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Brotherhood In Blood

Page 7

by J. E Hanson


  By the end of the first week, through the end of week three, my weight slims down for a total loss of thirty pounds. I’m surprised, when the scale reveals my new weight sits at two hundred and thirty-five pounds. My clothes are starting to feel loose. My face even slims down. They allow me extra time with my workout sessions.

  “You keep this up, and you will wear me out.”

  “When will you eat? I feel so guilty for eating in front of you.”

  Zane taps on his mug, “I have all the proteins in my cup. Trust me, when I say that I ingest all my vitamins.”

  I even try to tempt him with food, but it doesn’t bother him at all. Ian is a specialist in weapons. Zane is a chemist by trade, and he’s a doctor like Alexander. Zane prefers to be a scientist over a doctor any day of the week.


  The last week with Zane finishes on a high note. My body maintains the intense workout sessions. Zane picks on me for our last day, “Okay, you damn rebel! Now you’re moving on with the Hayes brothers. All I can say is good luck, Princess.”

  I take him completely off guard, by hugging him tightly. “Thank you for helping me, you damn Yankee. I really appreciate you taking a break from your chemistry lab, to teach me new things.”

  Zane laughs for the very first time, and he hugs me right back. “You’re okay for a princess. You’re not so bad, for a damn southerner. Be good and keep up with your training.”

  I left him at my bedroom door, to take a shower in my room. I smile for the first time in years, and I try to remember the last time I felt so comfortable. I lay in my bed, finally drifting off into a deep slumber.

  Brennan and Brannon chose to train me together. I met them, after they knock on my bedroom door. They smile at me, and I have no clue who is who.

  “Are you ready, love?”

  “Who is who? How can I tell you both apart?” I don’t beat around the bush, and just ask them.

  One ginger hair sticks his hand out. “Aye love, my name is Brennan, sweetheart. The next two weeks are with me, love.”

  I have never heard the men talk until now. “Are you both from England?”

  “Oh, shucks no, love! We are from Ireland.”

  “So, is Charlie from Ireland too?”

  “No love, he’s from England.”

  I massage my temples. “This is so confusing, and I’m sorry for being way off.”

  I follow behind the men. Brennan punches in his code. “Don’t worry, darling. Try not to sweat it, love. We can see the confusion on your face, but we receive that all the time.”

  Brennan tugs on his ear, “I have more piercings than Brannon does. Brannon has a tattoo on the inside of his left wrist.”

  Brannon raises his left wrist to me, “This is Celtic, love.”

  We file inside the dining hall. Sophia returns with the covered dish and tray. I glance over, and watch them occasionally sip from their matching gold chalices. I try to focus on my breakfast. After the scent lingers in the air, I had enough.

  “Let me guess… are you drinking protein shakes too?”

  Brennan chuckles, and he reminds me, “You signed a contract with Erik. Sorry love, but the less you know the better.”

  “The others say they’re drinking protein shakes. Those must be some really good protein shakes.”

  Brannon tries, to hide his snicker. “We are drinking the finest quality of protein shakes around the world. You had better finish your breakfast, love. We have a long day planned for you.”

  “Who watches your businesses, while you take time out to train me?”

  Brennan taps on the tip of my nose. “We have assistants, love. Now you have to eat your breakfast, love. You really have a hectic day to look forward to today. Please don’t ask us anymore personal questions, love.”

  I finish off my awful juice, and trail behind them to the gym.

  Brennan signs his name to my document and plugs in the time. “Okay, love! Hop aboard this scale. We need to check your progress, darling.”

  I do what they ask from me. I shrunk to two hundred and twenty-five pounds. My clothes are noticeably loose. My body, for the first time reveals curves. We work inside the gym hardcore during the first week.


  During the second week, Brennan takes me to the basement. He hands me a set of earmuffs. “You need to put these on, love. These will protect your ears.”

  Brennan is able to talk to me through a microphone.

  Brennan hands me a slate gun. “This is obviously a gun. This is not just any gun, love. You have a nine millimeter in your hand. You will realize never, to point your gun at yourself or others. Your gun has bullets in it, but we will load your gun for you.”

  Brennan instructs me, to take the safety off the gun, and he stands right behind me. Brannon hits a button, and a target shifts in my vision. Brennan stays right behind me.

  “I want you, to shoot that target, Jeannie. Try to aim for the head first.”

  I try to close my eyes, but he shakes me.

  “You need to keep your eyes open, love. You could wind up shooting one of us,” Brennan instructs me, to pull the hammer back.

  “I have never fired a gun before, and this really scares me.”

  “Once you fire your first shot, it will become second nature. Now, shoot the bloody target, and keep both eyes open.”

  My eyes focus on the head. I take my time, and it seems like an hour flew by. I shot my first, gun and hit the target directly in the forehead. Brennan pats my back.

  “That’s a bloody good aim! That’s not so bad for a newbie! Now, see if you can do it again!”

  I repeat the same shot, and nail it for the second time.

  “Aye… you’re holding out on us, love. You have a great aim, darling. It is time we explain your gun to you.”

  I put the safety back on. Brennan shows me how, to load and unload the clip. The men explain the parts of my gun in detail. They explain the importance of each part of the gun. After they educated me about gun safety, I feel even more confident around guns.

  The men move me to another location, to shoot a set of aluminum cans. I eye the cans carefully, and shoot at them with accuracy. Brennan stops me, after an hour of practice. “How is your vision? Are you able, to see long distances?”

  “I’m afraid you will make fun of me, if I answer your question.”

  “We promise not to make fun of you. How is your vision, love? We are exceptionally curious about it.”

  “I have perfect vision, and I can see a common housefly from across the room.”

  “Are you able, to see from the sides of your eyes? If my hand is over here, are you able to see it?”

  “I can’t see from the sides, but I can see long distances. Please don’t make fun of me for it.”

  Brannon walks over to me. “No, love. We would never make fun of people for their abilities. You’re not a freak either. There’s no need to worry,” they reassure me.

  The following day, they start me with pool exercises. You would think working out in water would be easy, but in truth, the pain escalates with water exercises over dry exercises. Try doing a hundred jumping jacks in the water for once. These men aren’t playing around. In fact, they are dead serious.

  While working out, I can feel a pair of eyes watching me. Christian works from his laptop right in front of me. He takes occasional glances towards my direction.

  “I’m adding additional weights to your body, while you are swimming.” I already love Brennan’s idea for more torture, and the weights are a huge adjustment.

  Brennan and Brannon set new goals for me with these weights every day. They make weight loss fun for a change, and I smash their goals.


  During the second week with Brennan, my weight takes a tumble. My body for the first time in years knocks on the door to the one hundredths. Ava would be so proud of me, because my weight is at two hundred and one pounds. This gives me a sense of pride,
and my renewed confidence initiates. The men smile, when they see me smile from time to time.

  The men entrust me with additional freedoms. I can sit in the library with them, and this is a huge privilege. My conversations are often with Ian and Zane. These two provide me with new tips about guns.

  Brennan continues with his atrocious pool workouts. Brannon gives me excruciating exercises to continue. My lungs are holding air better. Squats in the water are extremely difficult, and these squats hurt worse than dry land squats. They arrange for me to run in the water with my hands behind my head.

  Brannon directs me, “Okay love, it is time to do your jumping jacks.”

  Brannon commands me, to cease after I reach one hundred. My body throbs with agony. I’m shedding tears in my bedroom even after my daily dose of Advil and Icy Hot.

  The reduction of food no longer irritates me. They integrate the proteins that I’m terribly missing back into my diet. The twins drink their protein shakes, but from open chalices. The sweet and salty ambrosia causes me to desire it. My hand immediately cradles my upper lip, since it throbs. They notice and cock their heads to the side at me.

  “Are you feeling okay, Jeannie? What’s wrong with your mouth, love?” Brannon asks me inquisitively. Their Irish accents still fascinate me. I’m trying, to brave through the pain, but I’m unable to hide it.

  The twinge of discomfort hurts. “My mouth hurts for no apparent reason. I’m sorry, but my mouth hurts badly.”

  Brannon kneels down. “Where is the discomfort, love?”

  I open my mouth and point at my fangs. They let out a loud whistle.

  Alexander joins us in less than two minutes. He wears a pair of tight blue jeans with a pale blue shirt. Brennen and Brannon point to me.

  Alexander squats down at my other side. “Are you feeling okay, Jeannie?”

  “She has discomfort in her teeth. Is there anything that can ease the pain for her?” Brennan answers for me and adds.

  Alexander nods his head yes. He leaves in a hurry, to return a few minutes later. Alexander shakes a packet in his hand, and then he takes out a pair of rubber gloves from his pocket.

  “Are you able to open your mouth, Jeannie?” Alexander asks, and he continues to talk, “I will administer this topic to your gums, to knock out your discomfort for now.”

  My eyes are swelling up in tears. The pain in my gums feels like someone is yanking my teeth out. “Is there anything that can stop this pain?”

  I open my mouth as he answers, “There is; however; it may gross you out at this time. I am certain that your grandfather will not approve of the other method.”

  The pain eases up long enough for him, to work on my gums. The pain subsides after Alexander rubs the wipes directly on the teeth that are effecting me. I’m able, to stop crying from the enormous pain.

  “Of all people, are you sure you want to trust him around your teeth?” Brannon snickers and teases.

  Brennan slaps his younger sibling on the back of his head. “Bro, that’s not cool!”

  “I know it isn’t cool, bro! Look at how many teeth he’s ripped out over the years,” Brannon still jokes, and he points at Alexander.

  “Bro just shut up!” Brennan covers Brannon’s mouth trying, to keep him from talking.

  Alexander shakes his head at them. “Are you feeling any better, Jeannie?”

  I answer him by nodding my head yes. I close my eyes, to relish the instant relief.

  Alexander wrinkles his nose, and he points at the two brothers. “You two should be more mindful with your drinks especially around Jeannie! Her senses are progressing, if you catch my drift.”

  Alexander completely puzzles me. The two brothers leave the room with their open drinks in their hands.

  Christian enters the room, only wearing a pair of gray sweatpants. He wears a navy baseball cap on backwards. “Do you have that file from the project? I want to go ahead, and start working on our project.”

  “The file should be on my desk, and if it is not there then check my car.”

  I tense up, knowing that Christian is standing directly behind me. “Is everything okay?”

  Alexander smirks at me. I quickly avert my attention to the floor, looking away from Alexander. “Jeannie has pain in her teeth. I went ahead, and applied a numbing agent to her gums. This is only a temporary solution to her bigger problem. I had to once again, remind Brennan and Brannon about their open drinks around her.”

  Christian huffs, “I will remind the rest of the men, and make sure they understand their drinks.”

  “Even I neglect using my mug,” Alexander confesses, and I can hear him stand up.

  Christian and Alexander left the room together. Brennan and Brannon return with new mugs hiding their drinks from me.

  The remainder of my day is dull and boring. My aching muscles are the only things bothering me now. I have to add another order of Icy Hot and Advil to my list. I promptly give the order to Leo, who in turn hands it directly to Christian. I stand in the library, trying to find a book that I’ve always wanted to read. History is a fascinating subject to me, and anything from the past captures my complete attention. I’m knowledgeable, when it comes to American Wars. History around the world fascinates me.

  Christian sneaks directly behind me, and he scares the shit out of me. I jump from the husky tone of his voice. “You were accepted by Harvard, correct?”

  My body tenses up, listening to his sultry voice. There are electrical impulses exploding throughout my body. The only thing I could do is nod my head yes.

  “College is completely overrated.” His voice is too steamy, to argue back. In a deep fog, I’m able to check out my new book from Tommy, so I can return to my bedroom.

  My reading zeroes in on Henry VIII and his multiple wives. My brief evaluation of him is that he was a jerk. He had to be completely delusional, or maybe even grandiose with his thinking. I often wonder what the past was like. What would it be like? What would they think about our generation today? Those endless questions linger in my mind, wishing there were answers. Would they be proud of us, or would they be disappointed with us? We have plumbing; electricity; heat; and we can order anything with a click of a button. I fall asleep with my head in the book.


  My dream immediately teleports me to the emerald meadow full of wildflowers. The same little girl laughs and twirls in circles with the sun shining brightly on her. I quickly take my seat in the emerald meadow, to observe her. She’s so carefree and friendly, unlike the last time I dreamt of her.

  She skips over to me. “My daddy will fall in love with you soon enough.”

  I peer into her perfect ultramarine eyes. She reveals a set of pearl fangs from her gums. The shocked expression from my face makes her giggle.

  “Don’t worry mommy, and my fangs don’t hurt. They won’t hurt you either.”

  My head cocks to the side. “Who won’t hurt me, and who are they?”

  “You already know them, and they will keep you safe. They care too much about you now. We will be together soon,” she says as she hugs me tightly.


  I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. Once again, I’m soaking wet from my perspiration. The haze from the dream sets in. After my scalding shower, I pay close attention to my own personal hygiene. I flip up the light switch, to recognize a new batch of Icy Hot and Advil rests on my desk. The book I fell asleep lies on my desk at the correct spot. The speedy response time of producing my order really impresses me.

  The Hayes brothers approach me in the dining hall. Leo joins them with a touchpad in his hand, and he jerks off his tank. He only wears a pair of tight charcoal leather pants. He takes off his leather gloves. “I have to take an image of your thumbprint, to grant you access codes,” Leo informs me, and I glance over at Brannon.

  Brannon nods his head once at me. “Christian wants you in the system. Only Christian, Alexander, and Willow will have access to your codes. Make sure you re
member them.”

  “You must pick out four numbers that you will remember. Once you have your numbers in your head, you will type them in twice on this touchpad. Make sure you press the pound button twice after typing your numbers,” Leo instructs what he wants me to do, and then he hands me the touchpad.

  I pick out four numbers, and they are one-three-one-one. I press the numbers in once, following with a pound sign. I make sure to repeat my numbers and the pound sign for a second time. The screen flashes and it accepts my code. Leo takes my thumb, and he slowly rolls it in an obsidian substance. He slowly rolls my thumb on the touchscreen, and he makes sure I leave it there for a minute.

  “Why do we have to do this?” I ask as I look at Leo’s face.

  “This will keep everyone in the castle safe, including you, Princess,” Leo answers my question without a second thought.

  My thumbprint shows up on the screen.

  “Keep me safe from what?” I ask, gawking at the men.

  Leo glances at the Hayes brothers. “This will keep you safe from all the rogues, Princess. Thanks, and that’s all I need from you.”

  Leo left in a hurry, and I stare strangely at Brennan and Brannon.

  “This isn’t making any sense to me. I understand why, but I think it is a little absurd to have intense security. It is almost as if you’re protecting me from each other.” I’m not oblivious to certain things.

  Brannon nervously laughs. “You can never have enough security, love. At least Christian wants to grant you more independence now,” Brannon pats my head, and continues, “we will no longer escort you to and from your room anymore. You will have to meet the rest of the trainers and us here each morning.”


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