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Big Three: MFMM Contemporary Romance

Page 11

by Demi Donovan

  I can’t help but chuckle at that. Somehow, I’ve managed to pass my jitters over to these three men who you’d think couldn’t be swayed by anything.

  “I think we just need to set things straight,” I say without divulging much.

  We walk the rest of the way in silence, the twins flanking us while Austin keeps close to me. I keep finding myself wanting to lean into him, but I keep myself from doing that. It wouldn’t go far in my attempt to keep a ‘clear’ head.

  Callum unlocks the door and shows us in. The cabin is larger than mine or Austin’s, with two master bedrooms and two master baths instead of one. It looks great and despite the occasional torn open suitcase courtesy of the twins – who I’m not surprised to find are used to living out of their luggage – it looks pretty clean.

  I’m surprised.

  Callum and Troy lead the way to a wide living room area, with big couches and a low coffee table. The floor-to-ceiling windows are overlooking the resort from the top of the small hill that the bungalow is placed on, and the ocean spreading out past it. It’s a killer view, especially with the sun turning red and purple as it dips down.

  I could keep looking at it for hours. If for no other reason than to push this conversation further into the future.

  “Spill it,” Troy says, prompting a grin from Callum.

  They’re not exactly subtle, are they?

  Austin’s sitting next to me on the couch, keeping some distance this time, while the twins have each grabbed a leather recliner. I’ve been working hard to keep my knees together and my head in the game since watching them on the field, but my thoughts keep straying.

  No wonder, considering the things that all of them have done to me.

  Things I can hardly believe actually happened because of how unreal they feel.

  “I thought we needed a chance to talk things through,” I start, desperately trying to recall the speech I made up in my head before going out to the makeshift football field.

  It’s like all the words have been wiped out of my head after seeing them play, their big, strong bodies beaded with sweat, their faces determined. Every breath I take makes my head a little lighter because of how they smell and keeping myself from throwing myself at Austin is getting harder and harder.

  “We’re listening,” Austin says, urging me to go on.

  I must have fallen silent for longer than I thought. I clear my voice, willing some of that courtroom prowess to show that originally prompted Mallory to give me a job in the first place.

  “I know you guys have given me a chance to choose,” I say, and the words feel dirty.

  How could I ever choose between them?

  I don’t meet their gazes, focusing on my hands instead.

  “And I appreciate it. I don’t really understand what you’ve seen in me, but-”

  “Stop right there,” Callum says forcefully.

  “Yeah, if you think you don’t have enough to offer-” Troy continues, but Austin silences them both.

  “No self-deprecation here,” he says sternly, and it’s a command.

  I bite my lip, looking at him for a moment. The urge to say “yes, sir” is stronger than I would have thought.

  “Okay. The thing is, I can’t choose. Not only because you’re all… well, you’re all wonderful and I’d love to get to know each and every one of you better, but also because I really can’t. I can’t even be seen in private with any of you if I want to keep my job, let alone harbor any thoughts about building or maintaining a relationship.”

  Some of it is wishful thinking. Honestly, no one’s promised me a relationship and I haven’t expected one either, but it sounds more decent than saying what I was offered – the fucking of a lifetime.

  I rush through the next part.

  “My boss should be arriving here tomorrow. That’s why I wanted to have this conversation today, so we would all be on the same page when she does get here. I don’t really have the words to describe what it meant to me to have… to have those moments with you, but I don’t think it should happen again.”

  I let out a sharp breath. Speaking those words hurt me physically and when I look up, I see bitter disappointment in Troy’s and Callum’s gazes.

  After a while, Troy nods reluctantly, and then shares a look with Callum. They seem to come to an agreement, though neither one of them seems particularly thrilled by it.

  “We understand,” Troy says. “We put you in a tough spot and we could have probably handled it better between the three of us.”

  He motions at himself, Callum and Austin. Even referring to the three of them in any sort of a joint fashion has me squirming in my seat. I’ve been completely obsessed by the idea and basically living vicariously through those daydreams, my fingers sunken into my pussy more times over the last week than they’ve probably been my all life.

  I want them so bad.

  And here I am, letting them go.

  It’s insane and I can barely believe I’m doing it. My throat wants to close in on itself and I take another quick breath through my nose.

  “We don’t want to jeopardize your career,” Callum adds.

  I nod blankly.

  All I really want to do is curl up in their warm embrace and never come out of that cocoon of safety. Every one of them individually has made me feel more loved and wanted than I ever was when I was with my fiancé Jacob and despite the situation being incredibly complicated, it has given me so much self-confidence that the bitter experiences with Jacob had robbed from me.

  I’d started feeling like my old self again. Smiling, laughing, enjoying the moment for the simple pleasure of being in it. And now I’m sitting here, telling them that it all has to stop. That I’m not supposed to be allowed to be happy, and neither are they.

  It fucking sucks.

  I feel tears pricking my eyes but I refuse to cry. I won’t do it. No fucking way. I’m stronger than that. Jacob got all my tears and I don’t have any left to give.

  We sit in silence for a moment until finally, Austin speaks up. It’s only then that I realize that he hadn’t said anything before. I turn to look at him and the fire in his eyes knocks the breath out of my lungs.

  “What if you don’t have to choose,” he says, and it isn’t a question.

  I stare at him blankly, yet my heart beats double-time, grasping at straws that I logically know are not there. But my heart doesn’t care.



  I look at my brothers and they look as confused as Lily does. I stand up, starting to pace the room, my hands clasped behind my back. It feels like the world is crumbling around me with Lily saying that she can’t do this and I have to find a way out. For both our sakes.

  For all our sakes.

  “What do you mean?” Callum asks, frowning as he watches me pace.

  I have a million thoughts in my head but one pops up as paramount.

  Fuck tomorrow. What about today?

  I stop suddenly and without any prompting, that predatory smile returns to my lips. I turn my attention to Lily and she shrinks back a little in the couch. She looks so small and fragile… All I want to do is break her, because something tells me that she’d only grow stronger from it.

  “Troy, bring me a tie,” I say, my voice low, taking on that commanding tone that makes my employees jump and those who know me clear the way for me.

  Troy and Callum share a glance but a moment later, Troy stands and stalks out, heading to the bedroom. He’s back in a few seconds, holding a matte black tie in his hand. He gives it to me and I run it through my palms before rolling it around my hand.

  “You don’t get to choose,” I say, having kept Lily in suspense for long enough. “In fact, you won’t even know what happened to you. You say you can’t make up your mind?”

  She nods timidly.

  “Well, we’ll make it up for you. Get on your knees.”

  Austin and Troy both look at me sharply, but I don’t move a muscle. They’ll unde
rstand soon enough.

  “On your knees, Lily,” I repeat. “Don’t make me say it again.”

  She practically scrambles off her seat and sinks down on her bare knees on the cool floor. Her skin’s milky pale even after several days in sunny Hawaii and her freckled face is so indescribably gorgeous, staring up at me.

  And she doesn’t even know how fucking mesmerizing she is.

  Slowly, I walk over to her and then step behind her. I can hear her breath hitching and she’s shaking like a leaf.

  She glances up at me but my glare makes her look straight ahead without me needing to tell her that it’s what I want from her. I drape the tie over her eyes and pull it behind her ears before tying two knots in it, making sure that it’s snug against her face. I don’t want her to see a goddamn fucking thing.

  Running a finger down her neck and shoulder until I reach the strap of her dress and bra, I loop it behind the fabric and then slowly move along her shoulder until it falls down her arm, exposing the top of her breast.

  She gasps and I leave it there, not moving my hand any further, just keeping it on her shoulder with my fingertip touching her skin.

  “You don’t know who I am,” I tell her in a calm, authoritative tone. “You don’t know anyone else who is in this room. All you know is that you can have whatever you want to have. Without guilt. Even if it is just for one night.”

  Troy and Callum are now looking at me like I’ve just opened the gates of heaven to them and to be blunt, I just might have.

  Callum stands up first and walks over to Lily, who seems to be intent on focusing on keeping conscious. Her breaths are shallow and her hands are twisting in the fabric of her red and yellow sundress, scrunching it up.

  I’m not sure why I was so certain, but I knew she would not say no to this. She wants this as badly as the rest of us and just needed a guilt-free choice. We’re all adults, we know perfectly well what we’re doing.

  Sometimes it’s just that tiny bit of imaginary illusion that we need to explain things to ourselves, to make them justifiable. I gave her that. I gave us all that.

  And now I’m going to reap the fucking rewards.

  “Do you understand what I’m telling you?” I ask tersely, and she nods quickly.

  “Say it,” Troy commands, also standing now. “Say it out loud.”

  “I understand,” she gasps, breathless and oh so sweet.

  I want to cradle her in my arms and never let anything bad happen to her. But I want to fuck her raw and give her exactly what she’s been missing even more.

  “Good,” I say then, peeling my shirt off of my body.

  My brothers follow suit.

  There’s an unspoken agreement between us, risen in the last couple of minutes. We’ve never done this before. We’ve never shared. While I know Troy and Callum have done it, I’ve never joined in. I’ve fought with them for women I’ve wanted and I’ve won and I’ve lost.

  This is the first time we’re willing to all forgo our egos. All in the name of this delicate little flower of a woman who is far stronger than she knows. I just want to show her that. And I’m not alone in this.

  Lily listens, her head swiveling as she hears the sound of clothes being removed and tossed around. Her sweet lips part and she’s aching without our touch.

  I’ll kiss those lips again soon, I think to myself, wetting mine.

  Troy lowers the blinds of the living room to give us privacy and when they whack against the ground, Lily jumps a little. Not nearly as hard as she does when Callum removes his belt, though.

  “Put your hands up,” he tells her, and she does.

  She’s still shaking, trying to turn her head in the direction of the sound. Fuck, I’m going to enjoy playing with her so much…

  “Hold them together,” Callum adds, and then he twists the leather around her wrist and pulls it tight so the metal belt buckle catches the tail, tying her wrists together.

  He only lets go of it for long enough to shuck off his shorts and Troy and I do the same.

  We’re completely entranced by Lily, our full focus on her. I guess that helps to make it less weird that I’m going to fuck a woman who has been haunting my dreams with my brothers.

  I’m rock hard already but when Lily moans softly as Callum pushes down the other strap of her sundress, I’m ready to explode. Even that sound is mindblowing. Add in the way she quakes in anticipation… I can only imagine how wet her pussy is right now.

  “Open your mouth,” Troy says as Callum picks up the end of the belt.

  He can yank her arms up and over her head whenever he wants and she knows it. I think she revels in it.

  “Good girl,” I mutter as her lips part again and I can see her glistening pink tongue.

  The same tongue I expect to see lapping up my cum soon.

  She whimpers as Callum pushes both straps of her dress and bra down, yanking her bra off her breasts too. I let out a guttural growl as I catch sight of those perfect nipples, already peaked and hard, wanting more. I want to see her completely naked, completely exposed to us. I want to save the image of her like this in my memory forever.

  Troy steps up to her, stopping right in front of her with his hand around his cock. He strokes it a few times and then pushes the tip to her lips, wiping a bead of precum on it.

  “Don’t lick it,” he says, his words coming out as a snarl.

  She nods her head, but I can see the way her brows knit. She wants to taste him so bad that it’s dripping off of her… Her desire, her lust, her need…

  I step up next and I take my sweet fucking time stroking my long, thick, hard cock so close to her face. She can feel my fingers running up and down the shaft next to her cheek. She looks so fucking good on her knees in front of me, her wrists tied and her tits bare.

  I finally spread my precum on her lips as well and she exhales sharply. Maybe she recognizes my scent. It must be driving her crazy, not knowing who is doing what to her.

  That’s half the fun.

  Callum goes last, keeping hold of the belt. He spreads his precum on her upper lip and when he takes a step back, we all admire our handiwork for a second. Lily’s practically crying out of need.

  “You can lick it off,” Troy says, and she does.

  Her expression turns to one of pure bliss and my hands roll into fists, seeing how much she wants this. Keeping myself from tackling her, tossing her on the couch and fucking her raw is becoming harder by the minute.

  Her tongue slips over her lips several times, trying to make sure she got all of it. When she’s done, she bites down on her lower lip.

  “What do you want?” Callum asks, keeping his tone level.

  “I-… I don’t know,” Lily stutters.

  “Wrong,” Callum says sharply, yanking on the leash he has around her wrists and making her jerk forward slightly. “What. Do. You. Want?”

  “If you don’t tell us, all of this goes away, Lily,” I add.

  We give her a moment. Her breathing is shallow and sharp, tiny bursts instead of full breaths. Finally, I see her shoulders relax, like she’s breaking a little inside.

  “I want your cocks,” she says, and it’s music to my ears. “I want your cocks in my mouth.”

  What the lady wishes, the lady will have.



  Their voices all sound the same in my head now. I can’t tell them apart. My senses are completely overwhelmed.

  They could be one person, they could be six, it wouldn’t matter.

  It wouldn’t change how fucking much I need this.

  I don’t get a response to my words and I’m beginning to fear that I said something wrong when I feel a thick, hard cock slapping against my cheek. Someone’s standing right in front of me, running his hand through my hair as he smacks his veiny cock against my cheek. I whimper.

  I can’t believe this is happening.

  “Open wide, baby,” he growls.

  I think it’s Troy.

; I open my mouth and he pushes the head between my lips. I groan, deep and guttural, and my tongue laps over the head and the thin slit running the length of it immediately. I’m leaning forward, hungry and needy for more.

  He grabs a handful of my hair below where the tie is knotted, pulling it into a ponytail in his fist. Then, he shoves his cock deeper in my mouth and I gag slightly, making him let out a growl of approval. It sounds so fucking sexy I can barely handle it.

  My tongue laps at him desperately and I wish I could run my fingers along his thighs, feel his strong legs, cup his heavy balls. I want it all. For this one night, I want everything I can get. Guilt free.

  “That’s it,” someone else says.


  “Take it all like a good girl.”

  Troy’s cock is way too big but I do my best. He starts thrusting into my mouth, first slowly and then faster, facefucking me. My initial attempts to run my tongue over him, to feel the thick veins and how he throbs in my mouth, is quickly substituted for just trying to keep breathing as he pounds into my throat.

  He moves my head just like he wants, making me tilt my chin up so he can thrust deeper comfortably, filling my mouth and throat. Any attempt at remaining ‘pretty’ while this is happening is quickly discarded because it’s all I can do to focus on breathing through this, because my body wants to unravel around his cock.

  I can hear heavy breathing around me and I know Callum and Austin must be loving the show we’re putting on. My saliva feels thick as it gobs on my lips and fills my mouth, sometimes dribbling down my chin. I make a try at wiping it away, but Callum pulls my hands down roughly using the belt.

  “No,” he commands me.

  I get the message.

  I try to stay as still as I possibly can, with every thrust of Troy’s cock in my mouth and down my throat making me wetter and needier. I’m so entranced that when I suddenly feel two rough palms on my tits, I jolt in surprise. A deep voice chuckles behind me and I can feel the belt falling slack, the other end having been let go.

  “That’s a good girl,” Callum whispers into my ear, before laying a kiss on my earlobe, and then making a row of them down my neck.


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