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Unwrapped Hearts

Page 20

by Linzi Basset

  “And now, love, for my kiss.” His deep dulcet voice cocooned her heart as he cupped her cheeks and tilted back her head. His lips were warm, firm and confident. This time, there was no gentle brush, he swept in and took possession of her mouth with a passionate demand she was helpless to resist.

  “I love kissing you, baby,” he said against her lips as he lifted his head. His eyes shone with a wicked promise. “Keep that pucker of yours at the ready. I have every intention of taking a taste every now and then throughout the night.”

  She floundered in her mind for an appropriate response but became even more flustered as he smiled that killer smile. He assisted her to slip on her coat before he took her by the arm.

  “Come, it’s getting late and my mother doesn’t appreciate tardiness,” he teased at her flustered look as he tugged her along to his car. All too soon, they were on their way.

  Kayla did her best to unobtrusively gather her shattered composure. In the confines of his comfortable SUV, he was just too close and far too compelling a man for her peace of mind. He broke through every defense she erected with the way he looked at her, the way his hot and sexy body moved. She should heed the warning she could hear in her mind … to run and hide.

  “Dave Pollock,” he said with a sideways glance before his attention returned to the road. He drove fast but confident and with complete control of the car.

  “What about him?” Kayla leaned back against the seat as she crossed her legs. She smoothed the lapels of her coat closed over her knees.

  “What is he to you?”

  “He works for me.”

  Steele cast a sharp look at her. “Try again, Kayla. If he’s only a coworker, why insist that he join us for dinner?”

  Kayla inched her nose a tad higher and squared her shoulders. “You said I could bring someone. I chose him.”

  “Do I have to drag it out of you, Kayla? I’m warning you, if there’s something between you, it better end, now. You’re about to become my wife. I won’t be cuckolded.”

  “Goodness gracious! Where the devil did that come from? I’ll have you know, Steele Blake, that kind of thing might happen in the circles you’re used to but it doesn’t in mine. Dave is old enough to be my father … for that matter, he is like a father to me.”

  “That better be all he is, Kayla. I have no intention of sharing you.”

  She stared at him, surprised at the vehemence in his voice and anger flashing in his eyes.

  “Here’s one for you, Steele. I’m not one of your floozies. I have a mind and a life of my own. I’m not going to dance to your tune or ask how high when you say jump.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Best you get used to that, Mister.”

  “I have no intention of shackling your spirit or your freedom with this marriage, Kayla. There is one thing you better get used to and quick. By marriage, you’ll belong to me and I protect what is mine.” His eyes flashed darkly. “Even if it means I have to fight you to do it.”

  “Newsflash, Mr. Blake. I don’t belong to anyone. I’m my own person and that’s exactly how it will stay.”

  His dark chuckle drew her gaze. She exhaled slowly as she caught the promise in his eyes.

  “I didn’t intend to before the wedding but that’s a challenge I can’t resist.”

  “Didn’t intend to what?” she said cautiously. She was learning quickly that she had to be mindful in his presence.

  He parked in front of a huge mansion that looked like a picture out of a magazine with all the garden lanterns, fountains and huge trees. Kayla hadn’t even realized they’d arrived at their destination. He cut the engine and turned his head, his gaze seared over her.

  “Fuck you.”

  “You … that’s …”

  “After tonight, you’ll never question who you belong to, Kayla … ever again.”

  The implication that they were going to have sex before the night was over left her stumped. Her breath hissed through her teeth in reaction to her loins tightening in joyous anticipation. For once, she didn’t have a quick response as she took heed of the voice inside her mind warning her to think before she acted. That this man was different than her other sexual partners and he would eat her up and spit her out before she knew what hit her.

  “Don’t blow your own horn too hard, Mr. Blake. Sex doesn’t define me and if you think for one moment I’ll lose my identity because you’re humping me, you’re in for a surprise.”

  His low chuckle chased a shiver down her spine.

  Shut up, Kayla! Geez … you know he thrives on challenges and there you just went and dosed him in the biggest one ever!

  She cursed herself as she looked into his amused eyes. He pressed his fingers against her lower lip.

  “That sounds suspiciously like a woman who has never truly experienced sexual belonging or ownership for that matter.”

  “No one will ever own me,” she snapped in defense because deep down, she knew it was a lie. She had felt it before. Once … with him and she still, to this day, couldn’t forget how it had made her feel.

  He laughed. “And just confirmed. Sexual belonging and ownership comes from within, love. It’s not something that can be forced onto you. It’s borne from the innate desire to be the one driving your partner’s desire and urges and knowing, with sexual confidence, who you belong to.”

  Kayla swallowed hard. He’d just put into words what she had been struggling to understand all these years. Suddenly she was caught in the same swirling vortex of salacious desire that had tossed her about so wildly that night. She felt herself drowning … in fear.

  The intensity of the emotions this man awakened inside her, completely overwhelmed her and scared the living daylights out of her. She wasn't equipped to deal with it, worse, to deflect it. The chemistry that sparked between them threatened to consume her.

  He tapped his finger on her nose. “Breathe, sweetheart, and relax. I have no intention of pouncing on you in my mother’s house.”

  He leaned in and took a kiss, a hard, brutally lustful smooch that made her toes curl in her shoes. The smile as he opened the door was a libidinous promise on its own of the devastation he aimed to unleash upon her. She blinked and watched him walk around the front of the car. She heaved in a deep breath, desperate to hold on to the last of her control.

  Kayla was worried that once Steele fucked her, this time, she’d be unable to keep her emotions contained. In the past couple of days, he’d already managed to remind her just how devastating his presence could be. If he had to set free his magnetic sexuality, she would be lost. Totally and completely lost.

  How the fuck am I going to keep from losing my heart to this man?

  “Shall we?” Steele prodded when she didn’t move at first.

  Kayla forced the concerns to the back of her mind and gave herself a quick pep talk. Focus, Kayla. Just stay focused and don’t let him mess with your mind.

  By the time they walked inside the majestic house, she appeared calm. She even managed to smile as he guided her into a grand open room where his mother and a young man were chatting amicably with Dave.

  “Another beauty.”

  Kayla was startled by how similar the younger man looked to Steele although she didn’t appreciate the way he eyed her with obvious interest, if not blatant desire.

  Kayla shifted uncomfortably. She’d never had much time for men who viewed women as sexual objects and that was exactly how it felt under his scrutiny. Steele must’ve felt the same as his sharp voice slashed through the room. She could swear she felt the temperature drop from the chill in his tone.

  “Keep yourself in check, Caleb. If you can’t contain your thoughts or stop leering, you’ll be excused.”

  “Relax, Steele, it was a compliment,” he said, holding up his hands in defeat. He offered Kayla a stiff smile. “My apologies, miss. It wasn’t my intention to insult you.”

  Steele introduced Kayla to his mother who stared at him with open astonishment. It was evident that his pr
otectiveness over her came as a complete surprise.

  Just as much as Prudence Blake was to Kayla. The smile she offered was warm and engaging as she took her hands in hers. “You look just like your mother. So beautiful and proud.” Her voice thickened and she picked a tear from her cheek.

  “You knew my mother?” Kayla couldn’t contain her surprise. Prudence seemed so different than what the tabloids made her out to be.

  “Oh, yes. We were roommates in college.” She laughed briefly at Kayla’s shocked look. “We even vied for your father’s attention at one time.” She winked at Kayla. “Obviously, she won him over. Not that I minded, seeing as my dashing knight had already swept my feet from under me by then.” She cupped Steele’s cheek. “My son is the mirror image of his father.” She smiled in remembrance. “I didn’t stand a chance. Not that I minded. Kent Blake was quite the catch.”

  She smiled at the memories she shared. To Kayla’s surprise, she hugged her briefly.

  “Your mother always had a special place in my heart. I was so sad when she passed away.” She sighed heavily. “But enough about that. Dave tells me you’re the owner of Decadence Galore. You must be so proud. I saw the insert they did on your company on the Hannah Thorne show.”

  “It was a proud moment and brought in a couple of big contracts in its wake.” Kayla looked around the room. “This is such a gorgeous room.” She studied Prudence who seemed inordinately proud. “You did it all yourself?”

  “I did. I love decorating. Some of my ideas are a little controversial but that’s what makes it so exciting.” She clapped her hands. “Enough small talk. Let’s move to the dining area. I’m starving. Come, Dave … oh, have you met Steele?” she asked and without breaking stride, introduced the two men over her shoulder, tugging Kayla by the hand alongside her.

  Kayla grew tired listening and watching Prudence throughout dinner. She exuded so much energy that she was never silent or sat still for a moment. She moved all the time. Her body, her hands, even her face talked with her.

  “You could’ve warned me,” she whispered to Steele when Prudence left to fetch dessert.

  “Believe me, love, telling you would’ve been a waste of time. My mother is the kind of person you have to experience to believe and …” he smiled as he watched her return, “appreciate.”

  “You can say that again. Doesn’t it bother her that the tabloids are making her out to be some kind of harridan?”

  He laughed. “On the contrary, she thrives on it. She even plays along with them. Says it's too much fun to watch people’s shocked reaction when they meet the real her.”

  Prudence cleared her throat as soon as everyone had been served.

  “Now that dinner is almost over, I think it’s time to attend to the reason we’re all here. Steele, the floor is yours.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Steele popped the champagne bottle that had been chilling and filled their glasses.

  Kayla shifted uncomfortably. She hadn’t expected anything other than sharing an engagement celebratory dinner with Steele’s mother.

  “Kayla has graciously agreed to marry me and now I have the opportunity to say, thank you, love, for accepting my proposal. Mom, as you know, I’ve always vowed to get married on Christmas Eve so that my bride and I can share the joy of Christmas spirit together.”

  “Are you telling me you’re planning on getting married THIS Christmas Eve? The one that’s … that’s TEN days away?” Prudence stared at Steele wide-eyed.

  “Yes, Mother. In the quaint chapel at The Crown Plaza at four in the afternoon.”

  “But … but … how … there’s no time!” She turned to Kayla. “Tell him!” She looked at Dave. “Tell him!”

  “It’s not negotiable, Mother. You and Kayla will just have to make do with the time you have.”

  Kayla shrunk back in the chair when his eyes turned to her. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “We can’t have an engagement party without an engagement ring, now can we?” He lifted her hand and kissed her ring finger. Kayla felt the effect of his warm lips all the way to the tingle that stirred her loins to life.

  “I specifically had this ring set with a green diamond the exact color of your gorgeous eyes. The white diamonds encircling it, represents our strength as a couple to endure life, to withstand the obstacles that we will come across in our lives and most of all, as a sign of us embracing our hearts together in love.”

  Kayla was still struggling with the effect and the awe his words had on her when he pushed the ring on her finger. It floored her mind that he had gone to the trouble of having a ring specifically designed and made in such a short time. The thought that had gone into it moved her to utter confusion. She could only stare at the beautiful ring; his words ran a loop through her mind, giving her hope that maybe there was a chance at a happy ever after for her.

  “ .. a sign of us embracing our hearts together in love.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I thought you lived in the hotel,” Kayla said in awe as she twirled around in the vast entrance hall of the stately but modern mansion. She’d been so caught up with confused emotions at war inside her that she hadn’t noticed where he was taking her until he’d stopped in front of his house on the coastline of the Weimer's Lake Nature Preserve, in Harbor Springs.

  “I have a penthouse apartment at the hotel that I use at times, especially when I work very late or for business entertainment. This is where I can be myself and relax. It’s my private space that I keep separate from my professional life.”

  “Never the two shall meet, I assume?”

  “Very aptly put.” He smiled as he took her arm and led her through an arch into a grand open room with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ocean.

  “Who decorated your house?” She looked around with professional eyes at the stylish, yet comfortable furniture. The room was done in rich, auburn and earthy colors that invited you in and made you feel at home.

  “My mother … who else?” He shrugged as he went behind the bar. “According to her, I don’t have any sense of style when it comes to home decorating.”

  Kayla studied him with her head tilted sideways. “I find that hard to believe. Somehow, I see, or rather feel, a touch of your hand here.”

  “You’d be right. I chose the furniture and the color scheme. I also selected the curtain fabrics from swatches she brought. I left the design of the curtains to her and gave her free reign with the rugs and ornaments.”

  “And the paintings?” she asked from where she stood in front of a large oil painting of Harbor Springs with the sky darkened in an upcoming snowstorm.

  “The paintings you’ll find around the house I’ve been collecting for many years. I love good art and have been privileged to personally meet many well-known artists over time.”

  Steele handed her a sherry. “Let’s sit by the fire. It’s been warming the room since early. No, over here, next to me.” He patted the seat beside him on the plush sofa.

  Kayla hesitated, recalling his promise of earlier. At the time it had excited her, aroused her even, but now that they were here, in his house and alone, she hesitated. They didn’t know each other from a bar of soap … well, not really. The sexual encounter a couple of years ago didn’t count, seeing as he had no idea who he had sex with at the time. That she’d secretly been in love with him made her twice as wary because if he had to know about it, she’d be completely screwed. He’d have her in the palm of his hand in no time.

  “I won’t bite, love … not too much, at any rate,” he teased as he noticed her hesitation. “We’re getting married in ten days, Kayla, don’t you think we should at least sit next to each other and … hold hands maybe?”

  She couldn’t hold back the giggle at his words. “That makes me visualize us as thirteen-year-olds.”

  His eyes roamed over her sensual body as she approached and sat next to him. “Believe me, baby, there’s no way in hell I’d ever visualize you as a teenager.�

  “Ah, there’s the suave gigolo at work,” she snubbed and quickly took a sip of her sherry to hide her annoyance. His remark sparked what she realized with a start, was jealousy. She didn’t want to be treated like all the other women in his life … anything but!

  He laughed as he placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. “Strangely enough, with you, I’m more myself than with any of the women I’ve been with. I don’t feel I need to play a role like they expect me to. I enjoy being in your company.”

  She took a peek at him. Her cheeks warmed as she noticed the heated look in his eyes. “I have to admit, against my expectations, it has been a lovely evening.”

  “Relax, baby, you’re as stiff as an ironing board.”

  “I’m not as … oh,” she gulped as he brushed her hair out of the way and placed teasing, nibbling kisses around the edge of her ear. His warm breath against her skin, followed by the tactile brush of his lips over her earlobe stirred and tugged at her loins. She thrilled at the delightful shiver that raced down her spine as he tilted her face with a thumb under her chin.

  “Yes, you are but not for much longer.” His dulcet voice rippled over her like a soothing stream in the meadows. She leaned into him, reveling in the heat emanating from his body as much as from the predatory look in his eyes. “I need to taste your lips again, love. It’s been too long since I lost myself in their velvety softness.”

  Kayla was too enamored by the touch of his mouth against hers to complain about his cheesy remark. She realized it might not be intentional; as he’d said, it was how the women expected him to act and he didn’t realize how naturally it came to him.

  He took the sherry glass from her hand and placed it next to his on the coffee table, all without taking his lips from hers. Kayla couldn’t stay the carnal moan that burst from her lungs as he slid lower on his back and dragged her over him, his mouth taking demanding possession of hers. She was overwhelmed by how quickly and easily he triggered the deep reserves of her sensuality. He spun a web of seduction so artfully that she became a willing host begging to surrender to the sting that aroused the hunger he sparked to life inside her.


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