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In Love and In Danger (Loving)

Page 4

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  He moved toward Rebecca, “I think I might sample what is to come,” he laughed raucously at his crude pun, as he reached toward a bare breast.

  “You so much as touch her and I will kill you before you leave the room,” Matt snarled. That little popgun of yours might hit me but it won’t stop me. Unless you hit me in the head on your first shot you’ll be dead before you get off a second shot. Are you that confident in your marksmanship? You won’t be the first human I’ve killed with my bare hands. You’ll simply be the first today.”

  “And if I shoot the lovely Rebecca?”

  “Same thing. You’re dead. You decide the price you want to pay. “Your life? Is it worth it to you?”

  With his arm around her neck, he began retreating slowly towards the door. Then he thought better of that plan. He knew as soon as they passed from Matt’s sight, he would retrieve his gun. “Where is your weapon?” he asked. Tightening his hold on Rebecca’s neck and with the gun in her ear, “You had best not lie to me.”

  “It’s in the night stand,” he said.

  Rebecca’s eyes widened in shock. She thought, “Jason’s gun was in the nightstand. Why would Matt give Ricardo another weapon? It didn’t make sense?” Her alarm registered in her face. You really had to be watching closely, and Rebecca was staring at Matt. One eyelid barely closed. “He’s winking at me. He has a plan.”

  “Open the drawer slowly, no tricks. My gun is in her ear.”

  Matt pulled the drawer open. “Hear it is,” he said.

  “Put the pen on the nightstand through the trigger guard and lift the gun slowly from the drawer.”

  Matt did as he was told. “Now, carefully place it at the foot of the bed and back way and face the wall.” Again, Matt did as he was told. With slow small steps, he backed away from the wall until he was even with the chair. He stopped.

  Ricardo moved around to the foot of the bed, dragging Rebecca with him. As he reached the end of the bed and reached for the gun, Rebecca went completely limp. With the element of surprise and the dead weight on his arm, Rebecca fell to the floor with a clunk.

  The distraction gave Matt an opportunity. One he did not waste. In one leap, he was on Ricardo, hitting him with his fist, spoiling that handsome face. Blood spurted from the shattered nose. He fell backward. Matt went after him, but tripped over Rebecca’s body on the floor. Ricardo spun around and in a flash he was out the back door. By the time Matt recovered his balance and retrieved his Glock, Ricardo was nowhere to be seen, having vanished in the dark of the night. Matt secured the door and returned to the bedroom to find Rebecca standing, her robe in her hand.

  “Did he get away?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid he did,” Matt said with a lot of regret in his voice.

  Rebecca came into his arms and hugged him tightly as he placed his arms about her. Both became aware of their nudity at about the same time. “Now where were we?” before we were so rudely interrupted.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” Rebecca said.

  With her arms still around him be sidestepped to the door, closed it and thumbed it locked. “Now try me,” he said.

  Pulling her close, he kissed her. A deep and passionate kiss. She felt the finely tuned machine come to life. She was humming again. With one hand on his manhood, she moved to the bed backwards, and simply laid down, Matt on top. Matt continued his kiss, and then he kissed the sensitive corner at the base of her neck. He moved to her breast and took it into his mouth. He inserted a finger into here cleft and moved it around stretching the walls. It suddenly became very moist. He opened another packet and smoothly slid the sheath over his member. Atop, he moved the covered rod around her little button of joy. She was trembling. With the aid of her juices, he smoothly entered the vault, drawing forth another “Ahhhhh” of pleasure from Rebecca. She moved to meet him as he slowly thrust deep inside. Arching her hips, she went up in order to get the full length of this magnificent tool. As she arched, Matt’s finger found the swollen clitoris and with a slow movement, he massaged it with is wet finger. He moved another finger down and squeezed it slightly. Like the crescendo of an oncoming train a moan erupted and grew louder and louder. Her dormant sexuality had awakened; she went over the edge and let herself go into a vast pit of ecstasy. Awareness came back to her and she matched Matt’s rhythm. When he felt the muscles in her body tense, he whispered in her ear, “Wait for me. Wait for me, I’ll tell you when.” Up and down, in and out, she said in a hoarse whisper, “I can’t hold back any more. I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  “Now” said Matt. “Now, now” He thrust deeply, hitting the walls of her vault. His cock hit the G-spot. She erupted as he pumped his juices. He continued pumping until finally empty; he simply lay on top of her. It was coming with such force; he doubted the sheath could hold it.

  “Wow. Wow. Wow,” she said. “That was awesome. I feel so alive all of a sudden.” She hugged him fiercely. He kissed her, a deep passionate kiss. Things were quiet in the bedroom. Then she heard the far off sound of a train. Rubbing his cock back and forth with her soft fingers, she could feel it responding. Her hips began moving against him. He heard her humming.

  Into her ear, he whispered, “What’s that sound you’re humming?”

  She responded by singing softly, “I hear that train coming; it’s coming down the track.”

  “I don’t get it,” he said.

  “Oh you’re getting it all right,” and with a squeal and a moan, it was at the station, when she erupted.

  “She fell asleep in his arms.

  * * *

  Neither Rebecca nor Matt felt uncomfortable the next morning. Rebecca awoke first, slipping from the bed and into the bathroom taking a shower. She put on fresh panties and a bra and donned the robe she had worn last night. After brushing her teeth and combing out her hair, she went into the kitchen and set the coffee maker up. She scrambled five eggs with cheese and onions, and fried some bacon. She had just set the table with two plates when Matt came into the kitchen, wearing his freshly ironed trousers and shirt.

  He walked over to her and embraced her from behind. She twisted around to face him. He bent to kiss her and started to say something. With a firm voice, she interrupted and said, “Don’t you dare apologize. It was a marvellous evening if we ignore old what’s his name. My every nerve is alive and I feel great. It doesn’t have to mean anything. We were two adults that needed each other and we satisfied those needs.”

  “All I was going to do was ask when you ironed these.”

  “Oh, I did that this morning, before I took a shower.”

  “Rebecca, where did the idea of going limp come from last night?”

  “When you told him where Jason’s gun was, I knew you had a plan, and when you winked, that cinched it. I figured I could give you an opportunity to make a move. When I was a kid, we used to play a game where you go limp. I was pretty good at it. When you all of a sudden have 110 pounds of dead weight, it can seem like a lot more.”

  “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but it was better than my idea. I was going to grab my gun when he reached for the one on the bed. One of us would have gotten shot in that scenario, so yours worked.”

  “But he got away.”

  “We’ll get him. I put out an APB. With us and the cartel after him, I’m pretty sure he’ll decide we’re his best option.”

  “Sit down, your breakfast is getting cold. You’re amazing, brave and you cook too,” he said with his sly grin.

  “Yeah, I’m the whole package.”

  “I like the way the package is wrapped.”

  They ate breakfast, put away the dishes and cleaned up. Matt checked in. Nothing was going on with the APB. He sat on the sofa in the family room. She sat on his lap.

  “Isn’t this the way we started last night?” he asked.

  “Now that you mention it, I think it was,” she said.

  He kissed her, and slid his hand beneath her robe. He cupped her breast, and moved the bra asid
e, rubbed the nubs of the nipple between two fingers. Wordless, he stood, smoothly slid an arm beneath her bottom, lifted her and carried her to the bedroom. When they reached the bed, he stood her up. “Let me do this,” he said and unbuttoned the robe and laid it across the foot of the bed. She turned, and he unfastened her bra and caught the breasts in both hands as they became free of the bra. She was standing very still, but for the twinkle in her blue eyes as he slid the panties to her feet. She stepped from them.

  Then she said, my turn, and unbuttoned his shirt, removed it, and walked around him. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped the trousers and let them fall to the floor. She slid the shorts to the floor. She took his now rigid cock in her hands and pumped it a few times. She lay back on the bed, he lay down beside her. She put her mouth to his ear, nibbled it a bit, and then with her mouth so close to the ear he could feel the warmth of her breath, she whispered, “Take me. I’m yours. Do with me as you will.” Then she went totally limp.

  He laughed, heartily. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “Yes, but I meant that part about the “take me”. He took her into his arms, and kissed her. He kissed the crevice of her neck. Then he kissed the nipples, took both nipples into his mouth at one time and pulled at them with his lips. She was moaning with the delight of it when he put his fingers into her cleft and began moving around. He found the G-spot and began moving his finger back and forth from the g-spot to the clitoris. With each stroke, the moans became louder and louder. He continued to move. Between gasps, she said, “Inside. I want this one with you inside but hurry please hurry. He barely made it in when she reached the peak, writhing, twisting and turning, whimpering then moaning again. She climaxed several times, then aware he was still inside, she began with a slow undulation of her hips, moving against him, encouraging, pulling. She tightened her muscles to as if to hold that magnificent cock and prevent any more penetration. He thrust harder, harder.

  “Yes,” she shouted, “Yes, harder, harder. Bang me! Bang me!”

  She heard a growl like sound come from deep in his throat. He thrust deeper if possible, then begin pumping his fluids inside. He pumped, she rose to get them. He pumped until there was no more. There had been no sheath as he had pumped her full. She didn’t care.

  Once again, he collapsed atop her. They lay happily in that embrace. She sat up. “Want to take a shower?”

  “Why not?” he said.

  “Standing under the full force of the shower, she said, “Matt, that was incredible. I have never ever done that before.”

  He held her close, then they soaped each other, three times and rinsed.

  The drying off part was fun too. That took a while.

  “I don’t know about you, but I have to go to work now,” she said.

  “So do I.”

  She got panties and a bra from the dresser, and then went to the large walk in closet to select her clothes for the day. She came out wearing designer jeans and a frilly top.

  Matt was dressed, and on the phone. His last words were, “I’ll be there.”

  “I have to go to El Paso,” he said. I’d like to tell you more, but I don’t know any more. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’ll call you. I’m not a one night stand guy. You are important to me.”

  “I didn’t think you were, but I didn’t want to pressure you. I’ll miss you.”

  He kissed her lightly, she returned it and he headed for the door. As he opened the door, she said, “Matt, I don’t hear the train a’coming”

  “You will. You will, as soon as I get back.”

  Chapter 8

  Life is calm and serene in Rossville once again. Rebecca recovered from the damage done during the ransacking of the shop. The FBI has possession of the Symphonion and there is little likelihood of her getting it back. She isn’t too upset, because she didn’t pay for it in the first place. The lady with the flaming red hair and the hideous handbag had just left it in the store. All of her products were shelved and Herschel had found several very nice pieces recently including some Louis XIV chests.

  Traffic was picking up as people left for other parts for spring break. She was finally making a profit, not to the extent of being able to hire assistance but still, a profit.

  Matt had called her from El Paso and then a week later from Laredo. And from McAllen, Texas came the last call.

  She began to despair of seeing him again. Rossville was not a high point of interest for the FBI. After 3 weeks of no news, Rebecca gave up. She had one evening and it was a memorable one. It taught here one thing. She was alive and she could feel other emotions than sadness.

  Several of the eligible local bachelors had stopped into the shop lately and she had met and made some new friends, now that she was living a part of her life outside of her shop and home.

  Her parents were delighted. Her mother was attempting to play matchmaker again. She had invited Rebecca to dinner, and coincidentally, a young junior partner from her father’s law firm was there. She found he was a nice enough young man, but just a bit too eager to please the boss’s daughter. Rebecca had dinner with him once and thereafter turned down his invitations.

  She had started going to the same church she had attended as a young girl. Most of the single men there were in their fifties. She wasn’t that desperate just yet.

  She had considered one of the online matchmaking websites but decided against it. It was just too easy for someone to misrepresent himself.

  She still thought frequently of the evening with Matt and the invasion of her bedroom by Ricardo and being forced to stand close to him totally nude. Strangely, it didn’t embarrass her; it made her angry all over again. There had been no local coverage of the attempted drug smuggling though the Chicago Tribune did mention the breakup of a smuggling ring but that was the extent of that.

  It was beautiful outside and she had put some of her larger pieces outside the door, hoping to attract some attention. She would have to bring them inside before the afternoon sun hit them but for now, at least one sale had resulted from her display.

  The bell on the front door tinkled to announce the arrival of another customer. She hurried in from the back and began her welcome speech when she spotted this outrageously handsome man with a bouquet of roses. He removed his hand from his pocket and she could hear the faint strains of Johnny Cash’s deep voice. He was singing “I Hear the Train A ‘Coming.” She dropped the book in her hands and ran toward the man saying, “Matt! Matt! I’m so glad to see you. I thought you weren’t coming back. Wait a second.” She went to the door and turned the sign around to the Closed side.

  Returning to Matt, she walked into the extended arms, wrapped hers around his neck, and said, “I’m so glad to see you. I’ve missed you so much.

  She couldn’t talk anymore because he had covered her mouth with his and was kissing her hungrily. He kissed her nose, her forehead and the crevice in her neck. Then he returned to the luscious mouth and kissed her thoroughly.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve been in Mexico. We apprehended Ricardo and his red-headed friend trying to cross into Mexico. He has been talking. We are going to be able to shut down several large smuggling routes. Ricardo and his friend are going away for some time and afterwards, they will probably go into the witness protection program.”

  “What about you? What are you going to be doing now?”

  “Well, for the next month, I’m going to be on vacation. I am going to take a long awaited and well deserved vacation to Hawaii. After I come back, I am going to be assigned as SAC in the Champagne-Urbana office.”

  “That’s great. Champaign is only about sixty miles from here, if someone wanted to drive, that is. When are you leaving for Hawaii?”

  “I have to make some contacts first. I’m looking for someone to go along with me. Do you know of anyone that might be interested in going? They would have to like Johnny Cash songs though. The sounds of “I Hear The Train” started again.”

  “As it happens, I do kno
w of someone, though she hasn’t heard any trains recently.”

  “Where can I find this someone?”

  “Open your eyes and you might see her. Matt, do you really mean it? Are you really inviting me to Hawaii with you?”

  “Absolutely. I think we need to get to know each other better and in a place where there shouldn’t be any unwelcome interruptions.”

  “I would love to be that someone, Matt. When?”

  “What will you do about the shop?”

  “A girl has been working part time with me. She would love to do it, I’m sure. If not, I’ll just close for however long is necessary. Now what does a girl have to do to be kissed?”

  “Come into my arms and I will be most happy to accommodate you. She floated into his arms. His lips touched hers and a familiar tingling shot through her. He lifted her off her feet and they whirled around the floor to the rhythm of a Johnny Cash song.”

  “Matt, the store is closed for today. Come go home with me.”

  “I was hoping you would ask. I would be delighted. He followed her home in his car and on into the garage. She lowered the garage door.

  They went straight into the bedroom shedding clothes as they went. They stood before each other, taking in the entrancing sight of each other’s body. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gestured towards the bed. “Shall we?”


  It was quite some time before either emerged from the bed room and then it was only for an energy bar for each. The door closed once again. The exploration of the bodies continued to a very satisfactory solution.

  “Good night, Matt,” said Rebecca and snuggled back into a spoon type configuration.

  “Good night Rebecca.” Both his arms were around her with each hand cupping a breast.

  “You’re not going to get much sleep if you keep doing that,” Rebecca said.

  “Doing what?” Matt asked innocently.

  She turned over to face him and began to hum.


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