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OWNED & UNTAMED (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 12

by London Casey

  “I’m trying to get all the information I can from Jim,” I said. “He’s a stubborn miserable prick to talk to.”

  “I can see why you two are friends,” Trev said.

  “Thanks, Prez,” I said. “Look, I am not fucking with you guys here. I’m not going behind anyone’s back. I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on before anyone makes a rash decision.”

  “Because of your involvement in the situation,” Trent said.

  “Fuck off, brother. You don’t know my fucking involvement in anything. If I wasn’t there to see the Hell Five we would be really screwed right now. Nobody can deny that. So I’m trying to get names, places, everything here. There’s no way in hell Jim just handed over paperwork to someone in the Hell Five. So if we find out who he dealt with and how this is done…”

  “A dummy corp,” Cade said. “We all do it. You run certain business through dummy corps. Fuck. That’s how they did it. Probably some bullshit company that’s looking to acquire land. Probably hired some broker or agent to scope things out and approach your friend. That’s how it was done.”

  “Even still,” Jasper said, “this is a big deal. The Russians are pissed at us.”

  “So we get our information in line,” I said. “What choice do we have? You want to ride up there and put a bullet in Jim’s head? Belle’s head?”

  “If this wasn’t your current pussy, what would you do?” Cash asked me.

  I looked at him and refused to answer.

  “Cash has a point,” Tristan said.

  “Agreed,” Hudson added. “We put the pressure on. Right now. Hard.”

  “That’s how you all feel then?” I asked.

  The table all started to argue. It was an instant explosion. Everyone had a voice and an opinion. I stood there, catching some of the words, but my eyes were locked to Trev. I knew how he felt about Eden. And their unborn baby. Nobody knew how far back I went with Belle and Jim. In a way, they were my first family.

  Trev finally stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled loud. “My turn to talk.” The table was all his. “Everyone is right. The bottom line is that the Hell Five are looking to expand. They were looking at this piece of land long before we knew. They arranged to attack us as a way to get money to show faith on the purchase. Do I have proof of that? Fuck no. But I think we all can agree it lines up nicely. So that’s what I’m going to assume. That means someone ratted out our deal with the Russians. Is that worth exploring? Probably, but not now. Right now, I need you, Cade, to get on the phone with anyone you can to figure out the backdoor of this land deal and how we can stop it. I need to know if money is in escrow and how far along this is. Duke, you’ve got twenty-four hours. I expect you back here at this exact time tomorrow with something. I’m going to take Jasper and we’re going to call our brothers down in Frelen to fill them in. Just in case anything pushes down at them. We cannot let the Russians push us around and we cannot let them assume us to be part of anything we’re not.”

  “What about the rest of us?” Cash asked.

  “I want everyone out there. I want every fucking street corner, back alley, and dive bar checked and made well known that Back Down Devil is in fucking control. And if you find anyone in that shit crew, you send them a message.”

  Normally we’d all cheer for some action. But I could sense the tension in the room. Trev was throwing me a favor that didn’t need to be thrown. In a way, he was making himself look a little soft and that was a huge risk. If the table turned on him… fuck, it would be as bad as when Ripper was at the helm.

  “Brothers, I’m going to say this once,” I said. I slowly walked to my chair. I put my hand to it and looked up and down the table. “I was given this cut, this chair, all for a purpose. I’ve fulfilled that purpose. I’ll forever fill that purpose. If I found out that this was done on purpose to hurt this club, whoever did it will be hurt. Severely hurt. This isn’t about some old war buddy or some chick I used to fuck.”

  “I knew you fucked her!” Kye said. “Saw it on your face. You fucked her the night before you saw the Hell Five.”

  “So… in some fucked up way, we can all agree that pussy helped the club,” Cash said. “This could set precedent.”

  “I didn’t know you could speak words that big,” Cade said.

  “I’m asking for your trust,” I said. “There has to be more happening behind all of this. If we crack whatever the fuck the Hell Five is doing here, we can be on the lookout elsewhere. What everyone should do now is think why they want that land. What are they planning on building there? Guns? Drugs? Pussy? Are they the ones in bed with the Russians? Or maybe our Irish friends are pushing for them to do this. Whatever it is, we need to stop it.

  “That goddamn chair is yours,” Jasper said. “Until the day we strip you of your cut and your ink, you’re part of this club. It’s just not easy dealing with Ivan and Peter showing up with his thugs, demanding answers.”

  “Which means they’re watching us,” I said. “They want that cash.”

  “We better figure that out soon,” Trent said. “They’re going to get worse with their visits and orders.”

  “So we have a plateful here,” Trev said. He nudged the gavel. “I guess we should get out of these fucking chairs and make something happen. Right now.”

  The table roared to life for a few seconds.

  Trent stared me down from across the table. He was the last to stand up and leave, making it just me, him, and Trev in the conference room.

  “Something you need to say?” I asked Trent.

  “I know how it feels,” he said. “Willing to fight for someone while trying to fight for your club. You have my support all the way, brother.”

  “You have my support too,” Trev said. “But I can only go so far. I can’t lose the table. I can’t have a war inside my clubhouse or enemies in my lot, killing prospects.”

  I simply nodded. There were no more words worth willing to speak.

  It was time for action… no matter the consequence.


  I pulled into the driveway just before sunset.

  The front door opened to the house and Belle stood there. Her arms were crossed as I approached the old porch. I notice something different about her. She was holding a pack of smokes.

  I cocked my head to the side and pointed to them.

  “Thinking about smoking them all,” she said.

  “Didn’t know you still smoked.”

  “I don’t,” she said.

  I walked up the porch and looked left to right. There was no way to really know if someone was watching or someone was going to wait and attack. All I could do was prepare on my own, which I felt I had done.

  “Going to tell me why I need a gun?” Belle asked.

  “Because your brother sold land to a group of men that would kill you without thinking twice. And because there’s another group that thinks we’re affiliated, and they’d do things that would make the toughest man break down and cry.”

  Belle shivered. She slowly peeled back the top of the cigarettes and I grabbed the pack out of her hands.

  “You don’t need that shit, sweetie.”

  “No? I called you for help and now I have people wanting to kill me and my brother.”

  “To be fair, I had nothing to do with Jim and his decision.”

  Belle rolled her eyes. “What’s going to happen here, Duke? Should I call the police?”

  “You could do that,” I said. “But there’s nothing they could do for you. If you let me help you…”

  “Why would he do this?” Belle asked. She blinked fast as her eyes filled up with tears.

  “Do what?”

  “Sell. This was our home. This was… this was what they left for us. And he just wants to give it up. He doesn’t care…”

  I touched Belle’s face. “Ah, sweetie, you can’t look at it like that. I’m so sorry for what you and Jim have gone through and are going through. I can’t make excuses for him
and won’t. His dreams might not be yours. Right now, we need to get through this mess.”

  “Am I going to end up in trouble?” Belle asked.

  Her eyes were as beautiful as ever. “Hanging around me is trouble. But I’m going to protect you. Jim too. I thought I was doing the right thing then when I didn’t come back, but I won’t make that same mistake twice.”

  Belle touched my shirt. I could see the fear in her eyes.

  Our lips started to get closer. We were an inch away from crossing that line again. I pulled back a little.


  “Duke, I need you. I fucking need you.”

  Her lips quivered as she tried to pull at me, wanting to kiss me.

  I knew it was treacherous for our lips to touch again.

  “You’re scared, Belle,” I whispered. “That’s okay. Trust me, you’ll be taken care of in all this. I just need your brother to work with me and the club.”

  “He’s getting all the information together. I told him you were coming up here tonight.”

  “Maybe I should go talk to him.”

  “Maybe you should,” Belle said.

  I didn’t move.

  Her hands pulled at me, desperately wanting me.

  Fuck, who was I fucking kidding? I wanted her just as bad. We had years to make up for and a lifetime to look forward to.

  Only if we crossed that line.

  Seconds ticked by as we just stood there in silence. The night falling outside. The reality of danger all around.

  Then we crossed that line.

  chapter twenty.


  Her legs were wrapped tight around my body as I carried her up the stairs. Our lips and tongues battled, but I always fucking won. She dug at the back of my leather cut, my hands cupping her ass.

  I knew my way around that fucking house so I had no problems kissing her while hitting all the steps and finding the bedroom.

  When we got inside the bedroom, I grabbed her legs and stood her on her feet. My hands went to her hips and I put a foot between us. It was the last chance to put this thing to a final end. A chance to walk away. A chance to realize how crazy and dumb it was.

  Belle slid her hands into my leather cut and I let it drop to the floor. She grabbed my shirt and pulled. I lifted my shirt up over my head and Belle’s hands were against my chest a second later, her fingertips sliding down my chest. She traced lines I’d never see but could feel. All the way down to my jeans. Her fingertips quickly went to work, ripping open my belt buckle, then opening my jeans.

  My cock was twisted in my boxers, thickening by the second.

  Belle came forward and started to kiss my neck. Those lips and that tongue then slowly moved down my chest.

  “Oh, Duke,” she then whispered as she pushed my jeans and boxers down. “I can’t live without you anymore.”

  Her lips continued their descent. She got my jeans and boxers down enough that my cock popped free. Her right hand grabbed at my dick, squeezing the thick head of my tip. I sucked in a breath and groaned.

  “Fuck, sweetie,” I said.

  “Yes,” she purred, her lips above my belly button.

  Her hand gently slid down my length, trying to grip my full root.

  Then she dropped to her knees before me.

  My jeans and boxers were down to my knees. I reached down and slipped my fingers through her hair. She was always my girl. Always my sweetie. Always mine.

  “Fuck,” I managed to say again, even though there were more words burning in my heart to say to her.

  Belle stared at me as her tongue came forward and licked the head of my cock. She made circles and then eased her lips over me. She moved across the ridge of my head and pulled right back. Feeling her lips against that spot made me thrust at her. I let out a growl, trying to hold back. I had waited all these years to feel her suck me again and I wasn’t going to waste it by coming in a few seconds. But that’s what Belle did to me. No woman did that shit to me.

  Her right hand started to jerk me as her mouth went to work. Guiding herself down and back, her lips and tongue taking care of my long shaft, reaching as much as her mouth would allow. The warmth of her mouth felt good, only surpassed when she’d groan. My hands touched her shoulders and I started to move her the way I wanted it. Pulling and pushing at her, loving the feel of her tasting me. She slowly put her hands to my legs, curling her nails, digging them into my skin.

  I then grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

  I slowly pulled back, taking my cock from her mouth. She looked up at me, mouth open, breathing heavily. I gave a nod as the only warning she’d get. Then I thrust forward, sliding into her mouth. Gently, I started to fuck her mouth. My knees bent a little and I pumped myself back and forth. Feeling her. Watching her. Trying my fucking hardest not to explode right there.

  I gritted my teeth and kept going. Thrusting as deep as Belle would allow. I then pulled out of her mouth for good, knowing what I wanted next from her. I dropped down right there to the bedroom floor, on my knees, towering over Belle.

  “Right fucking now,” was all I had to say to her.

  Belle fell back to her ass and started to fumble with her jeans. She got them open and I took over. My hands grabbed her jeans and panties and I pulled. She let out a yell and grabbed for the floor, trying to brace herself. I ripped her clothes right off, right there on the floor. It was crazy since we had a bed next to us.

  But I was losing my goddamn mind.

  I came forward at her with intense force, pinning her down to the floor. She was trying to lift her shirt up but there wasn’t enough time. My cock touched between her legs, feeling her perfect slit. I thrust at her, entering her.

  Belle’s head fell back as she let out a loud moan. She was propped up on her elbows and my mouth took advantage of her exposed neck.

  I kissed her as I sank deep into her.

  I wasn’t in the mood to make love or any of that shit.

  I was there to fuck.

  So I fucked her.

  Each thrust harder and faster than the previous. My knees rubbing on the insides of my jeans, pressing to the floor. My left hand was on the floor and my right hand at Belle’s lower back, keeping her body tight so she felt every fucking inch of my cock.

  I pounded at her, grunting, kissing up to her mouth.

  The second I felt her tongue touch mine I wanted to come.

  Belle started to fall back but I wasn’t having it.

  I pulled out of her and stared down at us for a few seconds. My cock was huge, vein filled, soaked and throbbing. Belle’s beautiful pussy was glistening with her wetness, her folds curled open, the insides of her thighs shaking.

  “Fuck, sweetie,” I said. “You’re killing me.”

  “Don’t stop,” Belle pleaded. “I need to feel you more.”

  I grabbed at Belle and spun her around. She was then on her hands and knees, ass in the air. I pushed her shirt up and grabbed her by the ribs. I pulled at her, bringing her pussy to my cock. I fucked forward, plowing into her again.

  Her back made a wild U shape and the feel of her pussy was just amazing. In that moment, nothing else mattered in life. The MC, the wars, enemies, land, money, fuck all that shit. Fuck going to war. Fuck screwing things up with Belle.

  Right then I was just simply screwing Belle the way she deserved to be.

  My hands slid all the way down to her ass. I kneaded my fingers hard into her flesh, pulling and pushing as I thrust into her. Her pussy sheathed me so tight and perfect, there was only so much holding back a man could do.

  I slipped my right hand around to her belly and went up her shirt. When my fingertips touched the bottom of her bra, I started to pull at her. I lifted and Belle started to move to her knees. I was still fucking her as she reached back and grabbed for my legs. The new angle added a ton of new pressure to my cock. Squeezing so wildly against the head of my cock, I was a goner.

  I put my mouth to her ear and nibbled. “Yo
u’re fucking mine, Belle. You were then. You are now. I want you mine for forever.”

  She turned her head.

  What the fuck did you say that for, man?

  Our lips touched and my cock lost all its control.

  I started to come, pressing deep into Belle’s body. I had her up on her knees completely as we kissed. My left hand gripped her waist tight and I moved her back and forth, feeling her pussy receive and want all of my release. My right hand moved up more, over her bra, cupping her breast. I couldn’t believe I didn’t even get a chance to get her fully naked yet.

  After I was done, I slowly kept fucking her. Inching in and out of her. Making sure she felt all of me and making sure I felt all of her.

  Belle then grabbed the bottom of her shirt and took it off. I leaned back and watched as she scrambled to unhook her bra. It fell to the floor and I looked over her shoulder, seeing those beautiful breasts of hers. My hands couldn’t help themselves as I cupped them. My thumbs flicked across her nipples. She jumped and shivered.

  I had never been in a position like this with a woman. Taking things slow. Fucking, coming, and then still hanging around to playfully tease each other.

  When my cock slid out of her, Belle’s hand was there to catch me. She squeezed and wasted no time in jerking me. We traded flirty kisses; sometimes kisses that were hotter.

  My dick came back to life in no time - it was a gift of mine.

  We were kissing and I felt Belle sigh.

  She broke the kiss and thrust her ass back at me. She put me against her pussy again and bit her lip. I reached up and moved her hair out of the way so I could kiss her neck and upper back.

  As I kissed her, she rubbed herself against my cock, showing me just how wet she still was. I wasn’t the only one still turned on, still ready to go.

  I gently spread my big hand across the top of her back and pushed, putting her back on her hands and knees. That ass of hers shot back up into the air, my dick already starting to penetrate her.

  One thrust later and we were fucking again.

  I fucked her on the floor for another few minutes and then stopped. I then scooped her up in my arms and put her on the bed. Before I could place her down, Belle’s hand grabbed my dick and was guiding me right back into her.


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