Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 39

by Jet MacLeod

  “No, stay quiet. Relax. Feel. Keep your eyes closed and I promise that you will enjoy this.”

  “Okay,” Del breathed out, trying to calm herself again.

  Once Angie felt like Del was calm enough, she moved again. This time it was behind Del. She put one knee between her legs and leaned forward. She wanted Del to feel where she was, to know how close she was and to be comforted by it. She snaked her arm around Del’s torso and pulled her upright and back into her chest.

  She could feel the soft fabric of Del’s tank against her nipples and she bit her lip to contain the moan that threatened to spill out of her lips. She leaned her head forward and rested it in the junction of Del’s shoulder and neck. She could smell the soft scent of leather and spice. It was a unique smell and it was perfectly Delia. She turned her head into the crook of Del’s neck and kissed her. She felt the low moan vibrate through Del’s neck and onto her lips.

  Her hands began making nonsensical circles around on Del’s belly. She could feel her muscles tightening and jumping from the sensation. She quickly moved from the pads of her fingertips to her nails as she slowly dragged them across her skin. It wasn’t enough to mark her, but it was enough to make her feel desired.

  One hand found her denim clad hip and pulled it backwards until their lower bodies crashed together. As their hips joined, they rocked to their own erotic music. Angie held on to her hip with her right hand and moved her left up the center of Del’s body to her face. She turned it just enough that she could kiss her. She captured her lips with a force that had Del moaning.

  This was a new sensation for Del. Usually she was the one demanding of her partner, but Angie had taken charge and she was enjoying surrendering herself to the raw emotion that Angie was conjuring, caressing, and cuddling. Del could feel her body moving, on its own accord, against Angie’s and it felt wonderful. She moaned into the kiss and made a play for dominance there before Angie showed her it was okay to let go.

  Her hand ghosted over her flesh. Del didn’t know when Angie’s hand had moved under her tank, but she felt every delectable inch of it on her skin. Her body was warming with every movement, every sigh, every touch and all she wanted was more. Her wish was granted before she could even vocalize it. Angie’s left hand came down from her face and found her bosom.

  Del heard a sigh of frustration and she only wondered what it was for. Then she felt both of Angie’s hands on her hips. Suddenly, she felt fingertip on both sides of stomach. Angie had stopped kissing her. Her body had moved away from hers. A slight panic began to build deep in her gut that Angie was going to do something to her, before she felt her tank ripped over her head. Before she could gasp, her sports bra followed it.

  Quickly, she was pulled back again. Her newly exposed back fell into Angie’s bare chest. She felt Angie’s hardened nipples against her scarred back. She felt herself melting into Angie’s body and she didn’t care. She would give anything to feel her body against her own.

  Angie’s hands found their way to her breasts. She squeezed them tightly, pulling back on Del’s already heightened body. She arched into her, wanting the warmth and silky feeling everywhere. Del turned her head, eyes still closed, in search of Angie’s mouth. Angie knew exactly what she was looking for and she kissed her, hard. Del groaned in frustration because Angie was the only one that could touch. Del couldn’t touch her any further than reaching behind herself to grab Angie’s hips, but then she realized that this is what Angie wanted. Angie wanted her to relax, feel, and trust her in what she was doing to Del. And, Del gave in to it.

  Angie’s temptation was complete. She felt Del’s entire body surrender to her touch and it was glorious. She squeezed her breasts again, but this time Del’s hands were on top of hers. She snuck her tongue into their kiss and Del moaned. The further she pushed the more Del relinquished to her, gratefully. It was an awesome and exhilarating feeling for Angie. It made her skin goose bump and heart flutter.

  She kissed her harder. It was all lips, teeth and tongue. It was at an awkward angle, but she didn’t shift their positions. She had Del exactly where she wanted her. While Del’s body was slightly of balance and leaning into the knowing hands of Angie, she moved one hand, slowly, silkily, seductively down Del’s torso. Del pushed her hips forward and reveled in her touch.

  Angie giggled slightly, ending their kiss. She wanted more. She wanted Del to feel more. She wanted to give Del more. When Angie’s fingers brushed under the waist band of her jeans, Del thought that her body might explode. She couldn’t stop the moan or the speed of her heart. Her body flushed with want and desire. She felt Angie’s fingers teasing her skin and it was wonderful.

  Angie held up her body as Del lost more control with each stroke of her hand. Her left arm was securely wrapped around her torso while her right played below. Del didn’t hear the pop or know when she did it, but she was well aware of when Angie’s hand dipped further than her waistband. She felt herself being pushed forward ever so slightly and back in balance before she heard the tell-tale sound of her zipper being undone. Seconds later she felt the palm of Angie’s hand on her center and she gasped.

  “Did I hurt you?” Angie asked her.


  Her fingers moved downward and Del fought to keep her eyes closed and just feel. It was different and new for her. She had no control in the situation, but she could feel everything that Angie was doing to her. As Angie’s hand moved southward, Del sought her mouth again. Angie was only too willing to oblige. They kissed in a rushed fever. As their tongues met, Angie slipped passed the denim barrier and found Del’s core.

  Her fingertips brushed against her clit before finding her slickened folds. Angie broke the kiss to moan in Del’s ear. Her body pushed forward at her hips as her back leaned further into Angie, putting herself off balance again. She felt Angie’s arm tighten around her torso, holding her up as she continued to fall into the pleasurable abyss that Angie was weaving.

  “Does that feel good?” Angie asked, knowing the answer.


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No!” Del cried out.

  Angie chuckled slightly and gave Del’s clit a little tweak. As she rubbed her down below, her left hand eased up onto a breast and caressed it. Del’s body was on fire. She thought that she might combust from too much stimulation, but Angie never ceased her movements. Instead she gave her more. Angie leaned into her ear, breathing heavily and moaning quietly there. Del was getting love drunk on the sounds.

  She pulled up to her clit and ran her finger over it several times until she could feel Del’s body start shaking with anticipation of her coming climax. She stopped before Del came too quickly. No, she wanted this last and she wanted Del to suffer through it, pleasurably. She pushed her hand down further, bending Del in the process to allow herself to have more access, until her entire palm was in contact with her core.

  Carefully, she ran her two middle fingers through her slit, slickening them. When she was happy with the amount of natural lubrication, she buried them to the knuckle inside of Del. Delia screamed out with the invasion in a mangled and choked sound. Her head fell forward and her body sagged before leaning completely back into Angie and going rigid. Angie smiled.

  “I’ve got you,” she told Liv.

  She started to slowly pump inside her, being very careful not to hit the bundle of nerves or her g-spot. No, she wanted this to last. She wanted Del to beg her for release. She wanted her to feel how good it could be. There were so many wishes that she wanted that she only hoped that she could fulfill them all with Liv.

  Del could do nothing but feel. Her body ached for the release that Angie was teasing her with. Her body moved trying to elicit more pressure in the right spots, but never getting it. Her moans became more and more desperate with each stroke of Angie’s hand, but she didn’t have enough coherent thought to actually ask her for it. And, damn it, if she wasn’t enjoying that fact immensely, Del would have alread
y thrown Angie on the bed and her way with her.

  “Do you want more?” Angie asked her, back in her ear.


  “Do you want me to continue to touch you?”

  “Oh, god, yes…”

  “Do you want something else?” Angie question, wondering just how far Del would let her go.

  “Any…any…anything…th-th-that… you… are… willing…to…give…”

  That was all it took to break Angie’s resolve. Del was giving herself over to the feeling and she wanted more. It was enough.

  She removed her hand from Del’s core. She moved from behind her to back in front of her. She grabbed Del by both hips and pulled her flush against her. Their boobs touched and Del moaned. Her body couldn’t do anything but feel and Angie knew it. She smirked.

  She gently pushed on Del and she fell onto her back. As soon as she was down on the bed, Angie grabbed the cuff of both feet on the jeans and jerked. She deftly removed the denim from Del’s body and Del heard them hit the floor. She didn’t see where they went because she was still keeping her eyes closed. The sensations and her senses were on alert, but all they could focus on was what Angie was doing to her.

  “You are so beautiful,” Angie said as she nestled her still denim-clad body between Del’s naked body and legs.

  Del almost said that she wasn’t before she felt the heat of Angie’s lips against her hip. A cry tore through her body and Angie just place her left hand against stomach, letting her know that she was still there, calming her, and pushing her back onto the bed. Angie looked up at her face. She knew that the grimace wasn’t from pain but from pleasure and more importantly anticipation.

  She kissed her way across her body from hip to hip as her hands caressed every inch of skin that they could reach. Angie wasn’t going to be detoured this time. She was going to have Del and she was going to enjoy every luscious minute of it. She nibbled a little and bit down on her left hip. Del cried out, but never once complained. Instead her hands found their way into Angie’s hair, where she buried them, scratching at her scalp. It turned Angie on more.

  She dipped a little, coming closer and closer to her goal, but never giving Del the satisfaction of direct contact. She nipped and nibbled at the overly sensitive flesh of Del’s thighs. She could smell Del’s desire. She could see it. She wanted to taste it, but she waited. She didn’t know why she waited but she did.

  Slowly her arms made their way down Del’s body wrapped themselves around her legs. Her face was inches from her core, but still she hesitated. She blew on Del’s clit and earned a celebrated moan. When Angie couldn’t take it any longer, she buried her mouth on Del’s font. She ran her tongue down the length of her core, tasting every inch, every nook and cranny, giving each space its own loving. She stiffened her tongue and delved deep inside her. Del moaned at the contact and held her head tighter, closer.

  “Ebat’…da….da…bud’laska…” Del cried out.

  “Do you want more Del?” Angie asked at her outburst as she came up for air.

  “Si…da…ja…yes…hai…ye…oui…kyllä…” Del replied, breathily.

  Angie may not have known all the languages that she was saying but she understood the sentiment quiet well. She dived back in and suckled her clit. She held fast to Del as she bucked and moaned beneath her mouth. She flicked and nipped, never really giving her a constant rhythm to fall into. She knew that it was frustrating her to no end, but she had plans for Del’s body and her coming orgasm.

  Del felt one of her hands leave her hip. She felt Angie pull away for a second. Then she felt warm air against her core as Angie blew on her. She heard some slurping sounds just before Angie recaptured her bundle of nerves with her mouth. Before she could concentrate on the feeling of Angie’s mouth against, Angie buried her fingers inside her again.

  She pumped them relentlessly inside her. Each time burying them to the knuckle, she made a quick rhythm. Her mouth and fingers moved as one. She turned her hand over so that she was cupping her and found the leathery patch just inside Del’s core. She lightly bit down on her clit while her fingers danced over her g-spot. Del’s body arched up with the overwhelming feelings that Angie was causing her. She screamed out at the top her lungs, but no sound crossed her lips.

  Angie watched as her body writhed beneath her, seeking its release. And, she finally relented. She flicked her tongue to the same movements of her fingers and Del’s body went off like a rocket. It was everything that Angie could do to hold her to the bed. She was panting and crying, but not once did she beg for Angie to stop. And, Angie had promised herself that she wasn’t going to stop until Del asked to.

  The fingers in her hair gripped tighter. She saw Del jerk away as her body was trying to find the calm after the storm. She felt wave upon wave gripping at her fingers. But, she wasn’t done. She affixed her mouth once again to her core and licked, slowly. She felt her body come around and start responded to her simple and gentle ministrations. When she was getting close to the peak again, she slammed her fingers home and road the waves of pleasure as they coursed through her writhing body. It was everything that Angie could do to hold on.

  She felt Del sag and she released her. She kept her hands inside, slowly coming to a stop, but not removing them. She was ready for more but she wanted to make sure that Del could handle another go before she started moving again.

  Del’s body didn’t move. It had gone completely still. The only reason that she knew Del was still alive was the eye-level view of the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each deep breath-catching movement. She smiled as she sat her chin on the top of Del’s mound, watching her with fiery sapphire eyes, willing Del to open hers. When she didn’t open them, Angie started to frown. That was until she felt her fingers stirring on the back of her head.

  Del gently pulled at Angie’s hair. She turned up to look, but still didn’t find her opened eyes. Del tugged again at her hair and dug her fingers into the base of Angie’s skull attempting to pull her upwards. Angie took the hint and slowly climbed back up Del’s body. She aligned herself on top of her and kissed her mouth hard.

  “Thank you,” Del somehow managed to get out.


  “Killing me,” Del replied.

  Angie chuckled and kissed her again. She rested her head in the crook of Del’s shoulder. Her hands couldn’t remain idle and then began tracing lines all over Del’s body. It was like she couldn’t let her come completely down from her high. Angie wanted to make her come again and again, until she was so thoroughly spent that she couldn’t think.

  “Give me a minute, Angie.”


  “My body and mind to catch up to each other.”

  “And, if I don’t want to?” Angie teased, nipping at her neck.

  “Then, you might actually kill me.”

  “But, it would be worth it?”

  “Oh, so very…” Del answered her before passing out.

  Chapter 40

  Del rolled over sometime later to find that Angie was naked next to her. She didn’t remember striping her down before they had gone to bed, but then again, she didn’t remember going to bed. She snuggled closer to Angie.

  Angie felt her snuggle back into her. She rolled a little and faced Del, who just smiled at her. Angie reached out and caressed her cheek. She returned Del’s smile.

  “Hey,” Del told her.


  “Sorry about falling asleep on you,” Del replied.

  “Don’t worry about it. It is understandable. We’ve have a long few days and some very emotional conversations. It was bound to happen. You needed some uninterrupted sleep and you finally got it,” Angie told her.

  “I only got that way because you exhaust me woman. But, I promise you that it won’t be that way for long, Princess. I have plans for you that include this bed, me and you. Do you think that you can handle that? Or, am I going to have to convince you?” Del asked her.

��A little convincing is always nice.”

  Del smiled at her and kissed her hard. Angie smiled into the kiss. She knew just how to push Del’s buttons to get the reaction she wanted. They had both needed the sleep and she was proud that she had pushed Del so far that she passed out, but now her own needs were very real and very much unfulfilled.

  Del could tell that Angie was still wanting. Hell, she couldn’t explain it but she was as well. She had never been so thoroughly loved. She was enjoying every minute of it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Angie asked her, breaking the kiss.

  “You,” Del answered truthfully.

  “What about me?”

  “I have never really felt this way, with anyone. I am not sure what that means for you, but I know that it means something. I love the way you feel next to me. I love the way your lips feel against mine. It is exotic for me,” Del replied.

  “Hmm…that sounds like some good convincing,” Angie said.

  Del kissed her again. It was chaste at first and then it moved deeper. She didn’t let Angie take control. She wanted to lead this to something more. Angie relaxed in her arms knowing that Del needed this as much as she did.

  Del broke the kiss and leaned back just enough to look into her eyes. Angie didn’t know what she was looking for, but she tried to show her how she felt with every expression that she could. It seemed to be enough for Del because she kissed her again gently. There was plenty of passion behind the kiss and there was want, but she could tell that Del was trying not to rush things.

  She reached out and touched Angie’s face. It was a soft and endearing gesture and one that was not lost on Angie. She knew that Del would need to ground herself in something in order to process what was happening between them. If it was looking into her eyes then way that she was, then she would make sure to keep them open for as long as possible for Del. She didn’t feel like she owed Del anything and that was amazing in itself. She actually felt precious in her hands and it was something that Angie hadn’t felt from a lover or anyone for that matter since she was a little girl. So, looking up into Del’s face and seeing all the emotion there between them, it was enough for Angie and it would be enough until Del could realize that she meant what she said when she told her, “I love you.”


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