Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 54

by Jet MacLeod

  Angie followed suit, taking Sanchez’s cup and tossing it in the trash on her way to the kitchen sink. She gave Del a quick kiss and the left the kitchen. She didn’t leave because she knew that Sanchez and Del needed to talk. She wanted to go through the house one last time. While she knew that they wouldn’t be back, she wanted to remember the good times they had there. She knew that she would sanitize the house and it would be on the market before the end of the day. That didn’t mean that she had to like it.

  Del found her staring at the bed in the bedroom a few minutes later. She walked up behind her and circled her arms around Angie’s waist. She held her as they both looked around the room.

  “Will you miss this?” Angie asked her.

  “The house?”

  “Yes and no,” Angie replied.

  “I won’t miss the house per se. I will miss being with you in it. We had a good life here, even if it was fake. And, those are memories that I will always treasure, Angie. Being here with you was...refreshing for me. I didn’t feel weighed down by the world,” Del told her.

  “I know what you mean.” Angie replied.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, this was the first place in a long time that I didn’t have to pretend. I could just be me, even though I wasn’t practicing law. I had a job that I liked and I was good at. I had friends that liked me for being me and not what I could get them. No one here knew about my money. I didn’t have to wonder if anything would get back to my family and if they’d be disappointed. This was easy compared to my normal life back in New York.”

  “Are you happy to be going back?” Del inquired.

  “I’ll be happy for that to be over with. Do I miss it? Sometimes, but mostly, I just miss the people and the culture. We’re going to be living on Broadway. I’m going to have to take you out and show you some things while we’re there, give you some culture that you aren’t used to. I think that you might like that, security notwithstanding. But, we’ll be okay. We have to be,” Angie told her.

  Del took her hand and led her out the door. They make their way to the car that Sanchez has waiting for them. She opens the door and allows Angie to enter before her. She turns one last time to look at the house. A small smile crossed her face. She gave a quick sigh and then got in the car. She closed the door and then tapped Sanchez on the shoulder.

  Sanchez started the vehicle and began the trek to the airport. The entire time both Angie and Del were staring out the windows, watching the town where they found a place to love each other freely. They both knew that once they were in New York things were going to be vastly different no matter how much they didn’t want it to be.

  Chapter 55

  They sat on the plane. Sanchez stayed in the front of the main cabin. Del and Angie were in the back of the cabin sitting around a hardwood inlaid table. They were sipping on water and just staring at each other. The weight of what was to come was becoming more and more real and palpable. Angie wanted to do something to get Del’s mind off of it, but she wasn’t sure that Del would be up to the challenge. She had to make it worth her while.

  She had already surveyed the inside of the plane. She knew that just beyond the main cabin, that only had two table and a few chairs, was another cabin. It was smaller and more intimate. There were two chairs with seat belts, but the main attraction to this cabin was the full Queen bed in it. Angie knew that it was far enough away from the cockpit and where Sanchez and another guard were stationed. It was behind the lavatory and it would give them some much needed privacy.

  Angie stood up and reached out for Del. She gave Angie a questioning look, but took her hand anyway. She allowed Angie to guide her to the back of the plane. She turned only once to see Sanchez’s smirk before she jerked through the bedroom’s door and pushed towards the bed. Angie wasted no time shutting and locking the cabin’s door.

  Del stumbled toward the bed, but never hit it. She turned around as soon as she heard the door click locked and saw a very hungry and very dominate Angie before her. She swallowed, hard.

  “Now, we aren’t going to talk, but you are going to listen. You will nod if you understand. Understand?” Angie asked and waited as Del nodded in assentation.

  “Good. I have tried to make you understand over the last four months, but I know that today had erased all of those thoughts. I can tell you over and over, but you aren’t going to believe me. I wish that I could do something to Yulia for hurting you, Del, but I can’t. She is already dead. Cole beat me to that and for that, I am thankful on more than one level.”

  Del nodded. She understood. Angie wasn’t a violent person.

  “She didn’t ruin you. Your training and upbringing didn’t ruin you. Del, you are beautiful and you are worthy. I am sorry that so much bad happened to you that you felt the need to build this insurmountable wall around your heart. I am sorry that you only feel safe when you are alone. It isn’t normal and it isn’t right. And, I, for one, am not going to stand for it any longer.”

  Del nodded, but her eyes went wide as Angie lithely stalked her. There was no other word for it. Angie was stalking her like a lion stalks a gazelle. The only problem with this was that Del was the gazelle and she knew it. She was powerless to move. She had nowhere to run. And, above all that, she knew that Angie knew it, too, frightening her even more into submission to her.

  Angie near the bed, pushed Del on to it, and then pushed her onto her back. She deftly climbed onto the bed with her knees surrounding Del’s hips. Her usually bright sapphire eyes were a darkened cobalt and they burned Del wherever she saw Angie looking at her. She gulped under Angie’s gaze. She nodded at her, unsure if she had missed a question or statement.

  “You still want me?”

  Del nodded emphatically. When she realized that her hands weren’t on Angie, she moved them up to her hips and held her gently. She might now what Angie wanted, but she was willing to give it to her at thirty thousand feet.


  Angie didn’t want to talk. She wanted to melt herself on Del. She wanted to imprint herself so deeply on Del that she wouldn’t think of another woman. She wanted Del to want her the way that she wanted Del. And, she knew just how to do it.

  She stood up on the bed, using her hand against the ceiling of the plane to steady herself. She motioned with her chin for Del to move back and up further on the bed. Del nodded and moved. Once Del was where Angie wanted her, she knelt around Del’s hips again. She reached out and touched her face. Gently and slowly, she traced a finger from ear to chin and back several times. Then she dragged her knuckles across Del’s cheeks. She smiled down at the brunette as she enjoyed feeling her flawless skin.

  “You are so beautiful,” Angie told her before she fell forwards and kissed her.

  Del lay there. She was at Angie’s mercy and she was enjoying it. She let Angie lead the kiss.

  Angie kissed her chastely. She didn’t want to move things along too fast. She wanted Del to feel everything. She wanted her writhing and wanting. She wanted her to know who made her feel this way and who would always make her feel this way. It was the only way that she figured that she could get through Del’s hard head. If she gave her something that only she could, then maybe, just maybe, Del would fight harder for her.

  She leaned back and looked down into Del’s burning eyes. She could see the same love that she had reflected back at her. Her hands traced down Del’s cheeks to her throat and finally to her shoulders. She moved her hands back to the crook of her neck and moved them into her collar. Del turned her head to allow her better access.

  Her lips fell open in a gasp as Angie began to play with the short hairs at the nape of her neck. She let her fingers dance there, playing with the soft, buzzed hair. She could hear Del slightly hum as she did it. She smiled and Del nodded.

  Her hands came around Del’s neck. She could have choked her in the moment if she wanted and Del wouldn’t have done anything to stop her. She knew that Del trusted her, implicitly, and maybe tha
t it why she was doing this. She wanted to see how far Del would let her go in her need to make her understand.

  Her fingers dances across her collar bones on the small expanse of skin that Del’s button down shirt afforded her. They traced the skin, memorizing it, mapping it, and adoring it. She followed some small scars until they went into hiding underneath the shirt, but she never stopped touching her. Skimming her skin like her fingers were tasting her, she tested the boundaries that the shirt was giving her. When she felt the shirt quit giving, she’d change direction and try again. She did this until she could feel the heat burning between her legs, off Del’s skin, and the need for more skin to touch became too great.

  Her hands slowly moved downward to the first button. Del nodded. She undid it with little fanfare. She didn’t need it. She just needed to see Del’s skin. With each new button came a new nod and more skin to explore, and each time she paused to test the limits of both the shirt and her own resolve. Each time her resolve broke first.

  When she shirt was finally open, she moved her hips just enough to pull out from under her, what little was trapped there. Del just nodded as her hands skimmed over the rough and smooth skin of her abdomen. Each scar was mapped, loved, and finally kissed. She kissed an obscure path across her, tasting each inch of skin, and licking her way back and forth. She purposefully didn’t touch her breasts. Angie wasn’t ready for that, even though she could tell that Del wanted her to move things along.

  No, not this time, Angie thought to herself. This time she had hours to play before they’d be interrupted. She knew that Sanchez was just on the other side of the door, but she also knew that the man wouldn’t disturb them unless they called for him. The need for food would be quenched later, right now, she needed Del in such a desperate manner that she couldn’t give it a name. She had to have her and she had to make sure that Del knew it and wanted it as well.

  She looked back up and into Del’s deep mahogany eyes. Del just nodded. She laid her palms on her stomach. She felt each breath that Del took and she smiled. She enjoyed each heartbeat she felt under her fingers. She relished in the building pleasurable heat growing in her skin.

  When touching wasn’t enough, she ran her lips against her skin. When that wasn’t enough, she used both. When the need became so great in her stomach, Angie gripped her solidly. It was like she just needed to touch her because she was so afraid that Del was just going to disappear. Del couldn’t hold back the small moan that escaped her lips. Angie smiled. She dug her fingers into Del’s flesh, kneading the muscles and scars equally. She knew that no one had ever touched Del with such reverence and she hoped to be the last to do so. Every look from Del’s eyes, every whimper, every nod from Del’s head, only made Angie more resolute in her touch.

  Angie needed more. She wanted more. She took more. Her hands found their way to the pliant flesh of Del’s breasts. She kneaded them through the satin and lace of her bra. She could feel Del’s nipple hardening beneath her hands. As they got harder, Del let out small pants of breath, still trying to obey the early commands of Angie to only nod and make no sound. She tried, but it just felt too good. She couldn’t help herself and more whimpers came out. Angie just smiled. There were no words to be said. Their bodies were doing the talking for them.

  Angie continued to touch her. She needed to touch her more. She cut her eyes down from Del’s breasts and up to her eyes. The depth she saw there, she’d willingly drown in.

  Her hands skated across Del’s abdomen and under the small of her back. Del arched up. She knew what Angie was after. She ran her hands up the small expanse of Del’s back until she had her prize. She quickly undid the bra and circled around her ribs with her fingers. She still didn’t remove it. She just left it open and gently eased Del back into the bed. She let her fingers play with the newly exposed skin. She smiled at the goosebumps that erupted across Del’s skin. Del lifted her head just a few inches and nodded.

  She made her way up to her shoulders and to the straps of Del’s bra. She wrapped her fingers around the bands and pulled them further down Del’s arms. Del decided to aid her in the removing the bra from her body. Angie just smiles as she continued to pull the bra down Del’s arms. She ran her fingertips softly down her arms as the bra followed. Once she got to her hands, Del lifted her hands off the bed. Angie let her move just enough so that she could remove it from her body and threw it to the floor. Seconds later, she did the same with her shirt.

  Once Del was naked to her waist, Angie resumed her adoration of Del’s body. Now, her kisses had more pressure and more tongue. Each touch was deeper and more revering. Del couldn’t hold back her gasps anymore. They were falling quickly and Angie ate them up just as fast.

  Finally she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She bent down and kissed one of Del’s breasts. The sound that escaped from Del’s mouth gave Angie more fuel to her passionate fire. She suckled then. Del writhed on the bed. Angie bit down on her nipple and Del moaned. She moved from that breast to the other. She gave it the same treatment. First kissing, then suckling, and finally biting when Del let out a moan, Angie worshiped her bosom. But, Del held fast to the bed. When Angie broke away from her chest and met Del’s eyes, Del just nodded.

  Angie moved back again, sitting back on her heels upon Del’s hips. Del’s eyes followed her every move. Angie lifted her hands to her shirt. It was just a nice “V” neck t-shirt. And as much as Del would love to remove it, she would wait to see what Angie was going to do. She’d given up her control in the beginning. She gave herself over to Angie’s appreciation and wonder. She waited with bated breath as Angie let her fingers skim over her waistline until it met the hem of her shirt. Angie tore the shirt from her own body and threw on the floor.

  She no longer cared if it was wrinkled. She wanted to be free. She wanted to burn herself in Del’s fire. She removed her bra next and it joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Once the cool air of the plane met her skin, Angie bent over, allowing her body to meld to Del’s.

  Once their skin met, Angie buried her head into the crook of Del’s neck. She began to nip and kiss the sensitive skin. She delighted in the sounds that came from Del’s mouth. She decided to mark her, so she did. When she was happy with the mark, she began to move her way back down Del’s torso. Nipping and kissing, marking and sucking each new section of skin, she left no inch of skin unscathed.

  She made her way down to the waistline of Del’s jeans. As she moved across Del’s body, she moved her body down the bed until she was face to face with Del’s crotch. She could smell Del’s ardor. She breathed deeply and smiled as her fingers began to tease just under the pants. She let them dance across the skin there and then she toyed with the buttons of the fly. Del couldn’t help but move and writhe.

  She looked up. Del lifted her head once more and nodded. Angie just smiled. She moved further down the bed. As she moved, she took Del’s pants and the black boy shorts she had underneath off, letting them fall to the floor. Angie backed off the bed and removed her own pants. She stands at the end of the bed and lets Del look at her. She is allowing her this moment between them and Del knows it. Angie scales up the bed, still in her thong, standing above Del. It isn’t a display of power so much as it is a display of openness.

  “I am going to taste you,” Angie told her as she knelt between Del’s open legs. “I am going to taste you and I want you to hold the headboard or the covers. You aren’t to touch me in anyway. Do you understand?”

  Del nodded.

  “Is this something that you want?”

  Del nodded.

  “Then lay there and enjoy, Del. I am going to show you how much I love you. Don’t hold back on me. If you need to come, come. I want to know every time you do, as well.”

  Angie didn’t wait for her to nod. She knew that she would. Instead, she maneuvered herself so that she was resting her chin on Del’s mound. She heard her sharp intake of breath. Angie knew it was because she didn’t immediately take what she wa
nted. She was making Del wait with anticipation. She knew that it was driving the other woman crazy with want and need, but Angie didn’t care. She was going to take her time and she was going to enjoy every blissful second.

  When the want became too much for Angie to hold off, she leaned down and licked a broad stripe through Del’s folds. This time Del didn’t hold back the moan. She couldn’t have if she tried. Angie smiled into her dripping font and stiffened the tip of her tongue. She played with Del’s clit.

  A mixture of a moan and wail tore through Del’s throat and out her mouth. All Angie could do was wrap her hands around the flailing hips of her lover and smile. She wasn’t about to stop. She wouldn’t until she felt Del come in her mouth and then she might just keep going. Angie wasn’t sure. She was just trying to make Del blissfully happy while imprinting herself on her.

  She feasted on Del’s core, tasting the depths with each swipe of her tongue. She moaned against her, sending vibrations that rocked Del deeply. Angie took her time letting her find the edge and then backing her off of it. She wasn’t going to deny Del her pleasure, but she wasn’t going to let her have it easily either. She wanted her sopping, sobbing mess begging for release before she would give it to her.

  Angie backed away so she could look up at Del better. As she pulled away her hand skated around and her thumb found Del’s bundle. She toyed with it while staring deeply into her eyes. All Del could do was nod. Angie could tell that she wanted to scream out. She wanted to let everyone on the plane know what was happening, but she swallowed every cry before it became too loud. Angie watched her with nothing but pleasure.

  Finally when she felt the tale tell signs that Del was going to come, she moved back between her legs and suckled. She licked up every drop of Del’s essence and caused her flow from one orgasm into another before the first one finished. Her thumb never left her clit, driving her higher and higher, until Del arched off the bed, screaming out Angie’s name and then begging for mercy. Angie just sat back and smiled as Del’s body fell back to the bed.


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