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Erotic Classics II

Page 42

by Various Authors

  “Now, you young villain, I’ll teach you to look up young ladies’ petticoats again, I warrant.”

  Clasping him tight round the waist, the rod descended smartly on the lovely hillocks of the boy’s charming backside.

  “There! there!” cried the doctor at each blow.

  “Oh! sir, oh! Do pray forgive me!” screamed the beautiful youth, as he felt the stinging strokes descend on his hitherto virgin posteriors.

  “Oh sir. Oh! sir. I’ll never do so anymore. Oh! sir. I won’t indeed. Oh! pray, sir, have mercy.”

  The doctor, whose erotic passions were fully aroused, was deaf to all his entreaties, and kept on flogging harder and harder, and faster and faster while the poor boy’s bottom bounded and tossed upon the sofa; but he was kept in a firm position by the strong arm of the doctor, who, to hold him the faster, had laid hold of the stiff cock still at full stand.

  “No, no,” said he, “you shall not escape my cuts, I assure you,” cutting at the lovely delicate buttocks with all his might.

  “Oh! oh! sir; mercy, mercy; I can’t bear it.”

  “You must bear it, you young rascal you shall have no mercy until I have made your bottom bleed for your crime.”

  The poor youth, from the pain he was suffering, bounded up and down on the sofa as he felt the stinging blows descend upon his bottom. This action caused his standing cock to rub up and down in the doctor’s warm hand, who seemed to have accidently laid hold of it. The effect was such that the poor youth hardly knew whether he felt most pleasure or pain, for while his posteriors were of a burning heat, the warmth flew to the opposite part, which was so deliciously clasped in the doctor’s caressing hand. He ground his teeth with pleasure and pain, he ceased to cry out, but sobbed and moaned with the excess of indefinable feelings. The doctor never ceased lecturing him, dwelling continually on the beauties of his lovely young cousin and the scene in the arbour. He thought but of her, of her lovely pink little slit so sweetly shaded with soft downy short curls; how she had so charmingly caressed his cock, until he felt a heave and a shudder, another, a sensation as if he was going to expire, a short cry, a catching of his breath. Wildly and vigorously he thrust his member down on the doctor’s warm hand, he shut his eyes, he felt not the rod, although the doctor redoubled the strokes with all the force of his arm, and drew blood at every cut. A bound, a convulsive start, and he felt as if his lifeblood were coming from him—out it spurted in large drops on the sofa and on the doctor’s hand. The youth had with difficulty shed another tribute to Venus. For a moment or two he felt as if in paradise, but a sharp cut from the rod quickly aroused him. He was soon fully alive again to its tortures.

  “Why, you young rascal, what is this you have been doing on my best sofa, eh, sir?” said the doctor.

  Another sharp stroke demanded a reply.

  “I, sir. Oh! sir; indeed I—that is—indeed, I don’t know.”

  “No lies or evasions here, sir, for they will not avail you. Your bottom shall pay for this nastiness. Why, what is it? What can it be? I never saw the like of this in my life, I declare,” and he examined it with his eyeglass, saying more to the same effect.

  Poor Master Dale was, we know, quite in the dark as to what it could be, or how it came there.

  “Has this ever occurred to you before,” asked the doctor.

  “Yes, sir, yesterday, when my cousin was caressing it in her mouth,” replied the frightened youth, “but I really don’t know how it happened, and did not mean any harm.”

  “Oh, indeed!” said the doctor, “your mother did not mention that, did she see you?”

  “No, sir, it happened just as she was coming through the shrubbery, and was all over before she reached the arbour.”

  “And so your cousin took it into her mouth, why did she do that?”

  “She was curious to see what was under the skin of its head, and finding it would not go back without hurting me, she put it into her mouth to wet it and make it go back easier, which it did for the first time; she pulled it forward again, and again put it into her mouth to push the skin back with her lips, when I felt funny all over, and something came out of me into her mouth.”

  “Indeed! Well, you must tell me all about that another time. This flogging will be enough for the present, but I shall punish you for your nastiness some other time. Put up your trousers, in a day or two I shall want you in this room to pay for your dirty conduct.”

  The poor boy retired, sobbing hysterically.

  The second day after this the doctor sent for Master Dale, who, in the meantime, had occupied the bedroom next to mine. The doctor was in his private room in his dressing-gown, long and flowing, so that for the moment it concealed the fact that he had nothing but his shirt on below it. He received Master Dale somewhat sternly, saying—

  “Now, sir, for your punishment for your last nasty misconduct.”

  “Oh, sir,” said the frightened and trembling youth, “I really could not help it,” and he began to cry. “Oh! pray, sir, don’t flog me so hard again.”

  “The more trouble that you give me, the harder will be the flogging. Now take off your jacket and waistcoat.”

  The youth did so.

  “Now come close to me.”

  The doctor then lowered down Dale’s trousers, and raising his shirt, contemplated with great pleasure the pretty belly of the lovely boy, and then turning him round, under pretence of seeing if the welts of the last flogging were still visible, he gazed on his white firm backside and swelling thighs, examining the marks still left from the previous punishment. He then turned him round, and inspected the pretty little cock, which, under the mortal fear he was in, hung down its head in a limp and pitiable state.

  “And so this is the little offender,” said he, applying his hand to it, and squeezing and pressing it gently. “What a naughty little thing it is!”

  The youth could not avoid showing the pleasure these lascivious caresses gave him, and smiled.

  “Oh, don’t smile, sir, this is no laughing matter. Look at the marks of the mess you made on my sofa,” pointing to it. “I can’t have my furniture spoiled in this manner, so if your little cock is to be naughty again, I must flog you upon my knees, but first come here; take off these trousers, which hanging about the legs are only in the way—there. Now sit down on my knee, and tell me all about this naughty little thing.”

  He drew aside his robe, so that the boy’s bare bottom came in naked contact with his brawny naked thighs, and the youth could feel the doctor’s prick swelling up, although that part was still covered with his shirt. The doctor, taking hold of the youth’s now standing prick, asked if it had ever behaved so badly before the scene with his pretty young cousin.

  “No sir, never. I never thought of it until I got sight of her bare bottom and other parts by accident.”

  The doctor continued his toyings, caressing the young balls, and feeling all over the plump and firm backside.

  “Why, he is going to be naughty again!” said the doctor, as the youth’s prick throbbed under his exciting touches. “I must flog your bottom for all this, for it is very naughty and improper. Why, you seem to take a pleasure in it.”

  “Oh, sir, I never felt anything so delightful,” said Master Dale.

  “The more reason I should punish you, but remember, you bad boy, if you are to do that dirty thing again, you must do it on my knee, and not on the sofa.”

  The doctor then took the birch in hand, and with his arm round the boy’s waist, drew him to him, but before laying him across his knee, he slipped the boy’s shirt over his head, leaving him stark naked in all the glorious fairness of skin and beauty of form. The doctor’s eyes gloated over the charming sight, but becoming too excited to pause longer, he drew up his own shirt, displaying his fine pego at full stretch. He bent the boy’s warm body over his brawny thighs, and with his arm pressed his glowing form
against his own rampant pego—Dale’s young stiffened cock rubbing against the naked thigh he lay on. The doctor now raised the rod, and said—

  “Now, sir, for your punishment, I must flog this round, hard, little bottom, till it reddens again.”

  Whack, whack, went the birch rod, but with much less force than on the previous occasion, but still sufficiently stinging to cause the youth to move up and down, rubbing his cock against the doctor’s thighs, and causing him such ecstasies as hardly to allow him to feel the blows. His warm soft flesh, too, rubbing against the doctor’s large, stiff tool, soon put them both in a delirium of delight. The doctor then changed his position, and drew the boy more over his belly, so that his great prick could get between the boy’s thighs, rubbing under his balls in the trough between the buttocks, while the boy’s cock rubbed against the doctor’s belly.

  “Now,” said the doctor, “I have got you fast, and must teach you not to play such naughty tricks in future.”

  Whack—whack, again went the rod, causing the most delicious movements of the boy’s backside upon the doctor’s excited prick, and not less upon his own, which was rubbing against the doctor’s belly, giving fresh pleasure at each repetition of the blow. But neither of them had spent yet. The boy’s bottom was now red with a glowing heat, and his cock was in a state of intense excitement, and the doctor’s tool was as stiff and randy as possible. The doctor now ceased his flogging, and squeezing the boy tight against his person, said—

  “Well, you have not done that naughty thing today—the flogging has done you good.”

  The lovely boy looked up and smiled. He had felt the doctor’s large prick working away between his thighs, and pressing against the cleft of his buttocks. As the doctor relaxed his hold, the boy turned half round, thus releasing it from its confinement. Looking down, he beheld the large stiff monster imbedded in a forest of dark curly hair, presenting a startling contrast to his own small member, which was as yet hardly fledged with a silky down around it.

  “Ah!” said the doctor, who observed the flush of excitement the sight of his superior prick gave the boy, “what a shame it is of you to compel me to flog you in this manner, without my trousers. I must give you a lecture—so sit on my knee, thus,” placing him so that his lovely bottom should press against the huge prick. Taking the boy’s cock in his hand, he said—

  “How stiff it is.”

  “Yes, sir, I can’t help it.”

  “Well, you must not play such naughty tricks. I can’t allow it. You are too young yet.”

  The doctor worked the skin of the sweet boy’s cock up and down.

  “Was that the way your pretty cousin played with it?”

  “Yes, sir, and then she took it in her mouth.”

  “And did you like to have it done to you, you bad boy?”

  “Oh! yes, sir, it is such pleasure.”

  “Does it really give you so much pleasure?”

  “Yes indeed, it was most delicious.”

  “Dear me, I must try if it would do so to me, take hold of my cock and rub it up and down, as she did, that I may know how it feels.”

  The dear boy had already longed to do so, but had been afraid to say so. He now seized with avidity the noble prick, so stiffly standing beside him. He could hardly grasp it in his hand, and worked the skin up and down in the most delicious manner. The doctor was in ecstasies.

  “Oh, you naughty boy, to teach your master such bad things.”

  “Is it not very nice, sir?” said the charming youth, as the doctor’s buttocks responded to every stroke of his hand.

  “Well, it is, indeed, very nice, I could not have believed it; but if ever I catch you at it again, you may be sure I shall flog you.”

  And the doctor responded to every rub upon his prick with another rub upon the boy’s cock, until almost at the same moment a most delicious mutual spend was the result of their lascivious toyings.

  “Now,” said the doctor, “put on your clothes, and remember you must avoid such naughty tricks in future, or your bottom will pay for it.”

  The doctor made me aware of this, and arranged for a meeting of us three, under the pretense of inattention which I was to simulate and draw young Dale into some fault that would require punishment. It was also arranged that I was to initiate him still more into the secret pleasures of mutual satisfaction, so as to prepare him for still greater gratification to the lecherous doctor, who liked nothing better than “teaching the young idea how to shoot.”

  Accordingly, after passing a delicious night with my lovely and glorious aunt and the doctor, in which we practised every delightful method of enjoyment, and in which the doctor stimulated himself by recalling and describing the exciting interview with the innocent youth, I left them, and entered young Dale’s room. He had insensibly kicked off all the clothes, and lay on his back exposed, with his promising young cock at full stand, throbbing from time to time; and by the involuntary movements of his body, and the smile on his face, he was evidently realising, in his sleep, the scene he had enacted with his pretty young cousin. He was quite charming to look at, his young and throbbing prick was deliciously fair, and you could see the blue veins coursing through it, the top was only partially uncovered, the point of the head showing its vermillion tip in fine contrast to the creamy white and crossed blue veins of the stiffened shaft. His balls were as yet not fully developed, but such as they were, they formed a closely drawn up little bag, crimped and wrinkled, and felt as hard as stones. I gently handled them, which made him heave his bottom in evident ecstasy. It was all so beautiful and enticing, and I could not resist stooping down, and taking the delicious morsel in my mouth. Pressing the glorious head with my lips, I thrust, to his infinite delight, the foreskin back, his buttocks instinctively rose to meet my voluptuous and lascivious proceeding. He awoke on the instant, but in that dreamy state that made him think he was only realising the previous dream. His hands embraced my head, and pressed it down closer on the delicious prick which already touched the back of my mouth. He cried out in an ecstasy of delight.

  “Oh, my darling Ellen, what a joy you are giving me. Oh! oh! it is greater than I can bear.”

  I felt by the electric stiffening of his young cock that the crisis was close at hand. I tickled his tightened balls with my hand, and pressed a finger hard against his bottom-hole, but without entering more than the depth of the nail, at the very instant that he poured his young tribute into my longing mouth. I immediately swallowed the greater portion, lubricating the still throbbing shaft with a part. For some minutes he lay on his back, with closed eyes, in all the after-enjoyment, heightened by the continued suction of his still throbbing prick, which I kept up for a short time. At last he opened his eyes. It was broad daylight, and when I lifted my head, his eyes seemed almost to start out of their sockets in a sort of incredulous surprise, at finding it was not his dear young Ellen, but me, his school companion. For a minute or two he was speechless with consternation, until taking hold of his fast receding little cock, I asked if I had not given him quite as much pleasure as his darling Ellen had previously done.

  “Is it you? and Ellen! how do you know anything about my cousin?”

  “Your cousin, is she? I did not know that, but when I came in, you were dreaming of her, and muttering in your sleep the delight she gave you by sucking your prick; so I thought I would give you the true pleasure of the thing, and thus realise your dream; besides, I, myself, not only love to suck a prick, but also to have my own sucked, and I could neither resist the opportunity, nor fail to be delighted that you should already have practical knowledge of its enjoyment—did I not give you the greatest pleasure?”

  “Oh, yes; it was most delicious, and then I thought it was my pretty cousin, even after I awoke, which made it doubly delightful, for I had no idea it would be so nice with another boy.”

  “Why not? see this charming little fellow is
already raising himself up again at the mere thought; look how its head is showing its ruby face, and how it throbs. Ah! I must suck it again—it is so delicious.”

  I threw myself upon it, and devoured it at once, rapidly moving my head up and down, and titillating the orifice of the urethra with my tongue. I quickly drove him half mad with excitement. My mouth was full of saliva. I slobbered some out on my fingers, and lubricated all about the aperture of his charming backside, and then, as he became still more furious in the upward lunges of his bottom, and downward pressures of his hands on my head, I thrust my middle finger up his fundament, and worked away, frigging it in unison with the movements of my mouth. I drove him half frantic with pleasure, the ecstasy again seized him, and with a cry of agonised delight, and a convulsive shudder, he poured a still more copious draught of love’s essence into my mouth, which, as before, I greedily swallowed. He lay panting in ecstatic joy for a much longer period than before, with convulsive upward thrusts of his still half-stiffened prick within my mouth, which still continued its pressures and suctions to his infinite delight. At last I rose. He held out his arms. I precipitated myself into them; our lips met in sweet embrace. I thrust my tongue into his mouth, and solicited him to do the same, and we had some delicious tonguing, nature having at once achieved his love education. We were closely entwined in a loving embrace. I had become terribly excited notwithstanding the hard work I had undergone during the night, and my prick stood stiff as iron pressing against his belly. Suddenly the thought occurred to him that he ought to gratify me in like manner as I had done him. He proposed it, and begged me to turn from off him, and lie on my back. I immediately complied, and pulling up my shirt, displayed my immense splitter in all its glory.

  “Good heavens!” he cried, “what an enormous cock! Why, it is bigger than the doctor’s.”

  “Oh! you have seen the doctor’s, have you?” He blushed, and acknowledged it. I drew from him an account of their proceedings, which I already knew, but I was at the same time delighted to have surprised the acknowledgment from himself, in his wonder at seeing my large proportions. I made him show me all he had done to the doctor, and the doctor to him; as all this was paving the way for future proceedings with the doctor—in fact, the innocent youth was already playing into our hands. His admiration of and handling my prick was meanwhile exciting me up to the greatest pitch. As I had continued questioning him regarding his proceedings with the doctor, he could only play with my prick in his hands. Now that matters were getting too warm for further discussion, he stooped down, but could only get the head and a small portion of the upper part of the shaft into his mouth. His lips closed beneath the gland in the most exquisite manner. I begged him to grasp the lower part of the shaft with one hand, and to thrust a finger of the other up my bottom-hole, which I had already lubricated by spitting on my fingers and conveying the saliva in the desired direction. He obeyed with the docility of an apt apprentice—and thus working in unison, quickly brought on the ecstatic crisis. I seized his head in my hands, and, at the final discharge thrust it down on my delighted prick, as I poured out a perfect torrent of sperm, nearly choking the poor youth with the length of prick I thrust into his mouth. He was obliged to withdraw for an instant to take breath, but I was pleased to see that he instantly resumed his delicious sucking of my prick, which he continued to do until it gradually shrunk up to very diminished proportions. I then drew him upon me, and we had another sweet embrace of lips and tongues, and then, side by side, we held a long converse on erotic matters. He told me all the tale of his affair with his cousin, and, although I was already well acquainted with it, I was glad to draw all the particulars from himself. I had seen the note his mother wrote to the doctor. The minuteness and undisguised description she had therein given struck me as very strange, and I augured that she herself must be a lewd and lecherous person, to have done more than merely hint at the affair, instead of dwelling, doubtless in erotic delight, on such details. So I pumped him as to what sort of woman his mamma was. His description showed that she was a fine, full grown woman, old, in his opinion, but in reality in the prime of life, between thirty-five and forty. He had not scanned her proportions with any erotic thought and did not seem to attach the idea of the woman to her—only that of the mother. But I drew out of him that she was broad in the shoulders, full in the bosom, with a small waist, small feet, and small hands, a very fine head of hair, and fine eyes—evidently a desirable woman. Already I had set my imagination in play, and began to hope I might someday work my way into her favour. It will be found how well I succeeded, as these true memories will describe when I arrive at the period of my success with her. For the present I had advanced the erotic education of the dear youth considerably, and thus prepared him for further initiation at the hands of the doctor and his glorious and magnificent cara sposa, who had already determined to enjoy his first fruits in cunny land. We had a similar enjoyment, carried somewhat further the next morning, in which we practised more fully the frigging of the bottom, and discussed the pleasure it produced. I was gradually leading him on. That morning I purposely arranged that we should be late in entering the school room. The doctor sternly reprimanded us, and told us we must attend him in his private room after twelve o’clock. Poor Dale turned pale as he heard this, dreading the punishment to come of which his experience was so recent and so severe.


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