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Free Range Protocol- Tales of the Tschaaa Infestation

Page 32

by Marshall Miller

  “Of course. I volunteered for this. I don’t want any more people like my father to die because we can’t get this Great Compromise to work.”

  “You lost your…Sire?” The Tschaaa male asked.

  “Yes. But to humans, not to Squids.”

  The two beings paused in their conversation. David was surprised how well the translator worked. Without it, he knew this arrangement would not be possible.

  “That translator device works right well,” he opined as a way to shift the conversation a bit.

  “Yes. You humans helped to create this smaller and more efficient type,” said Bill. “Your species is better at taking existing equipment and improving it. Once we Squids make something that works, we tend to become, I think the term is, hidebound to it.”

  “Except for your Sire,” David said. He did not like having to shift the subject back to the matter of the Sire, Lord Neptune. However, it was the elephant in the room.

  “True,” Bill replied with positive tentacle signs. “I have been told I inherited some of this capability. Along with it from my Breeder mother, the one known as Elizabeth, strong empathy for all living things.”

  David’s mouth dropped open.

  “Your open mouth denotes surprise, yes, David?”

  “You got that right, Bill. I guess you’re close to a line of royalty among your kind. The two Tschaaa individuals behind the immense changes to human existence the past some seven years. One planned the Infestation, the harvesting, and the other stopped it.”

  The oversized male Tschaaa gave the equivalent of a shrug.

  “I am not unique. I have thousands of siblings. I just decided to volunteer for something…unusual. Like you did.”

  “And I bet you volunteered to make a difference also,” stated the Agent.

  “You are correct, David. In that, we are very much alike.”

  Bill reached forward with his right social tentacle with a reach much longer than a human’s.

  “I believe males of your species ‘shake hands’ is the expression in greeting and respect. I think my hands can perform that function.”

  “You’re right. It’s a good time for it. Welcome aboard this boat. It’s going to be a second home for us.”

  The two beings grasped each other’s hands. David thought the long grasping fingers of the Tschaaa would feel a bit slimy. Instead, they felt dry and cool. As they moved their hands apart, David pointed at the port side of the bow.

  “Our first combined task is to paint a name on this seacraft.”

  “A name?” asked Bill. “Why? It is a machine.”

  “Aw, how wrong you are, comrade. For all human seamen know that the boat, the ship they serve on have a spirit of a woman in it. And no lady wants to be called, ‘hey you’ when spoken to or about. So, a name we need. Any suggestions?”

  The Tschaaa male manipulated some keys on the translator, which told David it also functioned as a computer tablet.

  “Amphitrite,” Bill stated. “It is the female mythological version of your Neptune or Poseidon. With who my relatives and creche mates are, I think it is appropriate.”

  The Special Agent chuckled.

  “Good idea. Now, some waterproof paint and we are in business.”

  ‘AMPHITRITE’ was painted on in record time. David had taken a chance on trying to paint the name on while the craft was in the water and subject to the fluid motion. However, something told the Agent that the Squid could handle it as a creature of the sea. Wild Bill demonstrated the excellent dexterity of his long digits. Not to mention that his superior vision gave him the ability to paint lines extraordinarily straight and exact. The paint was of a fast drying type, so the pair of new Law Enforcement Officers were ready to move in short order.

  “Well, Bill. If you want another career, you will make an excellent artist.”

  The Tschaaa alien signed thanks and appreciation with its social tentacles.

  “That is one subject in which you humans have an advantage. You have a more varied expression in the physical arts. Except for what you call ‘music.’ I would say our Ocean Songs we use to communicate with each other over distance are just as melodic as anything you humans can produce.”

  “How about musical instruments, Bill? Do you Tschaaa use many?”

  “Few,” the Squid answered. “We use our bodies to produce most of the out songs.”

  David turned on the blowers to clear out any gas fumes near the fuel tanks and engines.

  “I know you Tschaaa have seacraft,” he said.

  “True, David. Though many are submersible, not surface craft.”

  “Once I get out into the channel. You want to take AMPHITRITE for a spin?”

  Wild Bill gestured affirmative pleasure as he answered “Yes!”

  Five minutes later, David had the go-fast in a central channel leading out from the Port of Key West. He looked at his new boatmate.

  “Want to take the helm?” he asked.

  “You mean control? Why yes, David.” Wild Bill slid over to the central control console.

  The Agent started to give some advice on boat handling when the Tschaaa accelerated the AMPHITRITE with ease and confidence. The Tschaaa male had the craft up on a plane as he headed towards the deep water. Bill advanced the throttle until they were zipping along at sixty knots with few undulations. Five minutes out, Bill pulled back on the throttle and brought the boat to a smooth stop. David grinned at his new boatmate.

  “Well, I know who’ll be doing most of the boat driving. You make me look like a slug.”

  Bill gave the Tscahaaa equivalent of a shrug as he answered.

  “We are creatures of the ocean, the sea. Of course, we are more attuned to traveling in water than are land dwellers as yourself.”

  “I was told you can both see and feel all the currents in a body of water,” said David.

  “True. We are born in Mother Ocean. Learn all her movements and moods from an early age.” The Tschaaa alien motioned towards the ocean expanse.

  “Your Mother Ocean is younger than our home world ocean, the original Mother. I have been told by Elders that thus this New Mother is so vibrant, so life-giving.”

  “Which is why so many of you decided to stay,” replied David.

  Wild Bill paused for a moment, then answered.

  “Yes. Which led to more conflict between humankind and we Tschaaa. Thus we two beings, we lawmen, are here trying to ensure the Great Compromise prevents more death.”

  The two beings from different worlds, now living together on the home planet of one, stood quietly for a few minutes as the ocean gently rocked the boat. David broke the silence first.

  “You brought us out here for a reason.”

  “Yes, David, I did. Please watch.”

  In a fluid motion for a being so large, the Tscahaaa now known as Wild Bill slid into the ocean. He slipped under the surface, descended some five feet below the boat. David thought he felt some light vibrations through the hull of the AMPHITRITE which meant that Bill was communicating with his own kind. Then the cephalopode was pulling himself back aboard the boat. His heavy weight did cause the craft to rock some, but his fluid motion reduced some of it.

  “David, if you please, Bend over and place a hand in the ocean, just under the surface.”

  “Okay,” the human answered. In just a couple of minutes, a dozen pairs of young Tschaaa eyes were just under the surface, staring at the boat. David heard some clicks and squeaks in sound frequencies he could listen to, which told him that was only a portion of the Squid communication. He held his hand still. Then, he felt the feathery touch of the social tentacle digits on his fingers and wrist. The Agent was sure, based on the many contacts on his hand, that all twelve young felt his skin. Then, one by one, the young disappeared below the surface, to be replaced by an adult caretaker.

  “A Breeder, yes?” he asked Bill.

  “Yes. Though it is doubtful, this Breeder will ever actually breed because of our caste system. But s
he will be a caretaker, a mother the young will know and remember.”

  Then the caretaker was also gone.

  “So, Bill, correct me if I am wrong. But they will now remember me?”

  “Yes,” replied the Tschaaa. “And I told them that you are a human they can come to for help. That you will protect them, as I would your young.”

  David felt this odd almost ethereal sensation. The thought of a Squid protecting human young that just a few months prior was “veal” for both adults and the young of the Tschaaa was plain weird. Not to mention him, a human, protecting that same alien young who had fed on human flesh? That was many times weirder.

  “Well, Bill,” David finally said. “That is what we are here for, I guess. To make sure all of our kids can grow up safe. No more War.”

  He turned and saw the plate-sized eyes of the Tschaaa staring at him. Then the being now called Wild Bill reached his social tentacle out and gently clasped David’s right hand in a shake of greeting.

  “I greet you in that task, my fellow lawman. May we always are successful.” Bill then positioned himself behind the wheel of the Open Fisherman.

  “Now, David Jackson. I will show you the extent of the Creche area and where the young are raised. Then you can show me the areas of your boat traffic and fishing. I see those as the areas of possible conflict.”

  “Lay on, MacDuff,” David answered. This resulted in a sign of confusion from Bill’s social tentacles.

  “Sorry. Expression from a famous theater play.”

  “Ah, yes,” answered Bill. “Those activities similar to the fables we tell our young.”

  David laughed.

  “Man, old Willie Shakespeare will be rolling in his grave when he hears that.” Seeing another Tschaaa sign of confusion with one set of digits, David hastily added. “I’ll explain later. Let’s go.”

  The next couple of days were spent by the new partners becoming familiar with the area. Actually, it was primarily David growing familiar as Bill had spent some time in the ocean before The Great Compromise. Discussing this led to David telling his history and how the Infestation affected him during the early days.

  “If not for the fact your Lords invaded, I would still be rotting in prison.”

  The concept of imprisonment was an odd one to the Tschaaa. Bill expressed his confusion on the matter.

  “So, your government literally locks you in a building for breaking a law of humankind?”

  “Yes, Sir. For both punishment and supposed rehabilitation. Also to keep some people from preying on other people.”

  Wild Bill and David were sitting offshore letting the waves rock the AMPHITRITE, so the Squid’s gestures of confusion with his social tentacles as he spoke did not affect his boat handling.

  “I do not understand. Your Creche, your family, would not deal with your transgressions?”

  “Not in these modern times, Bill,” replied David. “In what we call olden times, families were allowed to handle the punishment as long as it met some basic standards and the victims of your crime, the people harmed by your actions, agreed.”

  “And that was not sufficient?” asked Wild Bill. “Humans had to change it?”

  “We had things arise like blood feuds. That was when one clan, your Creche, decided that another group had injured one of the clan's members and had not received sufficient compensation. So they stole from, injured, maybe killed a member of the offending group. This led to a revenge action, and a blood feud resulted. Soon, half a country was feuding, causing death and destruction. Thus, governments and laws were formed to control all this violence and strife.” As David finished his attempt at an explanation, he noticed a darkening of the Tschaaa’s flesh.

  “Bill, does this upset you?” he asked.

  “I…I am trying to understand,” replied the alien. “But until the Tschaaa traveled here, we had no history of wars nor anything like the strife you just reported for thousands upon thousands of your years. Extreme disagreements between Creche’s over influence or resources were either arbitrated by Senior Lords, or through very limited and controlled duels, never to the death or severe injury. In fact, sometimes these duels were more verbal debates decided by a panel of Lords.”

  “When was the last time injury or death occurred due to a duel in your home world history?” David asked.

  “It has been lost in legend,” the Tschaaa male answered. “When the Lord was executed here on Earth for introducing Eaters to attack areas controlled by my Sire, it shook many of my people to the core. To use lies and secret acts to harm fellow Tschaaa? That is considered an abomination!”

  David was concerned that Wild Bill would become too agitated because of the subject. But if the Squid was to help him keep order, it may involve physical force against Wild Bill’s own kind. He needed to know just what his fellow Lawman was willing and able to do.

  “So would you use physical force on another Tschaaa to stop them from doing something illegal?”

  “Yes,” was Bill’s answer. “But deadly force? I will be truthful and say it would be tough. We kill to eat or to protect our species from other creatures. Especially our young. But to kill another Tschaaa?” Bill’s limbs seemed to shudder.

  “Was not a Creche dismantled on the home world as they were blamed for the White Plague?” David asked, knowing the possibility he was pushing the boundaries of understanding between two very different beings. It took a few moments for Wild Bill to regain his composure. The darker colors of the Tschaaa’s flesh began to lighten back to normal.

  “You have studied our records well, David. That happened over a thousand Earth years ago. We Tschaaa now say ‘Never Again.’ I believe a cultural group of you humans have much the same sentiment about a similar situation.”

  David paused in the conversation, He knew that he as a human had considerably pushed the “buttons” of Wild Bill. Maybe pushed a bit too far. However, people who worked together in a job where violence was a possibility, must know what the other person was capable or not capable of doing.

  “Bill, I killed another human. He had hurt a female friend of mine. In my anger I killed him. That led to my prison sentence.”

  The Squid stood stock still as it examined him with his oversized eyes. Then, Bill spoke.

  “So, you killed out of anger. Or was it revenge you mentioned, a blood feud?”

  “Old style anger, Wild Bill. I paid the price for it. You Tschaaa gave me a second chance buy smashing the walls of the prison with a space rock. Although my freedom could not make up for the millions of dead.”

  The Squid once again paused before responding.

  “Then I believe we must make sure that no more die due to conflict.”

  “You got that right. Now, if you wish, let’s do a little patrol work to make sure there is no new conflict between the species.”

  The two Lawmen had there first taste of combined law enforcement the next day. It started out as a lovely sunny morning. Wild Bill was once again demonstrating his superior boat handling abilities when David saw a glass-bottom tourist boat near a Boston Whaler fishing craft. He tapped one Bill’s “shoulders” and pointed towards the two seacrafts.

  “Let’s see why they are jawing at each other, Bill.”

  “Jawing?” Asked the Tschaaa male.

  “Texan for talking,” David replied.

  With practiced ease, the Squid known as Wild Bill maneuvered the Open Fishman towards the two boats in question. David uncovered the light bar and activated the flashing red and blue emergency lights. The humans on the two seacrafts, now clearly arguing, did not notice the approach of the Open Fisherman until David activated the siren. Then all the occupants of the two boats looked up as Bill cut the throttle and slid the patrol craft in next to the tourist boat, port side to starboard.

  “Who the fuck are you?” yelled out a darkly tanned male from the Boston Whaler. Then a second voice from that boat exclaimed, “Hey he has a fucking Squid with him!”

  David quick
ly lashed the Open Fisherman to the glass-bottomed boat with a quick release knot as he answered.

  “I am Federal Law Enforcement Agent David Jackson, and this fine specimen of a Tschaaa is Federal Law Enforcement Agent William Hickok. Now, why is everyone acting angry on this nice sunny day?”

  A buxom but muscular lady called out.

  “Heidi Faust here, certified tourist boat captain by the Admiral. I was trying to tell these nimrods…”

  “We have fishing rights here!” A rather large man with high cheekbones and wearing a traditional round colorful brimless hat with a single feather as favored by local Seminoles loudly expressed his opinion.

  “Well, be that as it may. I’ve been tasked to help keep the peace in waters that are now part Tschaaa and part human domain,” replied David.

  “Can you…,” interjected the self-identified Heidi Faust, “Please tell them that there are prime Tschaaa Breeding Areas, a Creche around here? And that they are extremely protective of their young.”

  David looked at the comely brunette. She seemed oddly familiar.

  “Well, Ma’am, that we will do. But you need to show me something that says your tourist boat is allowed out here to observe flora and fauna. That may also disturb the Tschaaa Breeders and their young.”

  “Fucking Squids,” a third voice from a scraggly male in the Boston Whaler opined. At that moment, Wild Bill found his voice.

  “I find it fascinating you humans keep referring to us Tschaaa as Fucking Squids as if it is an insult. May I explain as a Tschaaa male that your Deep Giant Squids are a source of awe and wonder to us. So calling us Squids who wish to procreate? All that does is to state reality, and ignorance on your part.”

  Heidi Faust began to laugh as she handed some documentation to David.

  “Shut up, bitch!” The insult came from one of the four crew on the fishing boat. Heidi’s face flushed with anger.

  “Come over here and say that, you pieces of shit,” she snapped back.

  Suddenly, the four from the Boston Whaler scrambled and leaped onto the now immobilized glass bottom boat.


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