Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 96

by K. Anderson

  She smiled.

  He flipped the bacon over and then tossed it out onto a couple of plates.

  “But if you really want to be up when he is, I can maybe put the baby monitor in your room until you get used to his cries.”

  “That’s a good idea. Thank you. Although uh…I hope I won’t be in the spare room for the whole two weeks,” she added tentatively, looking at him with a shy smile.

  “I hope not either.” He gave her a little flirtatious wink, then picked up the plates and carried the breakfast over to the dining table.

  It was a Monday, and Anna really wasn’t used to having Mondays off, although it felt pretty good. After she’d eaten breakfast, she grabbed a shower and got dressed, then offered to take Jason for a walk in his stroller for him to get some fresh air and allow them time to bond with each other. She knew it was just as important to bond with the child as it was with Carl.

  Carl himself seemed delighted by the idea, and he set everything up for them, then gave her another kiss on the cheek as he waved them goodbye at the door.

  She walked Jason around a couple of blocks looking around the area and learning where everything was, occasionally leaning over and talking to him in a soft baby voice, doing lots of cooing and smiling and trying to make him laugh. They were out for about half an hour, during which Jason dozed off.

  When they got back, Carl was doing some work on his computer, so Anna grabbed a book from the library and read while keeping an eye on Jason, then changing his nappy once he woke up. It was the first time she’d actually done it all by herself, but after watching Carl do it a few times the day before, she’d got the hang of it and felt confident enough.

  When Carl came back out of his office an hour or so later, he was obviously impressed and pleased. They spent the rest of the day together as a family, bonding. They put some children’s cartoons on, and although Jason was too young to really pay attention to them properly, he sat in his baby chair and giggled a few times, shaking his rattle and putting the foot of his favorite stuffie into his mouth.

  It was later on that night that they ended up sharing their first ever kiss.

  They’d been talking, and Carl had made her laugh. Then the two of them had ended up in fits of giggles, rolling around a little on the couch.

  When their laughter died down they were looking into each other's sparkling eyes, both still smiling, both still happy and full of life. The record they’d been listening to came to an end, the needle scratching slightly on the surface of the vinyl before automatically lifting up and returning to its rest with a small pop of the speakers, the room becoming silent apart from the beating of their hearts and their breathing, and the distant ticking of the old clock in the hallway, little Jason having been put to sleep a good half an hour earlier.

  It was one of those moments; one of those moments when they both knew they'd been staring into each other's eyes for a little while longer than would be considered normal between friends. Except they weren't just friends, were they? They were future husband and wife, and in order to see whether this trial period was going to work, Anna knew she would need to take things one step further between them. She'd been expecting it from her moment of arrival, had come fully prepared, even bringing condoms. But perhaps a kiss would be a good start.

  She'd looked at his lips more than once since they'd met and now she found herself gazing at them again, breaking off from the eye contact and feeling her heart flutter slightly as she noticed - not for the first time - how luscious, pink and perfect they looked, with that artistic and beautiful Cupid's bow shape to them.

  Carl caught her looking, and smiled a little.

  Then she smiled too, and blushed.

  He gave a soft laugh and took hold of her hand in his, running his thumb gently over the back of her knuckles. "I... kind of want to kiss you," he admitted softly.

  "I kind of want to kiss you too," she whispered back.

  "Good. That's uh...that's a good start."

  The intense moment had been broken, but in many ways, that made Anna feel more relaxed about the whole thing. It wasn’t so serious anymore. They were smiling, joking around. And that was when she did it.

  She leaned in and pressed her lips to his in a soft, gentle kiss, their mouths barely brushing up against one another’s. She felt a jolt shoot through her body and a tingling sensation where their lips had met when she pulled away.

  She looked up into his eyes, both of them serious now, no longer smiling, looking at each other with an intent need and desire.

  Then Carl quickly leant in again, obviously wanting more, and Anna wasn’t going to say no. This time though, he parted his lips and the kiss was more open, passionate. It lasted for longer too, both of them giving in to their desires.

  Anna gave a soft moan of satisfaction and closed her eyes, tilting her head in the opposite direction to Carl’s, parting her lips too and returning his slightly wet, tender kiss. His arms slid around her waist and held her gently, giving her a little squeeze to reassure her that everything was going fine. And it was. Her heart felt as though it was flooded with happiness and beating in time to his. She had never been kissed so lovingly and so perfectly. She wished it could have gone on forever.

  It did last for a good few minutes, with her wrapping her arms around him in return, her hands slowly exploring up and down his back, wanting to touch every part of him and finding the fact that they both had clothes on slightly annoying. She suddenly wanted to see what he was like underneath them, to touch his skin, to kiss it, to learn every inch of him and take this whole thing much further. But one step at a time, she inwardly warned herself, reigning herself in. It had been such a long time since her last sexual experience it would have been very easy for her to get carried away in the heat of the moment. She didn’t want Carl to think she was some kind of slut and only interested in one thing.

  After a few minutes of slow, opened mouthed kissing, the sounds of their smacking lips and their gasping breaths filling up the quiet room, Carl made the next move and carefully slid out his tongue, running it along Anna’s bottom lip and dancing over her teeth as if asking for permission.

  Anna gave a soft whine and opened her mouth even wider if possible, tilting her head again and applying renewed pressure to the kiss, tugging at his shirt and inviting him in. He duly accepted, dancing his tongue over hers. The two of them explored each other’s mouths in as much detail as possible, taking their time, learning every centimetre.

  Anna didn’t know how long they were kissing for, but it felt like a long time. It felt as though the rest of the world had been shut out completely and, in that moment, only the two of them existed, the two of them and their rapidly developing love for one another. Anna wasn’t sure whether she believed in love at first sight, but she was certainly falling for Carl pretty quickly. The fact that he was incredibly good looking and just her type obviously helped a lot too, but she could have quite literally carried on kissing him all night.

  In the end, it was Carl who pulled away first, breathless and panting, needing some kind of break from the continued onslaught of Anna’s tongue, which was getting more confident and needy with every passing second. She could feel herself wet and uncomfortable in her pants and wanted some more of him.

  When he pulled back, she gave a small whine of protest and then fluttered open her eyes to look at him, discovering that she was actually slightly dizzy and couldn’t really focus properly. Her heart was racing and fluttering with what she could only describe as adrenalin. It gave her a rush she’d never really experienced before.

  “That…that was incredible,” she whispered, also breathless.

  Carl gave a quiet chuckle and nodded in agreement.

  “It was the best kiss I’ve ever had,” she added. That wouldn’t have been hard though. She could count the amount of kisses she’d had in her life on one hand, and all but one of them had been with immature college kids who didn’t know what they were doing. The only other guy
she’d kissed had been the one night stand she’d had a good while back, but that hadn’t been satisfying in the slightest, not like this one had. There was something different about the way Carl kissed her, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

  He smiled at her and reached to push some hair back out of her eyes. It had all become a little ruffled and unruly during their five to ten minutes of making out.

  “It was definitely one of the best kisses I’ve ever had,” he returned the compliment reassuringly, looking into her eyes. “Your lips are so…soft and…warm…”

  “So are yours,” she giggled.

  “I don’t think it’s going to be difficult to fall for you,” he murmured. “I was worried about doing this…but I just thought I’d take a leap into the unknown and see what happened. I really had nothing left to lose. You’re almost as good as Sarah.”

  Chapter Six

  And he’d been doing so well.

  Everything he’d said up to that point had made her so happy, and had been causing the smile on her face to spread even wider. Then he just had to go and mention Sarah.

  Anna’s smile must have dropped, because Carl picked up on it immediately and a guilty expression crossed his face.

  “Oh gosh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, no, it’s fine,” Anna insisted.

  She understood that things must have been terribly tough for him losing a wife he was obviously so in love with. He wasn’t going to just get over her immediately. She hadn’t expected him to just forget about Sarah…but she had hoped that he would be a little more emotionally healed than this if he was thinking about getting into another relationship. Was he even ready to get married to someone else? To make that commitment?

  As doubts and concerns started to nag at her brain, she tried to push them to one side and just concentrate on the moment. She’d been enjoying herself so much before that, and Carl had said something really sweet to her. Perhaps she’d be best to just focus on that. He’d said it wouldn’t be hard for him to fall for her. That was definitely a positive considering he still wasn’t over his last wife.

  She could see the worried look on his face now and she didn’t want to stress him out any more than necessary, so she leaned in and pressed their lips together in a gentle kiss, placing both her palms on his cheeks.

  He gave a soft gasp and relented, both their eyes closing at the same time as they began their previous make out session all over again, that single kiss soon turning into more as they moaned and gasped against each other’s mouths.

  This time, Anna tried something a little different.

  After they’d been kissing solidly for a couple of minutes, she broke away, not to stop the kiss completely, but to move her attentions elsewhere. She began at his jaw and then went further south to his neck, her lips brushing at the flesh, kissing and sucking and nipping at his skin wherever she could find it.

  She could taste hints of his aftershave on her lips now as she mouthed at his neck, and she’d obviously found something of a sweet spot because he let out the most exquisite moan and tossed his head to one side, exposing more of his neck for her like a vampire’s victim relenting to the bite.

  “Ohhh baby,” he gasped out softly.

  His words sent a shiver through her spine. It was the first time he’d ever called her any kind of pet name. Although ‘baby’ wasn’t exactly the most original, it totally worked for her and was a very good start. That was what she wanted…to be his baby, and his alone.

  “Mm,” she murmured back against his skin and sucked more of it up between her lips, applying some pressure, knowing it would leave a mark there.

  Her right arm made a move to slide around his waist, accidentally brushing over his crotch at the same time, with her attentions on his neck and not really looking where she was going. She was glad that it did though. Not only did he let out another beautiful sounding moan, but she felt for herself what an effect all this kissing was having on him.

  She was glad she wasn’t the only one who’d been getting turned on.

  There was quite the massive erection forming inside those tight pants of his and obviously bursting to get out.

  She gasped and pulled back slightly, panting.


  “What?” He smiled and looked at her through half lidded eyes.

  “You’re…” She blushed and glanced down at his groin.

  His eyes followed hers and then joined in with her blushes. “Yeah uhh…sorry…”

  “No, don’t be sorry,” she laughed lightly. “It’s a compliment. It means I’m doing something right.”

  “You definitely are.”

  “Must be pretty uncomfortable down there…” Anna raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s one way of putting it.”

  “Bet you wouldn’t say no to someone helping you out…” She could be pretty flirtatious when he wanted to be. She didn’t know where all this sudden burst of confidence had come from, but Carl seemed to bring it out in her. She felt relaxed around him and comfortable, and that made all the difference. When she was in the right environment she could come out of her shell and realize her true potential.

  Carl’s eyes sparkled and he shook his head a little, smiling. “What guy in their right mind would? Especially if that someone…was a very beautiful young woman…” He slid his arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze, pulling her towards him even closer. She swung one leg over both of his and then twizzled around and sat up on top of him.

  He smiled and placed his hands on her waist, looking up at her. “Well?”

  Anna bit her lip, her heart fluttering a little, some of her nervousness starting to come back. It had been such a long time since she’d done anything like this. She hoped she’d be OK at it.

  She watched his face for his reaction, then began to grind her hips and her ass down on his clothed erection a little, just teasingly at first.

  Carl let out a quiet moan and half closed his eyes, squeezing her waist. “Mm…”

  She licked her bottom lip slightly then slowly slid herself down between his legs and off his lap, her knees hitting the soft rug and legs and feet tucking out behind her just underneath the coffee table, comfortably so.

  Carl spread his legs to accommodate her, lifting his head up and looking down at her with a slightly raised eyebrow and a questioning expression.

  Anna wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when she offered to help him out, but she’d always had a blowjob in mind. It had been a long time since she’d had a penis in her mouth and occasionally, when she was alone in her small apartment tucked up in bed and touching herself, she imagined it, visualized it perfectly and it made her so wet that the orgasms flowed quickly and freely. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but she’d always enjoyed the sensation and feeling of having a cock in her mouth.

  As with all her last sexual experiences, it had been a long while since she’d done it, but she’d always been told by the guys she’d been with that she gave a very excellent blowjob, and now she was hoping to test those skills out again on Carl.

  She reached up with both hands, stretching out her fingers and undoing the button on his pants, then very slowly, teasingly, undoing the zip, taking her time and making him wait for it. She was beginning to enjoy this already, especially when she saw the expression on his face; the way he was biting down on his lip and frowning slightly, the almost pained look of eagerness and anticipation. She wanted to make him frustrated and even harder than he was already.

  He moved his own hands to help her with the zip, and then dug one into his pants to get himself out, obviously wanting to speed the whole process along. She grabbed his wrists and pushed them away, looking up at him and tutting.

  “Mr. Impatient…” She chastised him gently.

  He smirked and rested his hands by his sides again. “OK fine. You’re in charge.”

  “Good. Lift your pretty ass up, handsome.”

  Carl dutifully raised his butt u
p off the couch and she dug her fingers into the waistband of his boxers, dragging them down along with his pants, stripping him off both and watching with a little gasp as his rock hard eight inch length bounced out.

  It was definitely bigger than she’d expected; thick, long and perfectly shaped, with a large, bulbous bell end that was already leaking slightly from his slit.

  She tugged his pants all the way down to his feet then kneeled on them to keep them in place, still in between his legs.

  Then she sat up a bit and placed both her hands on his thighs, looking at the challenge that lay before her, then up into Carl’s eyes a moment.

  He reached one hand down and pushed it gently through her hair. “Please,” he murmured.

  She nodded and bent her head forward, beginning with the glistening pre-cum that was shining on the tip, like an inviting tasty morsel just waiting to be gobbled up. She opened her mouth and her tongue came out, running flat over the surface and lapping up the small amount of juice straight away.

  Carl gasped in pleasure, and his cock gave a small involuntary twitch, jumping to the left slightly as she made contact with her tongue. He ran his hand through her hair again and she looked up at him, making eye contact as he leaned in again and this time captured the entire tip between her lips, closing her mouth around him.

  “Anna, oh God…”

  Encouraged by his reactions, she carried on, wrapping her right hand around the base of his cock to keep it steady, then starting to suck a little on the tip. Her cheeks hollowed out as she applied some pressure and Carl’s moans provided the perfect soundtrack to the next ten minutes of stimulation she was giving him.

  She slowly started to lower herself onto him, going beyond the tip, taking more and more of him into her mouth, inch by inch.

  She went as far as she could go, until the tip of his erection was touching the back of her throat and causing her to retch and gag slightly. She knew she could take him in deeper once she got going a bit more, but she stopped there for the time being so she could warm up and get them both in the zone, although by the sounds of things, Carl was already there.


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