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Page 15

by Kristen Luciani

  “But your dad is here! And I was just screaming for you to make me come! And I’m naked!”

  He grinned and brushed his lips against her forehead. “This is all true. Just relax, okay. I’ll take care of everything. Just don’t get dressed. I want that pussy to be screaming for me again, got it?”

  “I’m pretty sure that won’t be an issue.”

  A pair of basketball shorts had been flung over a corner chair. He grabbed them and yanked a tank top over his head. Where the hell was his baseball cap?

  “It’s on the night table,” Sara whispered, pointing to where it sat, right next to the jar of coconut oil.

  He flipped the cap around before putting it on his head. “Be ready.”

  Just seeing that jar of coconut oil made his cock twitch. Fucking blue balls. Damn Tyler. Why the hell was he here, anyway? He clenched his fists as he walked into the common area. Did Sam go to the press?

  “What are you doing here, Dad?”

  Tyler stood against the bar, his face clouded over with a mix of emotions Daxton had never before witnessed - pain, remorse, regret. Why now, when everything was upside down? Why hadn’t he displayed any degree of feeling before, when he had every opportunity to make things right between them? “Sam called. He told me he spoke to you. I guess he didn’t want to take a chance that the press might find out first and run with a story before I found out.”

  “That was big of him. So now, after all this time, you decide to drop by for a visit. To do what? Make sure I’m okay? Like you ever gave a shit before?” The fury he’d been bottling up for the past twenty-four hours burst from deep within his soul. “Were you ever going to tell me the truth? Mom left, and you never told me why. She died and you never said a word!” He hurled an open bottle of water across the room, liquid splashing out of the top, soaking the carpet. “Why? Make me understand why, goddammit!”

  Tyler sank into the couch, holding his head in his hands. “Daxton, I—”

  “You what? You were afraid of getting your ego pricked because your wife was screwing another guy, so you paid him to disappear and adopted the bastard son? Did you ever want me? Why did you make him give me up? Maybe he would have loved me, treated me like a real son. But you made sure that didn’t happen!”

  “Dax, I never wanted you to find out like this. Yes, it was hard for me to deal with your mother’s infidelity. But dammit, I loved her and wanted to make things between us work. Sam didn’t have a pot to piss in when she got pregnant. I adopted you because I wanted to give you everything he couldn’t. I did the best I could to hold things together, but after Jase died, your mom wanted to leave. I found out later that she got sick. She didn’t even tell me until her days were numbered.”

  “Sam wanted me to forgive him, so we could start fresh.” Daxton gritted his teeth.

  “What did you tell him?” Tyler looked up, his face drawn and haggard, almost as if he’d aged ten years in the past five minutes.

  “I told him he missed his chance when he walked away. I have no desire to start a relationship with the man who gave me up. I don’t care what his reasons were.” Daxton scrubbed a hand down his stubble-peppered face. “But you? You’ve always had it out for me. Is it because I was a constant reminder that she’d cheated? Is that why you never gave a shit?”

  Tyler rose from the couch. “Dax, stop it. I know I haven’t always been the best father, but you’re not free from blame in this. You were the one who pulled away. You were so goddamn stubborn through the years, rejecting every attempt I made to have any sort of relationship with you. I’ve given you everything. And when Jase got sick, yeah, it was devastating, and yes, he was my focus; not because he was my biological son, but because he needed me. You have no idea how it feels to lose a child. I hope you never find out. I was emotionally gutted when he died. Things were already hard, then your mom left and you just kept twisting the knife. I was angry, guilt-ridden, and heartbroken.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I should have tried harder. I regret my past actions every day. It was my responsibility to take care of you, and I let you down. We let each other down. That’s why I’m here, Dax. When Sam called, it killed me to think you’d choose to have him in your life over me. I knew I needed to make things right between us. At least, I had to try.”

  Daxton pressed his hands to his throbbing temples. He’d been difficult. Hell, he’d been a complete asshole. But it was his way of coping with the nagging feeling that he didn’t fit, that he wasn’t good enough for Tyler. “I could never make you happy, no matter what I did. Do you have any idea how miserable I was, how worthless I felt?’

  “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s all? That’s supposed to erase all the bad shit, Dad?” Daxton pounded his fist against the wall.

  “I can’t change the past, Dax. I can’t take back all the pain I caused you. But I want to fix this, to fix us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me all this before?”

  “Because I was hurt and angry, too. You’ve taken every opportunity to tear me down - face to face, in the press. I know I made a lot of mistakes over the years, but I want to move forward. You’re my son, and I love you. We’ve never seen eye to eye, and maybe we never will, but we’re all we have left. Isn’t that worth anything to you?”

  Rejection and spite had corrupted him for so long, too long. Love made him realize what he’d been missing, but it couldn’t fully heal the still raw wounds. No, only the truth could mend him and make him whole again.

  “Yeah.” His throat tightened, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. God, it hurt so bad. Losing his mom and Jase…the grief was crippling. He needed Tyler, his father. They needed each other. Enough time had been wasted.

  Tyler pulled him into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry for letting things get this far. Give me a chance to be the father you deserve, Dax.”

  “I’m sorry, too.” Daxton pulled away, expelling a deep breath. “We were both pretty shitty to one another.”

  Tyler nodded slowly, a pained expression etched into his features. “Please, Dax. I’ve already lost so much. I can’t lose you, too.”

  Hope flickered in Daxton’s heart. He’d lived without it for so long, and now that it was alive once again, he never wanted to lose it. “We have a lot to catch up on, Dad.”

  “Yes, we do.” Tyler smiled. “I’m glad we finally agree on something.”

  “Maybe we can have dinner after the show. There’s someone I want you to meet. Someone really important.” He glanced at the closed bedroom door and then back at Tyler, a grin lifting his lips. “Later.”

  Tyler cocked an eyebrow. “Judging by the sounds coming from there a little while ago, I’ll take that to mean much later.”

  HOT WATER EXPLODED FROM THE showerhead, doing nothing to relieve the ache deep within his groin. Fuck, he wanted to feel those lips clamped around his throbbing cock, sucking him dry. And that ass…plunging into the hot, tight channel, burying himself inside that forbidden area, filling it with his hot seed…

  He pumped his hand faster, shivering against the chill. His body shuddered against the tile, balls tightening, imagining only those lips pressed against his. He’d been waiting so long…too long to taste. All those days and nights spent watching, wondering, and longing for his chance. Waiting was no longer an option. He craved too much.

  White light exploded behind his eyes as the orgasm consumed him. His heart thrummed, the sensations coursing through him blunted the reality that the one he so desired was in love with another.

  He climbed out of the shower and grabbed a thick towel. After tonight, no obstacles would remain. He’d have exactly what he wanted, on his terms. Nobody would ever stand in his way ever again. Didn’t he deserve to be happy with the one person he loved more than anything?

  Soon, the whole world would know they were destined to be together. And as best friends, was there a better way to start a relationship?

  Merrick smiled at his reflection in the fogged up mirror. The one remai
ning loose end would be tied up soon enough. Then, Dax would be his. Forever.

  “STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. THERE isn’t any more nail polish on them, and pretty soon you’ll be chewing your fingers.” Daxton pulled a grape-flavored Capri Sun juice pouch out of the refrigerator in his green room and handed it to Sara. “Will this make you feel any better?”

  If the room had been dim before, it was now illuminated with Sara’s megawatt smile. “A tiny bit. Thank you.”

  “Why are you so nervous? It’s just my dad.”

  Her cheeks flooded with color, matching the shade of juice she sucked from the straw. “Um, yeah, just your dad, who happened to overhear me screaming my friggin’ head off while we were making love. No reason for me to feel anything other than confident and self-assured. Slutty? Never.”

  Daxton placed his hands on her shoulders. “Would it make you feel better if I told you he’s caught me in much more compromising positions?”

  Her eyes widened, as she sputtered out a very emphatic, “No! Oh my God, I can’t believe…no, wait. I totally can.”

  He snickered. “What does that say about you?”

  “Oh, it speaks volumes about me.” The deep flush lightened, her tone turning serious. “But how are you doing?”

  “Hey, don’t worry about me. You’re my priority now.” He trailed a fingertip over her cheekbone and over her purple-tinged lips. Earlier that day, he’d told Sara everything about Sam, his mom, and the blowout with Tyler. He’d never opened up to anyone like he had to Sara. Hell, he’d never had someone to confide in, someone who actually cared enough to listen. She had the power to heal him, to comfort him, and to piece him back together. “Nothing else matters right now.”

  “Dax, don’t you think you need time to grieve? You can’t keep everything bottled up. It’ll destroy you. Let me help you through this.” Her eyes searched his, begging to see what hid deep within the recesses of his soul.

  What Sara didn’t realize was that she’d already saved him from drowning in his own sorrow. Nobody could ever take the place of family he’d lost, but his love for Sara was all-consuming, and hope for their future propelled him through the grief.

  “I miss my mother, Sara. She left, and it devastated me. Every day, I got angrier and angrier that she could abandon our family. I understand now that she was trying to protect me from having to watch her suffer like Jase did. And even though I resent her for making the decision to walk away, I can move forward because I know she’s not ever coming back. I’ll never get closure, and I have to accept that. She’ll never know how much worse it was to lose her while she was still alive, when I could have been with her every step of the way, loving her and taking care of her until the very end. It still hurts really fucking badly, and that pain isn’t going away any time soon.” He smoothed back her hair, the glossy waves so soft against his skin. “But it also makes me want to take advantage of what I have right now. I’m not willing to waste even a second with you because each one is precious. I’m crazy about you, Sara. You’ve already helped me more than you know.”

  Her green eyes glittered with unshed tears, a bright spot of pink settling into the tip of her nose.

  “You know you look like Rudolph when you’re about to cry, right?”

  A soft chuckle escaped her lips as the tears streamed down her face. “Thank you for being so observant. You really know how to charm a girl. How, oh how, did I get so lucky?”

  “If you feel that way now, just wait until later.”

  Thump, thump, thump.

  Sara recoiled with a gasp, all of the color from her flushed cheeks draining in a blink. “Cheese and crackers,” she whispered.

  “Is it safe to come in?” Tyler’s deep baritone held a hint of amusement. At least it did to Daxton.

  “Yeah, Dad,” he called out, running a hand over her backside, giving it a hard squeeze before opening the door. “Mmm. Just wait.”

  He opened the door to find his father with an all-knowing smirk spread across his face. Tyler pulled him in for a tight hug. It felt nice, secure, comforting. “Glad I wasn’t interrupting this time.”

  Daxton’s eyes flicked over toward Sara, who looked as if she might have a stroke at any second. “Dad, this is Sara. She’s our new publicist. And my girlfriend.”

  “So you’re the young lady I’ve been waiting to meet. It’s a pleasure.” Tyler grasped her hand, raising it to his lips. Even at fifty, he was smooth enough to charm women out of their panties. At least now, Sara was blushing for a different reason.

  “Mr. Cole, it’s um, really an honor to meet you.” She flashed a shy smile. Her hand twitched and Daxton knew she was aching to nibble at her fingernails. She was so sweet and innocent, but so very bad at the same time. He shifted to reposition his half hard-on. The fact that his father was standing only a couple of inches away should have made his dick limp as a noodle, but her presence was like a shot of adrenaline to the heart…if his heart was in his pants.

  “Please call me Tyler. Mr. Cole just makes me sound old.” He smirked. “I’m sure these guys are really making you earn your paycheck.”

  “When my boss said prepare to work around the clock, I didn’t realize he was serious.” A giggle tumbled from her lips, then her eyes popped open wide as realization set in. “Oh, um, I didn’t mean it like that. I just, uh… I meant…”

  “She had no idea how high-maintenance we all were.” Daxton winked at her.

  “Just a word of advice. Next time ask for more money. These rock stars can be real troublemakers.” Tyler grinned. “Especially this guy.”

  “Thanks for the tip.” Her phone pinged. “Oh, shoot. Dax, we need to move. Punk’d just finished their opening set. Mr. Cole…er, Tyler, would you like to watch the concert from the VIP viewing area?”

  “As long as you’ll be accompanying me. Can’t say I’m not curious to find out more about the woman who’s turned my son inside out.” He pointed to Daxton. “See that look? I know I haven’t before now.”

  “Just watch the show, okay, Dad? Keep the talking to a minimum. I’d like her to stick around for a while.”

  Tyler chuckled. “I’m not promising anything. Anyway, all of your skeletons are public. If she hasn’t run yet, you’re probably safe.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  Tyler pulled out his buzzing iPhone. “Excuse me for a second, kids. I need to take this.”

  Daxton pulled Sara into his arms and backed her against the couch. “How long do you think we have before he comes back?”

  “Not nearly enough time. But don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. At least, not until after the show,” she murmured against his ear, her hand sliding over the bulge in his jeans.

  “Dirty girl.”

  “Your dirty girl.”

  He let out a groan. “And torturing me is fun for you?”

  “Oh it’s entertaining as hell, but not nearly as much as some other things I can be doing to you. Will be doing to you.”

  His cock swelled as her grip tightened. Damn jeans were so constricting; they had no give at all. “Don’t tease me. Show me.”

  “Later. You need to handle that,” she said, waving her hand around his aching groin. “And then get your sexy butt on stage.”

  “Dax! I know you’re in there! Are you coming or what?” Finn’s booming voice came from outside the door. Like a tornado, he blew in, a wicked smirk on his face. “Oh shit. I guess you are. At least, you look pretty close.”

  Daxton shoved Finn out the door. “Enough. Let’s go.” He wrapped an arm around Sara and headed into the crowded corridor where Sean and the rest of the bodyguards waited. Security was tight since there was still a psycho on the loose. The label wasn’t taking any more chances with its talent; plus, Tyler traveled with his own armed entourage. Sara would be safe, and she was his biggest concern.

  Equipment teams for Punk’d rushed to break down the stage setups once they were wheeled into the hallway. Another team of security surrounde
d the band members, escorting them along with a gaggle of half-naked girls back toward the suite of rooms.

  “Papa Ty! I heard you were here. Looking forward to the wedding.” Finn clapped a hand on Tyler’s back. “And to the bridesmaids.”

  “I’m sure you are. Just make sure none of them end up on YouTube or I’ll make sure you’re violated with those drumsticks. Got it?”

  “I love this guy!” Finn rubbed Tyler’s shoulders as they walked into the backstage area. “Don’t look so tense, Ty. I’ll make sure the wedding is over before I pull out the video camera.”

  “Oh no, I forgot my phone!” Sara slapped her hands against her legs. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

  “Forget it, beautiful. You’re not going back there by yourself. I’ll get it.” Daxton grasped her wrist.

  Finn snorted. “Don’t even think about it, lover boy. You need to get your ass on stage. Tell Merrick to get it if you’re so afraid.”

  “It’ll just take a minute. I’ll be fine.” Daxton looked at Sean. “Stay with Sara and Tyler. Don’t let anyone near them.”

  Sean nodded. “You got it, Dax.” His beefy frame shifted, fencing them in. Nobody was breaking through that human barrier. Shit, they were barely even visible over his hulking shoulders.

  Daxton jogged down the empty corridor and around the corner toward his green room. Punk’d was in a separate section of the maze, and they took most of the noisy party along with them. All the crews for Jimmy Sixx were on point to handle stage and sound setup.

  He pulled out his key and turned it in the lock. The door opened, the room blanketed in darkness. Where the hell was the light switch? He lost his balance, stumbling into what felt like a table as the door slammed shut.

  A strong hand clamped over his mouth. Any discernible sounds he could make were held prisoner. His throat tightened, body aching to draw in a breath. A powerful force impaled his chest, like a hot poker searing a path through his insides. A crippling tingle ravaged his midsection, almost as if his body was being electrocuted, consumed by a heat so intense, it might just spontaneously combust at any second. The assailant tugged at the weapon, the serrated edges tearing apart his flesh like razor blades raking over bare skin.


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