Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 52

by Jet MacLeod

  She was just about to knock Angie’s door and try to placate her once again, when she heard her laptop ding. Her head turned sharply at the sound. It surprised her. She knew what that sound meant. But, what really surprised her about it was the fact that more dings follow it.

  “Shit!” she exclaimed as she ran back to her computer.

  She sat down at the table slowly. She didn’t want to do it, but she knew that she needed to. Slowly she moved her mouse over the browser icon and clicked on it. She opened the page that would take her to a secure email account, making sure that her connection was secure and encrypted the entire time. Running multiple phantom accounts and connections in the background so if anyone tried to get a hit on her, they’d miss. She opened the account and looked at the ten emails staring at her.


  This wasn’t what she needed. This wasn’t right. It couldn’t be. It was too soon.


  Angie had come back towards the kitchen when she heard the first exclamation, but she hadn’t announced herself. She knew that Del hadn’t seen her. She was too focused on her computer. She wondered what the emails said. She couldn’t help but watch her face as Del open each email and kept up her mantra of “no…no…no…” with each new click of her mouse.

  Del reread the last email three times. It just wasn’t feasible. There was no way that system moved that fast. She turned to look at the “Cats in Sweaters” calendar that Angie just had to have when they were decorating to check the date. Two months…they still had two months.

  She dropped her head into her hands. Now she was going to have to go back inside, behind the walls that Angie had so desperately broken down. She was going to have to take her back to New York. Her mind went into overdrive. She had to plan. She needed to call Sanchez and Cole. She would need them again. They would need a place in New York and fast. There was so much that she’d have to do.

  She looked up. She saw the look on Angie’s face. She knew that she might not know the extent of what was going on, but she would be able to tell by the look that Del was giving her. Del knew the exact moment that Angie realized what happened because her heart sank through her stomach and onto the floor. There was nothing to say. There were no words that needed to be said. Angie’s deep sapphire eyes turning grey said it all.

  The time for play was over. They had to go back into the real world and the real world was going to break them both. The fantasy was over. Time was up. New York was calling. They didn’t have the option of not answering.

  “What is it?” Angie asked.

  Del just looked at her. She didn’t know what to say. The tears were building in both their eyes.

  “It’s time to go back.”

  Chapter 53

  She stood there dumbly. She didn’t know what to say to that. She knew that the day would be coming but she believed that they still had time. She looked at Del in disbelief. They had only been gone for a little over four months. Angie could only wonder what the powers that be were doing in New York to get the trial moved up so quickly.

  “It seems that Senator Millwood has a certain passion for drug lords,” Del told her as she was still skimming though her emails.

  “He does,” Angie said flatly.

  “He called in some favors. They’ve completely rearranged the docket to get your case moved up. It seems that a few of the judges are on the short list for a federal appointment and they are trying to get it. This is another reason I hate politics,” Del replied.

  Angie just nodded. She didn’t know what else to say. She took another step, not realizing that she was moving into the kitchen with Del until she was right next to her.

  “When do we need to leave?” Angie asked not really wanting an answer.


  “How soon?” Angie questioned trying to keep Del with her.

  “Tomorrow afternoon is possible.”

  “You need to call Cole and Sanchez, don’t you?”


  “Do you want me to leave you alone?”

  Del looked up at her. She didn’t know how to answer that. It was such a loaded question. On the one hand she needed to do things and quickly and she didn’t need Angie as a distraction. But, on the other, she didn’t want Angie out of her sight. She was afraid that if she couldn’t see Angie that she would be gone…and she wasn’t ready for that emotional break yet. She hadn’t prepared for it. She was supposed to have two more months before things got “hinky.”

  “I need to make calls,” Del replied dumbly.

  “I understand that, Del. Do you want me to stay in here with you? Or, do you want me to go?”

  Del simply reached out her hand. It said so much and so little at the same time. Angie took her hand. She held it. Once Angie put her hand in Del’s, Del pulled her close. She held her close. She buried her nose in Angie’s hair and sniffed deeply. She needed the closeness and warmth that only Angie could give her. She’d come to depend on Angie’s strength, stubbornness, and love. It kept her going. Angie just held her tighter.

  “I want you to stay with me,” Del finally said, still holding her tightly.

  “I am not going anywhere,” Angie replied.

  “That’s not true. We’re going back for the trial. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “I’ve never doubted that, Del.”

  “Can you just sit in here while I get some things together?” Del asked her.

  “How about I make us something to eat while you work?” Angie questioned in reply.

  Del nodded, still holding her. She leaned down and kissed her. Angie pulled away just a bit and led Del back to her seat at the computer. Once she was seated, Angie left her to start cooking something. Del just smiled.

  She couldn’t help it. The domesticity that had developed between them over the last few months was incredible. It had been perfect and now the bubble was burst. They had to find a way to make it work past New York. Del know that Angie was willing to follow her back, but she couldn’t let that happen. She needed to make sure that Angie was safe and that she was happy.

  She pulled up the program that would alert Sanchez and Cole that she needed them. She made sure that message was brief and concise. She didn’t want to leave anything to question. She knew that Cole would take care of things on the East Coast. Sanchez would be in Seattle before the night was over. They would plan the logistics of their return to New York, while Cole prepared a place for them once they got there. She just hoped that they would be able to be together as much as they could before the Marshalls took back over. She knew that would be when her assignment was over. As soon as they got back, Del would no longer be needed. She didn’t tell Angie that, because she didn’t want to upset her. New York would be the end.

  She sat back and watched as Angie moved effortlessly around the kitchen. She’d come a long way since they left New York. She learned a lot about herself and taught Angie a lot about herself along the way. They had become a unit, something that Del could see herself as a part of and she didn’t want to lose that. She would talk to Cole once they were back. Maybe he could find a way for Del to stay on as her guard until the end of the trial. It was wishful thinking, but she needed something in that moment to cling to.

  After she’d sent the email, she pulled up everything that she could find on the court house and the court room that Angie’s trial had been assigned to. She wasn’t happy that it was that easy, but she hoped that if anyone from the cartels was still looking for her they would try something there. The metal detectors at every entrance only gave Del a slight comfort. She knew how easy it could be to get in somewhere when you needed to. There would be another way in for them. She just had to find it first.

  They would have to move quickly. Time was no against them. They would be planning a lot of the next few days on the fly and that was something that they were all good at, even if they didn’t like to do it. Sometimes necessity was the mother of invention and it was also a bitch. Cole
would have all the necessary recon for her before they got to the City. Sanchez would already have back up routes, meeting areas, and safe houses under control thanks to his vast security empire. She just hoped that it would be enough to make sure that Angie was safe.

  She continued to pour of maps of the City and the possible locations where Angie might be staying. In her head she was creating routes of movement and possible ambush points. She was thinking tactically and like she was the one after Angie, a deadly combination that seemed to keep the illustrious New York ADA Princess alive. She just hoped that Angie would still listen they got back to the City. She was the only controllable wild card in the mission.

  “I’m not going to screw anything up,” Angie told her as she put a plate of food in front of her.

  “I never said that you would,” Del responded like she was trying to defend herself.

  “I know that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The look that you make when you think that I am about to throw another tantrum to get my way. I understand what is at stake here, Del. I can’t forget. It’s my life. I know that you are guarding it and you have done a wonderful job of that, by the way,” Angie started.

  “You’re welcome,” Del said on reflex.

  “But, I am not going to jeopardize this case or you. I will do whatever it is that you think that I need to do, Del. I am at your mercy until the trial is over. You have to know that.”

  “A little hard to know that when you like to be stubborn and rebel,” Del told her cocking an eyebrow at her waiting for the rebuttal.

  “I’m not even going to say anything to that. I am not because we both know it’s true. I am stubborn. I am known to rebel when I don’t get what I want, but that doesn’t mean that I am stupid. I pushed so hard to get these guys and what did that get me. A price on my head. I found a way to stop some of the leaders in the cartels and they want me dead because of it. I can’t sugar coat that anyway I try. I don’t want to. I want to be able to say that I did the right thing and that I won. That we came out on top against a might foe and we won. I need you to do that. I am not foolish enough to think that I can do this on my own anymore. Being with you and getting kidnapped has shown me that. I promise you that I will be on my best behavior.”

  “And, what are you going to do when the Marshalls take you back into their custody until the end of the trial?” Del asked, realizing that she needed to know the answer, even if it would break both of their hearts, before they got back to the City.

  “I will do as they as they ask.”


  “Yes, Del, I will.”


  “Because hopefully when all this craziness is over, I will be able to come home to you.”

  That was it. That broke down whatever walls Del thought that she had reconstructed or had still up. She was out of the chair and on top of Angie before she could say anything. She gathered her up and gave her a fierce kiss. She had to let Angie know how she felt about all of this. She hated it but through the insanity of it all, she’d fallen for the blond “Ice Queen” ADA, madly in love.

  Not to be outdone, Angie deepened the kiss. She needed the connection. She wanted the taste. She wanted to feel and touch Del as much as she could. She knew that things would change when they got back to New York. She wasn’t naïve. She knew that things were going to be difficult between them, but that didn’t mean that they had to give up.

  She jumped up a little and wrapped her legs around Del’s waist. Del grabbed her ass to hold her up, kneading it and pulling her closer. Angie moaned into their kiss. Del backed her up to the counter and sat her down, making sure to stay between her legs as she tried to devour her with her mouth. It was fast and it was furious. They couldn’t contain themselves. They needed each other and they both knew it. Months of being so close to one another had made them realize how lonely their lives were before this and how much they craved each other.

  Angie lifted her hands from Del’s shoulders to her hair. Holding her close, Angie deepened the kiss. It was rough and needy. She thrust her tongue inside. She could taste the uniqueness that was Del and she was happy. She could drown in Del and be happy for the rest of her life.

  Del was losing herself in it. She had her hands on the counter as she leaned further into Angie. She stopped when she felt Angie bury her hands in her hair and the bump that Angie made when she hit the wall cabinets. Her hands flew up to Angie’s head to hold her steady. She broke the kiss to look into her eyes. She needed to see how much Angie loved her. She needed to ground herself in something at the moment before she lost herself completely in New York.

  There was a moment when Angie’s blue eyes melted her completely. There were no words for what she was feeling when she looked into them. She could see forever and she knew it. There was nothing that could stop her heart from yearning for her. Del melted into her.

  Angie stared into her eyes. She could see deeply into her soul. She knew that Del was hurting and she knew that it was out of their control. But today wasn’t. Today they still controlled what happened between them and Angie knew what she wanted. If today was going to be their last together, alone and free, then Angie was going to take advantage of it, fully. Today would be theirs and no one else’s. Today, Angie would love her completely and without reserve.

  Del’s mahogany eyes watched her. A small smile crept up her face. She moved her hands back down to Angie’s hips, pulling her back to the edge of the counter top. Angie leaned forward and kissed her again. There was no holding back. She tasted everything that Del was. She tried to deepen the kiss, but Del held back. But, when Angie tried to pull away to see why, Del wouldn’t allow it. She held her fast against her mouth, biting, and kissing her roughly. Her hands were gripping Angie’s hips tightly, her fingers flexing in Angie’s pliant flesh.

  Del pulled her closer, again. Angie went willingly as Del held her against her body. When she had Angie back on her hips, she turned them around and started heading towards the hallway. Their food forgotten, they only had one thought running through their brains at that time. And, as they neared their bedroom, Angie knew what she wanted and she told Del what to do.

  “Take me.”

  Even though they stumbled through the door to their bedroom, Del never lost her balance. She held Angie up and made their way to their way to the bed. She gently laid Angie down on the bed. She carefully followed her down. As she moved across the bed, she kept her eyes on Angie’s. The connection between them was almost palpable.

  She held herself up over Angie. Her eyes never left her face as she settled her hips down on top of Angie’s. She shifted just enough to the left to hold herself up. Running her hand down Angie’s face, she touched her. She needed to touch her.

  As she skimmed her face, she felt the softness of Angie’s face. Angie sighed at the touch. She leaned into it. She ran her hand down her face and stopped at Angie’s shoulder. She bent down and kissed her again. Angie moaned into the kiss.

  She felt Del’s tongue touch her lips. She parted them and Del deepened the kiss. She could feel her running her tongue along her teeth. She slowly sucked Del’s tongue inside and nibbled on her lips. She felt Del’s breath against her skin. She reached up to touch Del. She grabbed Del by the back of the neck. She held her against her mouth, not willing to let her go.



  Del sat back just enough to continue moving downwards. Her hand moved down Angie’s front. She stopped as she made her way to Angie’s chest. She hesitated and hovered. Angie’s hands were still holding her head. She brought her back down for another kiss. Del moaned again.

  Still leaning back, Del moved Angie’s shirt away from her shoulder. When she got the shirt where she wanted it and Angie’s skin was exposed, she leaned down and began to lave her tongue against it. Angie tried not to squirm beneath her and just enjoy herself as Del continued to kiss her way around Angie’s shoulder and neck. As she ne
ared the chords of her neck, the spot where Angie’s neck met her shoulder, Del bit down gently. She wanted to mark Angie as her own.

  “Please…” Angie pleaded.

  Del bit down harder and Angie moaned deeper. When she was done, she licked the forming bruise and kissed her to appease the abused flesh. She moved her hands down to Angie’s shirt. She tugged on the hem of it and Angie leaned up off the bed just enough for Del to take it off. When the shirt was gone, Del began to kiss and lick every inch of exposed skin. Angie began squirming about underneath her.

  Angie looked up at her. The fire in her eyes burned into Del’s body and soul. She couldn’t help herself. She wanted to lose herself into Angie. They were made for each other and Del could see it reflected back at her in Angie’s eyes. The sapphire eyes were clear and full of love, burning Del in the most delicious way. Angie pulled her back down and kissed her.

  Angie knew that Del was trying to make this memorable for her. She didn’t care. She wanted to burn herself onto Del’s conscience. She wrapped her arms around Del and flipped them over. She sat on her hips, holding Del down, and looking down into her eyes. Del just smiled her and put her hands on Angie’s hips, holding her there.



  Angie reached down and began to unbutton her shirt. She parted it and brushed it open. She didn’t move to make Del take it off. She just kept it pushed open. She looked down at the black lace bra that was covering Del’s breasts like it was her favorite dessert. Her hands flew to Del’s breasts. She squeezed them and kneaded them.

  She couldn’t help herself. She loved the way that Del felt beneath her. Del ran her hands up Angie’s sides, needing to feel her, too. When the emotions became too great to contain, Angie leaned down and began to suck and kiss her breasts. Del moaned at the contact. Her hands left Angie’s side and made their up her back and to her neck.


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