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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 6: The Wedding

Page 7

by J A Fielding

  “Don’t you dare cry. Sofia has worked too hard,” Meg said in a warning tone.

  “No it’s just that…with everything that has happened, this is finally happening,” she smiled.

  “Yeah this was going to happen, no matter what happened,” Meg said as she looked at her own reflection. “By the way, your choice for these bridesmaids’ dresses was perfect,” she added just as the other girls came in.

  Julie looked at them and smiled. Meg was right. They all looked perfect. All short but differently designed. The different designs were her Nan’s idea. Apparently uniformity had some kind of beauty that belittled the bride’s glamour.

  “So, I must ask. What did you do about Steven’s ex and the other sister?” Julie asked in a low voice, careful so the other Davenport sisters wouldn’t hear her.

  “I just gave her a piece of my mind. Don’t worry they are both still alive,” Meg said just as Michael knocked on the door and poked his head in.

  “Are you…oh my God,” he said when he saw Julie.

  “Hi dad,” Julie said in a low voice.

  “You look so beautiful, honey.” He watched as the ladies walked out.

  “Thanks dad. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said smiling. Michael walked up to her and took both her hands in his and helped her up. “I hope you are ready for this,” she said.

  “I will never be ready to give up my daughter,” he said.

  “Come on, you are not giving me up. You are giving me away,” she laughed.

  “That sounds even worse,” Michael groaned. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you baby.” He pulled away and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You will always be my baby.”

  “Guys, you’re up,” Pamela said as she poked her head through the doorway. Michael took a long deep breath and pulled Julie’s veil down.

  “So, you ready for this?” she asked.

  “Not really. But I kind of have to do this,” he said as he let her slip her hand around his arm.

  “I love you dad and being married is not going to change that,” she smiled, looking into his eyes.

  Michael looked at her and gave her hand a squeeze.

  “Ready?” Pamela asked as she opened the door.

  “Ready,” Michael said.

  As she walked down the aisle to Steven, Julie could feel her eyes watering again. She had no idea why but it probably had to do with the fact that she didn’t think this would be happening at the beginning of the day. When she finally got to the front, she looked at Steven and smiled. She was tongue tied when the minister told them to exchange their vows because she realized that they had both forgotten them. Steven smiled uncomfortably and then looked at the minister.

  “Can I go first?” he asked. The minister nodded. He turned and looked at Julie. “Baby, I love you to the ends of the world and back and yes, I forgot the vows but everything I have to tell you is right here,” he said as he patted his chest where his heart was. “And I have so much more to say but I think I’m going to save it for the rest of our lives. If you let me, I want you to be the person I grow old next to,” he said before he slipped the ring onto her finger.

  Julie smiled and sighed.

  “Well I forgot my vows too, so there’s that,” she started before everyone laughed. “But we have had a crazy ride and I want so much more time for crazy rides and everything. I am not perfect…but I promise that I will live everyday honoring you and working harder and harder to be the perfect wife to you,” she said as she slipped the ring on his finger. The minister looked at them and smiled.

  “Well, with the power vested in me by the state of Arkansas, I now pronounce you man and wife. Steven, you may kiss your bride,” the minister said.

  Steven stepped forward and unveiled Julie before he looked into her eyes.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he brought his head down to meet her lips in the kiss that solemnized their marriage.

  The end... but there's more:

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  More Books By J A Fielding

  This is part 6 in the 'Homes And Hearts' series. You can see all the other parts here:

  Home Is Where The Heart Is.

  Jealousy And Trust.

  My Man, My Family.

  The Proposal.

  The Other Man.

  The Wedding.

  You can see other books from myself and other BWWM Romance authors here:

  About J A Fielding

  Hey my lovelies, J A Fielding here! You want to know more about my writing? Ok, here goes:

  I specialize in stories with strong black women (although we're all human and need support at times) and sexy white men. I enjoy this genre so much I've teamed up with other writers to start the website Here you can see a selection of books in the BWWM genre, all with different view points and authors.

  I'm always open to writing on new related subjects, so if you want to suggest any story ideas for me, leave a review on one of my current books and mention your story idea. If it's something I feel I'll enjoy writing, I may give it a go. I will of course leave you a credit in the book for inspiring the idea. ;)

  I hope you've enjoyed this story and go on to check the others out. If you do leave a review, thank you in advance.

  J A Fielding.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

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  More Books By J A Fielding

  About J A Fielding




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