Riding for Love (A Western Romance)
Page 11
After assuring him she was fine and telling him to return to his clients, Eve glanced down at Denton. With his eyes closed, lips and cheeks covered in pasture dust, his breath came in short spurts. He’d opened his green eyes, the color a sure sign of distress.
Her heart caught in her throat when the corners of lips rose in a smile. “Guess I should have waited to learn to stop before I learned to go?”
Eve groaned at the memory. She slid down under the water to wet her hair. “Denton and his tight jeans.” A double dose of shampoo came out of the bottle. “Denton and his green eyes; no, blue eyes; no, sexy eyes.” She dunked under the water again, came up, and wiped water from her face. “Denton and a smile that could set fire to the Atlantic Ocean.”
She squirted an extra amount of conditioner into her hand. After running it through her hair, she grabbed a sponge, squirted on bath soap, and scrubbed as if covered in a year’s worth of dirt rather than a day’s dose of dust.
She needed to give him credit, though. Without saying another word, he’d stood, walked calmly to Della, took the reins from Tom and, after talking to the mare in a quiet voice, led her to the mounting box. To Eve’s surprise, he mounted and waited patiently for her to continue the lesson.
She’d vowed not to touch the man during lessons. Easier said than done. It was better to guide a person’s hands than tell them how to hold the reins properly, or how much pressure to use when brushing with a dandy brush. Showing someone how to lift and pick a horse’s hooves put bodies in close contact.
Except for a brief moment of laughter when Della had let loose a blast of gas when they sponged around her dock, by the end of the lesson, Eve’s back and neck were tense enough to create a headache.
After stepping from the tub, she applied coconut-scented body lotion and dried her hair. Wearing a long, white fluffy robe and a pair of socks, she went downstairs to eat before tackling the day’s books. With a plate of cheese and crackers and a glass of wine in her hands, she went into her office.
The blinds were closed earlier in the day to keep out the heat. Rays of the nearly setting sun seeped through the blinds, casting warm, golden shadows throughout the room. Her office faced the backyard and cabins, making her doubly glad the blinds afforded her privacy.
After turning on her desk light, she set the supper tray on the desktop and plopped into her chair, wincing when her backside met with the seat. Bruises came with owning a ranch, but with the picnic and swimming tomorrow, she wished they wouldn’t be on her behind and the backs of her legs.
Hopefully, the staff wouldn’t tell the others she’d fallen over a bale of hay and landed on the concrete floor. After the morning fiasco, they’d probably wondered about her expertise as an instructor. Damn Denton. That fall, too, was his fault, even though he hadn’t even been in the building. She’d overheard Sherry and Todd mention his name. Wanting to hear their conversation, she turned around too quickly, lost her footing, bumped into a stall door, and fell backward over the bale.
A sigh welled forth from deep inside her before she took a sip of wine. She grabbed the notes her staff made each day on their client’s lessons and started perusing them. Luckily she didn’t need to do the same.
How could she explain the feelings evoked by touching Denton, and how much she wished someone else could take over his lessons before she did something incredibly stupid?
She set the reports down and picked up a note from Tom. A frown marred her brow.
Eve, I had to leave before we had a chance to talk. I was concerned about Della’s reactions today and decided to check the tack. I found a thorn deeply imbedded in her stirrup strap. It must have poked her flank. It was what probably set her off. Not sure how it could have gotten there. Another “accident?” We’re lucky Denton didn’t get hurt. We need to find out what’s going on and put a stop to these incidents. Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Tom
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Eve put the note on her desk and got up to refill her glass. Tom was right. They had to get to the bottom of these incidents. On the way back to her office, she jumped at a light rap on the porch door, spilling her drink down the front of her robe.
“Damn it all, anyway,” she moaned, blotting at the stain with a rag she found sitting on a bench by the door. She glanced at the clock in the living room. “Ten o’clock. This had better be important,” she murmured. Thinking Tom had returned to talk tonight or, worse yet, to tell her about another accident, she yanked open the door.
“Denton,” she gasped, grabbing the neckline of her robe together. “What are you doing here?”
“I, um,” he stammered, looking at her from her damp hair, robe, and stocking feet to her face.
“It’s late, Denton. What do you want?”
“I couldn’t sleep and saw your light go on.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Uh, can I come in?”
Eve hesitated. Not a good idea. It would be like playing with fire, but like many foolish women who couldn’t resist a handsome, sexy man, she mentally lit a match, swung open the door and stepped aside.
The entryway shrunk considerably with his presence. She moved quickly into the open living room-kitchen area and sensed Denton following. Her pulse hitched like the gait of a horse galloping across a prairie. She set her glass of wine on an end table, took a deep breath, and tugged the tie of her robe tighter.
A low wolf-whistle had her whirling around ready to give him a piece of her mind for using such a macho-man tactic on her. What the hell? He wasn’t even paying attention to her. She wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or pissed. Her ego had been smacked broadside.
Denton’s gaze swept around the room. “Eve, this place is incredible. I can’t believe it’s the same house.”
Instead of the several dark rooms of the original house, an expansive room extended from the living room in the front of the house to the kitchen facing the yard. Massive windows rose from floor to ceiling at one end of the living room to a corner fireplace. He imagined how bright and cheery this room would be in the daylight and wondered if this was Eve’s way of getting rid of the darkness of her childhood. None of the windows held curtains, but were merely encased in oak woodwork; simple, yet classy. The couch sat at an angle facing the fireplace. Combined with a love seat, recliner, coffee table, and several antique tables holding flickering candles sitting around the room, the room was warm and inviting.
He easily envisioned the two of them nestled on the full-size couch, fire in the fireplace burning low, music playing softly, each with a drink, a game of cribbage in progress—strip cribbage. Cheating at cribbage was difficult, but he’d manage to get her down to her skivvies in no time. Then . . .
“Denton, what do you want?”
So wrapped up in his erotic daydream, he didn’t hear her question.
“Denton Johanson, either talk to me or get out of here.”
“Sorry, Eve,” he said, bringing his thoughts back to the present. “I was admiring the fantastic job you’ve done to this place.”
“You remember how bad this place was. I had to make it livable.” She turned her back on him and moved toward the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”
Denton watched her hips sway as she moved to the refrigerator, pulled out a bottle of wine, grabbed a glass hanging upside down in a wineglass rack, and poured. Even though the terrycloth covered her body from neckline to ankle, the robe set his imagination back into gear. He hoped it wasn’t a dry wine because his throat was dry enough on its own.
“Ah, who did you get to do the work?” he asked, taking the glass, keeping his eyes from her luscious body.
Eve picked up wine and crossed her arms, resting the bottom of the glass on her top arm. “Tom and I pretty much did everything but the wiring and plumbing. Took a long time, but was worth it.”
“Would you like to see the rest?”
“Sure.” He’d do anything to stay with her a while longer and maybe they’d make it to her bedroom. He followed her toward the back door, then stopped in the doorway to her office.
“This is where I do the part of the business I absolutely hate.”
Denton smiled and glanced around her cozy room. “Well, some things never change. I recall how much you hated being inside doing schoolwork. It always amazed me how many ways you found to do schoolwork outside, or avoid your books altogether.”
Eve returned his grin and his heart skipped a beat. She sat in her desk chair and pointed to her computer. “Do you blame me? It’s a little difficult hauling this outside, but I can still come up with a zillion excuses not to do bookwork. I can only ignore them for so long or end up with late night hours. Like tonight.”
Denton moved into the room. Again he whistled. Full bookcases covered three sides of the office. He imagined her staring out the large picture window instead of working. “You have quite a collection of books.”
“I, uh, grew to love reading. Thanks to you.”
He pulled a worn copy of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings from the shelf and flipped open the cover. To Eve. Thanks for the ‘crash course’ on falling in love. A favorite book of mine for a favorite girl of mine. All my love, Dent. He didn’t remember writing that.
He ran his fingers over the print. What did she think when she read his words? Did she remember the good times, or only the bad at the end? He closed the book, replaced it on the shelf and continued his tour of the room.
He sensed Eve’s eyes on him, but by the time he’d finished his tour and returned to her desk, she was flipping through some papers. He stopped behind her chair and breathed deeply. Taking in her scent reminded him of the times they spent at the beach the summer before he left for college. She obviously had come from the shower not too long ago. Her damp hair flowed in waves down her back. The urge to lift the thick mass in his hands and bury his face in the crook of her neck overwhelmed him. He leaned over her shoulder, grasping his glass tighter, digging his nails into his palm.
“What’s this?” he asked, seeing his name on a note from Tom.
Eve grabbed the paper and shoved it beneath some papers.
As Denton moved around the room, Eve realized how much she had thought of him being in the room. The three walls covered in bookshelves had been designed with him in mind, even though he had been out of her life for many years. Her dreams had him taking over the bookwork while she ran the ranch. In reality, her body wanted him back, while her heart still fought against the idea. Her body was winning.
She sucked in a breath when he picked up Tolkien, and wondered if he remembered the message or giving her the book. A deep breath drew in his essence. He smelled divine, like fresh soap and woodsy aftershave. Slow down, Nelly. Don’t get all dreamy-eyed about the guy, just because he’s here bringing visions of what might have been. Remember what happened this afternoon.
She took her eyes from him and picked up some papers, pretending they were the most important items in her life when, in fact, all she saw were squiggles of dark ink. Prickles went up her neck. He stood behind her and wishing he would lift her damp hair, tipped her head forward. His warm breath puffed across her hair as he leaned closer. Goosebumps rose on her arms and down her spine, landing in her groin. He was going to . .
“What’s this?” he asked, snapping her back to reality.
Shit. The note from Tom. She snatched it and tried to stuff it under the stack of bills. Denton was too quick. Setting his glass of wine beside hers, she heard his quick intake of breath as he read.
“What’s this about accidents and a thorn?”
“I don’t know,” Eve muttered.
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” he asked, shifting his attention back at the paper. “Obviously something’s going on around here.”
Eve took the note from his hand, leaned back in her chair, and closed her eyes. “None of your business, Dent.”
“It sure as hell is if this means I might have been injured not because I did something wrong, but because someone sabotaged my horse.” He rose and placed his palms on the desk. His eyes held barely controlled rage.
“You’re right to be angry. I guess I didn’t do my job right before having you tack-up Della. I should have seen the thorn. My fault.”
Denton swung her chair around so fast her hair flew into her face. She hadn’t seen him this angry since the kids had teased her in high school.
“Like hell. You love horses too much not to be careful with all their equipment. According to Tom’s note there have been other accidents. What’s going on?”
Knuckles white, Eve gripped the arms of the chair. Taking her hands, he helped her from her chair and held her hands, their bodies a breath away.
“Tell me what’s been happening. Maybe I can help, even if it’s only to listen.”
Eve released her breath and rested her head against his wide, warm shoulder. It would feel good to unburden herself to someone other than Tom. She stepped back from the security his arms offered and moved to the other side of the room. She needed to think clearly, and that was impossible if he held her.
“I’m not exactly sure when it started. It was just little things at first. A broken fence, which might be horses kicking it. A snapped bridle strap easily happening from catching on a branch or loose nail.”
“But you don’t think so.”
Walking back to her chair, she picked up her wine glass and took a sip. “No, especially with a salt block dumped in a pasture water tank. Luckily, Tom noticed it before the horses were put in the field. Then there was the water poured on hay, making it moldy. When water heaters went out in two cabins, I got worried. Those heaters were put in just last year. Thank goodness they are still under warranty or I’d have been hard pressed to pay for new ones.”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Eve wanted to kick herself. She didn’t want him to know her problems. It wasn’t any of his business.
He sat on the edge of the desk and stretched out his legs, trapping her. “Any idea who is responsible?”
She shrugged. “No, nor why, either.” She pulled out her chair out and sat down. “My employees seem to like their jobs and, as far as I know, have no gripes with me or Tom. I can’t figure it out.”
Denton stepped away from the desk and picked up the note. “Anything else?”
“Last session some of the customers had things stolen from their cabins. That alone was bad, but the strangest part was that the missing items were found in plain sight in other cabins. Since they all worked together and everyone got their things back, they figured someone from their group played a joke on them. They laughed it off and nothing more was said.”
“But you don’t think it was a joke?”
“No. Not with the other things going on here. Then tonight Dennis told me the cook reported meat missing from the kitchen.”
“Why would someone steal meat?”
“I don’t know, but it’s an additional expense.” Eve’s nerves jumped as he sauntered across the room and stood before her. Close. Much too close. His heat flowed over her, sending messages to parts of her body that she’d been denying for far too long. Like earlier in the bath, her nipples puckered and sensations zinged from her lips to her toes and all the important places in-between. With her back already against the bookcase, there was no place to retreat. Earlier, she was in his arms for comfort. Now, his smoldering eyes no longer held comfort, but pure, unadulterated heat.
“Every time you touched me today, I wanted to check for burn marks.” He stepped closer. “I’m not sure how I didn’t grab and kiss you senseless, Eve Dayton.” He took her glass and set it, along with his own, on a shelf.
; “Denton, don’t. I’m not ready for this,” she pleaded, knowing full well what came next, especially since his gaze was trained on her mouth.
“Don’t what? Don’t show you how much I’ve missed you? Don’t show you how much I care about you? Don’t show you how much I need you? Don’t what, Eve?” He leaned forward, put his hands on either side of her face. “Kiss you senseless?”
He whispered his lips against hers, then swept his tongue across her lips. Her arms involuntarily moved up his back and over his shoulders, forcing him closer until her breasts flattened against his chest. This, oh this, was what she yearned for—his lips, his warmth, his touch. Her dreams hadn’t done justice to the real thing.
Had he kissed her like this when they were young? She didn’t think so. They were still just teenagers experimenting with love. This was so much more. Yes, his kisses then had been demanding, powerful, and sexy as all get out. She’d kissed a few men since him, but nothing, nothing compared to his lips moving over hers, his tongue inside her mouth, playing games with her senses.
One simple tug of her robe and her naked body would be against his. Her thighs clenched together. If she tipped her head to the side and let those luscious lips move down her neck, her chest, her . . .
She was sinking into his kiss, weakening, on the edge of falling for him all over again. It was too much, too soon. She couldn’t let him hurt her again, but despite what she thought, her heart was rushing full speed into his life.
A vision of Marie interrupted her erotic thoughts and the pinpricks of desire flowing over her skin. Why now? Why did she always come between them? Eve inched back and pushed against his chest.
“Denton, stop.”
A sexual haze filled Denton’s brain with the taste and scent of Eve, his pants tighter than earlier. Her mouth was more full than the last time he’d kissed her, her body more developed. When she brought her arms around his neck and brought him closer, he thought he would explode right then and there.