Make Believe Wife

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Make Believe Wife Page 13

by Berri Fox

  We’re nearly finished our food now and Roxy is chasing up the last crumbs of her cherry pie while I demolish my sundae.

  “I think we’ll have to go shopping.” I look down at my plate. “All my boring food at home suddenly seems far from appetizing.”

  Roxy laughs. “Okay. But I warn you, I’m going on a health kick. I’ll have to take care of my body if I’m going to be a model.”

  I just stare at her, hardly able to believe my ears.

  “You want to model? You want to come to work… With me?”

  She grins, nodding. “Why not? I’ve done just about everything else. Might as well give it a try. Especially if you say I’m good at it.”

  “You are, Roxy, you really are. Everyone’s amazed by you.”

  She scowls a little. “I’ve never cared what anyone thought, let alone everyone.”

  “Roxy.” I take her hand again. “You just wait. You’re going to be famous. The second the magazine hits the shelves every photographer in the city will be scrabbling to get you in their lens.”

  “That will be good for you though, wont it? You need your special section to sell out, don’t you?”

  “Roxy.” I rub her hand gently. “It will be good for us.”

  The way she tilts her head, I don’t think she has ever been in an ‘us’ situation.

  “Now then.” I burrow through my purse for a credit card. “Let me pay for this feast.”

  “We could always order more and try to give the waitress the vapors.”

  I snort with laughter and I don’t even give a fuck when nearby people stare.

  “As fun as that sounds, it will have to wait for another night.”

  “Oh yeah? Why, are you in a hurry?”

  I give her a meaningful look before I get up to pay the bill.

  “Yes, actually. I just got into a serious relationship with a beautiful woman, and I can’t wait to take her to bed.”

  The old man at a nearby table chokes on his food and glares at me. Roxy starts laughing so hard she snorts, too. As I go to pay, I can’t stop smiling, every moment threatening to unleash my chuckles.

  I’ve never had so much fun in my life. I never knew life could be so fun. I’ve been missing out on so much.

  Time to make up for it. I want every moment filled with moments like this.

  And Roxy. Always and forever.




  On the way home in the cab I can’t stop touching her. From holding hands to trailing my fingertips up her arm, I just want to explore her. That first night we spent together had a kind of frantic energy to it. Both of us were desperate for release.

  We didn’t even know if we could trust. Our hearts and bodies had decided for us, even though our minds were not yet made up.

  That put urgency and intensity into our lovemaking, but I didn’t get much chance to really adore her. Most of the sex I’ve experienced has been more about lust and satisfaction than intimacy and I’m only just now realizing this.

  Helen holds my hand gently, her eyes glinting in the dark. She leans back into the seat and stares at me as if she never wants to look away.

  “You’re so beautiful, Roxy.” Her voice comes out as a sigh. “Why do you try to hide it?”

  This causes a painful twist in my chest. “You can’t walk around looking like fresh meat when you’re on the street. You need to look tough even for the girls. Heavy boots take you further when you need to walk and help you out even more if you need to run. The tougher you look, the less you get hassled.”

  Just saying the words brings up some pretty terrible memories. Instead of dwelling on them and letting them drag me down, I scoot across the seat and put my arms around Helen.

  “Speaking of clothes, does this new Helen get a new wardrobe?”

  She laughs. “Maybe.”

  “Come on. I’d love to see you in color.”

  “You haven’t seen my kink gear.”

  “Well.” I reach up to kiss her. “I can’t wait for that.”

  In the shimmering darkness, we fall together. Her arms go around me, so strong, warm and safe. The press of her body thrills me. I know that something is happening to me. I’m opening up like never before and even though there is trust and faith, it’s still pretty fucking scary.

  Because the essence of this moment is that faith. No matter how much love and trust you feel, giving your heart is an act of pure courage. No one knows what tomorrow brings. Throwing it out there is a shout to the universe that you are going for it, no matter the consequence.

  We are so lost in each other the cabbie has to bang on the seat to get our attention. He doesn’t look annoyed, just amused. Helen pays him and we jump out together, wrapping our arms around each other to walk up to her place.

  I just can’t stop kissing her. The trip upstairs flows by almost without me noticing. All I can see is Helen. When she finally gets her door open and we fall through I think I’m going to have to take her right there just like I did last time.

  But no. I have different plans tonight. I want to see my girl all tied up.

  I cup her face gently, brushing my lips across hers.

  “Helen. Can I tie you?”

  Her eyes flash with what might be uncertainty, but she smiles. When she hurries to her room I get over to the couch, putting on some soft music. When Helen comes back, she has two beautiful green jute ropes.

  “I would be honored, Roxy.” She holds out one of the ropes and as I get it out and start working it, Helen takes off her clothes.

  I don’t think she has any idea how gorgeous she is. The big baggy sweaters, loose skirts and slacks belong on a much larger woman. She’s all curves and with the sweep of honey blonde hair she looks like a goddess fallen to the earth. I should be asking her why she’s trying to hide her beauty.

  She steps up to me and I brush my hands against her shoulders. I trail the rope over her skin, and she moans in pleasure.

  I move around her, tickling and teasing. Finally, I start making loops and start to put on a basic body harness.

  A body harness can be made without restraining the sub. It doesn’t tie hands or feet. What it does do is create a central line from the throat to the pussy and when its anchored, the clit stimulation is immediate.

  As I pull the rope between Helen’s legs and draw it tight with a knot at her back she moans. I tug on it, just a little and she rocks her clit against the pressure.

  From this point on, the entire tie becomes foreplay. Every time I stabilize the rope with a side tie it adds tension to the center line. Helen is moaning by the time I’m through the shoulder knots.

  I reach down between her legs and feel how wet she is, teasing at her entrance between the double lines of rope. Then I give the central line a tug, feeling it push against her. Helen squirms against me, gasping as the pleasure flares across her skin between the points of pressure.

  I finish the tie, leaving only a little bit of spare rope. I’ve criss crossed the rope across the center line in a pattern of diamonds. The green looks amazing against Helen’s pale skin.


  “Hmm.” She has that blissful face that every bunny has when the ropes are nice and tight.

  “Can I take pictures?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  She doesn’t open her eyes and I know she’s focusing on the sensations of the rope. I move her gently towards the edge of the couch and grab my phone.

  I focus on the patterns of the rope across her breasts and belly. I get her to raise her arms and twist so I can see the sexy curves of her waist pressed by green jute. She’s completely relaxed in my hands as I pose her any way I like.

  I take a couple of shots of her breasts, held tight in the crossed strings. I focus on the rope where it passes between her legs, stroking her clit through the tight rope as I do so. Helen’s breath sighs, hips rocking forward as she begs for more.

  I press on her back, pushing her forward over t
he lounge. She’s so tall that her ass points up high as her legs stretch and I can’t resist a photo of her gorgeous pussy exposed by the position. As I get closer, I forget the phone and drop it, getting down on my knees to press my mouth into her pussy.

  She moans, loud and long. I keep using my tongue and lips on her, reaching up to grab the central line and give it a pull.

  She shrieks, hips bucking. I keeping eating her, deeper and harder as I tug on the rope. With the tip of my tongue I can feel it pressing on her clit as the double line also puts pressure on those deeper lips.

  I run my tongue around all the taught edges, teasing her around the rope. I pull on it in a rhythm and when I feel her start to tremble, I increase my efforts.

  She’s collapsed on her arms, face buried in the pillow. I can hear her crying out and trying to process her own pleasure. I add my fingers to the mix, stroking her incredibly wet pussy between my lips and the rope.

  When she starts letting out a series of harsh gasps, I go at it even harder, feeling joy sweeping through me. Fucking her is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had sex like this. She excites me so much just by being herself, but she is more real than ever when she’s on the brink of orgasm.

  That’s when I get to see the real Helen. Even if she has made a commitment to being more exciting, looser, I know that this is the only time she’ll ever truly let go.

  When she’s coming.

  And I’m the one who gets to see it.

  The only one.

  I grab the rope and twist it as hard as I can. Helen screams loud enough to shake the windows and her pussy throbs with juice. Still twisting the rope in one hand I lean my lips and tongue into the fount and drink her up.



  I’ve never experienced pleasure like this before. It’s as if every other time I’ve been with someone, there was this intensity that was just out of reach. I could feel it at a distance, beckoning me forward, but I didn’t know how to get there.

  Trust. Trust and a commitment to letting myself feel every single sublime second. I make myself pay attention, I keep my eyes closed so that I’m forced to focus on the ropes and Roxy’s touch. I immerse myself in my body and let myself react without trying to control how it happens.

  It’s slippery and scary. In a lot of ways, it hurts. But when my orgasm starts to crest over me its like a wave that rolls over my soul and I’m thrown against the sand, breath blasted out, shaking and shivering and soaking, dripping wet.

  When I finally blink my self back into full focus, I’m sitting on the floor next to the lounge, Roxy in front of me. I have vague sensations of her hands guiding me to the floor, supporting me while I shivered under the force of my release. She leans in and kisses me, and I start to tremble all over again.

  For a few seconds I just breathe. My head spins and I have to lean against the couch. Roxy slithers over and hugs me. There are so many things I could say, but I don’t need to. Roxy knows I’ve just let go, that I’ve become someone else all on the turn of a second.

  She’s holding me and protecting me and making me feel safe in the most vulnerable position I’ve ever been in. I want to make her feel the same way.

  I lean in and kiss her, softly pressing my lips against hers. She kisses me back, hands starting to run up my arms.

  “Shall we put you in a rope too?” I whisper.

  She nods eagerly, hurrying off to get it and tear off her clothes. I pull myself up the edge of the couch and take the soft rope from Roxy, starting to run it through my hands.

  Roxy closes her eyes and takes even breaths. When I touch her with the rope she gasps, shivering. I start a body harness, pressing the rope between her legs and deliberately stroking the clit as hard as I can without causing pain.

  Her gasps come out of her so fast they sound like laughter. After giving the rope a hard tug while anchoring it I reach deep into her slit and finger her, making her sway on her feet.

  As I get up and move around her to secure the tie, my own rope shifts against me. I feel the pressure on my clit, the deeper ropes stroking my pussy. I have to keep stopping to rub my legs together and rock back and forth, another orgasm not far away.

  I finish Roxy’s tie, coiling the extra loops by her nape. Then I grab my phone and move around her, taking shots of the rope work framed by her pale skin.

  She’s so delicate and tiny, but her body is hard with muscle. It gives a quality to her photos, something that looks like she might be made of glass but is in fact diamond. Appearing graceful and delicate, but harder than any steel.

  When she turns her head to smile lazily over one shoulder, I frame her against the light, and I can’t believe the quality of the shot. Models work for years to look that casual, that natural.

  I have to remind myself that Roxy isn’t acting anything. She’s just being Roxy. It’s that honesty that makes her poses so good.

  I prop the phone up and take a few of us together, using the timer. Then I set it up on video.

  “Making a sex tape?” She asks dreamily, not bothered. I grin at the suggestion.

  “I suppose it is a sex tape in a way, but the only way to get good shots of us together is to set up a video. That way we can move through the frame and take stills out of it later. If we keep using the timer I have to keep running back and forth.”

  “I don’t mind seeing your cute butt trotting around.”

  I tug her towards me, fists tight on her shoulder straps.

  “That is totally not the point.” I kiss her quickly. “You lose resolution with stills. Nowhere near as crisp as a JPEG.”

  “Will you speak English.” Roxy leans in, kissing me softly. “Or better yet, shut the fuck up.”

  I kiss her hard, my arms going around her to grab the rope on her back. She yelps, grinding her hips towards me and pressing her pussy even harder against the rope. I grind myself against her then I feel Roxy’s hand at the small of my back.

  When she tugs my rope, I hear my own scream shattering the stillness. Roxy laughs, pressing herself up against me and pulling hard on my center line.

  I wrap my arms around her again, getting a grip on her body harness. We press our bodies together as hard as we can, rocking back and forth and tugging on each others ropes.

  My head rests on her shoulder and I can feel her lips against my neck. The rhythm between us is like magic as we lean into each other and use the ropes for balance. A slow orgasm is building in me and when Roxy’s skin flares with sweat and goosebumps I know she’s close.

  When it hits her, she grips my shoulders, writhing against me. She wails and her hips jerk savagely back and forth. I can feel every muscle shuddering as she loses herself in the moment.

  As it settles and she makes small cries against my chest, I hold her gently. As she starts to lose control of her buckling knees I gently lower us both to the floor.

  She slips into my lap and snuggles against me. We start rocking again but much slower, the ropes teasing me and keeping my next orgasm hovering nearby.

  The knowledge that her pussy is wet and dripping with her cum is too much for me. I push Roxy back, pressing her to the floor and put my lips around her clit.

  She grabs my hair, yelping. I moan in pleasure as she forces my head down, letting me squirm my tongue deep between her lips. The tight ropes press against my mouth and I feel how slick they are with her pleasure.

  As Auntie Midori says, if your rope isn’t sticky, you didn’t do it right.

  I grab the lines on Roxy’s hips and drag her towards me, lifting her. I devour her with my lips and tongue, grazing her with my teeth. She thrashes in my tight hold, struggling against the ropes and being pleasured by them at the same time.

  I hold her to me even tighter, pressing my tongue deep inside. I feel her start to thrash all over until it’s hard to keep my grip, but it isn’t easy to hold on to her at all. Roxy twists like a cat as she responds to the intensity of our lovemaking.

  Seriously, it’s al
ways better with rope.

  When she comes, I slide my hands around her, gripping her butt cheeks as I lower her to the floor. I drink up every delicious drop of her orgasm and I don’t stop until she’s still, exhausted and panting from the tension.

  She holds out her arms and I gather her against me and lay down with her. Our limbs are so tangled together I can’t tell who’s who. It doesn’t matter. We’re together. It’s all us.

  If you had told me a week ago that I would pick a girl up from the gutter and fall in love with her—so much so that it completely changed my world—I might have tried to have you committed. The very idea, even now, seems impossible.

  But here we are. The first decision I ever made to step outside my comfort zone, and it turned out to be the best one I ever made.

  “This time, I’m on top.” Roxy’s whisper is almost like a growl. My little panther. Savage and sweet at the same time.

  I lean over and kiss her again, feeling the ropes digging into me, the pleasure singing through me.

  Roxy. I couldn’t have found any of this without her.

  It’s time to make this fake engagement real. I’m never giving her up.



  When I stretch and roll, just beginning to wake, I feel a gap beneath me and flail my arms. It doesn’t save me, I still end up crashing to the floor.

  Luckily, I didn’t have far to fall. I’m not sure how I made it on to the couch last night. I don’t even know when we took our ropes off.

  They lay coiled by the edge of the lounge, like snakes in the cold. Still and waiting, full of the promise of fire.

  I look around, blinking in the warm light streaming in through the big side window. The apartment is quiet. Too quiet.

  “Helen?” My voice echoes. No one answers.

  I stand up and head down the hall, checking her room and the spare bedroom. I don’t see her and even though I feel an instant stab of anxiety, I push it away firmly.


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