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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 13

by Anya Merchant

  It was too dark for him to see anything, but he heard footsteps, and then felt Laura sit down next to him on his bed. She rubbed her hand on his leg, and seemed to draw some comfort from being close to him.

  “I wonder what’s going on,” she said. “I hope everything is okay.”

  “It’s all fine mom,” said Julius. “The lightning most likely struck one of the lines leading to the solar panels. I’ll take a look at it in the morning.”

  “Do you want me to keep you company tonight?” his mom asked. “I mean, I know how…scary this kind of stuff can be for you.”

  Julius smiled.

  “Sure mom. That would be a big help.”

  Laura climbed into her son’s bed and under the sheets. He felt her slide over and nuzzle up against him. Neither of them moved for a moment, and then Julius began to feel something else.

  “Honey, I hope you didn’t have too much trouble today out on the island,” she said.

  Laura slipped her hand down her son’s chest, across his stomach, until it was resting on top of his boxers. Julius felt his cock beginning to harden in response. He still felt a little conflicted about it, but as his mom began to massage his hard member, he felt himself enjoying it.

  “It must have been so hard for you out there, on your own,” Laura whispered. “I wish there was some way I could make it easier for you.”

  She slipped her hand underneath his waist band and wrapped her fingers around his dick. The softness of her hands always managed to surprise him, and as his mom began slowly rubbing up and down on his shaft, he felt himself guiltily enjoying the sensation.

  “You should let your mommy take care of you more often, sweetie,” she said. “I know how much you enjoy it.”


  “Shhh, just relax honey.”

  Laura began to jerk her son’s cock faster. It felt incredibly, but at the same time, it was difficult for Julius to not sense just how taboo and shameful the interaction was. This wasn’t what a mother should be doing to a son, and the fact that it felt good only seemed to rub that deeper into his face.

  His mom lifted up the sheets and slid down towards the end of the bed. She kissed his chest and stomach as she made his way down, and then, she began to kiss his cock.

  “Oh god, mom,” he moaned.

  The darkness in the room almost seemed to give the both of them plausible deniability. Nobody could see what was happening, not even either of them, and somehow that seemed to release their inhibitions.

  She wrapped her lips around her son’s cock and jumped right into sucking, each movement up and down making lewd slurping noises that only pushed Julius further into the depths of ecstasy. He reached his hand to the back of her head and began to guide her up and down, enjoying the sensation.

  “Mom…oh mom,” he said. “It feels so good.”

  Laura popped her mouth off of his dick momentarily to respond.

  “I know honey,” she said. “I know it does.”

  As if to prove her point, she returned to the blowjob and pushed his dick far back into her throat. Julius could tell that it was a hard maneuver for her to maintain, but it felt incredibly, and he couldn’t restrain a moan from escaping his mouth.

  His mom began to really suck, using every ounce of experience that she had picked up over the course of her years to please her son, the last living human male on the planet. And she treated him like he was, and to Julius, though it was incredibly illicit and wrong and outside of the bounds of what was appropriate, it was the best and truest way that she could demonstrate her love for him.

  He began cumming without even realizing that he had reached the peak of an orgasm, and this time, Laura drank down his seed with gentleness and grace. She licked her son’s cock clean, and then slid back up next to him on the bed.

  “Thanks for letting me sleep here tonight, honey,” she said. “I can’t imagine what it’s like right now outside.”

  Her words made Julius think of the shed, and of Lin, and he instantly became concerned. There was enough water coming down for flooding to be a concern, and if that was the case…

  “Sorry mom, I’ll be right back!”

  Before she could object, Julius had jumped out of bed and pulled his pants on. He didn’t bother with anything else, and raced out of his room to the elevator.

  When he reached the lobby, he sprinted outside the hotel only to find that his fears were well justified. Several inches of water coated the ground, and the air seemed to be thick with rain, pelting him and soaking him within seconds of stepping into it.

  He raced around to the backyard. It was hard to see the shed, but once he reached it, the situation immediately became clear, and completely unnerving.

  The outer door had been broken open. Inside, there was only a broken cell, with several bars having been clearly welded apart. There was no sign of Lin, and that meant only one thing to Julius.

  Granos Island, the place he now called home, was about to be under siege.


  Julius sprinted back to the hotel, as fast as his legs would take him. The elements whipped across his face, and the storm only seemed to be intensifying. It didn’t matter. He only had one chance at saving what they had, and one chance at protecting the island, and the weather would not stop him.

  The elevator was down, and Julius had to find his way through the lobby in the pitch black. He launched up the stairs with as much speed as he could accurately muster, and still managed to trip over an invisible, imagined stair at the top. There was no time to waste, and picked himself up and quickly shot down the hall on the second floor, waking up Dana, and then continuing up and grabbing Maya and Anna.

  “What’s going on?” asked Maya.

  “She’s gone!” yelled Julius. “Lin has escaped, and she didn’t do it alone!”

  “What? How is that-“

  “Let’s go, we don’t have any time!” he yelled.

  Julius led everybody down in to the lobby. A flash of lightning in the distance momentarily lit up the scene inside, but then it was dark again. The sound of the wind buffeting the windows was louder than it had been before.

  “We have to get outside and try to find her,” said Julius. “It’s the only chance we have!”

  “You’re out of your mind, there is no way we could see anything in this weather!” cried his mom.

  Julius wasn’t listening. He had already started towards the door. It didn’t matter if he had to do it alone, on his own. He was going to find Lin and bring her back, and stop whoever she was with. Everything he had built for himself on the island, and all of his hope for the future, was in jeopardy.

  The rain drenched him within a few feet of stepping out, even more so than it had before. He ran towards the beach with no real purpose other than to just check somewhere, to do something. It might already be too late, he found himself thinking.

  Another lightning strike came down, closer this time, causing him to flinch back as the crack of thunder ripped through the air. In the light from the flash he saw something ominous, and when he turned back towards the lobby, he could see without even being able to make out the details of the shapes behind him that he’d been surrounded.

  They said something to him, but he couldn’t make out what it was. Julius could tell from their silhouettes that they all were heavily armed. The fact gave him pause, but he knew even before anything had happened what they were there for. As he backed away from the group, one of them stepped forward.

  “Julius, relax,” said the woman. “It’s okay.”

  Her voice had a deep Chinese accent. He found himself weighing his options, thinking very carefully about what, if anything, he should say.

  “Leave this island!” he yelled. “I will not give you what you want!”

  Julius tried to run, but was overwhelmed before he could make it more than a couple feet. All of his limbs were secured by strong, but soft hands. There were at least ten of them, too many for him to resist against.

  He was dragged back into the hotel, with one of the hands clamped over his mouth keeping him from shouting warnings to anyone. The women were still in the lobby, right where he had left them, and began screaming.

  “Get down now, all of you!” yelled the woman in charge. “Everyone, on the ground!”

  A shot was fired, and this time Julius did manage to break his mouth free.

  “Just do what they say!” he yelled. “Don’t resist, not now!”

  Another lightning strike cracked behind him, and Julius got a look at the aggressors. Lin was standing among them, and all of the women were dressed much like her and equipped with more than enough firepower.

  “He speaks wisely,” said the woman in charge. “My name is Captain Song, we are an intelligence squadron of the Chinese National Army. All of you will be taken into custody until our mission objectives are complete.”

  “Stop this!” cried Laura. “Please, just let us be! We haven’t done anything!”

  One of the soldiers stepped towards Julius’s mom. For a second, he thought the she was going to be slapped, or injured, and he began to fight against the women holding him. Instead, she just stepped behind her and clipped on a pair of handcuffs.

  The wind outside struck against the glass of the downstairs windows mercilessly, and Julius could feel the building creaking under the strain of the onslaught. He looked around the lobby, and though it was dark, he could still make out the scared faces of all his friends and loved ones.

  “Bring them upstairs!” yelled Captain Song.

  Several of the soldiers took out flashlights and pushed the group forward up the stairs. The was no resisting the demands of the intruders, and even though they were being relatively gentle in their handling of the situation, Julius still felt himself brimming with anger over his lack of power.

  At the top of the stairs leading to the second floor, Captain Song gestured for them to spill out into the hallway, and then opened one of the doors to the hotel rooms and brought Julius and two guards inside. Most of the rest stayed just outside, but Laura was brought in along with her son.

  “Alright, strip him down,” said the woman in charge. “Please, Julius, don’t resist.”

  The women on either side of him began taking his clothes off him. Julius fought as much as he possibly could, but even though he had an advantage in strength, the female soldiers had the advantage in number.

  “Leave him alone!” yelled Laura. “Stop this!”

  Julius was totally naked from the waist down. Another woman stepped into the room, and even in the dim lighting of the blackout, he could see that she was quite attractive, with large breasts and a shapely figure.

  “Julius, we just need to get a preliminary sample from you,” she said. “We will be very gentle, just go along with it and nobody here gets hurt.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” yelled Julius. “This is…”

  He found his words dying off as the attractive Chinese agent began rubbing her hands on his cock. She was wearing gloves, but after a moment, she pulled them off her hands and worked his dick with the soft skin underneath.

  “Julius!” cried Laura. “Stop, this is wrong!”

  A strange conflict had worked its way into Julius’s view of the situation. It was wrong, and he didn’t want it to happen, but at the same time, it felt amazing. He just wanted the woman to keep going, for a minute or two longer.

  The agent smiled at him as his member slowly began to harden into an erection. She brushed her hair back, and then began rubbing both of her hands together on his cock, bringing her face right up close to it.

  “Agent Chen, just get the sample already!” said Captain Song.

  “Alright, alright, fine,” said the woman. She leaned forward and brought her lips onto the head of Julius’s cock. He couldn’t stifle an involuntary moan as the pleasure swept over him.

  “What’s going on in there?” cried Maya from the hallway. “Julius, are you okay?”

  “Maya they are-“ Laura tried to scream, but one of the other soldiers clasped a hand over her mouth.

  “Everything is fine, little girl,” said Captain Song. “Your boyfriend is being taken care of, it’s all just fine.”

  It was true, and Julius couldn’t help but admit it internally. The woman working his cock was doing it expertly, sucking him off with all the skill and grace of a woman who had used her sex appeal for the sake of her country many times before. He felt himself quickly reaching the verge of letting go.

  “He’s ready!” said Captain Song. “Get the container, quick.”

  Three things happened at once. Julius began to cum, Agent Chen reached over into a nearby bag for something, and the storm outside finally raged against the glass window of the room with enough force to shatter the glass.

  Julius managed to react with complete clarity, almost as if the intense pleasure racing through his body had slowed down time. He reached forward, and his hands found the holstered gun of the agent who had been sucking him off.

  Before anyone in the room could react, he had already fired off two shots, one into the wall and the other into the leg of Captain Song. There were sounds of a scuffle outside the room, and Julius made for the window instead, having enough presence of mind to pull up his pants as he went.

  “Ah!” cried Captain Song. “Stop him, don’t…don’t let him get away!”

  Julius was moving too quickly. He dove through the window onto the fire escape, rolled down the first set of stairs, and then jumped over the railing, falling one and a half stories to the wet ground. When he landed, he turned and began running. The rain was loud, and thunder continued to strike off I the distance.

  The boat that Lin had ridden in on initially was still on the sand down by the beach. As much as Julius wanted to stay and fight, he knew that the only way he’d be able to help everyone else was to come up with a proper plan of action, something that would even out the odds. In order to do that, he needed first to get himself to somewhere he could strike from safely.

  He sprinted down the path, taking broad strides and doing his best to avoid tripping or losing traction on the slick dirt. A sound from the jungle to his left prompted an adrenaline fueled reaction. He pivoted the gun across the area, crouching low and squinting to see better.

  “Julius!” whispered a voice. He recognized it as Jess, and realized that he had not seen her among the captured in the hotel.

  “Jess! Quick, get to the boat!”

  “What’s going-“

  “There’s no fucking time!” Julius started moving again. The boat was partially inflatable, and easy enough for him to move out onto the water, even with the storm pushing the waves hard against the shore. Jess caught up with him, and after taking one last look behind him, he climbed in and then pulled her in after him.

  “What happened back at the hotel?” asked Jess.

  Julius just shook his head.

  “It will be okay,” he said. “We’ll find a way to get it back. We have to.”


  There was still a good amount of gas left in the onboard motor. Julius piloted the boat out and around, towards the far side of the island. The rain seemed to be letting up momentarily, slowly trickling out and letting a thick fog float in to take its place.

  After he had explained the situation to her, Jess became her usual quiet and reserved self. Julius couldn’t blame her. There wasn’t much that could be said optimistically from their current vantage point of events. Everything had been lost, and they were both outnumbered and outgunned.

  “I don’t think they will hurt any of the girls,” Jess said, breaking what seemed to have been an eternal silence.

  “What?” asked Julius.

  “It’s just a hunch, but something tells me they’ll leave them be,” she said.

  “I’m not sure if they are really going to care much about the wellbeing of any of them,” said Julius. “Maybe they’ll keep some of them as hostages, if we’re lucky.”r />
  “You’re thinking about it wrong,” said Jess. “Each of the women back at the hotel is just as valuable as you are.”

  Julius turned away from steering the boat for a second to look at her.

  “They could be pregnant, as far as the soldiers know,” said Jess. “Any of them could be pregnant.”

  He couldn’t help but smile.

  “Well, not any of them,” he said. “But I appreciate the sentiment. And you’re right, I’m sure they’ve probably taken everything into account.”

  He killed the motor, and let the boat drift to a stop. The water was calm for a moment, but the fog kept them from seeing more than a couple of feet out. Julius found all of the thoughts that he had been pushing out of his mind finally begin to set it. He thought about the island, and the chaotic situation it was in, and wondered if things would ever calm down.

  “I’ve worked on this island for about ten years now,” said Jess, unbidden. “The past week or so has probably had more excitement than all of the rest of my time here combined.”

  Julius shifted in the boat, and looked at Jess. She had a coat on, but under it, wore only a baggy t-shirt and a pair of tight leggings, her sleeping clothes from the night before.

  “Why did you come here originally?” asked Julius. “What made you choose an island like this?”

  She looked off into the fog, reminiscing.

  “Work,” she said. “That, and to get away from my husband…Ex-husband, I mean.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t intend to pry,” he said.

  “No, it’s okay. I knew the old owner and his wife pretty well. I think my sob story was part of the reason why they put me in charge after the old man passed away.”

  The boat continued to drift. Julius felt better just having Jess there with him, and every word she spoke seemed as though it had a calming effect on him.

  “For the past couple of years, it’s just been women on this island. Just women, with no men allowed even to visit. We grew to be strong in a new way, and we grew to trust each other, and love each other like a family.”


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