Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 183

by Various Authors

  As I turned towards her, whip in hand, she instantly guessed her fate and shrieked for mercy, struggling frantically to get loose. Deaf to her pitiful pleadings, I placed myself in position to command her backside, raised the whip, and gave her a cut right across the fleshiest part.

  A fearful shriek broke from her! Without losing time, I administered another, and another, and another, Alice simply now yelling with the pain, and wriggling in a marvellous way considering how tightly she was tied down. I had never before whipped a girl, although I had often read and been told of the delights of the operation to the operator, but the reality far surpassed my most vivid expectations! And the naked girl I was whipping was Alice, the object of my lust, the girl who had jilted me, the girl I was about to ravish! Mad with exultation, I disregarded her agonised shrieks and cries. With cruel deliberation, I selected the tenderest parts of her bottom for my cuts, aiming sometimes at one luscious cheek, then the other, then across both, visiting the tender inside of her widely parted thighs! Her cries were music to my ears in my lustful frenzy, while her wriggles and squirms and the agitated plungings of her hips and buttocks enthralled my eyes. But soon, too soon, her strength began to fail her, her shrieks degenerated into inarticulate ejaculations. There was now little pleasure in continuing her punishment, so most reluctantly I ceased.

  Soothingly I passed my right hand over Alice’s quivering bottom and stroked it caressingly, alleviating in a wonderfully short time the pain. In spite of the severity of the whipping she had received, she was not marked at all! Her flesh was like that of a baby, slightly pinker perhaps, but clean and fresh. As I tenderly restored her to ease, her tremblings died away, her breath began to come more freely and normally, and soon she was herself again.

  ‘Well, has the nonsense been whipped out of you, Alice?’ I asked mockingly. She quivered, but did not answer.

  ‘What, not yet?’ I exclaimed, pretending to misunderstand her. ‘Must I give you another turn?’ and I raised the whip as if to commence again.

  ‘No, no!’ she cried in genuine terror, ‘I’ll be good!’

  ‘Then lie still and behave yourself,’ I replied, throwing the whip away into a corner of the room.

  From a drawer I took a pot of cold cream. Alice who was fearsomely watching every movement of mine, cried in alarm: ‘Jack, what are you going to do to me? . . . oh tell me!’ My only response was to commence to lubricate her arsehole, during which operation she squirmed delightfully; then placing myself full in her sight, I set to work to anoint my rampant prick. ‘Guess, dear!’ I said.

  She guessed accurately. For a moment she was struck absolutely dumb with horror, then struggling desperately to get free, she cried: ‘Oh! my God! . . . no Jack! . . . no! . . . you’ll kill me!’

  ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ I said quietly, as I caressed her quivering buttocks; ‘think a moment—larger things have come out than what is now going in! Lie still, Alice, or I shall have to whip you.’ Then placing myself in position behind her, I leant forward till the head of my prick rested against her arsehole.

  ‘My God!—no! no!’ she shrieked, frantically wriggling her buttocks in an attempt to thwart me. But the contact of my prick with Alice’s flesh maddened me; thrusting fiercely forward, I, with very little difficulty, shoved my prick halfway up Alice’s bottom with apparently little or no pain to her; then falling on her, I clasped her in my arms and rammed myself well into her, till I felt my balls against her and the cheeks of her bottom against my stomach.

  My God! it was like heaven to me! Alice’s naked quivering body was closely pressed to mine!—my prick was buried to its hairs in her bottom, revelling in the warmth of her interior! I shall never forget it! Prolonging my rapturous ecstasy, I rested motionless on her, my hands gripping and squeezing her palpitating breasts so conveniently placed for my delectation, my cheek against her averted face, listening to the inarticulate murmurs wrung unconsciously from her by the violence of her emotions and the unaccountably strange pleasure she was experiencing, and which she confessed to by meeting my suppressed shoves with spasmodic upward heavings of her bottom—oh! it was paradise!

  Inspired by a sudden thought, I slipped my right hand down to Alice’s cunt and gently tickled it with it with my forefinger, but without penetrating. The effect was marvellous! Alice plunged wildly under me with tumultuous quiverings, her bosom palpitating and fluttering: ‘Ah! . . . Ah! . . .’ she ejaculated, evidently a prey to uncontrollable sexual cravings! Provoked beyond endurance I let myself go! For a few moments there was a perfect cyclone of frenzied upheavings from her, mixed with fierce down-thrustings from me, then blissful ecstasy as I spent madly into Alice, flooding her interior with my boiling tribute! ‘Ah! . . . ah! . . .’ she gasped, as she felt herself inundated by my hot discharge! Her cunt distractedly sought my finger, a violent spasm shook her, and with a scarcely articulate cry indicative of the intensest rapture, Alice spent on my finger with quivering vibrations, her head falling forward as she half swooned in her ecstasy! She had lost the maidenhead of her bottom!

  For some seconds we both lay silent and motionless, save for an occasional tremor, I utterly absorbed in the indescribable pleasure of spending into Alice as she lay tightly clasped in my arms! She was the first to stir (possibly incommoded by my superincumbent weight), gently turning her face towards me, colouring furiously as our eyes met! I pressed my cheek against hers, she did not flinch but seemed to respond. Tenderly I kissed her, she turned her face fully towards me and of her own accord she returned my kiss! Was it that I had tamed her? Or had she secretly tasted certain pleasure during the violation of her bottom? Clasping her closely to me I whispered: ‘You have been a good girl this time, Alice! a very good girl!’ She softly rubbed her cheek against mine!’ Did I hurt you?’ I asked.

  She whispered back: ‘Very little at first, but not afterwards!’

  ‘Did you like it?’ I enquired maliciously. For answer she hid her face in the leather seat, blushing hotly. But I could feel her thrill!

  A moment’s silence, then she raised her head again, moved uneasily, then murmured: ‘Oh! let me get up now!’

  ‘Very well,’ I replied and unclasping my arms from round her, I slowly drew my prick out of her bottom, untied her—then taking her into one of the alcoves I showed her a bidet all ready for her use and left her. Passing into the other, I performed the needful ablutions to myself, then radiant with my victory and with having relieved my overcharged desires, I awaited Alice’s reappearance.

  Chapter IX

  Presently Alice emerged from her screen, looking much freshened up by her ablutions. She further had taken the opportunity to put her hair in order, it having become considerably disarranged and rumpled by her recent strugglings.

  Her face had lost the woebegone look, and there was a certain air of almost satisfaction about her which I could not understand, for she smiled as our eyes met, at the same time faintly colouring, and concealing her cunt with her left hand as she approached me.

  I offered her a glass of wine, which she drank, then I passed my left arm round her waist and drew her to the armchair, into which I placed myself, making her seat herself on my thighs and pass her right arm round my neck. Then drawing her closely to me, I proceeded to kiss her ripe lips, to which she made no resistance but gave no response.

  We sat in silence for a minute or two, I gently stroking her luscious breasts while trying to read in her eyes what her present frame of mind really was, but unsuccessfully. Undoubtedly, during the ravishment of her bottom, she had tasted some pleasure sufficiently delicious to make her condone for its sake her ‘violation à la derrière’ and practically to pardon her violator!—what could it be?

  I thought I would try a long shot, so presently whispered in her ear, ‘Wouldn’t you like that last all over again?’

  I felt her quiver. She was silent for a moment, then asked softly, ‘Do you mean as a further punishment?’ ste
adily keeping her eyes averted from me and flushing slightly.

  ‘Oh! no,’ I replied, ‘it was so very evident that it was not “punishment” to you,’ and I tried to catch her eyes as I pressed her amorously to me. ‘I meant as a little entr’acte.’

  Alice blushed furiously! I felt her arm round my neck tighten its embrace, and she nestled herself closer to me! ‘Not all!’ she murmured gently.

  ‘How much then? . . . or which part?’ I whispered again.

  ‘Oh! how can I possibly tell you!’ she whispered back, dropping her face on to my shoulder and snuggling up to me, then throwing her left arm also round me, thereby uncovering her cunt.

  I took the hint! ‘May I guess?’ I whispered.

  Without waiting for a reply. I slipped my right hand down from her breasts and over her rounded belly, then began gently to toy with her hairs and caress her slit! Alice instantly kissed me twice passionately! She was evidently hot with lust, inflamed possibly by the dose of cantharides she had unknowingly swallowed!

  ‘Am I right?’ I whispered. She kissed me again!

  ‘Then let me arrange you properly,’ I said. ‘Come, we’ll sit in front of the mirror and look at ourselves!’ Alice blushed, not quite approving of the idea, but willing to please me.

  So I moved the armchair in front of the mirror and seated myself in it. I then made Alice place herself on my thighs, her bottom being right over my prick, which promptly began to return to life, raising its drooping head until it rested against her posteriors. Passing my left arm round her waist, I held her firmly to me. Then I made her part her legs, placing her left leg between mine while her right leg rested against the arm of the chair, my right thigh in fact separating her thighs.

  Alice was now reflected in the mirror in three-quarters profile, but her parted legs allowed the whole of her cunt with its glorious wealth of hair to be fully seen! Her arms hung idly at her sides—I had made her promise not to use them.

  We gazed at our reflection for a moment, our eyes meeting in the glass! Alice looked just lovely in her nakedness!

  ‘Are you ready?’ I asked with a significant smile. Alice wriggled a little as if to settle herself down more comfortably, then turning her face (now all aflame and rosy red) to me she almost shame-facedly nodded, then kissed me!

  ‘Keep your cheek against mine, and watch yourself in the glass, Alice,’ I whispered, then I gently placed my right hand on her sweet belly and slowly approached her cunt!

  A thrill, evidently of pleasure, quivered through her as she felt my fingers pass through her hairs and settle on her cunt! ‘Ah!’ she murmured, moving deliciously over my prick as I commenced to tenderly frig her, now fingering her slit, now penetrating her still virgin orifice, now tickling her clitoris—causing her all the time the most deliciously lascivious transports, to which she surrendered herself by licentiously oscillating and jogging herself backwards and forwards as if to meet and stimulate my finger!

  Presently Alice became still more excited; her breasts stiffened, her nostrils dilated! Noting this, I accelerated the movements of my finger, at the same time clasping her more firmly to me, my eyes riveted on her image in the glass and gloating over the spectacle she presented in her voluptuous raptures! Suddenly she caught her breath! Quickly I tickled her on her clitoris! ‘Oh! . . . Oh! . . . oh!’ she ejaculated—then spent in ecstasy, maddening me by the quiverings of her warm buttocks, between which my now rampant prick raged, held down!

  I did not remove my finger from Alice’s cunt, but kept it in her while she spent, slightly agitating it from time to time, to accentuate her ecstasy. But, as soon as I considered her sexual orgasm had exhausted itself, I began again to frig her. Then an idea flashed through my brain: why should I not share her raptures? Carefully I watched for an opportunity! Soon I worked her again into an awful state of desire; panting with unsatisfied lust and furiously excited (the result of the cantharides!), Alice jerked herself about madly and spasmodically on my thighs! Presently an unusually violent movement of hers released my prick from its sweet confinement under her bottom; promptly it sprang up stark and stiff! Quick as thought, I gripped Alice tightly and rammed myself fiercely into her bottom! ‘No! . . . no! . . . no! . . .’ she cried and strove to rise and so dislodge me, but I pressed her firmly down on my thighs and compelled her to remain impaled on my prick, creating a diversion by frigging her harder than ever!

  ‘Kiss me,’ I gasped, frantic with lust under my sensations in Alice’s bottom and the sight of her naked self in the glass, quivering, palpitating, wriggling! Quickly Alice pressed her lips on mine, our breaths mingled, our tongues met, my left hand caught hold of one of her breasts and squeezed it as her eyes closed. An electric shock ran through her! . . . then Alice spent frantically, plentifully bedewing my finger with her virgin distillation!—at the same moment receiving inside her my boiling essence, as I shot it madly into her, my prick throbbing convulsively under the contractions of her rear sphincter muscles, agitated and activated by her ecstatic transports.

  Oh! the sensations of the moment! How Alice spent! How I discharged into her!

  It must have been a full minute before either of us moved, save for the involuntary tremors that, from time to time, ran through us as our sexual excitement died away! Alice, now limp and nerveless, but still impaled on my prick, reposed on me, my finger dwelt motionless in her cunt, luxuriating in its envelope of warm throbbing flesh! And so we rested, exhausted after our lascivious orgy, both half unconscious!

  I was the first to come to myself, and as I caught sight of our reflection in the mirror, the licentious tableau we presented sent an involuntary quiver through me which my prick communicated to Alice, thus rousing her! As she dreamily opened her eyes, her glance also fell on the mirror! She started, became suddenly wide-awake, flushed rosy red, then hid her face in her hands, murmuring brokenly: ‘Oh! . . . how horrible! . . . how horrible! . . . what . . . have you . . . made me do? . . .’ half sobbing in her shame now that her sexual delirium had subsided, and horribly conscious that my prick was still lodged in her bottom and impaling her. Foreseeing her action, I brought my right arm to the assistance of my left and held her forcibly down, so preventing her from rising and slipping off me.

  ‘What’s the matter, Alice?’ I asked soothingly, as she struggled to rid herself of my prick.

  ‘Oh! let me go! let me go!’ she begged, still with her face in her hands and in such evident distress that I deemed it best to comply and let her hurry off to her bidet, as she clearly desired.

  So I released Alice; she slowly drew her bottom off my prick and rushed behind her screen. Following her example, I repaired to my corner and after the necessary ablutions, I awaited Alice’s return.

  Chapter X

  Pending Alice’s reappearance, I debated with myself the important question, what next should I do to her? There was no doubt that I had succeeded in taming her, that I had now only to state my wishes and she would comply with them! But this very knowledge seemed to destroy the pleasure I had anticipated in having her in such utter subjection; the spice of the proceeding up to now had undoubtedly lain in my forcing her to endure my salacious and licentious caprices, in spite of the most determined and desperate resistance she could make! And once she became a dull and passive surrogate of a proud and voluptuous girl, I should practically be flogging a dead horse were I to continue my programme!

  But there was one experience which on no account was to be omitted, forming as it did the culmination of my revenge as well as of my lust, one indignity which she could not and would not passively submit to, one crowning triumph over her which she could never question or deny—and this was . . . her violation!—the ravishing of her maidenhead!

  Alice was now fully educated to appreciate the significance of every detail of the process of transforming a girl into a woman; my fingers and lips had thoroughly taught her maiden cunt its duty, while my prick, when lo
dged in the throbbing recesses of her bottom, had acquainted her with the phenomenon of the masculine discharge at the crisis of pleasure, of the feminine ecstasy in receiving it, while her transports in my arms, although somewhat restricted by the circumstances, had revealed to her the exquisitely blissful sensations mutually communicated by such close clinging contact of male and female flesh! Yes! I would now devote the rest of the afternoon to fucking her!

  Hardly had I arrived at this momentous decision than Alice came out of her alcove after an unusually prolonged absence. She had evidently thoroughly refreshed and revived herself, and she looked simply fetching as she halted hesitatingly on passing through the curtains, shielding her breasts with one hand and her cunt with the other, in charming shame-faced confusion. Obedient to my gesture, she came timidly towards me; she allowed me to pass my arm round her waist and kiss her, and then to lead her to the table where I made her drink a small tumbler of champagne that I had previously poured out for her, and which seemed to be most welcome to her. Then I gently whispered to her that we would lie down together on the couch for a little rest, and soon we were cosily lying at our ease, she pressed and held amorously against me by my encircling arms.

  For a minute or two we rested in silence, then the close conjunction of our naked bodies began to have the inevitable result on me—and I think also on her! Clasping her closely against me, I murmured: ‘Now, Alice darling, I think the time has come for you to surrender to me your maidenhead . . . for you to be my bride!’ And I kissed her passionately.


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