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The Wizard Assassin

Page 5

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Stop lying” Bethany replied. “I saw him toss you in the mud.”

  “So it was him then” Dax replied and gave a little smile. “And why would he do that?”

  “Because no one likes a bastard” Bethany replied quickly then looked as if she wished she could take back her words.

  “And if he was so tough why didn’t he attack when we were facing each other?” Dax asked. “Anyone can attack someone when their back is turned then hide out in a crowd.”


  Family Feud

  “Come on now big muscles, you can't quit now” Dax said as he watched Asher eat another egg. “You have already finished the workout, the food isn’t supposed to be the hard part.”

  “My father is coming tomorrow” Asher said. “Things with my grandfather have not been going well.”

  “Well I can stay away from you when he comes” Dax replied. “I don’t want you to get in more trouble than you are already in by hanging out with me.”

  “I doubt you are the biggest thing on his mind” Asher replied. “You have to have heard about the unrest.”

  “Unrest?” Dax said confused.

  “Sometimes I wish I were like you Dax” Asher replied. “You don’t have any care in the world about politics.”

  “Why would I give two shits about that?” Dax asked.

  “Exactly” Asher replied as he ate another boiled egg. “My grandfather the King is an ass, he snaps at people and is not very fun to be around. In short he is my sister, my mother and many other relatives you have never met just older, angrier and with a shorter fuse. Some people are tired of his insults, he probably shouldn’t dismiss the Dukes and Duchesses as much as he does. They are tired of being easily dismissed, especially when they are the ones taking turns protecting the border while he sits back.”

  “The king isn’t a bad ruler I think” Dax replied. “Whatever happens really doesn’t affect me one way or another though.”

  “Being a good ruler and being a popular ruler are two different things” Asher replied. “Duke Bartlett has been at odds with the King since I can remember and I know my both of my grandfathers cannot stand each other. The King did not like the fact my father and my mother had pre-marital relations, he thinks my mother was told to seduce him. Before you ask, yes she was and she did. Mom has never said as much to me but I can tell. She likes the way father looks but they are a complete odd couple. My father is not exactly rude but I can tell he has no love for my mother. My mother is very concerned with appearances, she doesn’t love my father I think as much as she loves being with him.”

  “Wait a minute” Dax asked. “Is that the reason you like little miss feeling sorry for herself?”

  “No” Asher said quickly. “If I did I would have at least went over to speak to her by now. Do you think she noticed me at all?”

  “I think everyone around here has noticed you” Dax replied. “You hang out with me for one and for the other you have been exercising like some commoner. And I might add you have just eaten your twentieth boiled egg and you still have a plate full of food.”

  “You forgot to add the stone and a half of muscle I have put on” Asher replied. “Or those nasty concoctions you make me drink, you still haven't told me what is in them.”

  “Just stuff to give you energy and make you workout harder” Dax replied. “Getting back to your Da though, how do you know he is coming way out here?”

  “One of his guards arrived with the news” Asher replied.

  “Is he short?” Dax asked.

  “Now that you mention it, he is kind of short” Asher replied.

  “And young looking with not a hint of facial hair?” Dax asked.

  “Yes” Asher said as he looked at Dax weird.

  “I think I might know the tosser” Dax replied. “Anyway what do you think your Da wants?”

  “Don’t know” Asher replied. “I know the uprising may be part of it, other than that I have no idea.”

  “You can ask you sister” Dax replied.

  “Me and Ashley have been at odds since we came here” Asher replied. “If you haven't noticed I spend most of my time around you getting tortured, while she hangs out with Dawn and the rest. I think she is a bit mad at me, Dawn probably is as well but not as much as Ashley.”

  “Why did you smile when you said that last part?” Dax asked.

  “Because Dawn can be an ass but she hasn’t given any of the others here more than a passing glance but I notice she looks at you” Asher said with a bigger smile. “Although it is quite nasty, your own sister has given you the once over as well.”

  “I doubt that seriously” Dax said as he looked over Asher’s shoulder. “Speak the demon’s name and she shall appear.”

  Dax watched as both Dawn and Ashley walked over and took a seat on either side of Asher. Ashley gave him a disgusted look then turned to face her brother.

  “Father and Uncle both will be here tomorrow” Ashley said looking at Asher.

  “Uncle who?” Asher asked.

  “My father” Dawn replied. “They both will be here tomorrow.”

  “Any idea of what they want?” Asher asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it around the royal bastard” Ashley said looking at Dax.

  “Oh come off it” Asher replied. “Be a bitch somewhere else. We were having a pleasant meal before you came over with whatever this is.”

  “I just don’t want our family business spread out for idle gossip among the commoners” Ashley replied.

  “I doubt that seriously” Asher replied. “You have spent two months here so far and have no idea who Dax is or what he is like. You, like the rest of them have wasted no time in putting him down whenever you can. You are a damn princess Ashley, start acting like one instead of some angry laundry woman. Dax is still one of your subjects and he has done nothing to you and you treat him like he stole your favorite piece of jewelry. No wonder our family is in the position it is in.”

  “You expect her to carry on with him?” Dawn said as she pointed at Dax.

  “You both can leave my table” Asher replied. “No one is asking you anything.”

  “Asher we may be in danger here” Ashley replied. “Father is travelling with a lot of guards and I think some are either being left behind here for our safety or we are going with him.”

  “This is more serious than you let on” Dax replied. “If you need someone you trust to have your back brother, you got me.”

  “No one is talking to you” Ashley said angrily.

  “Thank you Dax” Asher replied. “But I couldn’t imagine either of my grandfathers using any of us as pawns. I just hope this whole thing blows over.”

  “We commoners have a saying” Dax replied. “Hope in one hand and shit in the other, tell me which one will fill up first?”

  “How crude” Asher said with a small smile. “The fact we are even talking about this while the Saul Empire still is lingering is madness.”

  “That is probably where I am heading after this” Dax replied. “On the border with Saul.”

  “And you should stay there” Ashley replied. “Far away from anyone you could poison.”

  “What the fuck” Dax said as he stood up. He could hear the sound of swords clashing and pulled out his own.

  “What is it?” Asher asked as he stood up.

  “Fighting” Dax replied. “You better grab that little stick of yours.”

  Dax watched as the dining room door flew open and a man wearing light armor ran in with a sword and started looking frantically around the room. Dax could recognize Harris from anywhere as the short man ran over to Asher after looking at Dax shocked.

  “Your Highness I think you may be in trouble” Harris said as he looked over his shoulder.

  “What are you on about Harris” Dax said as he looked towards the door.

  “I never thought I would be happy to see you” Harris replied. “Or say I am glad to see you became a weaponmaster.”
  “Asher what do you want to do?” Dax replied. “Even if we fight our way out of this shit where to then?”

  “There are mages attacking as well” Harris replied. “They should be here any minute.”

  “I don’t know” Asher said and Dax could tell he was scared.

  Dax watched five armored men file inside the dining room and point them out. Dax could hear Asher mumbling a spell, a strong blast of wind and fire flew over Dax’s head and towards the men who scattered as the flame impacted where they were standing. Dax started towards them then, his sword was out and his spell was ready. Dax and Linus had come up with a way for Dax to fight since they found out he had magic, Dax could have used his magic differently once he figured out how strong he was but decided not to while sparring with his father. Now though he had no need to be careful and electricity pulsed down Dax’s blade as he struck out, the first man was to slow to block his strike and was taken in the crease of the elbow. Dax saw the man shake uncontrollably as he took his blade away to block a strike coming for his head. The electricity jumped down the other sword and into his attacker who stood frozen in pain. Dax broke contact as the man fell and lashed out towards his next opponent who never saw the strike coming aimed at the top of his foot. The electricity made it so he only had to come into contact with someone, he was unsure if they would die from it but knew his opponents would not be fighting again for a good while. He looked around and saw the remaining two swordsmen were down, the mages must have taken them out. Dax was about to speak when he saw a woman come through the door holding a staff. She glared at him for a moment then made eye contact with Ashley. A spell came towards the woman who chanted and a shield came up to block it. Dax waited until the shield went down and stabbed the woman through the leg just as a strong blow hit him from the side and crashed him up against a wall. Dax was confused where the blow came from since none of the enemy was near the table he was just at. A sharp blow on the back of the head made Dax fall unconscious.



  “Well I’m not dead so that has to count for something” Dax said to himself as he stood up rubbing his head. Dax had a lump on the back of his head and a horrible headache, right now he was in a small stone room that had two other rooms connecting to it. Dax was confused about where he was and looked around the room to see Asher and Ashley.

  “Well you didn’t get us to safety” Ashley snapped.

  “Only one I care about here is Asher” Dax replied. “I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if you made it to safety or not.”

  “How dare you” Ashley screamed as Dax waved her off.

  “Is that the only phrase nobles know?” Dax said as he looked at Asher. “Every time they are told about themselves they always talk about how daring I am.”

  “No one talks to me that way” Ashley said angrily as she walked over.

  “Perhaps you don’t realize that we are both prisoners” Dax began. “You aren’t princess sour mouth any more, you are a prisoner.”

  “I’ll show you a prisoner” Ashley said as she brought her hand around to slap Dax. Dax used his electricity spell across his body which made her stop short of her target.

  “And might I add I am the only one with magic here” Dax said shaking his finger at her. “Does anyone know who has us captured?”

  “I do” Asher replied. “I have even talked to them, Ashley is not going to like it.”

  “If you know something say it” Ashley said while still glaring at Dax.

  “Duke Bartlett has us prisoner” Asher replied. “The war has started already.”

  “Bartlett?” Dax replied. “As in Bethany Bartlett?”

  “I knew that harlot couldn’t be trusted” Ashley said as she turned away. “And you have been making eyes at her ever since you started training.”

  “What does Bartlett want?” Dax asked. “If your other grandfather is his partner it is not like he can kill you. Bartlett would have both the crown and your family after him.”

  “He won't kill us” Asher replied. “He won't kill you either. He aims to either kill the royal family or make them abdicate to my father.”

  “I don’t follow” Dax replied.

  “They want father to be king?” Ashley said as Dax could tell she was thinking about it.

  “If father takes the throne he will most likely be a puppet ruler but it would satisfy the royalists” Asher began. “This would be seen as a family feud that father won. All of the royal family except father and his kids would be exiled. My grandfather, Duke Nettleton would be happy because his daughter would be named Queen alongside of my father who has royal blood. I would be named the royal heir and it seems if everything goes well I would get the girl anyway.”

  “They want you to marry Bethany Bartlett” Dax replied. “You nobles are a shifty lot but you have to appreciate the boldness of it all. But that plan seems doomed to failure, you won't be able to have any kids so that plan will fail eventually no matter how expertly they pull off the first part.”

  “They have thought about everything” Asher said shaking his head. “The next in line would be my sister’s kids when she has any.”

  “And let me guess” Dax replied. “They plan on marrying her to Duke Bartlett who has been single for quite a while.”

  “Duke Bartlett?!?” Ashley said as she wobbled over to a chair and sat down. “Father would never go for their plan.”

  “He doesn’t have a choice” Asher replied. “Mother is in on it according to Bartlett. She was offered the opportunity to become Queen, we both know she would take it.”

  “What I don’t get then is why am I still alive?” Dax asked. “I don’t see any purpose I could serve.”

  “Because Duke Bartlett and my grandfather are wary allies” Asher replied. “If we don’t go along with it they will crown you king.”

  “And I sure in the pit would take them up on that too” Dax replied. “I would have all the money and not have to do anything.”

  “You would betray your king?” Ashley said outraged.

  “Fuck the king” Dax replied. “He aint never did nothing for me. He knew he had a grandson that he ignored, I don’t owe him any allegiance. To the common man, it doesn’t matter who is in charge, our lives will stay the same regardless. So Asher how do you know all of this?”

  “Bartlett told me himself” Asher replied. “And don’t be too happy, Dawn would be your wife. Right now I don’t know where we are being held but we were in a wagon. They drugged us and kept us out for quite a while, I don’t know for how long but our staves and amulets have been put away Ashley.”

  “That tosser has my sword as well” Dax said looking around for his weapon.

  “I don’t blame them” Asher replied. “You told me you were a decent swordsman but what I saw was unreal. Your technique is such that no one can afford to block your strikes.”

  “I have trained but that was my first time using that against an actual opponent” Dax replied.

  “Don’t praise him, he didn’t do anything special” Ashley replied.

  “And how many of them did you take out?” Dax replied.

  “Doesn’t matter” Ashley said as they heard someone outside of the door to the room they were in. Dax checked his boot and smiled when he saw he still had his boot knife and drew it as the door opened. It was Dawn Nettleton, Asher’s cousin walking hand in hand with Bethany Bartlett. Behind them were four men, three had swords while one had a crossbow trained on Dax.

  “Do I scare you lot that much?” Dax asked as he could see all of the guards were focused on him.

  “Fuck you boy” the crossbowman replied. “You hurt some of my friends.”

  “Are those the guys who ran in waving swords at me?” Dax asked. “Right before I was suckered from the rear?”

  “Sorry about that” Dawn replied.

  “Dawn how could you be a part of this?” Ashley asked.

  “Come off it Ashley, you know the thought of moving up e
ntices you” Dawn replied. “And holding that little knife is not going to protect you bastard.”

  “So you say” Dax replied. “First one to make a move for either me or Asher will really wish he hadn’t.”

  “We aren’t going to kill or hurt you unless you want it to be so” Bethany replied. “But if you don’t toss that knife away I will tell my guard with the steady aim to shoot Asher. So what is it going to be?”

  “I hate you nobles” Dax replied. “You don’t play fair.”

  “We play to win” Bethany replied. “The knife.”

  Dax tossed the blade to the floor angrily and looked back at the group that just entered.

  “So we are prisoners at some unnamed place” Dax replied. “So are we getting tortured or what?”

  “Tortured?” Bethany said shocked.

  “If we are not getting tortured, then I don’t get is why are we locked up in this hovel” Dax replied. “No one in this room can affect the outcome of anything. I am guessing if you lot of tossers are bold enough to kidnap a prince and princess and fight through a bunch of the king’s magic trainers, killing a couple of no name commoners like my mother and father wouldn’t be against your morals. I don’t have anything to gain by fighting for the king but being thrown in a place like this for a while can give me a reason to.”

  “This is probably better than wherever you were living at anyway bastard” Ashley snapped.

  “And being down here with this shrew is bound to result in many hard feelings” Dax replied. “Can we all just leave this room to go someplace else and explore. You can bring as many of those guys with the pointy weapons with you as you like.”

  “I came down here to offer you just that” Bethany replied.

  “Great” Dax replied. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spell for headaches would you? And I don’t think my brother really appreciates being used like this.”


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