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Stefan's Scandal [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Josie Dennis

  “Come, Hugh,” he rasped, licking down around the base. “Come into Maddie’s pretty mouth.”

  He saw Madeline’s eyes widen, then fill with heat.

  “Yes,” she rushed out before taking him completely in her mouth again. She mumbled something more but it was lost as Hugh began to come.

  “Christ!” Hugh bucked as he poured himself into her mouth.

  She took all of him, astounding Stefan. When she licked her lips, a drop of Hugh’s essence still shining on her mouth, Stefan kissed her again.

  Hugh collapsed on the bed, his long legs dragging toward the floor. “That was…Well, that was a first.”

  “For me as well,” Stefan admitted. “What about you, Maddie?”

  She wiped a dainty finger over the indention between her full lower lip and her little chin. “On so many counts.” She sighed. “Oh, I’m quite scandalous now.”

  “I shall be circumspect, Madeline,” Hugh said softly, his eyes languid as they took her in.

  “And the family will remain in the dark, sweet.” Stefan chucked her under that little chin of hers. “You have my word.”

  She let out a breath and nodded. “Good.” She curled her body against Hugh’s and Stefan studied them for a long moment. They were indeed beautiful, quite a matched pair. He’d keep his word. No scandal would touch either of them. Hugh would keep his position and Madeline would keep her standing.

  He thought once more about coming inside of her but couldn’t summon an ounce of regret. She’d said she was safe and from the short time he’d known her he knew she wasn’t a girl to dissemble. Besides, he’d fucked everywhere and anywhere over the past years and hadn’t left any bastards in his wake. He stifled a grimace. Not like his father.

  He settled down beside the two of them, propping his head up on one hand. He wouldn’t worry over something that would never come to pass. He didn’t know how long their liaison would last and he wasn’t going to worry about bastards or scandal.

  No. He would take and give pleasure and leave no broken hearts in his wake either.

  * * * *

  Madeline sipped her tea, hoping to hide the smile she couldn’t keep off her face. Oh, what she did last night! She was no longer pure, in any sense of the word. Hugh had licked her to climax, and then Stefan? Stefan had taken her virginity and given her everything she’d ever imagined passion could bring.

  She’d been a bit sore this morning. Her thighs ached and her womanly parts were quite tender. A bath had helped but the warmth of the water had set her thoughts back to last night in the bachelor’s wing. Hugh’s tongue on her flesh. Stefan’s body deep in her center. Her pussy, they’d called it. Well, they’d certainly petted and pampered her there. Oh, and on her breasts as well. It had been simply marvelous, what they’d done.

  “A letter for you, Miss,” Carstairs said from the doorway.

  She stared at the envelope in his hand, her heart falling to her stomach. “Thank you, Carstairs,” she whispered.

  He handed her the missive and withdrew. She turned the paper over in her hand. She recognized the handwriting. She didn’t need to read the contents to guess the sender’s intentions. Her mother had summoned her home.

  “Just tea please, Hugh,” Millicent said.

  Madeline started and glanced at her cousin. When had she come into the breakfast room? And Hugh was serving this morning?

  “Good morning, Hugh,” she said.

  Hugh stood straight and firm, as she’d seen from the first. His hand was steady, for the most part, as he set the fresh teapot on the table and straightened. “Good morning, Miss Crowley.”

  She stared into Hugh’s blue eyes for a beat, a flush of heat rushing up her neck, then pulled her gaze away. Hugh took his leave of the room and she could breathe easier again. A clandestine affair didn’t seem to be in the cards for her. Not if she could blush while just watching Hugh pour tea, for goodness’s sake!

  “You’re up early, Maddie,” Millicent said.

  “And you’re up later than is your custom,” Madeline said.

  “Yes. I see the post has already arrived.”

  “This?” Madeline tucked the envelope under her saucer. “It’s from my mother.”

  Millicent clicked her tongue. “Full of contempt for me and imploring you and Michael to return to the nest, I’d wager.”

  Madeline shook her head. “I’m not thinking about it this morning.” She studied her cousin for a moment. Millicent’s cheeks were a little pale and she did look tired. “It might be well past sunrise but yet you don’t look very rested.”

  Millicent slowly sipped at her tea and nodded. “I’m afraid I’ve finally been caught.”

  “Caught?” Madeline straightened in alarm. “Caught by what? Influenza?”

  “What?” Millicent’s eyes went wide, then she smiled. “No, my love. Nothing so dire.”

  “Then, what?” Madeline leaned forward, searching Millicent’s face for any indication of what was wrong with her cousin. “Please tell me, Millie.”

  Millicent glanced toward the doorway and Madeline followed her gaze. When no one was seen about, they looked at each other once again.

  “All right, Maddie. You’re the first to know, actually. Well, Mrs. Holmes was the one to let me know, but the woman seems to know everything.” She laughed softly, then shook her head. “But you’re the first I’ve told, in any event.” She shook her head. “An event. Astounding.”

  Madeline was on tender hooks, waiting for Millicent to tell her what, precisely, was going on with her. “Millie, please.”

  Millicent took a breath, then let it out in a whoosh. “I’m expecting, Maddie. I’m having a baby.”

  Madeline’s mouth dropped open, and she sank back in her chair. “You’re having a baby?”

  “Yes. I can scarcely believe it. I’d thought that if I hadn’t been caught in all this time…” She shrugged. “Well. One can never tell in these situations, can they?”

  “I suppose not,” Madeline said. “A baby. What has the earl said?”

  “Gabriel doesn’t know.” She shook her head and sipped more of her tea. “That is to say, I haven’t told him or Michael. Though no doubt my body has betrayed me.”

  Madeline mulled over her words for a moment. “Michael?”

  “I should tell them both, Maddie.” Millicent’s gaze was direct now. “Both of them.”

  The truth struck her hard then, what Millicent shared with both Michael and the earl. “Then it is true.”

  “What is true?” Millicent’s brow furrowed slightly. “I know you haven’t heard any tales here at the manor.”

  “True. The earl’s staff is loyal.”

  Millicent nodded. “So you suspected our involvement? Michael and me?”

  “Oh, yes. I’ve always sensed the affection between you.”

  Millicent’s eyes were intent on her. “You aren’t scandalized by what I just implied, Maddie? That the earl and I—that Michael and I—?”

  Thoughts crashed in on Madeline of her two lovers and what she’d done with the both of them. Indeed, it took little imagination on her part to envision her brother and the earl both loving Millicent.

  “I am not,” she said softly.

  Millicent tilted her head to one side as if considering saying more, then shrugged lightly. “I suppose this will be the first truly legitimate Hawk in generations.”

  “But I thought they were all legitimatized? That’s the talk throughout Yorkshire, Millie.”

  “For generations the children have been legitimate in name and legally, yes.” Millie shook her head. “But few Hawks stayed to rear their sons. And those who did? Well, let’s just say that Stefan is lucky he never knew the late earl.”

  “Did you, Millie? Know him, that is?”

  “Oh, heavens no! I only have bits and pieces I’ve gleaned from Gabriel’s words and things Mrs. Holmes has said.”

  “Does Matthew know much of him?”

  “No. Gabriel’s other brother was
raised by his uncle. But he was a nasty piece of work, to hear him talk.”

  “That is horrible.” Madeline covered Millicent’s hand with hers. “I know Gabriel will be a very good father.” She thought for a moment. “And Michael will be wonderful.”

  Love beamed from Millicent’s eyes, making them as bright a blue as she’d ever seen. She supposed it didn’t matter if the baby was all Crowley or a Hawk. Not to Michael and not to Gabriel. It would be Millicent’s and would be greatly loved, and not a whiff of scandal would ever touch the child’s sweet head. That was certain.

  “Oh, I have to speak with Mrs. Holmes regarding tonight’s dinner!” Millicent stood and placed a hand over her belly. “Hawks will fill the place long before this one makes an appearance.”

  Millicent left in a flurry and Madeline watched her go.

  As she’d watched Millicent’s eyes focus off in the distance for a moment, no doubt as her mind turned over images of her prospective child, Madeline couldn’t help but recall her own close call last night.

  There would be no child from Stefan’s misstep. She only stopped her bleeding just before coming to Hawksfell, after all. She suspected she wasn’t fertile at this particular time. She’d read enough novels where the heroine was stunned to discover she’d missed her monthlies to recognize the significance of that occurrence. There was the issue of odds being in its favor were she to continue on her current path, however. She’d loved having Stefan lose himself inside of her, the rush of heat and passion that had filled her. Even so, she would simply have to make sure that didn’t happen again.

  She scoffed to herself. She was of no mind to direct their lovemaking. She’d lost her mind to the sensation as Stefan drove her over the edge as skillfully as Hugh had moments earlier. And, although Stefan professed that nothing like that would happen again, she couldn’t trust that Hugh would be of sterner stuff. She was unmarried and involved with two men who had no intentions of permanency. She couldn’t get caught, as Millicent had. There was nothing else for it. She would simply never allow herself to be alone with them again.

  The letter tucked beside her mocked her. Lifting it once more, she turned it over and over. Opening it, she read the contents. It was as she’d feared. She was called home. Before another week had passed, if her mother had her way. Dull duty and familial obligation beat a steady tattoo in her brain.

  A chill passed through her at the prospect of leaving Hawksfell, of leaving Hugh and Stefan. She told herself it was most likely due to the cold of the February morning pressing against the leaded windows. She wouldn’t give a moment’s thought to her heart breaking at the long, lonely life now stretching out before her. She crumpled the letter in one hand.

  She didn’t have the luxury for such musings.

  Chapter 8

  “Did you see her this morning, Hugh?”

  Hugh studied Stefan as he helped him dress. The man seemed most anxious.

  “Yes. She was taking breakfast with the countess.”

  Stefan shrugged into the jacket Hugh held for him. “And how did she look?”


  Stefan’s quick grin caught him off-guard. “No doubt. But I was referring more to her manner. Her temper.”

  “She was quite pleasant.” Hugh thought about Madeline’s stiffness and shrugged. “She carried herself a bit cautiously, however.”

  Stefan cursed and leaned back against the dressing table. “Damn. I’d tried to go easy with her, Hugh. I swear on all that is holy, I did.”

  Hugh recalled the sight of Stefan’s big body moving in and over Madeline in the blue room. “That is a good thing.”


  “You’re quite large, Stefan. You don’t need me to tell you that.”

  “And she was a virgin. Yes. I’m a dolt.” He slammed his hand down on the table. “And I came inside her, damn it!”

  Hugh reached out. “She made you lose control.”

  Stefan blinked at him. “She did. How the hell did you know that?”

  Hugh tilted his head to one side. “I was there, Stefan. Close enough to almost feel every thrust.”

  Stefan ran a hand over his own face and sighed. “She is an amazing girl. I’ve fucked anywhere and everywhere but I’ve never felt release like I did last night.”

  Hugh placed a hand on his shoulder and Stefan opened his eyes. Their dark depths were clouded.

  “You took care with her, Stefan.” Hugh rubbed his shoulder. “I saw that, too.”

  “She’s more than just a romp, Hugh.” He held up a hand. “Don’t ask me exactly what, but never before have I wanted a woman again once I’ve had her.”

  Hugh thought of Madeline’s porcelain skin, blushed a rosy pink with passion. Of her crystal blue eyes, darkened with desperate want before her release.

  “I can only imagine what it will feel like when I take her,” he said.

  Stefan smiled again. “And I shall be close enough to almost feel every thrust.”

  Hugh chuckled. “Still, there is the matter of arranging our trysts. I am on staff here. I cannot lose my position.”

  Worry clouded Stefan’s dark eyes. “You think I’d let scandal touch you? Or her, for that matter?”

  Hugh knew Stefan wouldn’t want such a thing, but he couldn’t guarantee that. “There will be talk. And now that you’re known to be an heir to the late earl?” He shook his head. “I don’t know if there is a way around it.”

  Stefan’s brow furrowed as he began to pace. “I’d heard all about Matthew’s wife, Hugh. It’s said that she was a maid here at the manor.”

  “That was before my time at Hawksfell, but that is the tale.”

  “Ah.” Stefan faced him. “Tales told in the attic?”

  Hugh nodded. “Mrs. Holmes doesn’t care for gossip, especially where the Hawks are concerned.”

  “And the housekeeper has a very tender spot for the countess as well.”

  “Yes, and she wouldn’t want any discomfort to come to either the earl or his wife, I imagine. But it’s difficult to ignore such a juicy piece of news, especially since more than one Hawk has since taken an earl’s former employee with them when they left.”

  “More than one? Just how many?”

  “Apparently several, though I don’t want to raise Mrs. Holmes’s wrath should I question too pointedly.”

  “Her ties to the Hawks, yes. I’ve felt her affection toward me, as remarkable as that should be. No doubt it’s my connection to Gabriel but I shall take it for what it is. God knows my mother barely gave me attention, let alone affection.”

  Hugh heard something in his voice. A longing for the connection he’d been missing all these years.

  “You have a place here, Stefan. That’s very clear.”

  Stefan seemed to shake himself out of his maudlin thoughts. “For however long. True, Gabriel wants me to stay close to the manor. As Matthew has.”

  “Then you have family.”

  Realization dawned and Stefan’s face brightened. He was heartbreakingly handsome in that instant, and Hugh fought the urge to kiss him.

  “I do have family, Hugh.” He raked a hand through his hair. “God, I do.”

  Hugh thought of his own childhood. Only child to older parents. Orphaned at the age of fourteen and forced to turn to the life he’d had on London streets. He must have given something away in his expression, for Stefan grabbed his arm.

  “What the hell? Where did you go just then, Hugh? Was it the talk of my family?”


  “I didn’t mean to crow about it over you.” He sat, pulling Hugh down with him. “You don’t have any, do you?”

  Hugh shook his head. “It’s all right. I haven’t had any family for a very long time.”

  “How long?”

  “Since I was fourteen.”

  Stefan searched his face. “Where did you live after that?”

  Hugh swallowed. “London.”

  Stefan’s eyes narrowed. “With whom?”
br />   Hugh went tight-lipped at the question. He couldn’t let anyone know what he’d done. It was what he’d had to do, but still…

  “Hugh, you can tell me.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Hardly that.” Stefan turned a bit to better face him. “What was your life in London like, as if I can’t guess?”

  Hugh opened his mouth to lie, then lifted his chin. “I’m not ashamed of what I did, Stefan. I had to live, after all.”

  Stefan wore more than understanding on his face. To his surprise, his sympathy didn’t make Hugh want to flee the room. “You were young. And pretty, I would guess.” He watched Hugh for a long moment. “And I daresay you took care of yourself?”

  Hugh nodded. “I managed to keep myself well.”

  “Yourself.” Stefan’s well-formed mouth curved a bit. “Never under protection, then?”

  “I was owned by no one.”

  Stefan gave a sharp nod. “Good man. Now, what are we to do about Madeline?”

  Hugh blinked at the swift turn of subject. “I hadn’t thought…That is to say, you are the Hawk after all.”

  Stefan placed a hand on his chest. “You’re leaving arrangements to me? I daresay you get the girl alone more easily than I.”

  Hugh found a smile. “Yes, she seems to drag me into her room whenever I find myself near the family bedrooms.”

  “Though we can’t have our wicked ways with her there,” Stefan quipped. “No doubt the walls of Hawksfell are thick, but not that thick.”

  Hugh thought about the way Madeline lost herself in the pleasure of it. Hell, he himself nearly screamed as she and Stefan had licked him to completion. “No.”

  “Let me think on it, Hugh. I daresay she’ll be aching for a ride from you once we get her alone. She all but devoured that splendid cock of yours.”

  Stefan’s heat showed in his eyes, and Hugh felt a tremor of desire snake through him. “But what of you?”

  Stefan laughed out loud now. “Why, I’ll get to watch.” He winked. “It will be a first for me.”


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