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Captive Films: Season One

Page 20

by Jillian Dodd

  “We’d still visit them a lot. I would let you fly back whenever you wanted.”

  “That’s what Grandma told me. I told her that I missed you the most though.”

  I get choked up. “I missed you, too, Ava.”

  “I know it was only for a few days but Grandma doesn’t put smiley faces on our pancakes. Do you like your new job?”

  “I do. But the three of us have to decide together if it’s right for us to move. We all need to be happy.”

  “I heard Grandma tell Uncle Cam that you need to be happy. Have you not been happy?”

  “Of course, I have been. I’ve been with you and Harlow.”

  “Grandma said you haven’t been the same since Mommy died. And Uncle Cam said you needed to get back in the saddle again. Is that why we came here? So you could ride horses?”

  “Ava, you need to stop eavesdropping. It’s not polite. What Uncle Cam meant is that I needed to get back to work.” I lie. “Next weekend, you can see our house. See if you like it.”

  “I loved the pictures, Daddy. Hey, who is that? She’s pretty.”

  I look up and see Vanessa.

  And she looks pissed. Hand on her hip. Lips pursed. And even though she has sunglasses on, I can feel the daggers coming from her eyes.

  “Why don’t you go play some more. I need to go talk to her.”

  “Okay, Daddy!” she yells, running off.

  Keatyn & Aiden’s home - Asher Vineyards, Sonoma County


  I watch Dawson cheer on an adorable little dark haired girl, who kicks a soccer ball into a goal. She runs straight to him and leaps into his arms. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and they have an animated conversation.

  Soon, another beautiful girl, taller and older, sits down next to him. They seem to be having a more serious conversation, and I’m mesmerized by the way he looks.

  You can feel his love for his daughters all the way across the soccer field.

  I’ve been pissed the entire trip here, but seeing him with the girls—who look just like him—softens me. I can tell he’s a good father.

  He gets up and walks toward me.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” he asks. “Please.”

  “I suppose,” I say, irritated that he wants me away from his kids.

  He takes my hand and leads me to a Gator. I sit down and he drives us up the hill. If I weren’t so pissed, I’d be enjoying the scenery.

  As soon as he stops, I tear into him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you have children? After all that we’ve shared these past few days. I opened up and told you things I haven’t told anyone else! Is that why you didn’t invite me to come with you?”

  “Vanessa, calm down,” he says.

  Which I hate.

  I don’t fucking want to be calm right now. I can’t be calm right now.

  “I was going to tell you the other night,” he says, softly. “But then you told me about your miscarriage and how you can’t have children. I could tell how devastating that was for you. It just seemed like a really bad time to tell you about my girls. Like I was throwing it in your face.”

  “You had plenty of other chances.”

  “I wasn’t keeping it from you. It’s just . . .”

  “It’s just what?!”

  “Well, first of all, you told me you had plans with your dad all weekend.”

  “And what else?”

  He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. “I’ve been nothing but a dad for the last two years. The last few days, you’ve made me feel like a man. And, honestly, I was afraid to tell you.”


  “I overheard my aunt telling my mom that I’d probably never find someone because of my—and I quote—baggage. I know you want children. We haven’t been together long enough to talk about if you only wanted yours, or if you could open up your heart to someone else’s. I’m a package deal, Vanessa. And I don’t even know if you are interested in me long-term, let alone the rest of the package.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be interested in you?”

  “Riley told me that since Bam, you haven’t wanted a relationship. I don’t know if I’m just a notch in your belt or if there could be more, and I’ve been in California for all of five days.”

  My heart sinks.

  And I hate the feeling.

  I feel desperate. I know it’s only been a few days, but I want more. I want everything with him. My heart wants it all, but my head thinks I must be crazy.

  “Do you want more?” I say quietly, half hoping he won’t hear me.

  “I want to get to know you better. It’s important I do. I need to be careful about who I bring into my children’s lives.” He stops and looks into my eyes. “And I know it sounds crazy because, on one hand, it feels so fast, but the answer is yes, because, on the other hand, it feels like it’s been a long time coming.”

  Tears flood my eyes.

  I don’t want to cry, but I do.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “Because it feels like it’s been a long time coming for me too.”

  He wraps an arm around my waist, pulls me close, and gives me an epic kiss. A kiss so full of emotion, it sends the tears streaming down my face.

  He looks at me and chuckles. “That kiss was way too good for you to be crying.”

  “I’m just happy,” I say, turning into a pile of mush around him.

  “I have to admit, the other night when I wished that you would find big love, happiness, and children, I was hoping you’d find those things with me. Because if you got all your wishes, I’d get mine too.”

  His admission takes my breath away.

  And I can’t stop crying.

  What is with all the crying?

  “Would you like to meet my girls? Can you stay for dinner? Stay the night?” he asks.

  Stay for the rest of my life is what I wish he’d say.

  I give him another kiss because he’s so damn sweet.

  “I’d love to meet them. And I most definitely can stay.”

  Driving to Sonoma


  I apologized to Jennifer for being an ass in Vegas.

  I try not to be a jerk, but on the rare occasion I am, I usually make it up to the girl with sex. But since I’m stranded on second base with Jennifer, that wasn’t really an option.

  I try not to think about the last time I felt stranded on second base, way back in high school when I was dating Ariela.

  Jennifer makes me feel like I’m an awkward teen, who isn’t completely sure what to do. But she makes me feel alive in ways I haven’t felt in a long time.

  And that makes it worth it.

  I’ve fucked a lot of women, but none of them made me feel anything in my heart.

  When Jennifer cried in Vegas, I felt it in my heart.

  I hurt her.

  And it didn’t feel good.

  I knew how I could make it up to her. Instead of flowers and an apology, I showed up at her house unannounced, handed her my keys, and told her she could drive my car. I said the Hamptons were a little far, but we could go up to Keatyn and Aiden’s house in Sonoma County. Dallas had mentioned that I should join them earlier this week. And if we timed it right, we’d be there for one of Marvel’s wonderful dinners.

  Jennifer jumped into the air, threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me.

  Making things feel right again.

  “Shit,” she yells, hitting the brake as the radar detector goes off and we fly by a highway patrol car.

  “How fast were you going?” I ask her.

  “A hundred and thirty. Shit. Shit. Shit. Look behind us. Is he coming after us?”

  “We’re almost to their house. Speed up.”

  She turns and looks at me. “Are you freaking nuts?”

  “It’s not like he can catch you if you speed up.”

  “No, but he can call ahead to all his patrolman friends. Then I’m fucked.”

  “It’s about two miles
. He can’t get any one here that fast. And he sure as shit can’t catch you.”

  She beams at me as she drops the pedal. “If you’re wrong, you’re bailing me out of jail.”

  “Deal,” I say.

  “Shit! One fifty! This is nuts!”

  “The road splits up ahead, get ready. You’re gonna go to the right. Nice easy curve. Slow it down. You’re doing awesome. Only about another half mile.”

  She slows down to ninety.

  “Okay, see that street light up ahead? Turn left there.”

  She brakes hard and makes the corner.

  “Okay, now I need you to go really slow. Dallas’ kids are here and they may be running around playing Ghost in the Graveyard.”

  “Oh, I used to play that with my friends! Was Keatyn excited we are coming?”

  “I didn’t tell her. She loves surprises.”

  After we park in the driveway, Jennifer pulls me into a kiss.

  A good kiss with lots of tongue.

  “That was so much fun, Riley! And, for the record, I forgive you.”

  “I was going to bring you flowers, but I thought you’d like this better.”

  “You already know me so well. Will we have a place to stay?”

  “Yeah, but we’ll probably have to share a bedroom.”

  She gives me a wicked smile. “I’d like to share more than that tonight, Riley.”

  “Really? Hell, I should have let you drive my car sooner.”

  “You’re bad, Riley Johnson,” she says, playfully slapping my arm.

  Knowing it’s going down tonight, I flirt, “You have no idea just how bad I can be.”

  Saturday, October 4th

  Keatyn & Aiden’s home - Asher Vineyards, Sonoma County


  The front door bursts open and Riley and Jennifer bound into the dining room, causing all of us to stop our conversation.

  “What's up?” Riley says. “We were in the neighborhood. Thought we’d stop by.”

  “Riley let me drive his car up here and, ohmigawd, I was freaking out,” Jennifer says animatedly. “I cruised by this cop doing well over a hundred. Riley’s radar detector blared and I hit the brakes. I figured he was turning around and coming after me. But Riley told me to go faster! That there was no freaking way he could catch us! And I did! And he didn't! And, yay! We're here!”

  I stand up, being polite, wondering how in the hell this is going to work out. I purposely didn’t invite Riley because Ariela would be here. “That sounds like quite the exciting trip,” I say to Jennifer, giving her a quick hug. “We’re so glad you joined us. Let me introduce you to everyone.” I turn back toward the table. “Everyone, I’m sure you all recognize Jennifer Edwards. She and Knox are going to be working together in a Captive Films project.”

  Jennifer sees Knox and waves excitedly at him.

  “Jennifer,” I continue, pointing around the table. “This is my fiancé, Aiden Arrington. This is Logan and Maggie Pedersen, they’re our friends from school and run the vineyard. These are my grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Douglas.”

  “You're on the Captive Films board of directors, aren't you?” Jennifer asks Grandpa.

  “Well, yes, I am,” Grandpa says, standing up to shake her hand.

  “I did some research on the company,” Jennifer says with a grin.

  “And this is Dawson Johnson, Riley's brother and Captive’s newest executive. He’ll be working closely with the lovely lady to his right, Vanessa Flanning, on the campaigns for Daddy’s Angel. And you already know Dallas McMahon.”

  “I was probably your easiest actress,” Jennifer says, then covers her mouth. “Whoops, sorry, that didn't sound right. I mean, I was a breeze to negotiate with.”

  “Yes, you were,” Dallas replies. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “And this is Ariela Ross. She’s, um, planning our upcoming wedding.” Jennifer’s look falters when she hears Ariela’s name, making me wonder if she knows about her.

  Knowing that Jennifer doesn’t have a filter, I quickly follow the introduction with, “And, of course, you know Knox.”

  “So, did we miss dinner or time it just right?” Riley asks without skipping a beat and completely ignoring the fact that Ariela is here.

  “You are just in time,” Marvel says, bringing two more chairs to the table. “I will set more places.”

  “Jennifer,” I say. “Would you do me a big favor? All the kids are in the kitchen, and I know they'd love to meet you.”

  “Of course,” she says, but when we get into the kitchen, she grabs my arm. “Holy shit, is that the Ariela? The girl who broke Riley's heart like a decade ago?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I say.

  “Well, like that’s not awkward with a capital A. I’m sorry we just showed up.”

  “It's fine, Jennifer. You’re always welcome. I’m sure she and Riley will be cordial. Besides, he's here with you.”

  The kids chatter with her excitedly and when we go back in the dining room, Riley is standing and staring at the table. I’m trying to determine why when I realize that Marvel has set the two additional place settings on opposite sides of the table. And the placement is awkward. Riley has his choice of sitting by Ariela or seating Jennifer next to her.

  Marvel is ready to serve us, and he is not a patient man. “Miss,” he says to Jennifer, pulling out the chair next to Knox and beckoning her to sit. “Please have a seat, Mr. Johnson.”

  Riley doesn’t move. He just stares at Ariela like she's a live grenade about to go off.

  “Um,” Riley says to Marvel.

  Oh, if he says he doesn’t want to sit next to Ariela, I am going to kill him. I give Aiden the eye, begging him to step in and do something.

  But Knox quickly jumps into the fray. “Oh, Marvel, we mustn’t separate the love birds. Ariela, dear, why don’t you sit by me?”

  Ariela gives Knox a grateful nod and switches chairs. I notice that Jennifer looks disappointed.

  When everyone gets settled, Marvel serves our first course.

  Riley’s got one arm around Jennifer, trying to pull her closer.

  He’s messing with her hair, kissing her hand, and saying flirty stuff about later tonight.

  I keep trying to get everyone to talk about something to drown it out, but I think we all feel like we’re watching a train wreck about to happen.

  Ariela looks sad, and I feel bad for her. It’s obvious that Riley is purposefully trying to make Ariela jealous, because he keeps glancing up to see if she’s watching.

  They say in acting that timing is everything.

  And Knox is a damn good actor.

  I knew when he called Jennifer and Riley the lovebirds that he was up to something.

  He has waited until just the right time to start flirting with Ariela. He’s spent the first two courses letting the tension build. Letting it appear like the more he gets to know her, the more interested he is.

  And his subtlety is much more believable than Riley’s obvious show.

  Knox leans a little closer to Ariela and speaks softly, holding her eyes and hanging on every word she says.

  If I didn’t know that Knox is crushing on Jennifer, I’d think he was totally mesmerized by Ariela.

  And the more mesmerized Knox seems, the more Riley stops talking to Jennifer.

  Now, he’s shoving food into his mouth like he’s mad at it.

  “What you do must be so interesting,” Knox says to Ariela. “Planning weddings that bring a couple’s love to life.”

  “I’ve never thought of it that way, but that is what we do. Showcase a couple’s love by finding elements from their past to share in a fun way. At a wedding I did a few weeks ago, they had massive amounts of candles because when he proposed he had over 200 candles in the room. Instead of numbers on each table, they had the couple’s favorite songs. When they kissed after the ceremony, everyone threw pink rose petals because those were the first flowers he gave her.”

  “So romantic,” Kn
ox says. “I, myself, have never been married, but I’m looking forward to the day I find that special someone. What you do must be so fulfilling.”

  “It is. I like doing weddings, but I plan a lot of different events. Personal, charity, and corporate.”

  He leans closer to her, casually draping his arm across the back of her chair.

  “Really. Well, then, maybe you could help me. I’m thinking I’d like to hold a private event.”

  “How many people?” Ariela asks.

  “Very private,” Knox flirts. And he is good at flirting. Ariela even blushes when he winks at her.

  “That sounds fun,” she says.

  Aiden nudges my knee under the table, getting my attention, and then darting his eyes toward Riley.

  Riley is now staring straight at Knox. He’s gripping his knife and fork so hard, I’m surprised they haven’t broken in half.

  I give Vanessa a pleading glance.

  She elbows Knox and says, “Knox, give her a break. She’s off the clock.”

  Knox ignores her, turning his full attention back to Ariela, leaning almost directly in front of her and looking very much like he’s going to kiss her.

  I close my eyes tightly, hoping he doesn’t take it that far.

  “Oh, it will be,” he says, laying his hand on top of hers and gently stroking it. “Lots of candlelight. Music. And very intimate.”

  Riley shoves himself back from the table, anger raging in his eyes.

  “Leave her the fuck alone, Knox! She’s fucking married!”

  “Sit down, Riley,” Jennifer says, running her hand down his arm. “It’s really not any of your business.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” he yells at Jennifer, shaking off her hand. “This isn’t any of your business.”

  “It is my business when you bring me here on a date only to ignore me, because it’s driving you crazy that Knox is flirting with your married ex-girlfriend. So, you fuck off!” she yells, pushing back from the table and running out of the room in tears.

  Riley shakes his head and curls his fists into tight balls.

  He leans across the table, looking at Ariela in disgust. “This is your fault. You don’t get three weeks. I want you out of here now!”


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