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Savor the Seduction

Page 13

by Laura Wright

  “You’re staying, Jack,” Grant called over to the little boy, his arms around Anna.

  “We’re all staying,” Anna corrected, her heart soaring with happiness. “In this house, with this new family and forever devoted to each other.”

  Grant smiled. “I like that.”

  “And I love you,” Anna replied with a smile of her own before tilting her chin up and settling in for another bone-crushing, heart-wrenching and thoroughly mind-blowing kiss.


  Thanksgiving Day

  “Those pies need to come out of the oven, Jillian,” Caroline said, running from saucepan to fridge and back again as she sautéed onions and celery for the sage stuffing recipe that had been in her family for generations.

  “Got it, Mom,” Jillian said, opening the oven.

  “You have hot pads, right, sis?” Mercedes asked, her head over the sink as she peeled potatoes.

  Shucking corn at the table, Lara, Eli’s wife, and Dixie, Cole’s wife, couldn’t quell their laughter.

  Looking mildly insulted, Jillian huffed, “Of course I have hot pads.” But when no one was looking, she dug in the drawer next to the sink for two grape-printed oven mitts, before rescuing the pies.

  Anna stood by the wood island, slipping herbs under the skin of the turkey, smiling at her good fortune. Not only did she have the best kid in the world, the sexiest and most generous fiancé that was ever born, but a real family to celebrate the holidays with. She never thought it was possible. Especially starting out the way things had—coming to the Vines out of fear and a hope for protection, then staying out of love.

  True love.

  Her grin widened. She and Grant were going to be married in two weeks on the lawn just outside the cottage. After all, they’d spent so much time there and it held wonderful memories. Grant hadn’t wanted to wait the two weeks, but when Anna had reminded him that Ford and Abby had to come, and the babies couldn’t fly so soon, he’d agreed and thanked her for being so thoughtful.

  “That turkey looks wonderful, Anna,” Caroline said, admiring the twenty-pound bird. “You are a true artist.”

  “Thanks, Caroline. I hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

  “It will,” Mercedes said cheerfully.

  “And if it doesn’t,” Lara began. “The men will eat it anyway after the day they’re having.”

  Dixie laughed. “You mean, how they’re playing a nice game of football as we slave over a—”

  “An ear of corn?” Jillian finished for her.

  Everyone laughed. For as much as they all joked about work versus play, women versus men, each one of them took great pride in what they were doing. They loved the camaraderie of female company and had quickly embraced the traditional roles of the day. Those who could cook did, those who could not peeled, chopped and provided entertaining stories—all while the men played their game of football out by the lake—Anna’s little Jack included.

  A knock came from the back door, and Dixie, who was closest to it, got up.

  From behind her back, Anna heard a man’s voice say, “Can I speak to Anna please?”

  Anna turned, saw everyone freeze when they saw Trace Ashton on the other side of the door. The young, strikingly good-looking man with light brown hair and those captivating Ashton green eyes stared somberly into the kitchen.

  “Anna, someone’s waiting for you outside,” Caroline said with tight lips as though Anna hadn’t heard it for herself.

  Anna didn’t know Trace very well. She’d seen him a few times, but knew the tension that was created whenever he was around his half brothers and sisters from the Vines. She thought it was about time the feud between families ended, but that wasn’t up to her.

  Sensing friction where there was once merriment, Anna quickly left the kitchen and followed him outside. “What can I do for you, Trace?”

  He stood there for a moment, his handsome face etched with strain. “I didn’t want to interrupt, but—”

  “You’re not,” she assured him. Maybe this man had done all sorts of odious things to the people at the Vines, but he’d done nothing to her and she wanted to give him a chance. After all, he was Jack’s brother, too. “Can I get you something to drink or—”

  “No, I just wanted to see you, to tell you something.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t know why that would be, but was willing to hear him out.

  He exhaled heavily. “Despite what you’ve heard, despite the terms of Spencer’s will, I want you to know that Jack will always be taken care of.”

  The news was a bit surprising, but she couldn’t help being glad for Jack’s sake. It was important that he have all of his brothers’ and sisters’ love and acknowledgment. “Thank you, Trace.”

  “He’s family, and so are you.”

  This second unexpected statement had her heart swelling with emotion. She didn’t know what to say, but sadly wasn’t given the chance when Eli and Cole suddenly spotted them and came around the side of the house, their faces etched with contempt.

  Anna was very thankful that Jack was no doubt still down by the lake with Grant and Seth and Lucas.

  “What are you doing here?” Eli asked Trace menacingly.

  “It’s none of your business.” The reply was cool, but lacking in ire.

  “Why are you all back so soon?” Anna asked, trying to deflect the situation.

  “We came to see if the ladies needed our help,” Eli said.

  Cole’s eyes narrowed. “And it looks like you do.”

  “No,” Anna said with cool strength. “Trace has just been telling me that he wants—”

  “You don’t have to explain anything, Anna,” Trace said. “You won’t be heard by these two anyway.”

  Eli turned red. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time…” Fists up and ready, he moved in on Trace.

  “Stop it right now!” Anna shouted, stepping between them. “You’re all acting like children.”

  “Maybe we are children,” Eli uttered darkly. “But this one here will always be daddy’s favorite.”

  “Who cares about that now, Eli?” Anna said quickly.

  Eli stared Trace down. “How could you?”

  “How could I what?” Trace threw back.

  “How could you be loyal to a man like that?”

  Trace through up his hands. “Dammit, Eli, I hated Spencer as much as the rest of you.”

  Silence filled the thick air around them. The sound of chatter inside the kitchen was the only thing Anna heard, until Cole muttered, “What?”

  “Yeah, what?” Eli added.

  “Believe me or not.” When Cole and Eli said nothing, their faces impenetrable, Trace shook his head, gave Anna a quick nod and walked away.

  The tension of that afternoon’s run-in with Trace had nearly evaporated by the time Thanksgiving dinner was set before them. All the children, grown and not-so-grown sat around Caroline’s beautifully dressed table, ready to eat, drink and be merry.

  Grant could hardly believe that after months of insanity, he’d be sharing Thanksgiving with his new family. Jack was so excited about his new house, Ford and Abigail were coming in two weeks and staying until New Year’s, and his marriage to the woman he loved was right around the corner.

  He had much to be thankful for.

  “You look happy, big brother.” This was Eli’s favorite way to address him now, and Grant was starting to get used to it.

  “I am.”

  “I won’t say I told you so,” Eli said with a chuckle.

  Grant shot him a sly grin. “Good.”

  Across the table, Anna gave Grant a sinfully hot smile, then ran her tongue over her lower lip, catching an errant drop of wine. His groin tightened and his mind fell back to that morning when he’d ravaged her in the shower, made her climax three times before lifting her up and placing her back down on his shaft. Considering her potentially delicate condition, he’d tried to be gentle with her, but as usual, she wasn’t having gentle.
  Her eyes remained on him, and she mouthed the words, “I love you,” slowly and preciously.

  “Anna’s glowing tonight.”

  Grant couldn’t help himself, and whispered to his brother, “She might be pregnant.”

  Eli looked surprised and whispered, “But Mercedes told me it wasn’t possible.”

  “We thought it wasn’t.” Grant grinned, feeling proud as hell. “But I guess, miracles can still happen in this day and age.”

  “Wow. A dad again, huh?”

  “Again, and for the first time.”

  Eli nodded, his eyes bright. “Congrats.”

  With a shrug, Grant said, “It’s a bit premature, but I have a good feeling about it.”

  “Who knows,” Eli said, his fork resting on his mashed potatoes. “Maybe there’s another miracle—or a full-blown happily ever after—for the entire Ashton clan.”

  Grant placed a hunk of dark meat on his plate and sighed. “After all we’ve been through this year, I’m counting on it.”

  Eli chuckled. “Yeah, me, too.”

  “May sound corny as hell,” Grant said, feeling Anna’s high heel brush intimately against his boot, “but life’s no good without the love of those closest to you.” She was staring at him, her big brown eyes dancing as she winked back at him. “No good at all.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-4935-0


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