Letters From the Trenches: A Soldier of the Great War
Page 21
The image on this page is from The New Illustrated Encyclopedia published in the USA by Dodd, Mead and Company. The photograph on this page was taken by a Lieutenant J. W. Brooke. The photograph on this page is from an Italian book, Di qua e di là dal Piave. Da Caporetto a Vittorio Veneto (This Side and Over the Piave: From Caporetto to Vittorio Veneto) by Mario Bernardi, published in 1989 by Mursia Edizione. The photograph on this page is also from an Italian book, Inglesi sull’altopiano (The English on the Plateau) by Giovanni Cecchin, published in 1995 by Collezione Princeton.
Illustrations other than the author’s are from the following sources:
York and Lancaster Regimental Museum, Rotherham: here, here, here, here
Staffordshire County Council: here; the plan was drawn by Julian Bagg. Staffordshire CC also supplied the upper image on this page; with grateful acknowledgement to Jake Whitehouse
Great War Primary Document Archive www.gwpda.org/photos/: here
Redvers at en.wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org): here
The medals shown on this page are those awarded to Harry Lamin after the end of the Great War.