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Chosen Heart (The Hart Series)

Page 10

by Stewart, Ann

  “You,” I admit.

  His breath hitches. “You have to be a little more specific than that, Elyssa.”

  “The parking lot,” I admit, shyly.

  “I’ve been thinking about our kiss all day. You’re like a magnet. I’m completely drawn to you, even in a different state. My mind…definitely my body…everything is completely focused on you.”

  “I wish you were here.” I yearn for him, and I’m sure he can sense that in my voice. At least, I hope he can. Visions of our kiss come flooding back to me. The feelings of his hands gliding over my body, letting our lips collide…UGHH!

  “I want you, Elyssa,” he whispers.

  “I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you.” I lick my lips as the sensation to ravage him grows.

  “Do you know how perfect you are?”

  “Perfect huh?” I reply, but he barely knows me, and doesn’t know anything about my past. All he knows is what he sees, and I’m much more than just my looks. For my sake, I hope he sees more than my looks.

  “Well…perfect for me.” I melt. I feel the same. I feel attached to him, not only in my mind, but like he said, my body is in constant need of him.

  My skin is on fire. I suppress the need to run my hands across my skin, mimicking the movement of his hands just the night before. I definitely need to change topics. Now. Before I get on a plane to go and search for him. “What time is your first meeting tomorrow?”


  “You do realize it’s after twelve, right? Don’t you sleep?”

  “Normally yes, but see there’s this girl…”

  “Doing things you don’t normally do, huh?”

  “Yes, but you need your sleep.”

  Even though I don’t want to get off the phone, I agree with a yawn. “I guess so. You know big shopping trip after work. I need to keep up my stamina.”

  “Good night, Elyssa.”

  “Good night, Alex,” I can’t hide my reluctance to leave him.

  “Elyssa?” he stops me.


  “Happy Birthday, Hart.” Click! Another misuse of company resources.


  Thursday, September 27, 2012

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear El (E), happy birthday to you.” A wide grin spreads across my face as I listen to a bad rendition of the birthday song from two of my favorite people. Rachel and Bryan always know how to make my day special, almost making me forget that I have yet another day without Alex.

  Wishing I was anywhere but work, I start in on the normal day to day routine of checking my e-mails, checking my calendar, and finishing with my voicemails. While finishing up a conference call, Janice bounces towards my desk.

  “Do you know what today is?” She asks, energized about our shopping excursion.

  “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. I’m actually looking forward to it,” I reassure her.

  It'll be fun spending time with her tonight. It’s been a long time since I hung out with a friend, other than Cole. Come to think of it, I don’t remember the last time I even hung out with Rachel. Before this summer, I saw Cole almost every day. We’d usually watch movies at my place or he’d insist on playing video games at his. I’d never admit it to Cole, but I actually enjoyed playing Resident Evil 5 with him. I got really good and playing as Sheva made me feel like a true badass.

  Summer was busy. With moving into my new apartment and then starting this job, I literally had no time to think, let alone relax. Janice’s invitation for her shopping excursion came at the perfect time. Besides, it’s my birthday; it would be nice to celebrate it somehow. Considering that my supposed best friend is on a time out, the guy I’m somewhat seeing is out of town, and my sister has to work, if it wasn’t for Janice, I’d end up going home to an empty apartment, eating a carton of ice cream and feeling bad about myself.

  “I just wanted to remind you. In case you forgot.” I smile as I roll my eyes at Janice. She must have OCD because she is constantly checking and balancing everything to make sure the day goes as planned. I can see why Alex would have someone like Janice as his administrative assistant, she’s completely anal retentive. “Ok ok, I’m going. I’ll see you later.” Janice backs away with her hands up in submission, as a small giggle escapes my lips.

  “Stop slacking!” I yell. Janice is far from a slacker, but I like to give her a hard time.

  Considering most of upper management is out of the office today, Janice is anything but relaxed. I’m sure Alex has her entire day busy with all sorts of tasks to do in his absence, giving her less than a moment to relax. I don’t know how she deals with his moods, but she obviously can do it, without getting her panties in a bunch like most of us do around him.

  Come to think of it, he has my panties in a bunch right now, and he hasn’t asked me to do anything. I’m slightly disappointed that I haven’t heard from him today, but I know he’s busy being his lethal self. Considering that, just the thought of him makes my heart skip a beat. Oops, so does the vibrating in my pocket. Fumbling, I try and grasp onto my phone, hoping it’s finally him.

  No such luck.

  *Happy Birthday beautiful! I know you’re still mad at me, but I have to celebrate the day you were born!*

  Of course it’s from Cole, why would I expect anyone else? I’m starting to feel partially bad for not calling him, but I still haven’t figured out exactly what I want to say. I’m so torn between my loyalty to him as my oldest friend and the fact that he’s constantly trying to spark a fire that was never there between us to begin with.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Hart.” My inner rant is interrupted by a young security guard holding a long shiny red package.

  Stunned, I push back my chair, standing to greet him. “Yes, sorry. How can I help you?” Not wanting to press my luck that he’s actually here for me, internally I’m bouncing up and down, hoping he really is. And, even more that the package is from him.

  “Package for you.” Handing over my gift, I can barely contain my excitement, as the guard retreats. Gently prying open the box with shaking hands, I peel away the transparent tissue paper, and reveal two dozen long stemmed chocolate covered strawberries. Each one is individually decorated with a red heart that surrounds a personalized message. My chest tightens as my eyes graze the words, “I miss you” sitting within the crimson center.

  As dew reaches my eyes, I reach down to pick up the card: “Happy 26th Birthday, Hart. May our beginnings be as sweet as these strawberries. Constantly thinking of you.”

  I bite my bottom lip, holding the card against my chest. Looking in every which direction, Janice scurries over to my desk and quickly surveys my package. “Are those Strawberries? I’ve never seen them like that before. How sweet!” She stands in awe. “What’s the special occasion?”

  “It’s my birthday,” I whisper, not wanting the whole office to know. I’ve never been someone who wanted tons of attention on my birthday. I’m more content celebrating it on a much smaller scale. Previous birthdays were usually just Rachel and I, or Cole would take me out for our yearly dinner. But this…this is something entirely out of the ordinary for me.

  “Oh my gosh, Happy Birthday! Who sent them?”

  This is special and I can’t help my giddiness. “Must be my secret admirer because no one signed the card.” Definitely a secret.

  “You should have told me it was your Birthday. We have to go out to dinner to celebrate, unless you have plans? I would totally understand if you need to cancel our shopping trip.”

  Janice is unbelievably sweet and I can’t imagine having a better person to spend my birthday with. Having known each other for such a short amount of time, I’m completely comfortable with her and would like to think of her as a friend. “Stop! I only have plans with you and dinner sounds perfect.”

  “It’s on me!” Janice exclaims as she turns to run away before I can protest. I would normally follow her and argue my point, but I’m in tot
al shock as I take in Alex’s gesture. I wish I could say thank you in person, but a text with have to suffice.

  **I just got the most amazing display of chocolate covered strawberries. Thank you for making my day special!**

  Shortly after, I receive a response.

  *You’re welcome. I’m not there, but I am thinking of you. Still no plans tonight?*

  **Well, I just got asked out to dinner, so I guess you could call that plans.**

  I smile at the thought of his reaction. I hope he has a sense of humor. Shit! What if he doesn’t? Panicking, I search my phone for the non-existent recall button.

  *Who are you going with? Not with your ex, right?!*

  **No, with Janice**

  *I thought I was going to have to get on a plane and crash a dinner date. Off to another meeting. Have fun, but not too much! Happy Birthday!*

  Dodged a bullet there! He apparently can take a little teasing. I’ll have to remember that for later. But really, how much trouble can I get in with Janice? I giggle at the idea of sweet, quirky Janice letting loose. So far her idea of a good time is shopping and dinner. I really hope this new guy shows her how to live a little.


  “You ready to go?” Janice is prompt at five, standing at my desk with her purse slung over her shoulder.

  “Just packing up my stuff.” During lunch, Janice and I went back and forth about who should drive. I won of course after I pointed out she drove last time and I had to play dirty teasing her about leaving me last time.

  After making a pit stop at my apartment, we head off towards the Fashion Show Mall. I wanted to stop by my place to drop off my gift. Today is especially hot and they would surely melt before I even had the chance to taste them, which is a moment that I want to sit, savor, and fantasize about the man who sent them to me.

  The moment the car starts moving Janice jumps right into her frustrations with certain people at the office. She has integrity, so she doesn’t mention names, but when she does mention a certain someone and his odd behavior lately, my ears perk up hoping to learn something new.

  “I’ve noticed little things.” That’s it? That’s all you’re giving me?

  “Like what?” I snap, a little too eager.

  “Well, like normally he’s in his office the majority of the day, except for when he’s tied up in meetings. But lately, I’ve seen him out on the floor a lot more, making his own copies, even asking if I want coffee. Do you know when the last time he’s fetched me coffee?” I shake my head.

  “Never! I swear if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s still his same old workaholic self, I’d put money on it that he was on drugs or something. He refuses to let me help him with menial tasks and just shrugs it off saying he can do it himself. He says he finds it stimulating to send his own faxes.”

  “I didn’t know mindless office work was so stimulating.” Hmm…no…it can’t be about me, can it?!

  “Right! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I’m just surprised by this change in him. I love my job and Mr. James has been an amazing boss. He’s young and has moved up quickly, but he’s so freaking smart and super talented. I’m sure he could sell ice to an Eskimo.”

  “What do you think it could be…that’s caused such a shift in character?” I hold my breath waiting for her feedback. Could it really be the budding office romance he has going on?

  “I have no clue, but then again he’s always been hot and cold at times. Usually with the Sales Associates he’s very stern and to the point, always expecting 120% from them. But, then he has moments of tenderness too.” My mind automatically shifts towards his grandmother. I’ve seen his softer side, but I’ve also been on the receiving end of his wrath. So, I’m completely aware of how capricious he can be.

  “When my Mom got sick a year ago, I didn’t have enough money to buy a ticket home. Next thing I know, there’s a round trip ticket on my desk the next day. I didn’t even tell him directly, he must have overheard me complaining to Autumn.” Janice pauses, deep in thought staring out the passenger side window. She looks like she wants to say something, but decides against it, instead shaking her head.

  “But, just like in any office, there’s always gossip. And it’s usually about how Mr. James got his position. Some think he has a relative high in the corporation.” She pauses, smiling slyly. “But, these are the same people who think he’s slept with everything that walks. All I know is, he hasn’t slept with me and I’m the one who works closest with him,” she states as a matter of fact.

  Janice is on a roll, and trust me, I am not the one that’s going to stop her.

  “Autumn is probably one of the worst offenders. She’s constantly bugging me, asking where he is, if I’ve seen him with any women lately. I’ve told her time and time again that his business is his business and I’m not going to get involved with office gossip. But, she doesn’t listen to me.” Aren’t you gossiping right now, Janice?

  Just the thought of him sleeping his way to the top, being sexually promiscuous, makes me nauseous. I know he said he wasn’t currently seeing anyone, but maybe his definition of seeing someone doesn’t include people who he occasionally has sex with. Not to mention, Autumn. She’s like a damn praying mantis, just waiting for her chance to fornicate and bite his head off.

  “I really don’t know a lot about him outside of work, but I’m sure the rumors aren’t true.” Janice, always the optimist. “He’s just a good guy with a bad rap.”

  I almost consider taking the wrong turn in order to give us more time to talk, but the heat from the sun beating down through the windshield is almost unbearable. The past day has been extremely humid and the news said there’s a possibility of rain, making the weather even more excruciatingly hot. The comfort of air conditioning is calling my name.

  In order to appease my aching desire for the cold, I pull into the parking garage closest to Victoria’s Secret. Perfect place to start. “Did you want to get lingerie? Panties? Bras? Garter belts? Stockings? What did you have in mind, Janice?”

  “I really don’t know,” she blushes, avoiding eye contact. “I normally buy my underwear from Wal-Mart and they usually come six to a pack,” she chuckles, nervously.

  As we approach Victoria’s Secret, Janice grabs my arm, stopping us in our tracks. Too ashamed to speak up, she whispers, “I don’t think I’m ready to purchase anything like garter belts or anything too extreme,” she hesitates. Her innocence is refreshing.

  “Janice, you will be fine. Let’s find something subtle. We’re aiming for comfortable yet alluring.” Draping my arm over her shoulder, I smile as I lead her into the store.

  Browsing for only thirty seconds, Janice grabs the closest thing off the rack, asking for my opinion. The pale blue flannel boxer shorts in her hands are tempting, but not what I had in mind.

  “They’re cute, but…do you want to be cute, or desirable?” She puts the item back with a little pout, and we continue our search. Eventually, we find a happy medium in the form of a pastel pink satin romper.

  Walking out of the store, she acts like she just ran a marathon, pretending to wipe the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. “Thank goodness that’s over with. I really appreciate your help, Elyssa. If you hadn’t been with me, I would not have been able to go in that store. So, thanks. Hopefully, Kevin will like it.”

  “Janice, he’ll love it. It’s subtle, and yet still sexy.” And, as much as I want to take credit for helping her, she is the one that initiated the outing and was okay with my suggestion on where to go. I’m slightly more than proud of her, and again glad we’re spending time together.

  “Okay, now that the hard part is over, where do you want to eat? My treat!”

  “Are you up for sushi, because there’s a to-die-for restaurant here? I’ve been a couple times with my sister and love it.” Janice nods, but says she’s never been. “It’s so much fun with the loud music and cool designs. Always full of such an eclectic bunch of people!”

  In agreement, we head over to the restaurant and are seated almost immediately. Just as we get situated, I feel the vibration of my phone coming from my purse. Seeing that it’s Alex and desperately wanting to hear his voice, I ask Janice if it’s okay that I take the call. She waves her hand, dismissing the thought.

  “Hello?” A grin reaches across my lips, lighting up my face.

  “How’s your birthday going, Hart?”

  “It has been the best day!” I beam over at Janice, hoping that she knows how much I appreciate her celebrating with me. “I’m out to dinner right now with my friend from work.”

  “You’re with Janice, huh?” Slight disappointment showing in his tone.

  “Yes,” I smile nervously at Janice as she skims over the menu.

  ”Well, can I say that thinking of you today, has been the only thing that has made me smile.”

  “You know what made me smile?”

  “Thoughts of our first kiss?”

  “That will always make me smile. But, also the outrageous display of strawberries.”

  “Second smile of the day.”

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. You did that on purpose didn’t you?”

  His voice drops, “Guilty, but I figured that if I couldn’t concentrate, then neither should you. I would have called you earlier, but this was the first break I’ve gotten. All I’ve wanted was to hear your voice all day.”

  “I miss you….too much I think.” My thoughts are consumed by him. It’s an effort just to work and function.

  “How did shopping go? Did you buy anything that I’ll like?”

  “I bought a lil something white and lacey, from Victoria’s Secret.” Take that! He may have distracted me at work with his lavish gift, but I’m sure that will distract him all through the night.

  Startled, I look up to find the waiter standing above me. “Excuse me, ma’am. The gentleman at the table over there bought you a cocktail.” I glance in the direction he’s pointing and give a small grin. He’s cute, but he’s no Alex. Politely, I ask the waiter to tell him thanks for the drink, but then hear Alex’s raised voice on the receiver.


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