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He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Page 6

by Alexa Brookes

  Justin watched as Ann’s eyes filled with excitement as she watched him observe all of the dishes that she had created during the day.

  “It all looks incredibly delicious, babe. It smells like you did a wonderful job.”

  Ann smiled and continued to stir a pot of spaghetti sauce.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” Justin asked, as he snaked his arms under Ann’s, placing his hands on top of hers as she stirred the sauce.

  “If you want to help, you can start setting the table for dinner, babe. Thank you.” Ann slipped a quick kiss on Justin’s cheek as he began setting the dinner table.

  “I have a surprise for you, babe.”

  “What is it?” Justin turned around to ask Ann with a puzzled look on his face.

  “First, before I tell you, I want you to sit down.”

  Justin did as he told and patted his knee, motioning for Ann to come sit down on his lap.

  Ann walked into Justin’s awaiting arms, placing her head against his chest.

  “Justin, I have to talk to you.”

  A concerned look spread across Justin’s face as he pulled Ann down to sit in a chair next to him.

  “What is it, my love?”

  Ann gave Justin a sweet smile as she placed her hand against Justin’s face.

  “Ann, are you okay?” Justin inquired, breaking the silence between the two of them.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  He Loves Secrets


  An Alpha Billionaire Romance


  Alexa Brookes

  Chapter 1

  “What?” Justin asked, not entirely sure that he heard Ann correctly.

  Ann leaned in closer to Justin, a smile spreading across her face.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispered, as a glittering smile spread across her face. As Justin registered what Ann had just told him, he was overcome with several emotions; while he found himself to be incredibly joyous, he also felt a bit of panic spread itself over his mind.

  Quickly standing up from his chair, Justin grabbed Ann by her hips and swung her up into the air, spinning her around. As Ann’s laughter began to die down, her placed her back on her feet and leaned down to give her a passionate kiss.

  “When did you find out?”

  “This morning. I took a test and it came back positive. Aren’t you just ecstatic, Justin?”

  Justin nodded his head, showing Ann how incredibly happy he was by placing a goofy grin on his face.

  “I have some errands to run, babe. I was waiting for you to get home to run them. I’ll be back in a bit, sunshine.” Justin explained to Ann. A wave of disappointment flashed across Ann’s face and Justin felt a pang of guiltiness hit him in the gut. Ann leaned in to give him another kiss and waved good-bye as he walked out the door.

  As Justin drove out of the parking lot to Ann’s apartment, he let out a giant sigh. Justin began to drive with no specific direction, completely lost in his own thoughts.

  “What the fuck am I going to do now?” He argued to himself, feeling rage enter every cell in his body.

  “For fuck’s sakes, we’re not even married. Hell, I haven’t even proposed! And what if her memory comes back? She’ll never be sure of herself again!” Slamming his hands against his steering wheel, he pulled his car over and placed his head against the steering wheel. As he reached his hands up to run his fingers through his hair, Justin was surprised to find that tears had formed on his face.

  “I’m being a selfish asshole.” Justin whispered to himself. Sitting up straight, he looked at himself in his rearview mirror and began to calm himself down.

  “This pregnancy is all about her,” Justin began to converse with himself, staring straight at his reflection in the rearview mirror. “I am going to support her all the way through and with any decision she makes. I will not disappoint her.”

  Nodding his head, Justin let out another deep sigh and turned his car around, driving home.

  Before driving all of the way back to Ann’s apartment, Justin pulled into a farmer’s market. Getting out of the car, he realized he was still in a state of shock from Ann’s announcement. A child was never something he expected to have so soon; he didn’t even know if he was ready to be a father. He sure as hell didn’t want to be a father that would disappoint Ann and the baby; that’s the last thing he wanted.

  Wondering aimlessly around the farmer’s market, Justin found himself to be on the hunt for a nice gift to provide Ann with. Walking past a shop that sold flowers, Justin took a few steps towards the stand and began to stare at all of the beautiful arrangements that had been created. There was one bouquet of flowers that especially caught Justin’s attention; it was a bouquet of roses that were different shades of light pink. Pulling out his wallet, Justin gave a bill to the cashier and walked away with the flowers. In the back of Justin’s mind, he hoped that this act of passion would make up for the lack of a reaction he had when Ann made her announcement to him.

  “I know you’re probably having doubts, Justin. And to be completely honest, I am too. I know I can do this, but I’m not sure if we can do this. A baby is a lot to handle and there’s going to be a lot of changes made in our relationship in these next nine months. I’m not sure if you can handle it or if we will be able to.” Ann spoke, holding Justin’s hands, with a grim look on her face.

  “Ann, I do truly love you. And I promise that I will love our baby just as much. I am not promising that I am going to be the perfect father or the perfect boyfriend during these next few months, but I do promise that I will try my very best.”

  Ann gave Justin a weak smile and stared down at the table. Sensing her doubt of his strength, Justin pulled Ann’s hands up to his lips, kissing every finger.

  “Ann, I do truly love you.”

  “And I as well, Justin. I just wish that you didn’t react the way you did earlier. I expected you to be happy and over joyous, but not a complete dick,” Ann began to growl, not making any attempt to hide her anger from Justin.

  “We’re not even married yet, Ann. How else did you expect me to react?” Justin commented, rolling his eyes.

  “I expected you to be supportive of me, of us. As a couple, we’re supposed to support the decisions we make. Do you think I truly like your decision to go ahead and eat junk food every night? I certainly do not. But, it’s your decision and I support you for it.” Ann began to go off on a rant, pulling her hands away from Justin’s grasp.

  “Ann, having a baby is in no way, shape, or form, comparable to eating junk food every night. I didn’t know how else to react; it was my first reaction and I tried to remove myself from the situation to avoid pissing you off.”

  “Well, you didn’t do that soon enough. I saw the look of disappointment cloud in your eyes. You think I want this to be an everlasting memory in mind, of how you reacted when I had my first child?”

  Justin shook his head and began to form a frown, realizing that he had truly made a huge mistake.

  “Ann, I’m- “

  “Don’t even try it, Justin. Leave me the fuck alone.”

  Ann angrily pushed her chair back and stormed out of the room. Hanging his head in his hands, he grabbed the flowers he got for Ann and threw them in the trash can. He could hear her upstairs venting to someone. He was absolutely ashamed with how he acted and he knew that there was no way that he could ever make it up to her.

  Ann felt incredibly with Justin; she couldn’t believe that he had been such an asshole during such an important event in her life.

  Chapter 2

  As Ann’s eyes opened the next morning, she began to move her hand towards Justin’s side of the bed, searching for her partner. When her hand discovered nothing but an empty bed, Ann quickly sat up. Within the few seconds that had passed, memories of the previous evening’s event came flashing back to her mind, all too quickly.

  Looking down at her stomach, she smiled and began to rub near her pelvic area; she was incredibly happy
to know that she was actually pregnant. Ever since she was a little girl, she had always hoped to be a great mother. While she didn’t necessarily have the desire to become pregnant when she was little, Ann remembered how many hours she spent playing house with her dolls. She loved being able to pretend to cook meals for her dolls; she loved tucking her dolls into bed and singing them to sleep.

  While Ann reminisced back to her childhood days, a smile creeped across her face. Throwing herself out of bed, she silently began to plan her future with her child, whether or not Justin wanted to have a part in it. Just as she was in the middle of having a lovely day dream about her baby, a knock interrupted her thoughts.


  “Can I come in?” Justin asked, his voice down to nearly a whisper.

  “Yeah.” Ann replied, ensuring that her voice was stiff and emotionless. She didn’t want Justin to think that just by granting him an invitation into her bedroom that she wasn’t still mad at him.

  Walking into her bedroom, he sat himself down on her bed and stared down at the floor. Ann continued to get herself dressed, throwing on a plain t-shirt and jeans.

  “Well, are you going to say something? Or are you too busy counting the fibers in the carpet?” Ann turned around, sneering at Justin.

  “I love you, Ann.”

  Turning back around, she ignored his statement. She wasn’t going to give into him that easily.


  “What?” She whipped around again, making sure that she stared him dead in the eye.

  “Are you going to say anything back?”

  “What do you want me to say? You really fucked up, Justin. I tell you that I’m pregnant and a smile never crossed your face. You acted like me being pregnant was a burden on you,” she scowled, ensuring that she put an extra emphasis on the last part of her sentence.

  Hanging his head down again, Justin couldn’t find the courage to lift his eyes up to meet Ann’s again. He knew that he had disappointed Ann, in the biggest of ways possible. He also knew that there was no possible way that he could ever make it up to her. It was one of those rare moments in life that he had completely shit all over. A tear fell from his eye as he continued to berate himself.

  Ann walked out of the bathroom to see Justin crying.

  “Why are you crying?” Ann asked, with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice.

  “Because I messed up, Ann. I disappointed you and that is one of the things that I promised myself that I would never do to you. You needed me and I completely let you down. There’s nothing I’ll ever be able to do to make it up to you, and that sickens me,” sobbing, Justin began to explode. “I screwed up, Ann. I’m so deeply sorry. I’ll never be able to make it up to you and that destroys me on the inside.” Justin’s voice began to taper off towards the last part of his sentence.

  Crossing the room, Ann sat herself down on the edge of her bed, right next to Justin. Grabbing Justin’s hand, she slowly wrapped her fingers around Justin’s hand. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “I love you Justin. You did really screw up and there is no chance in hell that I’m ever going to forgive you for it. I’m still incredibly pissed at you and I am going to be for a while.”

  Without looking up at Ann, Justin nodded his head and brought Ann’s hands up to his lips, taking several moments to kiss every finger.



  “While many men may appreciate you for the very obvious details that make you beautiful, I find that I keep falling in love with you for all of the small details. I love how delicate your fingers are; they remind me of fingers that a pianist would have,” he whispered, continuing to kiss her fingers. “They are absolutely beautiful, just like every other thing about you.”

  Ann smiled and pulled Justin’s face towards her.

  “I love you, Justin,” she whispered. Her lips tickled Justin’s ear and he squeezed her hand.

  Ann laid back and threw her arms against her bed. Justin looked back and smiled at her, taking a moment to appreciate the fine freckles that dotted across her cheeks. He pulled his hand up to brush his fingertips across Ann’s cheeks. Her eyes fluttered up, staring into Justin’s; she pulled Justin down, placing his head on her chest.

  “I love you, Ann,” Justin whispered as he leaned in close to kiss Ann’s neck.

  “I know, you’ve said it a thousand times already,” she whispered back, giggling.

  A soft moan escaped Ann’s lips as a smile spread across her face. Taking her moan as sign of acceptance, Justin continued to kiss Ann’s neck, allowing his lips to slide up to nibble on her ear. Before continuing, Justin sat up and laid himself on top of Ann; running his fingers through Ann’s hair, he gently kissed her. Ann placed her hands around Justin’s neck, pulling him closer to her body. Slowly kissing his way down Ann’s neck, he slowly began to slide his fingers under Ann’s top. Ann’s back arched as she felt Justin’s cold finger tips reach under her bra; her nipples hardened up as Justin continued to squeeze her breasts. With Justin completely laying on top of Ann, she felt his dick become completely erect. Slightly spreading her legs, she allowed Justin to make his apology to her.

  As Justin continued to tease her nipples with gentle squeezed and flicks with his tongue, Ann grabbed Justin’s hands and pushed it down her pants. Surprised by her demanding confidence, he took the point and began to unbutton her pants. As he slowly slid off her thong, Justin dove his face in between her legs. Unsatisfied with the work Justin was putting out, Ann sat up and grabbed Justin by the shoulders. Throwing him down on the bed, she climbed on top of Justin and sat on top of his face. A loud moan escaped Justin’s lips as Ann began to grind her hips against Justin’s lips. Ann continued to pulse her hips against Justin’s face until she climaxed.

  Justin wrapped his arms around Ann’s hips, picked her up, and threw her down on the bed.

  “Did you like that?” Justin whispered, continuing to kiss Ann’s neck.

  “Once I showed you how to do it right, I did,” Ann whispered back, giggling.

  “Was I really that bad?” Justin asked as he sat up, with a concerned look on his face.

  “Ever had make up sex?”

  “No, I can’t say I have.”

  “Well, that’s exactly what we just had.”

  Ann turned around to lay on her stomach.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not doing anything. You are going to give me a massage.”

  Justin smiled quietly to himself and did as Ann commanded. He loved how incredibly confident she was; it was almost as if she wasn’t afraid of anything. A memory flashed in his mind and he thought about how absolutely terrified Ann looked the night when she was attached. Pressing his lips into her the small of her back, he did his best to focus all of his attention on giving Ann a good massage and tried even harder not to cry.

  Chapter 3

  Justin stepped out of the shower and his nose was greeted by the smell of Ann’s cooking. The smell of bread baking wafted into the bedroom and Justin noticed that his stomach began to growl. A phone ringing interrupted Justin’s thoughts, so he began to dress himself. He heard the faint noise of classical music playing downstairs and he smiled to himself; it was nice to see Ann happy again.

  Walking downstairs, he prepared himself to greet Ann with a comforting hug. Once he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by a spiteful Ann.

  “I go and work my fucking ass off and this is the shit you pull?” Ann began screaming and threw a phone at him.

  “Ann, what are you talking about?”

  “You are a fucking cheating bastard! Get out of my fucking house!” Throwing a bowl of pasta at Justin, he felt his skin singe under the heat of the pasta that hit his skin.

  Taking a step towards Ann, Justin did his best to figure out what Ann was talking about.

  “Baby, what are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about. Get your as
s out of here before I call the police on you.”

  “Baby, go ahead and call the police. I don’t care if I get arrested; no- stop. Don’t throw anything else at me please, sunshine. I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on.”

  “The girl you are cheating on me with decided to give me a phone call and tell me exactly what type of a slimy bastard you are.”

  A state of shock blew through Justin’s body; he stood for a second, completely paralyzed at the accusation Ann just threw at his direction.

  “Ann, please, sit down. We need to talk about this; baby, I promise I haven’t cheated on you.”

  “Give me your phone, asshole.”

  “Yes, certainly, darling,” Justin stated, pulling his cell phone out of his back pocket.

  “Unlock it, fuck head.”

  Justin nodded and handed his phone back to Ann.

  Ann began to scroll through his phone, looking at all of the contacts he had, reading all of his text messages. Justin sat there in silence, still trying to figure out what exactly was happening; why had someone called, saying that he was cheating on the love of his life?

  The sound of his phone crashing against the wall woke Justin back up from his state of mind.

  “What did you do that for?” he asked, finding himself getting a bit annoyed at how destructive Ann was being.

  “If you aren’t cheating on me, then why did some bitch call me to tell me that you are?”

  Ann was shaking; she had never been so furious in all of her life. It would be one thing if Justin had simply cheated on her a few weeks ago. But, now that she knew that she was pregnant with his child, it was a completely different thing.

  Justin reached out to grab Ann’s hands and she slapped them away.


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