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The Wizard Assassin

Page 14

by Whiskey Flowers

  Dax watched them climb up the rope then jumped over the side of his landing, his magic would slow him enough that the 20 meter fall wouldn’t be harmful. Getting down the mountain was easy, it was easier on him to use his magic to fall instead of lifting and within an hour he was already at the bottom. Dax had seen evidence that his traps had worked, where he had placed some of them the area was now cleared which meant someone had to stumble upon them. What was better was that Dax had not seen anyone else, that made changing into the wolf mask easy to do without being noticed. Dax took off towards the forest. With the heavy snow he figured it would take him at least a day longer to get back. He would wear the wolf mask the entire time and leave his mask for his pursuer, they could switch whenever the man got back.


  The Final Test

  Dax had been in training for four months now and the events were winding down. His current mission involved a pseudo killing of a wealthy noble. In reality he was brought to the city of Julique and his target was a member of the Silent Sword who was in on the whole thing. Dax couldn’t kill the man outright, that was against the rules. Instead he only had to imitate a kill but his target was far harder than he expected. His guards never left his side and the target himself was a mage. While Dax was forbidden to kill any of them they could kill him. That is what kept Dax from rushing in but Dax had a plan.

  The noble was a foodie, he often went to fine restaurants but never passed up a decent food cart either. Killing the man with a weapon was out of the question, he would have to poison him and knew just the way to do it. There was a pretty young woman named Emily who sold fig tarts every two days, the noble always stopped by for a few and tipped her well. Dax was sure the man was married, he was also sure he had slept with Emily at least once or twice judging by the way she always looked angry at him behind his back. Dax had colored his hair and began flirting heavily with Emily, he had taken her out on a few dates and learned a lot about her. Emily was the oldest child of four, her father worked as a fisherman on the ocean and her mother helped make the tarts which Emily sold in the market when she was not helping take care of her younger siblings. In two weeks Dax had invaded this routine and had went out with her father a few times and secretly used his magic to ensure a good haul. The family liked Dax but now he talked Emily into letting him go with her to sell the fig tarts, she did not want to let him but eventually agreed.

  Dax had baked a small letter into five of the fig tarts, the letter had two words on it, I won. Dax thought anyone biting into the tart would eventually chew on it and take it out of their mouth to read it. It would be enough to secure his position as Number 4 out of 13.

  “I don’t know why you want to come out with me so badly” Emily said looking up at Dax.

  “I just like spending time with you” Dax replied. “It’s like you don’t want me anywhere near you.”

  “Me?” Emily said and put her hands on her hips. “You have had a sure thing twice now and didn’t take advantage. You have me thinking you are not interested.”

  “How could I not be interested in this” Dax said as he gave her bottom a squeeze causing Emily to blush.

  “You better stop that” Emily said while looking around to make sure no one saw them. “It’s just that I make better tips alone. Men might not come up to me if they see you around.”

  “They have already seen me around” Dax replied. “You have a little honey out there somewhere you don’t want to anger?”

  “No” Emily giggled. “It’s just that I have had certain relationships with people around here. I don’t want you to think badly of me. I am not untouched Tom, I think that is the reason you haven’t tried anything.”

  “Huh?” Dax replied.

  “Tom I am not a little girl” Emily replied. “I know guys like to measure themselves against each other, many men don’t want a woman that has been touched by another because they worry about how they measure up.”

  “I don’t think I have ever thought about it” Dax replied.

  “Well I just want you to know it doesn’t matter to me” Emily replied. “I just want you for you.”

  “Doesn’t matter to me either” Dax replied. “Now let’s get these tarts sold.”

  “I have a lot of regulars” Emily replied. “I am going to sell out anyway, daddy trades his catch with some of the fisher folks from the island nation in exchange for the figs. We are the only people here with access to the fruit.”

  “I already know that” Dax replied. “I did go fishing with your father three times already.”

  “He likes having you around” Emily replied. “My father likes having you near and thinks you are a hard worker.”

  “He always seems angry at me” Dax replied.

  “Yeah but I hear him and mother talk” Emily replied. “It is always Tom this and Tom that. He thinks you will make a good son in law.”

  “Son in law?” Dax replied.

  “I am not trying to scare you away, just telling you what the man said” Emily replied then frowned. “Oh no.”

  “What’s wrong” Dax asked.

  “Lord Nelson is what is wrong” Emily said shaking her head.

  “Who is Lord Nelson?” Dax asked.

  “A pompous mage and a colossal ass” Emily replied. “He is going to start trouble, maybe you should just leave.”

  “I am going nowhere” Dax replied. “Why would he want to start trouble with me?”

  “Because I made a mistake and let him in between my legs like an idiot” Emily said and covered her face. “He said he would leave his wife but it was all a lie. I broke it off with him and he has been torturing me ever since. You are too late now, his carriage is stopping.”

  “Who is this?” said Lord Nelson said pointing his staff at Tom.

  “I am Tom, Milord” Dax replied and did a small bow.

  “Am I talking to you oaf?” Lord Nelson said with a sneer. “Who is this person Emily?”

  “He is one of my father’s workers” Emily replied.

  “Then why does he look angry when you called him a worker?” Lord Nelson asked.

  “Because I am her beloved Milord” Dax replied. “Would you like a fig tart?”

  “You have stooped low to be seen with an ox like this” Lord Nelson replied.

  “Don’t you insult me” Dax replied.

  “Or you will do what?” Lord Nelson said as he slapped Dax full across the face. Dax took the blow just as one of Lord Nelson’s guards slammed a fist into his stomach. Dax doubled over as Lord Nelson began to speak again.

  “You should leave this girl alone boy if you know what is good for you” Lord Nelson replied. “Now get me my fruit tart.”

  “I will, just take it and leave” Emily said as she tried helping Dax up off the ground.

  “No, I want the boy to serve it to me” Lord Nelson said as he gave Dax a kick.

  Dax stood up slowly and handed Lord Nelson five fig tarts. Lord Nelson snatched it from him and gave him an evil look as he bit into one of them. Dax gave him a little smile which made the man angry.

  “What in the fuck are you looking at?” Lord Nelson replied. “I know how to wipe that stupid grin off of your face.”

  “Milord I think there is something sticking out of your fig tart” Dax said as the same guard came forward. Dax saw the blow coming and moved out of the way and brought his elbow hard across the man’s nose as Lord Nelson looked at the small note.

  “What is this supposed to be, some kind of love note?” Lord Nelson replied as more guards started streaming towards Dax.

  “You are dead Milord” Dax replied. “You have been poisoned.”

  “Poison?” Emily replied confused. “I don’t know what that is inside of there, we don’t poison anyone.”

  “Halt!” Lord Nelson screamed as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Dax and crumbled up the note. “Well played.” Lord Nelson looked at Emily and pulled out his coin purse. The man placed the entire thing on her cart and turned
to go in his carriage as Emily grabbed the coin purse. Dax snuck away at that time intent on leaving the small town.

  Dax had been in touch with both Duke Bartlett and his parents. His name had been blotted out by Duke Bartlett probably but he received the letters anyway and was told of everything happening with the outside world. The rebels had began their sneaky war, they attacked caravans and even killed a few people. Duke Bartlett had fought back and executed people who were foolish enough to get caught but overall the rebels were hard to find. Prince Jason had taken to calling himself the Bane of Traitors and had been even seen a few times during one of the attacks by survivors. Whenever Dax completed the training he would have to go back and fight the rebels, Dax had upped his skills considerably during the short time he had been in this kind of training. With the sword he had been able to outright beat or give his opponents a good enough scare that they wouldn’t try to fight him head up. Dax had beat almost everyone they put in front of him but his problems were the other skills. Dax had allowed himself to get beaten by the mage who remained in training, the other one was surprised by some wolves during the first big training event and did not survive. The second one was badly injured by Dax but had continued along and was now Number 3. Like Dax, the mage excelled at fighting, he brute forced his way through every encounter. Where he didn’t do as well on were the intangibles, he couldn’t fake another persona without coming across as fake, was horrible with a horse and was practically useless without his magic. Dax was passable at these but different styles of fighting threw him off. Some preferred to shoot at him from a distance while others used a combination of staff and throwing knives which Dax had found difficult to defend against. His opponents fought to their strengths and refused a straight up fight. Dax had used his magic all throughout training but was sneaky when he did it, he still didn’t want anyone to know he was a wizard but he was sure a few had suspicions. He knew others wondered how he accomplished a certain task, like how did he manage to steal a dire wolf cub from its den without getting mauled by the pack. Dax had sent the cub to Duke Bartlett as a gift, he wondered how it was doing.

  It took a week but Dax reached the training site and was surprised to see Lord Nelson was already there when he arrived talking to Teacher. Dax had his mask on when he entered the area and strolled up to Teacher to give his report.

  “I hear you were successful” Teacher said looking over Dax. “Three of you have made it back but your mission was by far the hardest.”

  “The hardest?” Dax asked.

  “I admit that I think something about you does not add up” Teacher replied. “You do things only the most seasoned of the Silent Sword could accomplish. I thought you were a mage trying to hide your power somehow. I put you in a situation where you would have to attack straight on instead of sneaking around like I heard you did on the mountain. The fig tart was a nice touch Number 4. In fact, I think it is appropriate to call you Number 2 now.”

  “How did you know to use the girl to get to me?” Lord Nelson asked.

  “I saw the faces you gave each other” Dax replied. “I figured it out from there and romanced her, I knew sooner or later you would come for a tart.”

  “It is against the rules but I wonder who you are” Lord Nelson replied. “I feel like I have seen you somewhere before but I can't place it.”

  “Probably for the best” Dax replied. “Teacher, what do we have next?”

  “Nothing” Teacher replied. “That was the culminating event, now all you need is experience.”

  “Nothing?” Dax said confused.

  “Rule 17” Teacher replied.

  “Accept a win” Dax replied quickly. “So where do I go from here?”

  “Your mission has already been sent” Teacher said as he motioned for Dax to follow. “All of you had a mission before you left, your handler is waiting for you at the other end.”

  Dax followed Teacher into one of the stone buildings where there was a pile of envelopes sealed with a wax seal. Dax found the one that had a drawing of his mask on it and took it. All of the trainees got letters this way, either addressed with a drawing of their mask or a word describing their mask. Dax tore his open and saw unfamiliar handwriting letting him know he would be needed in Alden, a large city in Bartlett. Dax put the letter in his pocket then looked at Teacher.

  “Now what?” Dax asked.

  “Now you leave” Teacher replied.

  Dax bowed and went outside and got a fresh horse, he saddled it and was gone within the hour. During his travel Dax wore the mask for his first two days, he stayed out of towns and just stuck to the roads. On his third day he packed it and kept his hair covered with a hat and found an inn with a good hot bath. He had colored his hair and went to wash the whole thing out, he used fruit juice mixed with crushed flowers as the dye and it was itchy and fading anyway. When Dax could see his blond locks were back he went about getting a change of clothes, it didn’t have to be anything fancy, just different. The inn keeper looked at him oddly, probably wondering how he missed Dax’s appearance. Dax spent the night and was up and leaving before the morning sun, he didn’t want to spend too much time in any area since his look was too distinct. Dax traveled for a few more days before he came across a rather odd sight. Four men dressed in the Duke’s finery were at the gates of a small village and were checking the travelers as they went through. Dax had his hand on his sword ready for a fight before he recognized one of them.

  “What is this about?” Dax asked peering down from his horse.

  “Just move along traveler” one of the guards said as he dismissed Dax.

  “That is Lord Bartlett you dolt” the guard he recognized said to the other. “We were told to expect you Milord, His Grace has sent you an honor guard.”

  “An honor guard?” Dax said defensively.

  “Yes Milord” the guard replied. “He told me to tell you smooth work on the poison, whatever that means.”

  Dax wondered how the Duke knew so fast but figured if anyone could know, it would be him. There was a carriage waiting that had his breastplate and sword already ready for him. Dax put on the gear as he rode to what would be home wondering what was next.


  The Wolf Lives

  “How did your training go?” Duke Bartlett asked as Dax sat across from him at dinner. “I have had updates but they are different than hearing about them first hand.”

  “A bit scary” Dax admitted. “There were three life and death training scenarios but I think I made it out okay. How has things been here?”

  “I have been fighting with the rebels” Duke Bartlett replied. “I also got married, it was an expensive affair but Ashley couldn’t wait and had her grandfather lean on me a bit.”

  “Was anyone wondering where I was?” Dax asked.

  “I told them you were handling some affairs in Saul and wasn’t expected to be back” Duke Bartlett replied. “Best lie I could think of, Ashley has been pestering me about it.”

  “Why would she care?” Dax asked.

  “Who knows” Duke Bartlett replied. “I have everything written down for you to read if you are pressed on the matter. Are you ready to make your grand appearance again? Since we have been married Ashley has thrown at least one party every month, she is reveling in being Duchess Bartlett and since she is technically now your step mother, you have to attend.”

  “My step mother?” Dax said outraged.

  “Yes your stepmother” Duke Bartlett replied. “She is very into how the public perceives her, she would want you there.”

  “I don’t want to go and I could care less how anyone thinks of her” Dax replied. “I doubt she wants me there anyway.”

  “I am sure she does” Duke Bartlett replied and gave Dax a sad smile. “She has had some of her friends ask about you.”

  “I can tell you are lying right now” Dax replied. “Who would want to be friends with her? She talks down on commoners and there are not that many nobles in Bartlett, let alone
any her age for her to become close to.”

  “She has found joy in lauding her wealth over lesser born girls” Duke Bartlett replied. “Anyone with sizable money can attend her parties, she even saves a few spots for the poor. She has found great amusement in playing matchmaker, all she talks about now is how lucky the duchy is to have someone like her looking out for them. Her parties are a popular event for young men and women as well as their parents. You will be a fine piece to show around.”

  “I am supposed to be with Dawn” Dax replied. “Whatever happened to her anyway?”

  “She is in a tiff with Ashley right now” Duke Bartlett replied.

  “I need to tell you I found out about who staged the attack on us” Dax replied.

  “Oh I found that out almost immediately” Duke Bartlett replied. “It seems one of the triumvirate is Prince Jason, he is in charge of the money. He is in hiding right now though on the island, he and his brother are holed up like some kind of cave bear. They are calling the place the new Kingdom of Utopia, I have let them keep the island and moved most of my people out along with supplies.”

  “Why let them live?” Dax asked.

  “To keep Jordan honest” Duke Bartlett replied. “He really doesn’t want his brothers killed and as long as they are in my possession he knows at his first fuck up I would do it. As for the rebels themselves I have a blockade around the island, they can't get off the island and no one can come to their rescue. If they want to rule it I can let them, so far the only people on the island are them and their backers, it is making running the kingdom a smooth process.”

  “If that was the plan then why send me to learn to become an assassin?” Dax asked.

  “Because I may need one I can trust” Duke Bartlett replied. “The triumvirate has to sign off on political assassinations, with you I can go to you directly. But enough of that, I have your parents in my home, they are excited to see you again.”


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