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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 84

by K. Anderson

  David shut his computer down and got up. He had to admit that he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with work, but at the end of the day, he loved what he does. “I’d like it even more once I’m the owner of this company,” David said and a feral grin marred his handsome features. Daniel was starting to butt in more and more in his affairs, but no matter what his younger brother did, David was still going to become the owner of this company and not Daniel. Daniel would be incredibly naïve if he believed the outcome would be any different. “I just need this whole thing with Rachel to move along,” David shook his head then. The longer he kept obsessing about it, the more stress he would bring upon himself. “I’ll stop thinking about it for now.”

  “What are you trying to stop thinking about?” David heard his brother’s voice before he saw him. David looked over his shoulder and saw that Daniel was walking behind him. David didn’t try to stop the frown from forming on his face.

  “Nothing and didn’t I tell you to find some business of your own?” David snapped at Daniel and Daniel frowned in return.

  “Haven’t you heard that talking to yourself makes you look crazy?” Daniel spoke to himself all the time, but it wasn’t like he ever got caught speaking to himself. “Besides, Dad wanted to talk to you and asked me to come and get you since you weren’t answering your phone.” David pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and noticed that his father had called him several times. David also saw that his phone was on silent so even if he did want to speak with his father, he wouldn’t have known that his phone was ringing.

  “Fine, are you coming too?” David figured that their father had something else under his sleeve, but when Daniel shook his head, David felt himself growing a little more intrigued about what his father possibly wanted with him.

  “No, he just wants you. I’m glad he doesn’t want me because whenever he calls you and me to a meeting he tells us something crazy.” David stopped listening to Daniel as soon as Daniel said that their father only wanted to speak with him. David wasn’t usually enthusiastic to see his dad, but maybe the man finally came around and was going to tell David that he was going to inherit the company. It was only natural since he is the firstborn. “Tsk… I am speaking to you, you can, at least, pretend that you’re listening.” Daniel said and David looked at him for a brief moment.

  “I’m going to go see dad. I don’t have time to listen to you nag.” With that said, David made his way towards his father’s office. When he was in front of his father’s door, he knocked twice before he entered.

  “Ah, so I got to have your brother go fetch you whenever I have to talk to you?” Jeffery asked looking up from the stack of paperwork that was on his desk. David’s long legs guided him towards his father’s desk, and he sat down with ease once he got to his destination.

  “My phone was on silent so I didn’t know you were calling.”

  “Why was your phone on silent Dave? What happened if it was an emergency?”

  “I do not like to be disturbed when I am working, dad. Besides, you typically send him to my office whenever you want something, so I’m sure if it was an emergency that’ll probably be the first thing that you’d do.” Jeffery looked at his son and David looked back at his father.

  “There’s no winning with you and that smart mouth of yours,” Jeffery said and David grinned.

  “Nope, I don’t know why you’re mad. Mom used to tell me all the time how smart you were with your parents.” Jeffery didn’t counter attack David; he just looked at him carefully. “So what’s going on? Why was I asked to grace you with my presence?” Though Jeffery said David was acting like a ‘smart ass,' to David he believed that he was acting more ‘inviting’ than he normally did.

  “What’s going on with you? I’ve heard that ‘mean old David’ has been walking around like he’s hit the lottery. What have you done and what is so damn good that your very own appearance freaks out my employees?” David’s previous look of amusement immediately turned to that of agitation. Were David’s emotions that transparent? Daniel asked David the exact same thing and David was starting to believe that people were able to read him like a book. Well, this could be a good thing so let’s see where I can go with, the accountant thought to himself.

  “Well since everyone around here doesn’t have the common decency to mind their own business I guess I have no choice but to tell you,” David took a deep breath so that he could make himself sound the part that he was trying to portray. “I’ve met a woman that I’m going steady with.” Jeffery’s eyes went wide at this. Jeffery knew that David never went steady with anyone. He’s heard through the grapevine that he’s messed around with several of his female employees in the past, but Jeffery had not even once knew of his son settling down with any woman seriously.

  “Well this is the first that I’ve heard of it,” Jeffery said and cleared his throat. He stared at his son for a while as if the other man’s head had just fallen off and then a sly smile went across the older man’s lips. Oh, someone wants this business bad enough to come up with a lie. Jeffery thought to himself. He honestly didn’t understand how he let his son fool him like that. David saw the quick look of disbelief on his father’s face and he thought about a plan quickly to erase that bit of doubt out of his father’s head.

  “It’s because I don’t want people in my business. Rachel is a very shy woman and if people were all on her asking her questions…”

  “Rachel?” Jeffery asked furrowing his brow.

  “Yes dad, her name is Rachel and she’s one of the first women that I can honestly say that I like. I don’t want anyone messing up my progress with her so far. Who wouldn’t be happy for finding someone that is just as good as them?” David’s lie was so good that he almost believed it. Jeffery was at a loss for words at this.

  “I… I guess that’s true.” Jeffery wasn’t planning on hearing that response when he called his eldest son into his office. “I’d like to meet her if you don’t mind. I want to know what kind of woman captured your heart.” David’s poker face fell flat at that moment. His lie was convincing enough, but the whole charade would quickly be found out if he couldn’t get Rachel to speed this process up. David also couldn’t tell his father no because his father was sharp, he’d find out quickly that David lied.

  “Fine, I’m sure she would love you.” David said trying as much as possible to regain the composure that he’d lost moments earlier.

  Chapter Seven

  Daniel sat down at a picnic table outside of Georgiana’s, his favorite Mexican restaurant, during his lunch break and as he ate his burrito, his mind kept replaying the contents that were found on David’s computer.

  “Is he seriously considering buying a woman to marry? Is he seriously that desperate and messed up in the head?” Daniel tried his hardest not to knock anyone’s profession; however, being a mail order bride was far from a typical occupation. “It’s practically prostitution for Christ sakes.” Daniel heard of mail order brides, but he didn’t seriously think anyone in the town would buy into that. “What kind of woman would subject herself to that kind of humiliation?” If Daniel was right, and he hoped he wasn’t, that was certainly David’s plan to get married first. He thought many things of David; Daniel thought David was vain, manipulative, arrogant, and a jackass, but this… this Daniel had no words for.

  “May I bring you some more coffee?” Daniel blinked and focused his eyes so that he was looking at the waitress.

  “Yes, thank you.” Daniel said and handed the woman his mug. He had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized the woman was in front of him. The waitress took Daniel’s mug and walked away. Once she was a good distance away from him, Daniel loss himself in his thoughts again. “Maybe I should tell dad, I mean there should be some type of rule against this.” Though, Daniel was pretty sure that his father wouldn’t have been able to foresee this new development. “Then again, David is so full of himself he might immediately realize that what he is d
oing is not a good idea.” Whatever the case may be, Daniel had to sit this one out and watch from the sidelines.

  “Here you go sir,” the waitress said and Daniel smiled at her.

  “Thanks,” taking the mug from the woman’s slender hands, he placed it to his lips and took a long swig.

  “Let me know if you need anything else.” The waitress walked away then and Daniel looked down at his Rolex that his father bought for him a few Christmas’ ago.

  “My break’s almost up,” eating the rest of his food quickly, Daniel asked for the bill. After paying the bill, Daniel left a hefty twenty dollar tip and made his way back to the office.

  “Welcome back, Daniel” Jordan’s greeted Daniel.

  “Thanks, I had a good lunch.” Daniel said walking in closer to the man. Daniel looked around and saw the rest of the employees doing their own things. “Looks like those doctor’s worked their magic on the animals. They’re up and moving a lot more lately.” Jordan nodded his head and followed his boss’ stare.

  “Yeah, I got to agree with you on that. So where did you go?”


  “Seriously? I love their food. You could have invited me, boss. I would have kept you company.” Daniel didn’t mind taking his crew out to lunch, but today he had a splitting headache and wanted to unwind by himself.

  “Sorry Jordan, next time okay?” Daniel laughed and waved at the rest of them before making his way into the building. Next time he’d definitely take his employees out, they deserved a break just as much as he did. As soon as Daniel got back to his office he noticed that the same boatload of paperwork on his desk that he left almost an hour ago. Daniel wanted to pretend that if he forgot about the paperwork, that they’d up and do themselves. He knew it was just a silly thought of, but he kind of wished that it would’ve come true. Just when he was about to sit down and look through the work, his cellphone ringed. Daniel answered it without looking at his caller id because he already knew who it was that was calling him.

  “Hi dad,” Daniel said waiting for his father to give him a task that he didn’t want to do, and it always involved his brother.

  “Why do you sound like you don’t want to speak to me? Christ, children grow up nowadays and forget about the people who actually raised them.” Daniel sighed. There was no way Daniel would be able to forget about his father since he worked for the aging man.

  “Dad, I speak to you every day. You’re just over exaggerating.” Daniel said while sighing. He wasn’t like David, he didn’t dislike talking to his father, Daniel just disliked the reasons that his father called him. “So how can I help you, dad?” Daniel said running his hands through is unruly hair.

  “Have you heard the news from your brother?”

  “No, David doesn’t speak to me much, especially not much as of recently.” That was thanks to their father, but Daniel wasn’t going to say that. He didn’t feel like listening to his father nag.

  “Your brother is seeing someone and I’ve set up for us to have a small dinner party so that we could meet her.” Daniel’s eyes went wide and his skin started to feel prickly. Did David actually go through with the mail order bride? Whatever the case was, this news was most certainly not good news for Daniel.


  David walked back towards his desk with his coffee in his hand smiling a wide grin. After going back and forth with Rachel being as charming as he could possibly be, the woman had agreed to leave the east to come and be with him. His plan couldn’t worked have worked out any better.

  “Damn I’m good.” Manipulation and deceit were definitely traits of the thirty-two-year-old accountant, but contrary to what everyone else might have thought, he didn’t believe those to be bad traits to have. “It’s going to take some adjusting to, though.” David was planning on buying a small house for Rachel to live in because personally he didn’t want the woman invading his personal space, but for his plan to work out in David’s favor, he had to keep the woman as happy as possible. With him knowing that, he was going to have Rachel move into his home. He’d have to hire an interior decorator to redesign some areas in his house to make them more ‘female friendly’ and the thought of that repulsed him. “Still, I have some time to get everything set up.” David had already paid the mail order bride agency their fees and paid for all of Rachel’s travel expenses, paying for an interior designer wouldn’t be much of a problem.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Marshalls. May I come in?” David heard Lydia’s voice and sighed. The woman had been acting more professional to him since the last time they had sex, probably because of what David said. They hadn’t had sex since then either and David was getting to his breaking point. Since he was going to be married soon, he might as well have one more last rendezvous with the red haired woman.

  “Come in,” David said with his tone being a tad bit softer than what it normally was. Lydia opened the door and walked over towards David’s desk.

  “Your father gave me this paperwork for you to go through. He said it holds the utmost importance and that he needs it immediately.” David looked at Lydia and noticed that she tried her hardest to appear as neutral looking as possible which made David snicker. Grabbing the paperwork from Lydia, he stood up so that he towered over the petite woman. Lydia blushed and lowered her eyes from his piercing ones.

  “Thanks, I’ll look into these as soon as we’re done.” Lydia raised her eyebrow at that.

  “That was all; I was going to take my leave now.” Lydia tried turning away then, but David walked around his desk and grabbed her arm. Lowering his lips down to her ear, David moved the curly mess of her hair away from it and whispered:

  “I said that I’ll look at these when we’re done.” David slipped his tongue into Lydia’s ear and she shivered. David moved in behind Lydia and ran his hands up and down her body before the palms of his hands cupped her breast. “You’ve been neglecting me lately. It’s time you apologized.” David whispered again and bit her neck. Lydia moaned and with every ounce of strength left in her body, she broke free of David’s grip.

  “No more, Mr. Marshalls,” Lydia said and quickly dabbed at her eyes. She cared for David a lot and was always willing to succumb to his sexual desires. However, if David only looked at her as a sexual object, she refused to put up with him anymore. Lydia started walking towards the door and David looked after her undisturbed by her turning him down.

  “Understandable; however, if you walk out my door, don’t think you’ll ever have me again,” David said and sat on the edge of the desk and continued to stare at the woman. “I won’t fire you if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s not like you’re not performing your job well. However, your hunger match mines and you crave my body as much as I crave yours. Walk out the door and you’ll never have it again. Lock the door and well…” David let out a seductive laugh. “And I’ll give it to you again and again.” David knew that was a lie, but he’d do whatever he needed to so that he gets his way.” Lydia placed her hand on the door, but she paused. She hated the way that David treated her, but when they had sex, it was almost like he made up for his mistreatment of her. Instead of turning the doorknob and walking out of his office like the respectable woman she wanted to be, she instead locked the door. David heard the familiar click and grinned.

  “It’s locked,” Lydia whispered.

  “I knew that you’d make the right decision.” David said as he loosened his tie and came in behind Lydia. He licked Lydia’s earlobe before whispering, “I’ll make you come so hard… so make sure you remember it.”

  Chapter Eight

  David kissed up and down Lydia’s neck and finally rested his teeth hard into her ear.

  “Ah!” Lydia gasped and started to squeeze her legs together. The sensations that David’s mouth gave her caused her to ache all over. She wanted David; sexually, mentally, and romantically, but she knew that she could never have him. She knew that the man would only use her, so at that moment Lydia decided that she w
ould use him as well. An eye for an eye, the young woman thought. Turning in David’s strong arms, Lydia gripped behind David’s head and pulled his head down so that she could steal a kiss. Once their lips met, Lydia’s tongue made its way inside of David’s mouth and started to sensuously explore his mouth.

  “Hmm…” David didn’t like the slowness of the kiss and immediately increased the speed a little. The sensuous kiss that Lydia tried to give him was too ‘romantic’ and if he had allowed her to indulge in him like that, she might have considered that he cared for her on an intimate level and that was not the case. David’s tongue was rough and forceful as he tilted Lydia’s head back and devoured her. After a while of teasing each other with their mouths, David pulled away from Lydia and began unbuckling his pants. “Suck” David commanded Lydia once his fully erect length was in his hand. Blushing, Lydia fell to her knees and wrapped her plush lips around David’s engorged member.

  “Mm,” Lydia moaned as David began roughly thrusting his hips into her mouth.

  “Tsk! Swallow me more!” David hissed and Lydia started deep throating him fast and hard. Tears formed in Lydia’s eyes because she could barely take David’s length in her mouth, but the need to please him was growing more and more by the minute. “You have a filthy mouth girl, I love pounding into it,” David said and gripped Lydia’s red locks hard. He had to admit that he was going to miss violating the girl’s body. Even though David wasn’t marrying out of love, David was still going to refrain from cheating on his new wife. Not because he’d feel bad, but simply because his father was unpredictable when it comes down to his rules about something. When David got married and have a child with Rachel, if he cheated on the woman when his father was still alive and he somehow found out, the man would probably strip the inheritance from him. David was a cold-hearted bastard, but he did love his father so he didn’t necessarily want his father to die anytime soon, but if he did, David didn’t want to be held back by his father’s unpredictable rules.


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