied, turning around to face Del after she made sure that Del had a firm grip on the pistol and it was still pointed down range.


  “Take me back to the cabin, Del.”


  “Take me back to the cabin, Del, or I might do something drastic,” Angie warned.


  “Either you take me back to the cabin, right now, or I’m going to kiss you.”

  “I don’t mind you kissing me, Angie.”

  “Then, I am going to push you down in the grass right there and take you, in front of Cole, Sanchez, God and every-freaking-body,” Angie replied.

  “Cole!” Del called over to the man without moving or changing positions.

  “Yeah?” he called back.

  “We’re done. We’re going to head back to the cabin. We’ll see you there and then we can figure out what we are going to do for dinner tonight,” Del yelled back to him.

  “Do you need us to come with you?” Cole asked, a little teasingly.

  “No, I think I can handle this,” Del answered him as she stared brightly into Angie’s eyes.

  “I’m sure you will,” Angie stated low enough that only Del could hear.

  “Fine, Lieutenant. We’ll finish up our rounds. Just leave the key so we can lock up. I wouldn’t want to upset the wardens with the Boca Reserve Shooting Club. I’ll make sure to thank them properly for the use of the range,” Cole told her.

  “You do that,” Del replied as she cleared the pistol in her hand.

  Angie helped her clean up. She put both sets of glasses and hearing protection back in their small bag, while Del packed up the pistols in their case. Del grabbed the case and the ammo and walked back to the Suburban. Angie carried over the bag and handed it to Del. She watched as Del stowed it all back away in the secret and not so secret compartments in the tailgate area. Del jutted her chin towards the passenger seat and Angie took her leave to get in front seat.

  Del closed the tail gate and walked over to Cole’s table. She placed one of the keys on it. Cole smiled at her and winked. She shook her head and took her leave. She walked back over to the Suburban and got in. She started the Suburban before heading back to the cabin.

  “She going back to the cabin?” Sanchez asked him.


  “She left the key?”

  “She left the key to the range gate, yes.”

  “We leaving soon?”

  “Nope, they need some more alone time.”

  “Alone time, eh? Good for you, Del. Good for you. Get ya some,” Sanchez stated before picking up a new magazine for his rifle, aiming, and firing. “Good for you.”

  Chapter 39

  Del couldn’t remember the drive back to the cabin. She was on autopilot. Angie had turned her on so much that all she could think about was getting her back and getting her naked. She honestly didn’t remember getting back, going inside and finding her way back into Angie’s room, but that is where is she was.

  Angie was kneeling on the bed, beckoning her to join her. Somehow her over shirt, which she had put back on at the range, was gone and one the floor. She looked towards the small dresser in the room and saw both her and Angie’s shoes haphazardly lying against it. Her socks were nearby the shoes. She looked back up at Angie, who had begun to unbutton her shirt.


  “Come here, Liv,” she replied.

  Del finally found herself crossing the room. It was like Angie was a magnet that she couldn’t fight the attraction towards, nor did she want to. Angie took her hand and backed up across the bed, essentially pulling Del up onto the bed. First by one knee and then the other, Del found herself face to face with Angie.

  Her breathing was erratic and she was doing everything that her training had ever taught her mentally to try to control, but she couldn’t. Angie held her face and made her look into her burning cobalt eyes. Del swallowed hard.

  “Are you afraid?�

  “Of?” Del asked her.



  “Then, calm down, Del. Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to happen. Trust me on that. I am not going to do anything to you that you don’t want me to do,” Angie told her.

  In the back of her mind, she knew that Angie was right. She knew that Angie wasn’t going to hurt her. She just wanted to enjoy her and her body. Angie actually cared for her. She wasn’t Yulia. That was the biggest part of Del’s problem with letting anyone close. The mission with Yulia left her broken, battered, and abused. Angie was the first one to see the scars and not run from them. She wasn’t a one night stand or just a way for Del to get her rocks off because she needed the release. No, Angie was much more than that, and that frightened Del to the core.

  Before she could think of anything else, she felt Angie pull her into the center of the bed. She was still on her knees and facing the door. Angie was next to her. She could feel her heat.

  “Do you trust me?” Angie asked her.


  “Close your eyes.”

  “What?” Del asked her.

  “Just close your eyes. I want you to relax. I just want you to feel.”


  “Just close your eyes and feel me,” Angie told her.

  Del slowly closed her eyes. She felt Angie take her hands and bring them to her neck. She caressed her neck and then moved to her shoulders. She heard the rustling of fabric, but she couldn’t make out what it was. Then, she felt Angie’s hands on hers again. She was back at Angie’s neck. She heard louder rustling and felt Angie’s body moving under her hands. First to the left and then right and then forward towards her, but Angie’s body never touched her own. She wanted to move her hands downward but she was afraid that if she did she would break whatever spell that Angie was weaving between them.

  She felt Angie’s hands on hers again. Slowly, her hands were pulled down until they rested in the middle of Angie’s chest. She could feel the warmth and soft beating of her heart. It was then that she realized that she was on bare skin. Angie must have realized what the sensation would do because she placed one single finger on Del’s mouth.


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