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Hold The Line: Ganog Wars Book 2

Page 17

by Chris Fox

  "Who is that warrior?" Yulo asked, nodding down at the mech.

  "That," Khar boomed, grinning, "that, my friends, is Nolan, the man the Void Wraith most fear."



  Nolan walked his particle cannon down the line of Judicators, surgically targeting which ones he wanted to detonate. The resulting explosions destroyed every Judicator on the line, opening a sizable gap in their ranks.

  "Mmm, Captain Nolan?" Aluki's commed. "Your ally and his companions are safely aboard."

  "Companions?" Nolan asked, leaping backwards as he fired another volley of missiles. Another line of explosions, followed by the secondary detonations of Judicators self-destructing.

  "He brought two Ganog with him," Aluki supplied. "Mmm, I recognize both. Master Yulo, and the empress herself. Both are extremely dangerous."

  "Noted." Nolan turned his mech forty-five degrees. Annie had just opened up with a missile volley, tearing up the left flank. Nolan added a volley of his own, devastating their already weakened line.

  T'kon took aim with a plasma rifle, coring an Alpha who'd survived the volley. "Nolan, you are killing five to my one. Even Annie is out-killing me." He sounded supremely offended.

  Annie's rough voice broke over the comm. "Well, you gotta understand, darlin'." She paused, her mech belching another volley of missiles into a sea of Judicators. "Every bit of training we received was against the Void Wraith. When they taught us to pilot these things, it was against simulated Void Wraith. This just ain't a fair fight."

  Hannan's booster mech shot into the air, and missiles rained down onto the disorganized Void Wraith. They gave back sporadic fire, but the shots washed harmlessly over Hannan's armor.

  "Why don't their weapons touch you?" T'kon demanded, as he cored another Judicator.

  "Because we have modulated shields designed to disperse Void Wraith plasma fire," Nolan explained. He emptied the last of his missiles into the crumbling southern flank. "I've gotten confirmation that Khar is safe. Let's get the hell out of here, people. Fall back to the ship."

  The squad retreated in good order, Lieutenant Hannan delivering several small salvos of missiles to discourage pursuit. It really did feel like an unfair fight, especially after having to deal with the Ganog's superior technology.

  "Man, I still remember being terrified of those blue bastards. I definitely like having the edge, for once." Hannan laughed over the comm. She fired a final salvo, then gracefully guided her mech to the cruiser's ramp.

  Annie leapt in next, and Nolan leapt after. He grabbed the side of the ramp, pulling his mech inside the ship. A desultory scattering of shots came from the Void Wraith, but his shields held. The ramp began to slide close.

  "I have never before seen such ferocity, or bravery," Khar boomed. He walked up to Nolan's mech, his broad Tigris face grinning out from that thick golden mane.

  "Indeed," a purple-furred Ganog said. She wore an adept's gi, and walked with enviable grace. "I doubt anyone has ever mounted such an assault on a Ganog spire. The audacity is...impressive."

  T'kon barked out an amused laugh. "It's not as original as you might think."

  "I didn't hear you complaining when we pulled your furry butt out of that spire." Nolan pointed out.

  "True," T'kon allowed. He gave Nolan a smile. "And the empress is right about the audacity."

  "I do not care if you perform such rescues daily. Thank you for my life," a white-furred Ganog said. He gave a graceful bow, settling into a lotus position. "I am Master Yulo, and this is her highness, the Empress Zakanna of the Yog clan."

  Nolan was thankful he was inside the mech. Yulo's muscles bulged, and while not so large as a full elite, he could have torn apart an unaugmented human. Nolan was numbed by the revelation. They had the Ganog Empress on board? What the hell was he supposed to do about that? Imprison her? Work with her?

  First, he needed to find a way off-planet.

  "Aluki, what's the aerial deployment looking like?" Nolan asked, allowing the question both on the comm and the mech's loudspeakers.

  "Mmm, not good. There are dozens of those Harvesters hovering over the city."

  "His name is Nolan?" the empress asked Khar. Then she turned to face Nolan. "Nolan, if you can find a way past the Void Wraith, I have a dreadnought in orbit."

  "We'll see what we can do. Hannan, how do you feel about going for a little joyride?" Nolan asked. He checked the status of her mech. The armor wasn't too badly scored, but she was down to a handful of missiles.

  "I'll give em hell, sir--just keep that ramp open so I can get back inside before you all zoom away into the sunset."

  "Not just yet. But I want you to stand by to be deployed, in case we get into the thick of it." If it came down to combat with the Harvesters, their survival was unlikely. But goddamned it they weren't going down swinging.



  Nolan dropped into the co-pilot seat next to Aluki. The Whalorian had proven to be a surprisingly adept pilot, expertly guiding the cruiser through the hole they'd made in the spire. She continued to surprise Nolan, and he was beginning to wonder if the cute bumbly alien thing was merely an act.

  "Mmm, we are not going to break orbit if we have to deal with those Void Wraith." The cruiser slowed to a hover, just inside the hole.

  "Lena, are you on comms?" Nolan asked.

  "Yes, Captain." Lena's prim voice came back. "What do you require?"

  "Can you give our cruiser a Void Wraith signature and ident?" he asked, unsure if the idea were even possible.

  "You want to make us look like a Void Wraith?" Lena asked. "It's an interesting idea, but what if they have some way of detecting us? If they fire, we're dead."

  "They won't. The Void Wraith have been in storage here for who knows how many centuries? There's no way they've been modified to deal with Coalition tech. And that means we know how these things operate. We should be able to slip right on by," Nolan insisted. "How quickly can you do it?"

  "Give me a few moments. It won't take long."

  "Mmm, Captain, a pair of harvesters are inbound." Aluki pointed at the approaching vessels, their sleek blue forms quickly growing larger.

  "Lena, not to be that officer, but we're out of time." Nolan rose slowly from the copilot's chair. He was tempted to go back to his mech, but that wasn't going to help against harvesters. They needed the cargo bay closed to break orbit. Nor did he want to deploy Hannan. If Lena's plan worked, it wouldn't protect Hannan.

  "I understand the need, Captain, but I cannot hurry this. You must find a way to deal with the harvesters. I'll inform you when I am finished. Lena out." Her connection was terminated.

  That cinched it. "Hannan, I need you to deploy. Do whatever you can to slow those harvesters. Nuchik, get your extra oxygen tank and go with her," Nolan ordered. He ducked through the hatch, sprinting toward the cargo bay.

  "Sir, Khar is a better pilot than I am. He should be the one that goes," Hannan said.

  "No time. You're already in the cockpit. Get out there. Now!" Nolan roared, skidding into the hangar bay.

  The ship lurched violently, and Nolan was tossed from his feet. He slammed into the wall, then into the ground. Mechs were tossed around, but thankfully their harnesses kept them from tumbling about the cargo bay.

  "Aluki, what the hell was that?" Nolan demanded, climbing to his feet.

  "Mmm, one of the harvesters fired upon us. I'm doing all I can to keep away, but they are faster and more maneuverable. If they hit us again, we will not survive." The Whalorian's tone was matter of fact, maybe even a bit cheerful.

  Lena's voice came over the comm, her tone urgent. "Captain, please engage the cloak. Quickly."

  "Aluki?" Nolan asked.

  "Done." There were several moments of tense silence. "The Harvesters have broken off, Captain. Shall I plot a course to the dreadnought?"

  "No. Head for the planet's nadir, and ready a jump to the coordinates I've reflagged in the system." Nolan lean
ed against the wall, removing his helmet now that there was no need to open the cargo ramp. He was relieved that he didn't need to send Hannan out there.

  "Captain, what is the meaning of this?" the empress demanded, striding boldly up to Nolan.

  "Uh-uh, fuzzy." Annie leapt to her feet, aiming her shotgun at the empress. "Take a couple big steps back from the captain. Would be a shame if I had to mess up that pretty face."

  "It's all right, Annie." Nolan rose and walked to the empress.

  Annie shrugged, then walked off to stand by her mech.

  "Listen," Nolan said, then: "what should I call you anyway?"

  "I am Empress Zakanna of the Yog Clan, and it is the fourth year of my reign." She delivered the words with a regal air that somehow avoided straying into pompous. "You may address me as Empress."

  "All right, Empress. Here's what's happening. Your people have invaded Coalition space. Even as we speak they're assaulting our shipyards. As of right now, we are at war, and I am taking you prisoner." Nolan slid into a combat stance. Annie raised her shotgun again. The arm of Hannan's mech swung around to cover Yulo. T'kon aimed a weapon at Khar, and Nolan realized that Khar had stepped protectively in front of the empress. Lovely. "Khar, you are still a Coalition officer. I don't know what's gone down during your captivity, but we have the enemy commander in custody. I'm taking her to Fizgig."

  "I would never betray our people." Khar relaxed, moving away from the empress. He eyed Nolan pleadingly. "Nolan, we need her alive and cooperative if we wish to stop the devastation at Atreas. She can do that with a single word."

  "Nolan." The empress's voice dropped the temperature a good twenty degrees. "I know you believe you have the upper hand, but if you force me to fight, you will find out that you are sorely mistaken."

  "Zakanna," Yulo snapped. He moved to stand before her, his fur going pale grey as he frowned at her. "Do not let your pride blind you. These people recognize the guardians Utfa has used to seize your capital. They know, and have defeated, these Void Wraith. We must sue for peace, and quickly. If you ever wish to retake Imperalis, you will need this Coalition to do it."

  Zakanna deflated, her fur going a soft blue-white. "Very well. I will be a prisoner, for now. Take us to this system, and I will order Takkar to cease the assault. Then, perhaps, we can meet to discuss what comes next. However, before we depart this system we should dock with my flagship. Its firepower will be useful in the days to come."

  He eyed her carefully, trying to understand her motive. A dreadnought was a powerful weapon, but if he went there he'd be surrendering himself to her power. If she really wanted to take her world back, she'd need the Coalition. But could he trust her?

  "Mmm, Captain, you must see this," Aluki commed. A video feed sprang up on the wall-mounted holoprojector. The image showed the surface of the planet--specifically the capital city. The spires had all begun to glow.

  "Empress, what are we seeing?" Nolan asked, staring uneasily at the growing brilliance.

  "I do not know," she whispered, attention all on the image of her city.

  The light brightened until the brilliance drowned out the rest of the image. The point of view shifted to orbit, just as a beam of pure white brilliance poured from the planet. It boiled the atmosphere around the city, the torrent blazing a path into space.

  Four dreadnoughts sat at the heart of a cloud of cruisers and destroyers. The energy washed over them. When it was over, two dreadnoughts remained, both severely damaged. None of the smaller ships survived.

  "What did we just witness?" Zakanna demanded, looking from Yulo to Nolan.

  "Looks like they've got some sort of planetary defenses," Nolan said. "Hopefully that thing has a cooldown. Aluki, make for the empress's dreadnought and request permission to dock. Make sure they know who we have on board."

  Zakanna eyed him curiously, silent for a long moment. "Thank you, Captain. I know it is difficult to trust me, but I assure you we have a common enemy."

  "You've sold me, Empress. I just hope you're willing to live up to your word."


  After Them

  Utfa watched in rapture as the city's brilliance discharged into the sky. Pulses of data flowed into his mind, showing the carnage the shot had wreaked on the unsuspecting Nyar fleet.

  "Their two remaining dreadnoughts will warp away before we can fire again," Oako cautioned. He folded his arms beneath his robes, peering at Utfa from under his cowl.

  "Let them." Utfa barked a short laugh. "Both remaining vessels are damaged, and without access to the shipyards we now control, there is no way to repair them. We've destroyed a quarter of the Nyar fleet before the fools even know we are at war."

  Utfa walked to the edge of the island, the Beacon pulsing and humming behind him. It allowed control over the guardians, but only of a rough sort. He could tell them what he wanted done, but not how to do it. That was dangerous, and could lead to unintended consequences. He'd need to take great care.

  "Of course, master." Oako gave a half-bow.

  Both paused, staring up at the hole that had been punched in the top of the royal spire. The Void Wraith had been tracking the ship that had extracted the empress. Several harvesters had moved to engage. Then, suddenly, the empress was gone. There was no more data about the ship, not its destruction, nor its whereabouts.

  "What will you do?" Oako asked. Perhaps Utfa imagined the accusatory tone, and perhaps not. For now he chose to ignore it.

  Utfa closed his eyes, pulses flowing from his temple into the arcanotome. He attempted to get the guardians to search for the empress, to no avail. Somehow, she'd vanished from their sensors. Utfa stalked back and forth, glaring through the hole in the spire.

  "If she escapes--"

  "I am no fool, Oako. I know what will happen if she escapes. She will become a rallying cry for the Yog and the Vkash. All who seek to avoid the gaze of the Nameless Ones will flock to her standard, forming an army bent on retaking Imperalis." Utfa rounded on Oako. "Yet the day is not lost. My clan's fleet waits in orbit."

  Utfa had ordered the Kthul dreadnoughts to wait in high orbit, a healthy distance from the empress's forces. Until now he hadn't risked them, both to preserve his forces and to cast confusion on the situation. Right now, the empress might know that Utfa was the one controlling the guardians, but there was no proof--nothing she could hold up to the other clans.

  Entering the battle directly was risky, yet he saw no other choice. It was time to reveal themselves, and their true allegiance.

  "What will you do?" Oako asked. His warrior roots provided context for the question. Oako thought like a warrior, and craved a warrior's answer.

  "I've ordered all three Kthul dreadnoughts to assault the empress directly. They will disable, then board her ship," Utfa provided. He forced himself to stop pacing, to take deep calming breaths through his upper nostrils. This was his moment of triumph, and if he wished to savor it, he must calmly attend to its completion.

  "Why not have the guardians do that?" Oako asked. The suspicion remained in his tone, the barely concealed superiority. He felt he was a better battle commander than Utfa, despite never having led. The arrogance of youth. Utfa had been no different.

  "The guardians have yet to reach low orbit. Having them cloak and mass will give the empress time to prepare. While the guardians are effective against smaller foes, I doubt they'd enjoy the same success against a full dreadnought. No, they will remain here to protect the capital."

  Utfa didn't mention his fear that he couldn't adequately control the guardians, and that they might kill everyone in orbit, their forces included. If he asked them to bring the empress back alive, they might do it. Or they might kill everyone. By entrusting the matter to his clan, he ensured that it would be carried out as he wished.

  Besides, there was little point in hiding his clan's activities after today. Seizing Imperalis would trigger a war, no matter what else occurred.

  Pulses of data flowed into his mind. Utfa gave
a wicked smile. His forces were closing with the empress's dreadnought.


  The Price

  The cruiser shuddered as it struggled to break orbit, drawing a wince from Nolan. It felt suspiciously like enemy fire, and there was nothing he could do about it from the cargo bay. He considered boarding his mech, but saw no point. Without boosters it would be useless in space, and once they reached the empress's dreadnought there was no way he'd be allowed to keep it.

  Even with boosters taking a mech out there would be a bad idea. The Void Wraith had stopped attacking them for now. If that changed, they were surrounded. They'd be destroyed in seconds.

  "Captain," Hannan said, speaking in a low voice. She approached with Annie and Nuchik in tow, stopping near the foot of his mech. "You got a minute, sir?"

  "Yeah." Nolan noted that T'kon stood with the empress, Khar, and Yulo on the far side of the cargo bay. Their adversarial stance wasn't lost on him. Sides were being chosen, and he didn't like where people were coming down.

  "Sir, it's not too late to take control of the situation. We can warp away the second we break atmosphere. Are you absolutely certain you want to dock with that dreadnought?" The tension bled into Hannan's tone, though Nolan could tell she was trying to mute it in front of the others.

  "Trusting the empress is a risk, one that I might be court-marshaled for once this all settles. Here's the thing, though: Khar is right. Without her cooperation, there will be no way to stop the battle in the Atreas system." Nolan gave a heavy sigh. "I've got the growing suspicion that we're going to find the empress on our side, and that we'll need all the help we can get."

  "Might be the case," Annie allowed. She wore a sour expression, her attention fixed on Khar. "Whatever happens though, I'd keep him away from the Ganog. He looks about two days away from going feral."


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