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Rose, Lee - Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Lee Rose

  Liz shrugged. “Not many people know. I never mention it since it’s not important.”

  Ethan frowned but didn’t say anything more. “Are you ready? I still don’t like the idea of you going in to work, Liz.”

  Liz said her good-byes to Mary, promising her to visit again. Even though Ethan didn’t like the idea of her working today, he drove her into town. Liz didn’t think anything could happen in the daytime. Even Gary wouldn’t try something in the daylight hours. Besides, the week before Christmas was her busiest week and Amy would be there all day to help.

  Ethan pulled up in front of her store and walked her inside. He checked around to make sure everything was okay and told her to make sure she kept the back door locked throughout the day. When he was done with his lecture he gave her a long kiss good-bye. After making love to Liz last night he was reluctant to leave her alone. He wished they could have stayed at his cabin making love all day and night. But Gabe had called him and said he found out something important. They all knew it was Gary Peters, but they could find no proof since he had alibis for every incident. Gabe had been looking for the person Gary may have hired, and he thought he found out who it was. This was a small town and people liked to gossip.

  “I’ll pick you up at six. You are staying at my place again,” Ethan whispered with a smile, kissing her lightly when he heard Amy coming in the door. Liz nodded with a wide grin. “Can’t wait.”

  Amy gave him a smile. “Hi, Deputy White, awful early in the morning to be shopping, isn’t it?”

  Liz blushed but Ethan grinned. “I’m just saying good-bye to my girlfriend. Take care of her for me, Amy. Call me right away if Peters shows up.”

  Amy giggled. “Sure thing, Deputy.”

  Ethan left and Amy looked inquiringly at Liz. “Girlfriend?”

  “It’s a recent development.” Liz smiled, feeling warm inside from Ethan’s words. Maybe Lady Luck was finally smiling down on her. She hoped it stayed that way.

  * * * *

  Stella came into the store later that afternoon. She was visibly upset and it looked like she had been crying.

  Liz immediately went up to her, putting her arm around Stella’s shoulder. “Stella, what’s the matter? Are you okay?”

  Stella hugged Liz and cried. “Oh, Liz, I am so sorry. I swear I didn’t know Gary was like that. How could I not know? He really had us fooled.”

  Liz tried to follow Stella’s words but Stella was talking so fast and still crying. Liz looked at Amy and asked her to watch the store while she took Stella in the back and sat her down.

  “What’s going on, Stella?” Liz asked with concern, handing Stella a glass of water.

  Stella took a deep breath and drank from the glass. “Sorry. I just came from the bank. I was waiting for Stanley to go home with me. Ryan walked in with an arrest warrant for Gary.”

  That was news to Liz. She knew they were close but not ready to make an arrest. Why hadn’t Ethan warned her?

  “Gary called in sick so Stanley was in charge,” Stella continued. “Ryan pulled us to the side so no one could hear and he told us all the things Gary did to you and your store. Why didn’t you tell me, Liz?”

  Liz sighed. Now she wished she had been more honest with Stella about what a creep Gary was. “I didn’t know it was Gary until recently when Ryan told me he suspected Gary. Believe me, I was shocked, too, but I had no idea they had proof or planned on arresting him already. No one has told me anything.”

  Stella hugged Liz. “I swear I had no idea Gary was capable of doing those kinds of things. He put on such a nice and polite front all this time. He acted so nice toward us and looked so perfect. Here I am setting you up with a psycho stalker. What kind of friend am I?”

  Liz hugged Stella back and got up to make tea. Stella had stopped drinking coffee due to her pregnancy. “Stella, none of this is your fault. Gary fooled a whole town not just you. And you are the very best kind of friend. You set me up with Gary because you care for me. I know that. I didn’t like Gary, that’s true, but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings because you thought so highly of him.”

  “I just feel so bad and a little hurt.” Stella sniffed. “You are more important to me than Gary, Liz. Don’t you trust in my friendship?”

  Liz sat next to her at the table and grabbed Stella’s hand and apologized. “I had good intentions in not telling you I thought Gary was a jerk, but you’re right I should have trusted you to take the news well. I promise to be more truthful about my dates, Stella.”

  Stella sniffed and nodded and sipped the hot tea. “I’m worried now. I hope they get him fast. Stanley is taking this badly. He looked up to Gary and it was a total shock to him. He sent the staff home and closed the bank early. Everything is in an uproar at the bank.”

  Liz frowned. Gary must know they were on to him and hopefully he would be far away from Appledale by now. She was living on cloud nine right now thanks to Ethan, and dealing with Gary was sure to burst her bubble.

  “Is Stanley with you?” Liz asked, suddenly afraid for the people around her.

  Stella nodded, looking much calmer. “He’s in the car waiting. I just couldn’t go home feeling so terrible. I knew if I didn’t talk to you I’d spend the day upset.”

  “I am so sorry, Stella. You are my best friend and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Be careful going home. Gary is crazy and I mean insane crazy. He scared me and I don’t scare easily.” Liz told her about Gary’s latest stunt at her store.

  “We’re going right home. We know not to open the door for him now. The diner is closed and Lacy and Ally are in St. Clair meeting with the caterers for the wedding. You need to be careful, Liz, okay?” Stella replied, getting up and hugging Liz. “I like Ethan. He’s a good man. I’m glad something good came out of all this. You and Lacy have some crazy adventures on the way to love. It makes me glad I am an old married woman with a boring life.”

  Liz laughed. “Ethan is worth it.”

  Stella laughed and went to find her husband so she could go home. It had been a traumatic day for them both.

  The rest of the afternoon passed by smoothly with no sign of Gary anywhere, and Liz was glad for that. Ethan showed up on time. Liz had sent Amy home early when things began to slow down. It was getting cold and the forecast predicted snow so people were staying home.

  “Hi, angel,” he greeted her and kissed her cheek. Liz could feel the cold coming off of him and shivered.

  Liz hugged him anyway then looked up to him. “Have something to tell me, Deputy?”

  Ethan knew she was talking about the warrant for Gary. “Sorry, it’s been a crazy day. Let’s go to Thorn’s and get a burger and I will tell you everything. I promise. Gabe made me miss lunch.”

  Liz grabbed her coat and purse. “I am hungry.”

  They drove over to Thorn’s Bar and Grill. Since it was early evening it wasn’t too crowded. Liz felt a little out of place. She hadn’t bothered to change and still wore the gray wool dress and red belt and red heels she had worn to work.

  “I should have put jeans on,” she said, feeling awkward.

  Ethan looked her over and leered. “You look good enough to eat.”

  Liz laughed, feeling better, and picked out a corner table so they could talk while Ethan put in their order.

  When he sat next to Liz and set two drinks down on the table he started explaining what had happened. “Gabe finally found the man Gary hired. Gabe is like a dog with a bone. Once he is on to a lead he won’t let go. Gabe and I arrested the man this morning. He lived in St. Clair. All those so-called business meetings were about Gary paying the guy to vandalize your store and scare you. Gary didn’t want to hurt you. He wanted you to stop liking the town so you could move away with him. The guy confessed and is in jail in St. Clair.”

  “Gary was so determined for us to be a couple and get my dad to back him in business, but to go to these lengths is just plain scary, Ethan. There has to be something wrong with him.” Liz frowned, fe
eling a little scared at the new Gary they were discovering. He obviously had some screws loose.

  “I guess Gary figured he was too smart to ever get caught since he had alibis, and he figured if you were fed up with this town you would want to leave. Ryan went to pick him up and we were hoping to get the full story out of him. Or rather, I was willing to intimidate the full story out of him, but as Stella told you, he is nowhere to be found,” Ethan explained. “The police in St. Clair know what’s going on and have his picture since he spent so much time there. We will find him.”

  Liz sipped on her cola and smiled. Ethan would scare the pants off anybody but especially a jerk like Gary. She wished she could be there to see that scene.

  “What has you smiling?” Ethan asked, leaning into her and talking softly. “Me?”

  “Sort of, I was thinking of how scared Gary would be with your interrogation skills, and I was wishing I could be there to see it. What a jerk!”

  Ethan laughed. “I can’t wait to find the little weasel. He is so snobby that he hasn’t made very many friends here, so I know someone will turn him in if they see him driving around town in his flashy car.”

  Their order came so they ate their dinner quietly and listened to the music. Liz felt relaxed until she saw Melissa, Lori, and Emma come in. She silently groaned to herself and could only hope they didn’t spot her and Ethan. She wasn’t afraid of them but they liked to start trouble. It kept their little clique the center of attention which they liked. Lacy and Stella called them the Drama Queen Clique. Emma had given Ryan a hard time and tried to start trouble with Lacy but Ryan had nipped it in the bud.

  Unfortunately luck wasn’t going to be on her side this time. Melissa spotted Ethan and whispered in Emma’s ear then walked over to them dressed in a skimpy top and short skirt like the rest of her friends. Liz wondered if they ever got cold dressed so scantily.

  “Did you come to dance with me, Ethan?” she said, ignoring Liz completely. “You know how much I love to dance with you. You’ve been neglecting me lately, you bad boy.” She pouted, caressing his arm up and down.

  Liz looked at Ethan, waiting for his answer. He obviously knew Melissa well and didn’t bother to tell her. Ethan swallowed hard, looking at Liz first and wincing when he saw the anger on Liz’s face then over at Melissa who already had her hands on his arm, pulling on him to get up and dance with her. “Not today, Melissa. I am on a date right now.”

  Melissa looked at Liz and arched her eyebrows and laughed out loud as if he just told a joke. “Really? Isn’t she a little, um, tiny and uptight for your taste, Ethan? You know you prefer someone like me, so why are you wasting your time trying to make me jealous?”

  Liz gasped and almost stood up to yell at Melissa but at the last minute she decided to see how Ethan would handle the situation so she stayed quiet. Would he tell Melissa he was in a relationship with Liz? He finally spoke into the tense atmosphere. “This isn’t the place for a drama scene, so let’s all just chill out and behave like ladies.”

  That was it? No defending her or telling Melissa to bug off? Liz felt her temper rising and she stood up and looked at Melissa. “Maybe you’re right, Melissa. I’m sure he prefers large, easy women like you so here he is. Go and dance your hearts out!”

  Liz stomped off, ignoring Ethan calling her name. Why did she keep forgetting that men were jerks? It was the story of her life. As soon as she believed in one his true colors came out. Liz walked out into the cold, realizing she left her coat and purse behind but she wasn’t going back there to see Melissa’s face of triumph. At least her dress was thick. Liz walked quickly toward her apartment. Someone came up behind her and tapped her shoulder. Liz turned, thinking it was Ethan, but she was surprised to see Gary standing there smiling at her. “Finally, I found you, Elizabeth.”

  “Gary?” she answered, puzzled, and saw him take a cloth out of his pocket. Before she could protest or fight back he put it over her mouth and she fainted into his arms.

  Chapter 12

  Ethan spoke frantically into his cell phone talking to Ryan. “I’m telling you, I’ve already spent the last hour searching the streets and her place. She is nowhere to be found, Ryan. Something had to have happened or I wouldn’t be calling you to see if she is with Lacy.”

  “Lacy is right here next to me and she already said she hasn’t heard from Liz. I am on my way and we’ll search for her, so calm down. Call Gabe and Logan, too. The more people searching the sooner we will find her.”

  Ethan hung up feeling his stomach tied up in knots. He quickly called Gabe and Logan and explained to them what had happened and they agreed to start searching for her and to gather as many volunteers as they could.

  He could kick himself. He really messed up again. He should have reacted differently with Melissa, but he wasn’t thinking of how Liz would feel and he should have put Liz first no matter what. Liz was precious to him. He felt more for her in the short time he knew her then in the two years he had been married. Sure, he had danced and flirted with Melissa occasionally, who hadn’t? But he never took up her many offers for sex. He knew Melissa was a bitch but she was nice to any male. He was only trying to diffuse the situation quietly without attracting attention. Ethan knew if he said he preferred Liz, Melissa would not just walk away quietly. She would have picked on Liz and brought Emma and Lori into it and it would have blown into an ugly scene. Now he was afraid Liz had run into Gary. If something happened to her he’d never forgive himself. He was beginning to realize that life without Liz was not something he wanted to face. It was starting to freeze out here but none of that mattered to him. All he cared about was finding Liz. He was sure Gary had taken her or he would have found her by now. Appledale had a lot of wooded area and he remembered they had found Lacy in the woods when she had been kidnapped, but Gary didn’t strike him as the type to be hiding in the dark or cold. No, he would take her to a building but where? Despite the overwhelming panic that was setting in he was determined to do everything in his power to find Liz and keep her in his life permanently. He walked over to Main Street to meet up with Gabe, Logan, and Ryan. Ethan didn’t care how long it took. He was not giving up until he found his woman.

  * * * *

  Liz woke up feeling fuzzy. Where was she? She couldn’t remember what happened. She lifted her head and realized her arms and legs wouldn’t move. Liz glanced over and saw they were tied with rope to a bed post. What the hell? She glanced down, thankful she was still dressed, but her shoes were off. Whose bed was she in?

  Liz remembered the scene with Melissa and Ethan at Thorn’s and walking out. Gary had grabbed her! She remembered now.

  “Gary, where are you?” Liz yelled, pulling on her arm restraints, but they were too tight.

  “I’m right here, my sweet. There’s no need to yell,” he answered cheerfully as if he hadn’t just kidnapped her right off the street. His mind must have snapped. Liz wanted to yell at him but she didn’t want to piss him off either. There was no telling what he would do. He had to be insane and she had to think carefully so she wouldn’t antagonize him. She wasn’t ready to die!

  Liz took a deep breath, feeling a panic attack coming. She needed to come up with a good plan to get herself out of this. Ethan probably didn’t even notice she was gone, that rat! How long had she been here?

  “Gary, I can’t feel my arms. Can you untie me please?” she asked him nicely with a smile as if waking up tied to a bed was a regular occurrence.

  Gary smiled and patted her on the head as if she was a little girl. “Are you going to be a reasonable girl, Elizabeth? No more trying to make me jealous with that big oaf, the deputy?”

  Liz pasted a smile on her face. “No more. I’m sorry.”

  Gary leaned over and kissed her cheek, and she tried to hide her revulsion at his touch. “Good.” He started untying her hands. “We are going to call your parents and spend Christmas with them. We’ll announce our marriage plans,” Gary stated cheerfully, talking as he untied her. “
Your parents will love me and want to help us out with money. I have such big plans for us, sweetheart. I’ll make you much happier than that deputy.”

  Liz nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and shook her arms to get the feeling back while Gary continued to calmly make plans. “I already packed a suitcase for you and me. I have flights arranged for later this afternoon.”

  Liz felt anxious. No way was she going anywhere with this crazy man. She looked around and saw she was in a bedroom. She looked out the window and saw the sun was coming up. She had been passed out all night. “Where are we, Gary?”

  Gary smiled. “My house of course. I’m going to get the phone and you will call your parents. It’s only polite to let them know we are coming.” He went out of the room and Liz heard the lock click in place. Great. She was locked in. At least Gary hadn’t undressed her. Liz put her feet down on the floor and spotted her shoes. Oh why did she have to wear high heels? She put them on and walked over to the window. Gary’s house was located outside of town and all she could see was woods, a long road, and no neighbors. Think, Liz! she told herself. Who knew if anyone was looking for her? She had to get herself out of this mess.

  Liz tried lifting the window slowly but it wouldn’t budge. She needed a plan B and quick. She heard Gary’s footsteps coming up the stairs. She hurried and sat back down on the bed, trying not to panic.

  Gary unlocked the door and came in with a phone in his hand. He handed it to her and sat on the bed next to her, dressed in his usual business suit minus the jacket.

  “Can I shower first, Gary? I still feel groggy and weak,” Liz lied, trying to stall so she could come up with another plan. She put her hand to her stomach. “I feel queasy, Gary,” she said softly.

  Gary sighed and laid the phone on the nightstand. He stood up and looked at her sternly. “You’d better not be playing games because if I lose my temper you will not like it. I have plans for us and your father is going to help me get rich. You go and shower and I will bring you up some tea. You have ten minutes.” He left angrily but still locked the door.


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