Book Read Free

Under Purple Sheets

Page 5

by Coco Houston

  I stare over at my broom on the wall, urging it to stop time with a witchcraft spell; this would suit me to make this moment last longer but not forever. No response, broom just sits there. As it gets close to the time for Brad to leave, I try propositioning the broom once again… nope, still nothing. I will deal with this disobedience later! I think to myself before realising I do really need to move my ass as time is running out, and I want Brad to make me coffee before he gets organised for work.

  After Brad’s car disappears out the street, I change my mind again. Now pleased with the broom for not obeying me, I thank it by dancing with it around the kitchen. I pour more wine before going to the fridge for some chocolate cake and cream. Now this is my kind of heaven! I go to the lounge, light more candles, and then cuddle up on the sofa with my little dogs. I consider my situation with Brad, thinking sometimes I worshipped him in some higher form as if he was a love god, putting him so high up on a pedestal, seeing him that way blinded by love, instead he was just an ordinary bastard of a man. Other times, more so since he moved in, I can’t be fucked with him. Honestly. To hell with analysing this shit, tonight I’m going to enjoy my evening, just forgetting about it all, I will finish making my decision about us and where we stand tomorrow; after all, it is only a day away. Later after watching a film along with emptying the wine bottle, the clock reads time for bed, so I let my dogs out to pee. Standing in the garden looking up at the full moon shining in the dark sky, I start to think about the legends of werewolves, of vampires, including all the glamour that surrounds them due to the recent movies. Apparently because of all this, the definite general impression now is it would be pretty cool to be a vampire actually, well especially if you really lived forever; apart from that, they are considered to be very beautiful people. I am a white witch, perhaps I can make a spell to live for eternity. I should make use of the full moon for casting a spell but decide not to because I am very tired. I just go back indoors with my little dogs, smiling to myself at the thought of vampires visiting me tonight, I would love that. I put my wand, crystals and pentagram from my altar to charge in the moonlight though. Brad phones from work and I tell him I saw vampires in the garden. He laughs asking me if they ran like fuck on meeting me, I say no, but they weren’t looking for me, they were out searching for you, wolf boy. I hang up on him laughing, leaving him on the other side of the phone wondering, as I talk to myself about Edward and Jacob from the Twilight movie. Now Edward in my opinion is definitely something else!

  6th November 2012

  Brad comes in from work earlier than usual this morning so on waking up; I find he has already prepared breakfast for me to have in bed. He hands me a tray which has scrambled eggs made with fresh cream, hot buttered toast, coconut cookies lightly warmed in the oven, with a milky cappuccino coffee. There is a little wild flower on the tray with a tiny box of champagne truffles, now this is my kind of breakfast, now he’s my hero, besides what a lovely way to start the day on a cold and frosty morning!

  Afterwards Brad doesn’t go to bed; he decides just to stay up as he is off tonight anyway. We relax in my lounge under sheepskin rugs in front of the log fire with my little Chihuahuas. Brad mentions possibly going out tonight to a bonfire display. I complain that it is freezing outside, but it sounds like a plan. I love fireworks but wee Rio, my Chihuahua, is not so keen; the rest don’t bother. Later at eventide it is so romantic when Brad seduces me in front of the log-burning stove. Sprawling naked on my rug, I promise to get dressed after he makes me a cup of hot milky coffee. I want something warm other than sperm inside me before I go out into the cold night but lying all cosy in the heat from the flames of the fire, I am fast changing my mind about that scenario.

  After a bit of convincing while moaning, I eventually shift myself. I have a quick shower, put on my perfume with the warmest clothes I have got, before heading out grumbling about it being as cold as Siberia.

  The bonfire display is amazing, so much more romantic than I could have imagined. Brad holds me close with his hands under my heavy winter jacket, both to keep his hands warm whilst and to play with my nipples in public, but no one notices as it is hidden under the thick material. The sky is shimmering and glittering with all the stunning colours of the rainbow. The bonfire is roaring in front of us, yet still doesn’t take the chill out of the air.

  As the fireworks show comes to end, I turn to Brad whispering, “Let’s go for a walk, Brad. Look at the stars, the sky is gorgeous tonight.” Brad looks up agreeing with me as we go along the shore. The crowd starts to disperse, so it is quiet now but just as cold still it felt so romantic holding hands in the crisp night air.

  Walking along the beach, we arrive at Greenan Castle, which we pretend belongs to us. Brad is the prince, with me his princess. The setting is idyllic, a once elegant old castle sitting on the coastline. We go into the castle ruin as Brad takes me firmly in his arms, undoes his jeans, bends me over, takes down my pants, entering me from behind, moaning aloud, he pushes every inch of him up into me as he wraps his arms around my body. Pushing up my clothes he firmly grips my breasts, playing with them once again. I am so excited, with my nipples hard as he thrusts faster still; looking up through the open roof, I can see the stars twinkling above me in the dusky, navy-blue sky. I can hear the waves bashing the rocks beneath us, in the air I can smell the salt from the sea and seaweed; it is an alluring, enchanting magical place to make love. As he cums, I feel his legs shuddering with mine, me gently cat calling in pleasure responding in the same way. I love his sperm being put right up inside me. “COW!” I say to myself out loud. Brad laughs.

  We kiss each other, sorting our clothes back together, kissing again just before we leave; we hear voices coming from dog walkers who take the path right by us. Risky business this fucking outdoors, we almost got caught; laughing about it, Brad feels that is part of the excitement, I just think of it as a charming thing to do in my castle. If I’m being very truthful, the ruined castle is perfect because in a lot of ways it’s as fucked as me. It was in bad need of repair, taking thousands of pounds to restore it to the once grand magnificent self; well, I smile thinking to myself, I could also do with some of that.

  On the way back home we stop off at a take-away to pick up a Chinese meal, and then we go to buy some red wine. On entering the house the warmth of it envelopes me like a hot blanket, making me realise just how icy the night air outside has become. I light candles, and then there on my rug in the candlelight with the glow from the hearth, we eat our food, drinking wine just as fireworks bang in the distance. Rio bolts, landing on me, toppling us all including the wine onto the floor. Rio is flat out beside me covered in my drink as Brad is screaming with laughter. Later in our bed, I am so content inside as we have just shared two of the most amazingly resplendent days, being so happy together. I look over at him sleeping, kiss the curls on his head, whispering to him, “Goodnight you,” before pulling the quilt over my head.

  The following weeks pass by with Brad’s mother’s condition worsening. There is lots of tension between us leading to loads of arguments. Sometimes we are great together and I do try to be very supportive, whilst other times we are just in days of continuous fighting, which condemns the relationship to being extremely rocky. It is like Christmas day every day when it’s great, he is all my presents on legs, but mostly recently, it is like most evenings having the devil to dinner. Brad hides how he is feeling, but I know how much he’s hurting. The pressure of Brad’s mother being so ill as well as trying to adjust to living full-time with me, plus the fact that doing so he is much further away from his mother now, not just across the road anymore, everything taking into consideration is beginning to take its toll on the relationship. Both of us are losing hope, knowing however much I scream at Him to stop it and make her well and as much as I pray, God is going to take her home anyway.

  As Christmas approaches, it is a dire time for us all. I did not even celebrate Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. A similar celebrati
on to the twelve days of Christmas, that Christians celebrate at this time of year. Although, Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, and Yule is connected to the birth of the Sun God, child of the goddess. I just make a spell, casting some serenity and peace in the home. I re-energise myself and my crystals, cleansing negativity away. It helps me, but Brad is beyond himself as it becomes clear that his mother is dying. I take the situation very badly, screaming, refusing to believe she is leaving me. I find myself being quite selfish without meaning to be. I don’t want her to die, not now. Not ever. I want more time. There is so much I want us to do together. She had to see me in my wedding dress… she can’t die, especially not now, please God, not at the time of year. She wanted to see Christmas, she told me so. I get so focused on how much I just want the illness gone from her body, giving me more time with her, that I don’t even notice what Brad is going through… I am so out of it all that I’m not there for him at all really. Our relationship even gets to the position of hopelessness, where we fight almost every day; we hurt each other deeply, using words we don’t mean. In my frustration I tell Brad just to fuck off back to his wife in his hometown. Brad is losing his mother; he is losing me as I lose faith in everything else.

  22nd December 2012

  Today Brad’s mother takes a turn for the worse and Brad takes me up to the hospital to visit her. What I am faced with is so devastating… she is no longer the woman I remember. Her beautiful doll-like face has become so pale – a horrible shade of grey, she is hallucinating, adding to the fact that the morphine drip doesn’t even begin to touch the constant pain she is suffering. When I say, “Hello, Mum,” she smiles but I have no idea if she even recognises me as she struggles to stay awake.

  I go to her, holding her hand, talking to her for a while, calling her mum because that is what she feels like to me. She loved me calling her that, getting me to say it over and over when she came to my house with Brad. I remember back to last week when late at night I visited her at home. She told me she was happy to have met me, thanking me for making her son happy. She then said that no matter how many people disapprove of us, I am to attend her funeral with my head held high. She also asked me to keep my promise to her that I would marry Brad. Then she stated quite clearly with vengeance, I was not to let Brad go back to stay over the road in that house ever with HER (his wife), not ever again. On saying that, she then instructed me that I was not to let anybody take any more of Brad’s money, under no bloody circumstances, as she felt that the household took more than enough from him as the Craw spent most of Brad’s pay on her family for years upon years. She was very bitter and very defiant that I would follow this request. One of Brad’s sisters witnessed this conversation that night and was very much in agreement on both counts.

  Just before I leave the hospital, I promise her with tears streaming down my face to honour my word to her. Before I leave the hospital room, I go over to her bedside, leaning down to kiss her forehead, whispering “Goodbye and goodnight, Mum” softly into her ear. That night when I get home, I light candles that symbolise health and wishing she has a longer life, I make spells asking for a miracle for her to live, then I pray and pray to the Lord not to take her away. Deep down I knew no matter what spells I made to the high priestess or even to the Lord, they weren’t going to listen to me, they were going to take her anyway.

  Christmas Eve 2012

  The spells of course would not work this time as it was time for her to go. I cast a spell asking for help to save her from suffering, I did my best and my prayers to the lord went unanswered, but I tried to keep her no matter what. Brad’s mum died tonight on Christmas Eve; she went to sleep forever. God went ahead and took his angel back home, as her work down here on earth was now finally done. When I kissed her saying goodbye, I knew that would be the last time I would ever see her. Brad had spent the final days going in and out the hospital to visit her. I can’t imagine what he must be going through right now, I was just numb with shock and the pain I felt inside was unbelievable. On hearing the sad news that she was gone, I couldn’t believe it and fucking wouldn’t accept it. I went straight and phoned her house; it rang out she wasn’t home; as the phone rang and rang still I waited and waited for her to answer my call. She never did.

  Christmas Day 2012

  Christmas morning is a nightmare for us. Just fucking awful. Brad is lying in bed staring into space when I come in from working night shift. We don’t work together anymore in the forensic unit, I now work nightshift elsewhere. I go to Brad, he holds me tight, kissing me. It’s like a desperate need to fill the emptiness he feels inside. He is so lost and for me he’s trying to make our first Christmas together special, as normal as possible under the horrific circumstances. Brad gets up, trying to continue the day in the best way he knows how; he wants us to be happy together, knowing that it is what his mother would have wished for us. He gave me a beautiful wife card with lots of expensive gifts as in; leather boots at £300 with a bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne including Christian Dior foundation and J’Adore perfume plus COCO Mademoisselle Chanel perfume both large bottles. I am completely spoiled. After giving me my presents, we have some breakfast, and then decide to go to lie down for a little while as we are both completely shattered.

  Brad also bought me some different things from Ann Summers, which hadn’t yet been used as there has been so much going on. Some very pretty, sexy underwear, strawberry lubricant, with a glitter pink vibrator. Brad asks me to go and get all the stuff. I look at him, thinking this was a strange request at a time like this. He orders me to put the underwear on. I just sit staring at him. “Go Coco, now,” ardently he repeats himself, so I go.

  Into my bathroom I wander to put on these beautiful silk garments whilst still half asleep. When I return to the bedroom, I find Brad is now lying naked on top of the covers with his hard cock standing straight up in the air. I walk up to the bed slowly, gently touch his hard-on by running my nails down it, looking at him sadly. I feel it is inappropriate to have sex just now but I drop the robe off my shoulders anyway to reveal the white silk delicate lace bra beneath. With my sad eyes searching his face, I notice that in his excitement the expression he is wearing is showing me a look of passion. I lower myself down next to him, he touches me on top of the material of the silk knickers, commenting that he loves the fact that my vagina is as always as smooth as ice (I don’t allow any hair to grow there) for him. My little tattoos are peeping out the sides of my little pants. I have a four-leaf clover on the right side and four little hearts on the left side (One heart for each letter of his name, so secretly the hearts spell B.R.A.D.). It feels like it has been so long since he touched me there, I have missed him so much.

  He grabs me in his arms, holding me close while running his fingers through my hair, seductively putting his tongue in my mouth. His breathing becomes laboured as he whispers to me, “God you are so beautiful, Coco. I have missed being with you like this so much.” I French kiss him, flickering my tongue back in and out of his mouth; he groans, pulling me into him by the hair, kissing more hungrily.

  “Fuck me, Coco, please, Coco,” he gasps between breaths, unable to hold back any longer. Brad then rolls me over, putting his hands between my legs, opening them wide. He removes my tiny panties, sliding his fingers into my little secret place. He picks up the glitter vibrator, covering it in lubricant, turning it on as he touches me so lightly with it, playing with me, allowing its buzzing tip to almost hit my clitoris, sending pleasurable little sensations through me time after time. He is teasing me so much, putting it inside me a little farther each time, changing the settings to see the effect it is having on me. He is driving me crazy using it, then as he switches it on to a pumping mode, making it produce the feeling in me of him ejaculating in me over and over.

  “Oh God, Brad, that feels like you are filling me with your sperm. I’m going to cum, oh! Brad, please don’t stop!” I scream as my legs tremble while the warmth rushes through me and all over the vibrato
r; I feel I can hardly move my legs, they are numb with being in the same position so long. He leans over me, kissing my mouth, moving down to suck my cute hard rocks of nipples. I glance down; his hard-on is pulsing with excitement. I can’t take this teasing anymore, I need him inside me. Taking him in my hand, I place the throbbing cock right at my little secluded lips. He puts his hardness deeply into me, I don’t think I want him ever to stop, not ever. I am so ecstatic as he lies on top of me, holding me so tight while he says my name each time he penetrates me time and time again, then, getting faster still, when he is approaching his climax, my body shudders. I can feel my vagina tighten around him, causing him to squirt his entire load up me, completely emptying him for now. This causes me to have another orgasm, putting my sweet juice on his still hard penis. Afterwards as we cuddle up together, both of us in agreement that was some of the best sex we have ever had.

  “You’re some ride, Brad Blake,” I blurt out, causing us both to buckle in hysterics. I am teasing him in fun, but this is not an appropriate time. He smiles all the same though saying that I do have a way with my words. Deep down inside me, way behind all this sex lay a dark emptiness, what were we doing trying to do bury an unbearable pain? Pretending everything was normal as Brad’s mother lay asleep forever on this Christmas morning. Fuck knows, but I do know this was not the answer by far.


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