Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 95

by K. Anderson

  I’d always intended to offer some kind of trial period just in case either of the parties wanted to back out. This would consist of you coming to stay with me and Jason (my son) for two weeks on a full time basis. If you could get that time off work, that would be wonderful. If you were to become my wife, I’d ask you to quit your job altogether to care for Jason and be a stay at home mom. I have more than enough money to be able to support you and although I haven’t been working since Jason was born, I intend to go back to work as soon as I have found a wife.

  If, at the end of the two weeks, you’ve decided this isn’t for you, you’re obviously entirely free to leave and return to your old life, although I’d appreciate it if you stayed for the full time just so you can fully immerse yourself in this and get the whole experience. If you don’t want to try anything sexual during that time, that’s also fine, but I’d be potentially interested in trying that out if you were – we have to see if we can make a bond together as husband and wife in the bedroom as well as outside, after all!

  You’re welcome to know some more about me. That’s perfectly normal considering you might end up being my wife. I part own my own computer gaming business which has been doing pretty well, so it’s safe to say that I’m a bit of a nerd. I’m not much of a partygoer or a clubber. I’d much prefer to stay in, cook a meal, and spend the evening playing on the PlayStation or Xbox, or watching movies, than going out, although I’m happy to go out for the odd romantic dinner and movie. I don’t mind stuff like that, just not a massive socialiser, I guess. I don’t have that many friends, just one or two people from work who I talk to occasionally but we don’t really hang out outside of the work environment.

  I enjoy cooking and am actually pretty good at it too, so if you were my wife I would happily cook all the meals and you wouldn’t have to worry about a thing – maybe just providing lunch for yourself and Jason, but I’m sure you’re perfectly capable of doing that! Aside from cooking and gaming, I like watching movies, especially horror, sci-fi and fantasy, and also any TV shows in that kind of genre, as well as superhero stuff. I enjoy reading and have a large book collection in a sort of mini-library section of the house. I also really like music, well, who doesn’t? My favorite genres are punk, metal, classic rock, grunge, alternative, psychedelic, 60s, actually pretty much just about everything except for modern pop, R&B and dance.

  I live in a nice part of state in a residential suburban area, beautiful leaf covered road in the fall, and the neighbors are a good three or four meters away either side, so we don’t really get bothered by any noises or anything like that.

  Well, I can’t really think of anything else to say about myself, so I’ll leave it at that for now. The only thing I want to ask you in return is that you perhaps send me a photograph? I feel like I’ll learn so much about you when you come over that I don’t need to ask too many questions now. I’ve attached a photograph of myself to this e-mail, just so you can decide to run a mile if you don’t like the look of me. Looks aren’t as important to me as personality is, so I’m fully prepared to offer you the two-week trial based off your initial e-mail. You seem friendly and kind, and I liked the way you wrote. Does that sound weird?

  Anyway, I’m rambling, I’m so sorry. I do have the tendency to do that sometimes. If you’ve actually read this far, then thank you, and I look forward to hearing back from you hopefully soon.

  Thanks again,



  Anna read the e-mail several times. Her heart skipped a beat more than once, and she felt an excited little knot form in her stomach that she thought might explode at any minute. She really wanted to squeal or scream or to jump up and down or something, just to let it out in someway, although she couldn’t now because she was at work.

  She hadn’t even opened the picture attachment yet. She was just falling in love with his words and his personality. Everything about him just seemed…so perfect for her.

  I’d much prefer to stay in, cook a meal, and spend the evening playing on the PlayStation or Xbox, or watching movies, than going out, although I’m happy to go out for the odd romantic dinner and movie.

  That was her. That was exactly her! She wasn’t much of a gamer, mostly because she wasn’t all that great at it, but she did at least own a PlayStation and a handful of games, and it’d be nice to have someone to play them with. It was more just the idea of staying in that she could relate to, of not wanting to socialize all that much.

  I don’t have that many friends, just one or two people from work who I talk to occasionally but we don’t really hang out outside of the work environment.

  Again, that was her. That was exactly her.

  And then there was his taste in movies, TV shows and music – all almost a perfect match for her. She couldn’t wait to cuddle up with him watching a horror movie, or sit and listen to some Stooges together and rock out.

  By this point, she wasn’t even that bothered about what he looked like, but of course, she had to find out sooner a later, and it would give her something to picture when she thought of him.

  She clicked on the attachment and the image came up on her screen a few seconds later, large and striking.

  “Wow,” she murmured under her breath.

  He was absolutely stunning.

  He had dark brown hair, almost black in color, with a slight wave through it, short and mostly slicked back off his forehead but with a couple of soft, fluffy looking curly bits that fell down and gave the whole thing a messier feel.

  He had perfect curves and angular features, a jaw line she thought she could cut herself on, and the most distinct and beautiful cheekbone structure. His nose was exactly the right size for his face and not too large or crooked or anything like that, and his lips were shaped like a cupid’s bow; they looked so soft, pink and…well…kissable.

  His eyes were a cross between blue and green; a sort of a bright, shimmering turquoise color that seemed to sparkle right through the photograph and connect with hers as though they were looking into her.

  She shuddered slightly and snapped out of the daze she’d found herself in. He was definitely a lot better looking than she could have ever imagined or hoped for and she was suddenly quite nervous about showing him her photo. Surely she wasn’t good enough for someone attractive like him?

  She discreetly took a selfie on the work computer, doing up her hair and tilting her head to pose as best she could, before replying straight away:

  ‘Hi Carl!

  Thank you so much for your speedy reply.

  I’m definitely still interested, and am actually surprised and pleased that a lot of your interests match up very well with mine. Hopefully we’ll get along just great!

  I should be able to get the time off work for the trial period seeing as I’m owed a holiday anyway. When would it suit you for me to come over? Next week?

  I’m attaching a photo as requested. I took this literally just now on the work computer so it isn’t very good and I don’t look how I normally do, because I’m wearing this horrible scratchy suit I have to wear for work and I hate it! Most of the time I wear relaxing slouch around kind of clothes so I can be comfy – onesies, PJs, joggers etc. I do get dressed up and put make up on when I go out, which isn’t very often because, like you, I’m not much of a socializer! I also normally have my hair down.

  Anyway, I promised myself I’d make this e-mail a short one so…see you soon!


  Anna xx’

  She hit send, then tried to concentrate on her work, although half an hour later she got another reply, that sent her whole day off kilter and set the wheels in motion for the next two weeks.


  You are absolutely stunning! Thank you so much for the photograph. I really can’t wait to meet you. Next week would be perfect. I really hope you can get the time off!

  Lots of Love,

  Carl xxx’

  Her heart fluttered and she blushed a little. OK, a lot
. He liked her. He actually liked her; thought she was attractive.

  She squealed quietly and got up from her desk to go and see her boss and ask for the time off.

  Chapter Four

  The rest of that week was probably the most boring and frustrating week of Anna’s life, because all she could think of and concentrate on was Carl.

  They kept in touch via e-mail, sending several a day back and forth, and even instant messaging in the evening and sending voice messages.

  The first time she heard his voice was on Wednesday evening, and it sent a shiver down her spine. It was quite deep, and his accent was pure New York. The only time it fluctuated was when he laughed, and then he had the most adorable high pitched giggle that came as a complete surprise, but one she hoped to hear a lot more of.

  By Friday evening, they were Skyping, and by the time it came for Anna to pack her bags and leave for his house on Sunday morning, she felt as if she knew him so well already that it would be like meeting a friend. A friend she was starting to fall in love with.

  They talked about their favorite movies and TV shows, discovering they had a lot more in common than just the genres, but the actual specifics too, such as them both preferring DC to Marvel. She couldn’t believe she’d found such a handsome, funny and adorable nerd who thought she was gorgeous too. She felt like the luckiest woman on the planet. And she was going to be his wife. Hopefully.

  They loved the same books, the same bands and artists, and although Carl definitely knew a lot more about games than her, she loved to listen to him talk about something he was obviously so passionate about. He told her all about his business and how he’d first started it up with a friend of his from college, how he’d trained for this on a business and gaming course, and dreamt of it all his life. In return, he asked about her job, and Anna told him about her time at the office and how boring it was most of the time, how it wasn’t what she’d imagined herself doing and how she was dissatisfied with life, and had always wanted a family and to settle down.

  Then they talked about Jason. It was obvious Carl loved him very much, just from the things he said, and the fond look he got in his eyes whenever he mentioned him. He told Anna about all the progress the six month old had made already and how he was developing so quickly.

  She couldn’t wait to meet him. That was the only thing she was actually nervous about as she drove down his quiet residential street that Sunday morning, her suitcase all packed up for the next two weeks. She just hoped the child would take to her, and that she’d be able to be a suitable replacement for his lost mother. Anna hadn’t asked how she’d died. She presumed Carl would tell her when he felt like it.

  He was waiting for her outside the front door as she pulled up. She’d texted him when she was leaving so he knew what time to expect her. Jason was in his arms, his big wide baby eyes open and awake, looking around him eagerly as he leant against his Dad’s shoulder.

  Carl smiled and gave her a little wave.

  She waved back then turned off the engine, parking up just on the street at the bottom of his drive.

  “You can put it in the garage if you like,” he told her as she got out.

  “Oh, maybe later,” she waved a hand dismissively, not really wanting to move it again.

  “It’ll be fine on the street. It’s a really low crime area.”

  “That’ll make a difference from where I’ve been living then,” she chuckled and went around to the trunk to get her suitcase out. “I had a tyre robbed a couple of months back.”

  Carl tutted and shook his head.

  The two of them were chatting so easily already, she thought to herself with a smile. This was great. She went over to him and he extended a hand towards her, very formally considering they’d been talking every night that week and ending all of their texts with plenty of kisses.

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” he said warmly. “In person.”

  “Yeah, you too,” she grinned, then allowed herself to let out an excited squeal. She’d done one of those on Skype last night and he’d giggled, not having minded it in the slightest. “I’m really happy to be here.”

  He laughed, showing a set of sparkling, gleaming teeth as he did so. “And this is Jason.” He turned the little baby around so Anna could get a good look at him.

  He was beautiful, and had his dad’s eyes and wavy black hair.

  “Hello Jason,” she smiled at the baby then looked up at Carl. “Oh my gosh, he’s adorable.”

  “Isn’t he? Want to hold him?”


  Carl offered out his child towards her and Anna very carefully took the precious cargo into her arms, cradling him against her chest comfortably. She’d always been happy and relaxed around children, and wasn’t nervous or awkward about holding him like some people might be.

  They stood exactly where they were on the lawn and Carl watched with a delighted expression as Anna gently swung little Jason to and fro, causing him to giggle and cackle, giving her a big toothless grin.

  “Oh wow, he likes you already,” Carl beamed, obviously very happy that this was working out. And Anna was too, no longer worried about the next two weeks as Carl picked up her suitcase and carried it inside for her to ‘give her the full tour.’

  He showed her around every room in the house, with Anna cradling Jason in her arms the whole time. At one point, she tried to put him down his crib but he started crying, his little arms reaching up for her and his big wide eyes staring at her.

  “I think he’s missed a female presence in his life,” Carl frowned slightly.

  Anna nodded quietly in agreement, her eyes falling on a family photograph framed and resting on the mantelpiece of the master bedroom – the three of them together, Carl, Jason and his wife. They looked like the perfect family. Happy, smiling.

  Carl followed her gaze and then gave a quiet, sad sigh, his fingers reaching up to trace over the edge of the photograph.

  “Sarah,” he murmured. “My wife.”

  “How long ago did she…”

  “A month after Jason was born.”

  “Must have been terrible.”

  He nodded. “I miss her a lot.”

  Anna felt a small pang in her chest. It wasn’t jealousy so much as sadness. She felt sorry for Carl and wanted to comfort him, but she also hoped he was ready to have another woman in his and Jason’s lives.

  The house itself was wonderful. It was big, much bigger than her own tiny apartment, of course. Carl was obviously a decent earner with his gaming business. She didn’t ask what his wife had done for a living. She thought, perhaps, the fewer questions about her, the better. Carl had seemed to get sad when she’d mentioned her, and she wanted this to be a happy two weeks for them both, if possible.

  Upstairs, there were three bedrooms – the master bedroom, Jason’s nursery, and a spare room, which was also an office with a desk in the corner. The master had an en suite, and there was another separate bathroom for guests, and for Jason when he got older.

  Downstairs, there was a spacious living room; a separate kitchen with it’s own dining area and a breakfast bar dividing the dining area from the actual kitchen; another bathroom; and a small study, which had another desk, a comfy lounge chair, and a couple of bookcases stacked high with books, the ones Carl had been telling her about. They spent some time in there, with Anna looking through the collection and Carl picking out some of his favorite ones.

  Then he showed her back through to the living room and to his record collection, stacked in the corner on specially made shelves, with a CD player and an LP turntable. They spent another half an hour or so there looking through the music, but by that time, Jason was starting to get sleepy. He’d been rolling around on the floor while they got all the records out and looked at them, but then Carl said it was time for his nap.

  He swept the child into his arms and Anna followed him through to the kitchen so she could learn how to prepare his bottle. Carl started feeding, then Anna too
k over, the child nuzzling into her a little as he suckled on the bottle, his eyes starting to grow heavy as he fell asleep. They laid him down in his crib, then went back to their fun exploration of the record collection, soon putting one on they could listen to before Carl dragged her over to look at the DVD and games collection, stacked up next to the TV.

  The day seemed to just whizz by them. When Jason woke up, they brought him back downstairs again and he played with some of his toys on a baby mat on the floor while the two of them watched TV together and chatted.

  Carl made toasted sandwiches for lunch, and pasta for dinner. Anna sat at the breakfast bar and watched him cook, and they talked some more, although silences between them weren’t an issue. They were already comfortable and easy

  They didn’t kiss that first day. They spent the evening watching movies and Anna slept in the spare room, with Carl giving her a discreet kiss on the cheek as he said goodnight.

  Chapter Five

  The second day, Carl behaved like the perfect gentleman again. He was up and making breakfast for her before she’d even roused. She got up at half nine and wandered downstairs to the smell of bacon.

  “You’re up early,” she yawned, still in her onesie.

  Jason was in his baby chair, happily babbling and playing with one of his toys.

  “You get used to that with a kid,” Carl chuckled, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “He woke me up at 6.”

  “Oh gosh, you should have got me up too.”

  “No, there’s no need for that.”

  “No, no, it’s fine,” she insisted. “If I’m going to be his main caregiver while you’re at work then I need to get used to it. I can’t believe I didn’t hear him.”

  “I’m used to his cries. I sleep really lightly now because of it, always listening out for him, y’know?”


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