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Stefan's Scandal [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Josie Dennis

  When he’d sold himself in London all those years ago, he’d kept his mind separate from the act. He’d had to in order to survive. But barely touching Madeline, catching but a glimpse of Stefan Hawk, threatened to engage him like he’d never imagined. He was in dire trouble if he gave in to any of the desires beating through him. His position and livelihood depended upon him keeping a cool reserve around these two very tempting people.

  “Ah, you must be Hugh.”

  Hugh swallowed as a wave of heat flashed through him. Lord Constantine’s voice was deep and smooth as velvet.

  “Yes, my lord.” Hugh turned to face him.

  Lord Constantine smiled. “This is a lovely room, I must say. And I’m not the first Hawk to roost here, am I?”

  Hugh gazed into his dark eyes. “No, my lord.”

  “How long have you been here, Hugh?”

  Hugh blinked, then realized he meant here at Hawksfell Manor and not here in his bedroom. “Not half a year, my lord.”

  He crossed his arms over his broad chest and tilted his head to one side. The light from the electric sconces caught in his glossy black waves. “Then you know the earl and the family quite well by this point?”

  “Well enough, I suppose.”

  “And Miss Crowley, Hugh? How well do you know her?”

  Hugh felt his cheeks flame and stiffened. “She has only just arrived herself, my lord.”

  “Truly?” He stepped closer. “And yet you have such a reaction at the mention of her name?”

  “My lord, I don’t know what you’re implying. My work here is beyond reproach.”

  “What?” His eyes widened. “Forgive me if you think me intrusive or accusatory, Hugh. I only made mention of that rosy tint on your cheeks.” He winked. “It’s almost as fetching as the blush I glimpsed on hers.”

  Hugh relaxed a bit. “She is beautiful, yes.”

  “And virginal, I imagine.”

  “It is not my place to think on it.”

  He laughed. “No, it wouldn’t be. I, though, can’t help thinking about her plump little pussy.”

  Despite his shock, Hugh felt a surge of lust at Lord Constantine’s words.

  “My lord!”

  “Do I shock you?” His gaze fell to the front of Hugh’s trousers and his lips quirked. “Your body says otherwise. Have you sampled the lady’s wares?”

  Hugh thought of the kiss and licked his lips. “No.”

  Stefan Hawk adjusted his own trousers. “God, your mouth is as pretty as hers.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Forgive me. It’s been a while for me and, if you’ve been at the manor for any time, you know about our proclivities.”

  “Yes, my lord. I have heard of it.”

  “Only heard? You haven’t…?”

  Hugh shook his head. “Certainly not! I value my position.”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “From what little I know of the earl, I can’t believe he would dismiss anyone for a dalliance.”

  “Too true,” Hugh admitted. “The earl is a very generous, very kind employer.”

  “That is good to hear, as he is my brother.”

  “Your brother? Forgive me. I hadn’t meant to pry but I didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t know myself until a fortnight ago, Hugh.” He sank down on the edge of the big bed. “It’s very strange to have these connections when I was quite used to having none at all.”

  Hugh watched Lord Constantine. His words might be glib but his body was rigid and his face set. When nothing more came from him, Hugh stepped back.

  “I’ll leave you to your privacy, my lord.”

  “What?” The man looked up, his eyes clouded. “Yes, yes of course. You have your duties.”

  “I see to Mr. Crowley at present,” Hugh said.

  Lord Constantine nodded. “Go, then. Maybe we can talk later on?”

  “Of course.”

  Talk? From the anguish and need in those Hawk eyes Hugh doubted the man needed to talk. And Hugh could admit to himself that he felt compelled to ease the man’s suffering. He all but ran from the blue room and headed toward the family bedrooms to see to Mr. Crowley.

  “Did you see Maddie?” Mr. Crowley said from within. “I thought her chin would hit the floor when she glimpsed Gabriel’s new brother.”

  The countess said something in answer that Hugh didn’t catch. He rapped on the door and was bade to enter. “I wondered if you needed me, Mr. Crowley.”

  “Yes, Hugh.” He smiled. “Thank you.”

  Lady Hawksfell glided past him on her way to her and the earl’s chamber. “Good evening, Hugh.”

  “Good evening, my lady.”

  She left and Mr. Crowley began to undress. “How do you find the new Hawk, Hugh?”

  “He seems a pleasant sort.”

  Mr. Crowley’s blue eyes sparkled. “Pleasant? Yes, and as handsome as the earl.”


  “You suppose? All right, I won’t pester you.”

  Hugh smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  “I reserve the right to ask you more pointed questions as his visit proceeds, however.”

  Hugh didn’t give a thing away by his expression. No, his features were even and his gaze deferential. When Mr. Crowley was wearing his dressing gown and his things were arranged neatly, Hugh took his leave.

  Passing down the corridor he heard the click of a lock and a gasp of breath. A door flew open to his right and he found a small hand clasped to his forearm.

  “Do come in, Hugh,” Madeline whispered.

  Hugh stepped inside and closed the door before anyone in the girl’s family could hear her. “What is it?”

  “Oh, Hugh!” She clasped her hands in front of her plump bosom. She wore a creamy white dressing gown over what he could only guess was a nightgown. “Did you see him?”

  “Him, Madeline?” He knew full well she spoke of Stefan Hawk, but wouldn’t it be fun to make her admit it? “Of whom do you speak?”

  She blinked those gorgeous blue eyes, then laughed. “Lord Constantine, of course. Oh my, I thought the earl was arresting.”

  Hugh nodded. “He is handsome.”

  “Very.” She cocked her head to one side. “But different from your beauty.”

  “M–my beauty?”

  She came close and he danced her further into the room and away from that blasted corridor.

  “What are you about?” she asked.

  “Your family, Madeline. I think it’s best if they don’t hear you or, God forbid, catch me in here.”

  She grinned. “Then you plan on staying in here for a while?”

  Hugh flushed. The erotic interest the newest Hawk had aroused was now burning even hotter with this girl in front of him. “Madeline,” he said in warning.

  “Will you kiss me tonight, Hugh?”

  He licked his lips and imagined tasting his fill. “I thought you wanted me to read with you.”

  “Oh, I do.” She came closer. “I’ve picked out a few scenes we can explore.”

  He stared into her eyes for a long moment. “Explore?”

  “Yes.” She took his hand in a bold move and drew him closer. “I think we should cast Stefan Hawk as the hero in the piece.”

  Instead of irritation at the mention of the other man, Hugh felt intrigued. “Is that so?”

  “It’s very heated, Hugh,” she said, coming up on her tiptoes to press her curves against him. He could feel all of her through the scant layers of fabric covering her body. “Don’t you think he would be delicious?”

  “Delicious,” he said, his lips brushing hers.

  “Mmm.” She flicked out her tongue and licked his lower lip. “At least as delicious as you.”

  He gave up any thought of her bloody book or Stefan Hawk’s taste and crushed his mouth to hers. She gasped and opened to him, letting his tongue deep within her hot mouth. She was delicious herself, mewling softly as he ran his hands over her round little bottom. The lace on her robe rustled against his starched lape
ls and the sound was erotic to his ears, like a hurried and clandestine disrobing for a quick fuck in the back room of a pub. Instead of shame at thought it served to make him harder.

  His cock throbbed as he pressed her closer, and when she gasped again he thought of Lord Constantine’s words. She was a virgin, yes. There was little doubt of that. But he knew the man was right. Her hot little pussy would be pink and lovely and as wet as her mouth.

  Shocked by his thoughts about a woman of quality, he pulled his lips from hers.

  “Madeline, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  She gazed up at him, heat in her blue eyes. “Whyever not? I like kissing you.”

  He couldn’t resist kissing her again, but this time it was a quick peck on those moist, plump lips. “Nevertheless this isn’t right. I am a servant here.”

  “Oh, Hugh.” She moved her hands from around his neck to slide them slowly over his shoulders. “I don’t care if you’re a servant. Really, do I look like such a snob?”

  With her hair a wild tangle from his hands and her dressing gown open, she looked like a willing woman. His for the taking, if he was the sort of man to throw all manner of caution to the winds.

  “You are no snob, Madeline.” He stroked her smooth cheek with his thumb. “You are a beautiful woman with a unique way of looking at things.”

  She grabbed his hand and drew it from her cheek to rest it between her breasts. Her head dipped back. “Can you feel my heart racing, Hugh? Oh, what your kisses do to me!”

  He dropped his head to the hollow of her throat, licking the dewy sweat gathered there. Her flowery scent was stronger here so close to her breasts. “Mmm. Delicious indeed.”

  When he cupped her breast it confirmed that she wore no corset or anything else but the robe and nightgown. It didn’t take much effort to untie her robe with his free hand and he was soon touching her bare skin.

  “Oh,” she gasped, gazing down to where his hand covered her.

  He studied his motions as he moved his hand, stroking the velvety smooth flesh and coming ever closer to her rosy nipple. It was pert and peaked and he couldn’t resist giving it a pinch. When she gave a sound halfway between a gasp and a giggle, he couldn’t resist. He kissed her lips again and dropped his mouth to her breast.

  Pressing his other hand against the small of her back, he held her captive as his mouth explored her. Nibbling, he gently sucked her nipple and kneaded her breast. She was so sweet, her skin so soft, he nearly came against her belly.

  Her fingers raked through his hair as he suckled and he thought he’d never felt such a connection to another person. This was so different from the fevered coupling or bought-and-paid-for satisfaction he’d known before. This spoke of tenderness and a desire to coddle her and make sure she was all right. And he wanted to take her, to rip the lacy fabric from her body and fuck her all night long.

  Raising his head, he gasped for air. “I have to stop.”

  She sobbed, clutching at him. “Why? Oh, it feels so good!”

  He licked her again, slowly and thoroughly as she moaned, and closed her robe. The fabric clung to her wet and turgid nipple and he pinched her flesh again.

  “I can’t take you, Madeline.”

  “But your mouth felt so good on me, Hugh.”

  “And you taste too good for words. But I can’t take you.”

  “Because of who I am or because of who you are?”

  He started. She wasn’t the pampered little thing one might presume. No, she was as sharp as her brother.

  “We have our roles.”

  She stepped away from him, her hands shaking as she tied her robe tightly. “Fine. Keep yourself from me, like I’m some porcelain doll. I’m not, you know. I’m a flesh-and-blood woman.”

  “Oh, I well know that. I’ve felt your pulse race against my tongue and tasted your willing flesh.”

  She gaped up at him. “You’re a poet yourself.”

  He shook his head. “No. I’m a man who wants what he cannot have.”

  She raised a hand to her loosened curls. “Me?”

  He breathed in deeply, as much to catch her scent as to steady himself. “Yes, you. Now I must go.”

  Her eyes danced over him and he wondered if she could see that his cock tented his trousers. She was innocent, though. She couldn’t know what he’d suffer tonight if he didn’t relieve himself.

  “Then go. But you’ll be back.”

  He couldn’t argue that point. Nor could he deny his need for her or his desire to return, and soon. “Why do you want me to come back, Madeline?” he had to know.

  She smiled, her lips reddened from his kisses. “Because I want you to. And, as a Crowley, I always get what I want.”

  Her words were meant to tease so he took them in that manner. He bade her good night and left her room.

  As he climbed the stairs to his own room, he thought about her parting words. She always got what she wanted. She was no spoiled miss, though. There was a lot more to the girl than anyone could guess.

  Damn him for a fool but he longed to find out just what she could mean to him.

  * * * *

  Madeline leaned against the door, her heart finally slowing. Oh, Hugh could kiss! And all the other remarkable things he did to her with that mouth of his. He’d kissed her breast. Suckled her and driven her quite mad. And she’d begged him to stay, or nearly begged him. She hadn’t lied. She was a Crowley and Crowleys do not beg. No. She would make Hugh want to come back to her room and do more of those delightful things.

  Her breasts felt heavy and she pulsed between her legs. She felt itchy and hot and wondered if this was the sort of thing that led to the passion Michael and Millicent had shared, what they possibly shared with the earl. In a flash, Stefan Hawk came into her mind.

  Would he kiss her, too? He was hot blooded, if his Hawk legacy and Mediterranean lineage proved true. He was too beautiful for words, and so different from Hugh. Hugh was bright and hot and Stefan was dark and smoldering.

  “It’s all for nothing,” she muttered, stomping back to her bed. “Neither of them will wish to stay with me.”

  Hugh because of his misguided adherence to social class, and Stefan because he was a Hawk. That, and he had no idea that she was fantasizing about him. And she wouldn’t tell him, either. He was the earl’s brother, of all things! The fact that he was connected to her brother as well only complicated everything. Just think of the wagging tongues back in Scarborough and Crowley Park!

  “Bloody wonderful!” she cried, falling back on her bed.

  She touched her breast, still tingling from Hugh’s tender and thorough attention. A stab of wanting seared her, right down to her core. Closing her eyes, she tried to mimic what Hugh had done but only served to frustrate herself.

  “Well.” She sat up and threw her tangled hair back over her shoulders. “I can’t sleep.”

  Deciding to find a way to occupy her mind that wouldn’t lead to fevered dreams and an aching body, she took herself down to the earl’s enormous library.

  The house was so quiet, and she guessed the large staff was all abed in their quarters. As she stepped into the library, she thought of Hugh and pictured him sprawled out on his bed. Oh, he would have his shirt off and his trousers unbuttoned. She’d traced his strong shoulders and muscled arms through his fine uniform. It didn’t take much of her always-vivid imagination to see him without such trappings. Shivering as a renewed pang of want struck her, she closed the door and cursed softly.

  “That’s an interesting turn of phrase, Miss Crowley.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth, then squinted into the darkened room. There, in the shadows beside the banked glow behind the fireplace grate, sat Stefan Hawk. Slowly lowering her hands, she tried to make out his features more clearly.

  “Lord Constantine,” she whispered.

  Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on his thighs and clasped his hands. She could make him out much better now, all sharp angles and glossy hair.
br />   “It’s a bit late to be out and about, isn’t it?”

  His words were teasing but his tone of voice held an edge she’d never heard in her life, a roughness and fatigue. Something was troubling him. Little wonder, since he’d only just learned of his intimate connection to the earl.

  “Are you all right, Lord Constantine?” she asked, stepping closer.

  “All right?” He laughed softly and leaned back. “Hardly.”

  She fiddled with the ties of her robe for lack of any other way to occupy herself. Perhaps if she diverted his attention from his own concerns. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Something we have in common, then.” His eyes glittered at her. “Perhaps we can both find something other than slumber to occupy us in these dark hours?”

  Her mouth fell open and another rush of heat suffused her body. Oh, was she truly considering spending any time at all with this man? In the dark? She couldn’t keep a smile from curving her lips.


  When he smiled, she didn’t know whether to fall into his arms or run screeching from the room.

  Chapter 5

  Stefan stared at the brazen, obviously unexperienced girl in front of him. She was gorgeous there in her thin night clothes, her golden waves trailing over her delicate shoulders to cup her round breasts. His Hawk beast stirred again, no doubt still frustrated that he hadn’t taken his pleasure with Hugh earlier. True, the footman hadn’t given anything more than a sympathetic ear and a caring glance. To Stefan that only proved he would be a reprobate to surrender to his urges with the kind servant. As for this girl, however? He’d be out of his mind.

  “Why are you up and about at this hour, Miss Crowley?”

  She shrugged, affecting what he guessed she believed was bravery. He’d seen it earlier, when he’d first started talking to her. She was determined to appear calm in the face of a man she hardly knew, a man who was seized with the desire to strip off her lacy nightgown and see what else she was determined to do.


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