Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 182

by Various Authors

  Shall I ever forget the sensations of that moment? At last, after weary longings and waitings, Alice’s cunt was at my mercy. I not only had it in the fullest possible view, but was actually touching it! My fingers, ranged on either side of the delicate pinky slit, were busy amorously pressing and feeling it, now playing with its silky curly hairs and gently pulling them, now tenderly stroking its sweet lips, now gently opening them so as to expose its coral orifice and its throbbingly agitated clitoris. Resting as I was on Alice’s belly, I could feel every quiver and tremor as it passed through her, every involuntary contortion induced by the play of my fingers on this most delicate and susceptible part of her anatomy, the fluttering of her palpitating and heaving bosom. I could hear the involuntary ejaculations, the ‘ohs!’ and the ‘ahs!’ that broke from her in her shame and mental anguish at thus having to endure this handling and fingering of her maiden cunt and the strange half-terrifying sensations thereby provoked!

  Half mad with delight, I continued to toy sweetly with Alice’s cunt, till sudden unmistakeable wriggles of her bottom and hips and her incoherent exclamations warned me that I was trying her too much, if not goading her into spending, and as I had determined that Alice’s first sacrifice to Venus should be induced by the action of my tongue on her cunt, I reluctantly desisted from my delightful occupation, to her intense relief.

  Turning round, I again clasped her in my arms, rained hot kisses on her unresisting lips and cheeks, murmuring brokenly: ‘O Alice! . . . O Alice! . . .’ Then pressing my cheek against hers, I rested with her clasped in my arms, her breasts quivering against my chest, till we both grew calmer and her tremblings ceased.

  For about five minutes there was dead silence, broken only by Alice’s agitated breathing. Soon this ceased, and she seemed to have recovered command of herself again. Then softly I whispered to her ‘Will you not surrender yourself to me now, Alice dear! surely it is plain to you that you cannot help yourself?’

  She drew her face away from me, and murmured: ‘No, no, I can’t, I can’t . . . let you . . . have me! O let me go! . . . let me go!’

  ‘No,’ I replied sternly, releasing my clasp of her and resuming my sitting attitude by her waist, ‘no, my dear! you shan’t go till you’ve been well punished and well fucked! But as I said before, I think you will change your mind presently!’

  She looked questioningly at me, fear in her eyes. I rose. Her eyes followed me, and when she saw me select another fine-pointed feather and turn back to her, she instantly divined my intentions and frantically endeavoured to break the ropes that kept her thighs apart, shrieking: ‘Oh no, no, my God no, I can’t stand it! . . . you’ll kill me!’

  ‘Oh no, I won’t!’ I replied quietly, seating myself by her knees, so as to command both her cunt and a view of her struggles which I knew would prove most excitingly delicious! Then without another word, I gently directed the point of the feather against the lowest part of her cunt’s virgin orifice, and commenced to tickle her.

  Chapter VII

  A fearful scream broke from Alice, a violent quivering spasm shook her from head to foot. Her muscles contracted, as she vainly strove to break free. Arching her back she endeavoured to turn herself first on one side and then on the other, tugging frantically at the straps, anything as long as she could dodge the feather. But she could do nothing. The more she shrieked and wriggled, the greater was the pleasure she was affording me; so, deaf to her cries and incoherent pleadings, I continued to tickle her cunt, sometimes up and down the slit, sometimes just inside, noting with cruel delight how its lips began to gape open under the sexual excitement now being aroused and how her throbbing clitoris began to erect itself. Alice presented a most voluptuous spectacle: clenched hands, half-closed eyes, heaving breasts, palpitating bosom, plunging hips, tossing bottom, jerking thighs—wriggling and squirming frantically, uttering broken and incoherent ejaculations, she shrieked and prayed.

  I thought it wise to give her a pause for rest and partial recovery. I withdrew the feather from between the lips of her cunt, then gently stroked them caressingly. ‘Ah! . . . Ah! . . .’ she murmured half unconsciously, closing her eyes. I let her lie still, but closely watched her.

  Presently, her eyes opened half dreamily, she heaved a deep breath. I made as if to resume the tickling. ‘No, no,’ she murmured faintly, ‘it’s no use! . . . I can’t stand it! . . . don’t tickle me anymore!’

  ‘Well, will you yield yourself to me?’ I asked. Alice lay silent for a moment, then with an evident effort said, ‘Yes!’

  Letting the feather fall between her parted legs, I leant forward and took her in my arms: ‘There must not be any mistake, Alice,’ I said softly. ‘Are you willing to let me do to you anything and everything that I may wish?’

  Half opening her eyes she nodded her head in assent. ‘And do you promise to do everything and anything that I may wish you to do?’

  She hesitated: ‘What will you want me to do?’ she murmured.

  ‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘but whatever it may be you must do it. Do you promise?’

  ‘Yes!’ she murmured, reluctantly.

  ‘Then kiss me, kiss me properly in token of peace!’ I whispered in her ear, placing my lips on hers; and deliciously she kissed me, receiving at the same time my ardent reciprocations. Then I unclasped her and began to play with her breasts.

  ‘Mayn’t I get up now?’ she murmured, moving herself uneasily as she felt her breasts being squeezed.

  ‘Not just yet, dear,’ I replied. ‘I’ve excited you so terribly that it is only fair to you that I should give you relief, and as I know that in spite of your promise you will not behave as you should do, simply from inexperience, I will keep you as you are till I have solaced you!’

  ‘Oh, what are you going to do to me?’ she asked in alarm, in evident fear that she was about to be violated.

  ‘Restore you to ease, dear, by kissing you all over; now lie still and you will enjoy the greatest pleasure a girl can taste and yet remain virgin!’

  With heightened colour she resigned herself to her fate. I took her again in my arms, and sweetly kissed her on her eyes, her cheeks, her hair. Then releasing her, I applied my lips to her delicious breasts, and showered burning kisses all over them, revelling in their sweet softness and their exquisite elasticity. Taking each breast in turn, I held it between finger and thumb, then enveloping the dainty little nipple between my lips, I alternately played on it with my tongue and sucked it, all the while squeezing and toying with the breast, causing Alice to experience the most lascivious sensations she had yet known, except perhaps when her cunt was being felt. ‘Stop! Oh, for God’s sake stop!’ she ejaculated in her confusion and half fright as to what might happen. ‘For heaven’s sake, stop!’ she screamed as I abandoned one breast only to attack the other. But the game was too delightful: to feel her glorious throbbing ripe bubbies in my mouth and quivering under my tongue, while Alice squirmed in her distress, was a treat for a god; so, disregarding her impassioned pleadings, I continued to suck and tongue-tickle them till their sudden stiffening warned me that Alice’s sexual instincts were being roused and the result might be a premature explosion when she felt the grand assault on her cunt.

  So I desisted reluctantly. Again I encircled her neck with my arms, kissed her pleading mouth and imploring eyes as she lay helpless; then with my tongue I touched her navel. She cried, ‘No, no, oh! don’t,’ struggling desperately to get free, for it began to dawn on her innocent mind what her real torture was to be. I did not keep her in suspense. Thrusting my hands under her and gripping the cheeks of her bottom so as to steady her plungings, I ran my tongue down lightly over the lines of her abdomen and began tenderly to kiss her cunt. She shrieked in her terror as she felt my lips on those of her cunt, and with frantic wrigglings endeavoured to escape my pursuing mouth. At this critical moment, I lightly ran my tongue along Alice’s slit. The effect was astounding! For a
moment she seemed to swoon under the subtle titillation, but on my tongue again caressing her cunt, only this time darting deeper between its lips, she went off into a paroxysm of shrieks and cries, wriggling and squirming in a most wonderful way considering how strongly I had fastened her down; her eyes seemed to start out of her head under the awful tickling that she was experiencing; she plunged so frantically that although I was tightly gripping her buttocks she almost dislodged my mouth, the rigid muscles of her lovely thighs testifying to the desperate effort she was making to get loose. But the subtle titillation had aroused her sexual desires, without her recognising the fact in her distress. Her cunt began to open of its own accord, soon the clitoris was revealed turgid and stiff, quivering in sexual excitement, then her orifice began to yawn and show the way to paradise; deeper and deeper plunged my tongue into its satiny recess, Alice mechanically and unconsciously thrusting herself upwards as if to meet my tongue’s downward dartings and strokes. Her head rolled from side to side, as, with half-closed eyes, she struggled with a fast increasing feeling that she must surrender herself to the imperious call of her sexual nature, yet endeavouring desperately not to do so under so long established notions of chastity. Her breath came in snatches, her breasts heaved and panted, half-broken ejaculations escaped from her quivering lips. The time had arrived for the sacrifice and the victim was ready. Thrusting my tongue as deeply into her cunt as I could force it, I gave her one final and supreme tickling, then taking her clitoris between my lips, I sucked hard at it, the while tickling it with my tongue . . . It was too much for Alice ‘Stop . . . stop . . . it’s coming! . . . it’s coming!’ she gasped. An irresistible wave of lust swept away the last barriers of chastity, and with a despairing wail: ‘Oh . . . Oh . . . I . . . can’t . . . help . . . it . . . Oh . . . Oh . . . Oh!’ she spent frantically!

  Feeling her go, I sprang to my feet to watch Alice as she spent. It was a wonderful sight! There she lay on her back, completely naked, forced to expose her most secret charm, utterly absorbed in the sensations of the moment, her body pulsating and thrilling with each sexual spasm, her closed eyes, half-open lips and stiff breasts indicating the intensity of the emotions that possessed her. And so she remained for a minute or two, as if in a semi-swoon.

  Presently I noticed a relaxing of her muscles; then she drew a long breath and dreamily opened her eyes. For a moment she seemed dazed and almost puzzled to know where she was; then her eyes fell on me, and in flash she remembered everything. A wave of colour surged furiously over her face and bosom at the thought that I had witnessed her unconscious transports and raptures as she yielded herself to her sexual passions in spite of herself; stirring uneasily, she averted her eyes, flushing hotly again. I stooped down and kissed her passionately; then, without a word, I unfastened her, raised her from the settee and supported her to the large armchair, where she promptly curled herself up, burying her blushing face in her hands.

  I thought it wisest to leave her undisturbed for a brief space, so busied myself quietly in pouring out two glasses of wine, and knowing what severe calls were going to be made on Alice’s innate sexual powers I took the opportunity to fortify these by dropping into her glass the least possible dose of cantharides.

  Chapter VIII

  My readers will naturally wonder what my condition of mind and body was after both had been subjected to such intense inflammation as was inevitable from my close association with Alice dressed and Alice naked.

  Naturally I had been in a state of considerable erotic excitation from the moment that Alice’s naked charms were revealed, especially when my hands were playing with her breasts and toying with her cunt. But I had managed to control myself. The events recorded in the last chapter however proved too much for me. The contact of my lips and tongue with Alice’s maiden lips, breasts and cunt and the sight of her as she spent were more than I could stand, and I was nearly mad with lust and an overwhelming desire that she should somehow provide me with relief.

  But how could it be arranged? I wanted to keep her virgin as long as I possibly could, for I had not nearly completed my carefully prepared programme of fondlings and quasi-torturings that impart double spice and salaciousness when perpetrated on a virgin. To fuck her therefore was out of the question. Of course there was her mouth, and my blood boiled at the idea of being sucked by Alice; but it was patent that she was too innocent and inexperienced to give me this pleasure. There were her breasts: one could have a delicious time no doubt by using them to form a tunnel and to work my prick between them, but this was a game better played later on. There were her hands, and sweetly could Alice frig me, if she devoted one dainty hand to my prick, while the other played with my testicles, but nothing would be easier than for her to score off me heavily, by giving the latter an innocent wrench which would throw me out of action entirely. The only possible remaining method was her bottom, and while I was feverishly debating its advisability, an innocent movement of hers and the consequent change of attitude suddenly displayed the superb curves and general lusciousness of her posteriors. In spite of my impatience, I involuntarily paused to admire their glorious opulence! Yes! I would bottom-fuck Alice, I would deprive her of one of her maidenheads!

  But would she let me do so? True, she had just sworn to submit herself to my caprices whatever they might be, but such a caprice would no doubt never have entered into her innocent mind, and unless she did submit herself quietly, I might be baffled and in the excitement of the struggle and the contact with her warm naked flesh, might spend and ‘waste my sweetness on the desert air!’ Suddenly a cruelly brilliant idea struck me, and at once I proceeded to act on it.

  She was still lying curled up in the armchair. I touched her on her shoulder; she looked up hurriedly.

  ‘I think you have rested long enough, Alice,’ I said. ‘Now get up, I want you to put me right!’ And I pointed to my prick now in a state of terrible erection! ‘See!’ I continued, ‘you must do something to put it out of its torment, just as I have already so sweetly allayed your lustful cravings!’ She flushed painfully! ‘You can do it either with your mouth or by means of your bottom—now say quick—for I am just bursting with lust for you!’

  She hid her face in her hands! ‘No, no,’ she ejaculated. ‘No, oh no! I couldn’t, really I couldn’t!’

  ‘You must!’ I replied somewhat sternly, for I was getting mad with unsatisfied lust. ‘Remember the promises you have just made! Come now, no nonsense! Say which you’ll do!’

  She threw herself at my feet. ‘No, no,’ she cried, ‘I can’t!’

  Bending over her, I gripped her shoulders: ‘You have just sworn that you would let me do to you anything I pleased, and that you would do anything I might tell you to do; in other words, that you would both actively and passively minister to my pleasures. I have given you your choice! If you prefer to be active, I will lie on my back and you can suck and excite me into spending; if you would rather be passive, you can lie on your face and I will bottom-fuck you! Now which shall it be?’

  ‘No, no, no!’ she moaned in her distress, ‘I can’t do either! really I can’t!’

  Exasperated by her non-compliance, I determined to get by force what I wanted, and before she could guess my intentions, I had gripped her firmly round her body, then half carried and half dragged her to the piano duet stool which also contained a hidden mechanism. On to it I forced her, face downwards, and in spite of her resistance, I soon fixed the straps to her wrists and ankles; then I set the mechanism working, sitting on her to keep her in the proper position, as she desperately fought to get loose. Cleverly managing the straps, I soon got Alice into the desired position, flat on her face and astride the stool, her wrists and ankles being secured to the longitudinal wooden bars that maintained the rigidity of the couch.

  Alice was now fixed in such a way that she could not raise her shoulders or bosom, but by straightening her legs, she could heave her bottom upwards a little. Her position wa
s perfect for my purpose, and lustfully I gloated over the spectacle of her magnificent buttocks, her widely parted thighs affording me a view of both of her virgin orifices, both now at my disposal!

  I passed my hands amorously over the glorious backside now at my mercy, pinching, patting, caressing and stroking the luscious flesh; my hands wandered along her plump thighs, revelling in their smoothness and softness, Alice squirming and wriggling deliciously! Needless to say her cunt was not neglected, my fingers tenderly and lovingly playing with it and causing her the most exquisitely irritating titillation.

  After enjoying myself in this way for a few minutes and having thoroughly felt her bottom, I left her to herself for a moment while I went to a cupboard, Alice watching my movements intently. After rummaging about, I found what I sought, a riding whip of some curious soft substance, very springy and elastic, calculated to sting but not to mark the flesh. I was getting tired of having to use force on Alice to get what I wanted and considered it would be useful policy to make her learn the result of not fulfilling her promises; and there is no better way of bringing a girl to her senses than by whipping her soundly, naked if possible! And here was Alice, naked, fixed in the best possible position for a whipping!


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