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Devil Take the Duke (Lords of the Night Book 1)

Page 13

by Sandra Sookoo

  Donovan patted her hand. “There is time enough for all of that, Elizabeth. We should let Alice acclimate herself to the changes first.” Then he leaned close, and into her ear he whispered, “You will do smashing, so please don’t fret, but before all of that, there is the wedding night, and I intend to make love to you until the dawn.”

  Heat sprang into her cheeks at the thought of finally experiencing the physical relationship between a man and a woman. Striving for some decorum in front of his sister, Alice pushed at his shoulder. “Behave yourself.”

  But awareness danced along her nerve endings and she smiled. She would conquer this new life with the same determination that she had everything else.

  With him by her side, it would go more smoothly.


  “Welcome to your new home. You are now a resident of St. James Place.”

  Alice smiled at her husband as he assisted her from the carriage. When he lingered his hands upon her waist well after she’d reached solid ground, heat threaded through her insides. “Thank you. I cannot wait to explore.”

  Never had she been to London, and she strained to hear as much of it as she could before he led her inside.

  The low ebb of conversation buzzed in the background as people strolled the Mayfair streets. Birds chirped as they flitted from tree to tree, but the cheerful sound was somehow different here than in the country—more frantic and intense. The clip clop of horse’s hooves against the hard-packed dirt of the street rang through her head, closely followed by the scrape of carriage wheels against rocks and other obstacles. The air even smelled differently here in the city. It wasn’t as fresh or as clear. And through it all a vitality pulsed and caught her up in its flow.

  What would it be like to walk the city and discover its secrets? To take in the sights with her new husband by her side?

  “Shall we?” He gripped her upper arm and guided her through a gate that creaked and then they traveled up a walkway. “There are two steps to the door.” When she accomplished them without incident, he spoke again. “Griggs, this is my wife and duchess, Alice.” Donovan gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “Lady Manchester, this is my—our—butler.” Then he guided her hand into the gloved grip of an older gentleman who murmured a few words appropriate to the situation.

  “Is she ill, my lord?” the man asked.

  From behind her, Elizabeth gasped.

  Alice frowned at the butler, and though she couldn’t see his features, the doubt in his voice was unmistakable.

  “She is blind, Griggs, and I trust you will not mention it again. I expect you to treat her no differently than you do me or Elizabeth. Is this understood?” A hint of a growl resonated in the duke’s tone.

  “Of course, my lord.” The butler released her hand. “Your guests are waiting in the dining room, if you wish to join them?”

  “Tell them we’ll arrive directly.” When Donovan once more took possession of her arm, he whispered, “I apologize.”

  She waved her free hand. “It is not his fault, and he didn’t deserve a set down. There was no way he could have known.”

  Their heels rang on what were undoubtedly marble-tiled halls. Silence brewed between them, and finally her husband spoke.

  “Forgive me. I am all too aware of how those around me might perceive you at first. I… simply wish to protect you.” Emotion she couldn’t identify graveled his voice. “Defend you.”

  “If the people you’ve placed on your staff cannot be trusted, then you have a larger problem than softening how they’ll see me.” She patted his hand where it rested on her arm. “Introduce me as your wife and leave it at that. I shall take care of the rest the way I’ve always done, and if your friends cannot support you—me—then you’ll have your answer and can change accordingly.”

  He grunted. From behind, Elizabeth sucked in a breath. Then he chuckled. “Once again, you’ve put me in my place. I believe you’ll find life as a duchess much to your liking if you continue with that spirit.”

  Pleasure flooded her and she smiled. “Only time will tell.”

  But it was as good a start as any.

  The wedding breakfast was a boisterous affair. Excited chatter and congratulatory conversation filled a dining room that sounded as if it was an overly large area. In the space of an hour, Alice was introduced to so many of Donovan’s friends, her head spun. She attempted to commit each of their names and titles to memory, for she couldn’t see their faces to help in that effort. Elizabeth trailed after her, whispering pertinent details into her ear as person after person came up to her while Donovan entertained a few others from his end of the long table.

  By the time she sat down to eat, her mind reeled from the abrupt shift in her life. Elizabeth went on to make the rounds herself, leaving Alice alone. She didn’t mind, and contented herself with listening to the conversations around her. Donovan had a small circle of friends, which she found odd, for he was a duke, and didn’t such men have a huge influence?

  The sunshine streaming in from the nearby floor-to-ceiling windows caught the stones in her wedding ring, recalling Alice’s attention to the bauble. She brought her hand close to her face in order to admire the piece of jewelry, and she gasped. A ruby solitaire winked at her from the middle of a daisy whose five petals were made of teardrop-shaped diamonds, all set in fine gold.

  It’s magnificent. And it kept with his theme of calling her his sweet country flower. How had he done it if he had it fashioned especially for her in such a short period of time? Or perhaps it was a piece of jewelry that went with his estate. Not that it mattered, for it was perfect. Tears misted her eyes.

  “I’m glad for this opportunity to speak with you semi-privately.” The speaker touched her fingers, and as he sat beside her, he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her middle knuckle. “Do you know who I am?”

  The faint scents of cedarwood and cinnamon drifted to her nostrils. “You are the man who sat next to Lady Elizabeth at the wedding ceremony.”

  “Yes.” He released her hand. “I’m the Earl of Devon, but I’d prefer it if you’d call me Rogue. I’m your husband’s closest friend.”

  “Ah, and you are here to make certain I am genuine, that I am not out to manipulate or use him.” Her stomach muscles cramped. “Yes?” She stared at the flesh-colored blob that was his face, not seeing him but hoping her eyes told her story.

  His laughter, separate from Donovan’s, filled the space with a deep richness that would draw anyone closer to him. “I had to see for myself if you were as different as he said.”

  “Am I?” She arched an eyebrow, nearly breathless to find out.

  “Refreshingly so.” He patted her hand. “I’m glad Donovan chose you to take to wife. He needs a strong woman to lead him, help him. It’s what’s been lacking in his life.”

  She frowned. “What does he require assistance with?”

  “It’s not my place to say.” He dropped his voice. “No doubt you’ll discover that soon. And please, look past anything that may sound unpleasant, for understanding will be key.”

  Elizabeth joined them before Alice could question what he meant. “Leave the poor woman alone, Rafe. She’s only just arrived and doesn’t need your intrigue yet.” Was that a tiny trace of fear in her voice? But why?

  He snorted. “Always so managing.” The man rose to his feet with murmured excuses to Alice. “I must take my leave. Being out in the daylight hours is… uncomfortable for me.” Again, he took possession of her hand and kissed the back. “A pleasure to meet you, Your Grace.”

  Once the earl made his escape, the rest of the guests followed within the hour. Eventually, the room stopped echoing with laughter and conversation. Donovan came to her and assisted Alice to her feet.

  “Now that the house is ours once more, shall we adjourn upstairs?” Into her ear, he whispered, “Where we can finally give into the desire that has been building between us since the day I pulled you off the public road?”

  Heat fire
d in her cheeks. Out of habit, it was on the tip of her tongue to tell him such things weren’t proper, but then she remembered they were married and bedding him was the next step. “I suppose.”

  “Dear Lord.” Elizabeth huffed her annoyance. “Put a little romance in it, brother; otherwise she will think you crude.” She pulled Alice away from Donovan. “Perhaps you should partake in port or brandy while I assist your bride? No doubt she’ll wish to relax and refresh before things… happen.”

  “Rogue was quite correct. You’re extremely managing.” But he laughed, and the sound sent awareness rippling over Alice’s person. “Won’t catch a husband that way.”

  Elizabeth huffed. “There is no man I want in such a fashion.”

  “Perhaps. We shall see.” He came near and stroked his fingers along the side of Alice’s face. “I give you into Elizabeth’s tender care, but after that, you’re mine.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” Her cheeks continued to flame. Perhaps she’d burn up before she ever made it to the marriage bed.

  “No.” Again he whispered into her ear. “I’m hungry.”

  “Come.” Elizabeth took her hand and led her through the room. “You and I are about the same size. I’m going to lend you a few things until we can have seamstresses in and find you a lady’s maid who you can work comfortably with.”

  An hour later, after Alice had been pampered with a bath of rose-scented water in a copper tub and had her hair washed with fine-milled French soap of the same flower, Elizabeth helped dry her hair, and once the tresses had been combed out and caught back with combs glittering with tiny pink jewels, she instructed Alice to don a nightdress of the palest pink silk, bedecked with frothy lace and ribbons. There was even a wrapper to match.

  Embarrassment warmed her face as she offered yet another protest. “This is much too fine a garment for me. I’ll make do with what I brought.” The bodice pulled a bit tight across the bosom since Alice was rather more full than Elizabeth.

  “Nonsense. This is your wedding night—er, afternoon as it were—and you should put on something that makes you feel beautiful.” Elizabeth plucked at the folds of the nearly sheer fabric and nodded. “Honestly, it looks better on you than me.”

  “It feels crisp, as if new.” Alice smoothed her hands down the front. Never had she worn such luxurious clothing.

  “That’s because I pulled it from the trunk that contains things I’ve put away for my own trousseau.” She heaved a sigh. “For a wedding I’ll probably never have.”

  “Why? I’d think you’d be snapped up,” Alice assured her.

  “Oh, there are specific reasons, and some I’m not at liberty to talk about until Donovan tells you…” Another sigh escaped. “Perhaps you and I can speak about this later in the week.”

  Alice frowned. There was too much intrigue that people around her new husband wouldn’t reveal. Why was that? To alleviate Elizabeth’s distress, she ignored the questions bubbling about her mind. “Do I look presentable?” Nerves fluttered in her belly. “I don’t know what to expect… I always assumed the deed would be done in the dark and the man wouldn’t need look at me…” Her cheeks burned. “Now I sound like a stupid country girl, and I’m truly not. My mother died when I was a young woman, and my knowledge is woefully inadequate, I fear, when compared to one so worldly as the duke.”

  “You poor thing.” Elizabeth wrapped an arm about her shoulders and hugged her. “You’re wearing a bridal flush, and it’ll bewitch him. That is enough, but you must know that people indulge in intercourse at all times and in varying positions, and Donovan is…” She snorted. “Gah! I refuse to discuss my brother’s intimate proclivities. It is much too weird.”

  They both shared a laugh, but Alice’s nerves persisted.

  “Is this your brother’s bedchamber?” There was so much to still learn, when everything thus far had occurred with such alacrity she could scarcely make sense of it all.

  “Yes. He has a sitting room attached to one side and a dressing room at the other side of the apartment.” Elizabeth cleared her throat. “I would have no idea if he’s planned for you to share the space, but if not, there is a matching apartment at the end of the hall. We never use it, for it’s always been reserved for a duchess, and throughout the years, the women who’ve held the title haven’t been happy in their marriages, and never wished to spend time with their dukes…”

  Ah, more mystery attached to her husband’s title. Cold foreboding slithered down her spine. “I’m already facing insurmountable odds.”

  Elizabeth blew out a breath. “Perhaps, but again, I cannot speak on the subject without Donovan’s permission.” Heavy silence brewed for several seconds before she spoke again. “Do you love my brother?”

  Did she? Alice pleated the skirt of the silky wrapper. “I think I do.”

  “That is an excellent start.”

  She offered a smile in the event Elizabeth stared at her. “He’s been nothing but noble toward me, and he’s, quite frankly, wonderful.”

  “He’s… different,” the other woman finally conceded. “But, he’s married you, so that is an encouraging sign.” She touched Alice’s shoulder. “Please be patient with him. He’s not what you might fear. He’s more than that.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Why all the talk in riddles and unfinished sentences? What wasn’t Elizabeth telling her? And more to the point, why did she suddenly feel as if she was a literal virgin offering ahead of a sacrifice?

  “You will, and it’s my fondest hope that spirit you’ve shown will carry you through.” She dropped a kiss onto Alice’s cheek. “I must go.”

  “Thank you. For everything.”

  “It’s truly been my pleasure, and if you need anything, my room is the second door on the left from this one.”

  The soft snick of the panel closing alerted Alice to the fact she was very much alone in a foreign room.

  Not wanting to snuggle into the bed, for that would feel odd, Alice wandered about the space. Thick Aubusson carpeting cushioned her bare feet. With her fingers, she explored the trinkets on the bureau top: a wooden handled brush and a comb, a pocket watch, a few coins, a bottle of cologne, a crystal decanter containing a burgundy liquid with a matching wineglass. She moved to a bank of windows where the drapes were still thrown open. What did his room overlook—a garden or the street? Everywhere throughout the room, the unique scent of the duke followed her, and kept the awareness she had of him heightened.

  Another click of the door told her someone had entered—Donovan. The unmistakable turn of a lock rang loud in the silence.

  “There is a certain amount of pleasure for a man coming into his bedchamber and spying a beautiful woman in such an enticing confection,” he said and his voice rumbled in the space to further ramp her anticipation.

  “I told your sister this is the finest clothing I’ve ever worn.” She could barely force the words from her throat tight with emotion.

  “Ah, then you should know this is only the beginning of the luxuries afforded to you as my duchess.” Then the dark blob that was his form came into her compromised vision. He tugged her into his arms. “I am glad you are here.”

  Before she could respond, Donovan claimed her lips in a tender kiss that sent heat sailing into her blood. The slightly smoky taste of brandy clung to him. She clutched his shoulders in an effort to remain upright. “You, my lord, are quite potent.”

  “And you, duchess, are beyond tempting.” He stepped away. Clothing rustled into the silence, and tremors moved through her insides. “Finally, I’ve won you.” Two decided thumps echoed, no doubt his shoes hitting the hardwood floor.

  “Thanks to your overt charm.” Never had she wished to watch a man undress more than she did now, but there was no use wanting something she’d never have. “Are you happy with your choice?” She stepped over the floor, following the sound of his voice.

  “I am.” Donovan said nothing else, so she couldn’t gauge his feelings. Then he caught
her about the waist, lifted her up and deposited her onto the high, wide, four-poster bed. She scuttled to the middle of it in a tangled cloud of lace-trimmed silk. “In fact, I couldn’t be more pleased about life than I am right now.”

  Alice squeaked when the mattress depressed and he dove into place beside her. She reached for him, traced his face with her fingertips and then dared to explore. He was once more bare-chested, and except for a sharp inhalation of breath when she swept her fingers down his torso to his abdomen, he remained still. “Since the first time we met, I’ve wondered about you, and once I dreamed of being with you in this way.” Not even to Fanny did she admit such a thing, and she couldn’t tell Elizabeth.

  “Oh?” Donovan laid a palm on her belly, splaying his fingers, and the heat of each one burned through the thin silk of her night attire. “Did the dream satisfy your curiosity?” Slowly, oh so slowly, he slid his hand upward, where he manipulated the satin ribbons that kept the wrapper and night dress closed.

  “No.” Her throat suddenly dry, she forced a quick swallow. “I woke up wanting more, but I feared knowing you in such a way would never happen.” Unable to let the moment happen to her, she plunged ahead, determined to act as a willing participant. He was strong and solidly muscled, and when she drew the fingers of one hand down his spine, he blew out a breath. Perhaps he needed her as much as she did him.

  “Never fear any longer… about anything.” He pulled the filmy fabric apart, baring her breasts. The cooled air in the room tightened her nipples. In a whisper, he added, “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I trust you.” Despite the intrigue and the words left unsaid, she had no reason not to. He’d been everything kind and considerate toward her thus far. Alice surged upward, catching his mouth with hers, wrapping her arms about his neck simply for the joy of having him to herself. After all the teasing kisses they’d exchanged over the past two weeks, now it would culminate in this one magical meeting.


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