Are you okay??? I tried my best to keep Tara contained, but I guess I was focusing so much on her psycho-flailing arms I didn’t even consider she could trip you!!! How the hell are her legs that long? Are they that long? I’m so much taller than her and I don’t think I could’ve gotten my leg out that far. I mean, you weren’t, like, a mile away, but you weren’t like right near her either!! I guess ’cuz she’s a cheerleader and kind of a dancer so she’s flexible? But still, her leg just . . . well, I don’t know how she got it out far enough to trip you!
What can I bring you for your face? I tried so hard, Bloom!! I hope you can still play Tony! What am I saying . . . you are Matt Bloom! The swelling could go down and will go down, I know it, Bloom!
Thank god Stacey Simon ran to get Mr. Flaherty! I guess it was lucky that she happened to be in F Hall at the same time, right?
Has Joy come to visit you in the nurse’s office?
Seriously, anything you need from me, please, please, please tell me.
Hey Pammy,
Believe me, I know how hard you tried. I can’t believe all of that just happened. I still don’t even know how any of it started, but I have some ideas. And trust me, I am going to find out!
Yeah, Joy is right here by my side. She says hi.
I think I can say for sure that neither you or I expected to see Tara swinging at Kathy Connery when we were just walking down F Hall. Jesus! I have to say, Pammy, I am so impressed with you. Blown away, actually. You just dropped your books and ran! You got right in between Tara and Kathy, and you were, like, pushing both of them away from each other! It was crazy, but you were incredible! You did everything you could do! I wish I had been able to help more, but by the time I got there to help you that friggin’ leg came out of nowhere, and of course there had to be an open locker! I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid who just got the crap beat out of him. I don’t know if I’ll be able to play Tony, but you know me . . . I will do everything I can to get on that stage!!
You are awesome!! Never forget that!!
Blooming Flower,
Hi, my wonderful friend. How is that beautiful broken face of yours? More importantly . . . how is that beautiful heart of yours? I know violence like that does us both in, so I am really concerned about your heart.
What an amazingly brave and beautiful girl your friend Pammy is. Anyone would be lucky to call her friend. This is so unlike me, but please share with her that I think she is one great girl.
I’m just glad it all ended before it went further.
I am going to stop by your house tonight to bring you some chamomile tea bags. They really help with swollen eyes. As you know I’ve shed many tears, and these tea bags are my saving grace.
Love to you, my Blooming Flower.
Kathy has cauliflower ear!!
Have you heard anything yet about how this whole thing started? And please tell Joy I say hi back!!
First and foremost, thank you for checking in on me, and I would be so grateful if you came over tonight with those tea bags. Thank you.
That was so lucky that you were there and were able to get the principal. Did you see the whole thing go down? What even happened? Did Tara just start swinging at Kathy? I know you don’t like to gossip so you don’t have to tell me but you can if you want.
Love always,
Your Busted-Faced Blooming Flower
Blooming Flower,
You need to focus on getting better. You have a huge opening night coming up. That’s all that matters.
It was all fairly quick and confusing. I was at my locker and Tara came up to me. She seemed really upset, but she was trying to, I don’t know . . . it seemed as though she was trying to not be upset. I thought something was terribly wrong, so I asked her if she was okay. I went to give her a hug, and she kind of slapped at my arms. Which admittedly took my breath away. And then she said that you told her my aunt and uncle were the heads of admissions at NYU and that you agreed with her that I forced them to reject her from the University. Don’t get upset. I know you never said that, my sweet friend. And I know I would never in a million years do anything like that. But Tara kept choosing not to believe me, and she started screaming in my face. That’s when Kathy Connery showed up and just said, “Everything cool here?” That’s when Tara sort of snapped. She forgot about me and turned all her rage on Kathy. Why? I have no idea. She just started calling her a “slut” and a “townie.” Then she started swinging, and that is when you and the divine Pammy showed up.
But Matt, none of that matters. Truly. The only thing that matters is you healing.
See you tonight.
Big hug,
Can you believe what that Kathy Connery did to me? Don’t you wonder how any living human guy could hook up with her?? She is so gross and such a violent person! You haven’t checked in on me, so I’m not sure if you’re up to speed. Don’t worry, Kathy at least had the decency to tell Mr. Flaherty that everything is settled, so there is no threat of suspension (for her, obviously) and everything will go on as scheduled, including and most importantly me as Maria in West Side Story. Thank god for my claddagh ring . . . it really came in handy when I needed to defend myself!!
Your Once-Again Girlfriend,
I heard about everything that happened in F Hall. Real happy you are okay and not that I know Kathy all that well, but good on her for smoothing things over with Mr. Flaherty. So, it’s all settled, right?
Love ya,
Yes, it is all settled! There’s nothin’ to look at here, folks. Carry on, ya know what I mean? And yeah, wicked smart that Kathy Connery spoke the TRUTH to Mr. Flaherty. Girls like that are what bring towns down! Don’t you agree? Not like you “know her all that well,” but I’m sure you agree.
Q even believe? Even Christopher is like, “That Kathy Connery is disgusting! What kinda girl starts fights?”
So, do you want the exact middle seat in the front row for West Side Story? Or, like, a few seats to either the left or right? Totally your call, but being a theater snob I truly think front row cuts off some of the show. Your best bet is third or fifth row CENTER! But you tell me, k?
Write back as soon as you can ’cuz tickets are sellin’ wicked fast and I want my best friend to have the exact seat she wants.
Love you just as much as you love me,
Hey Tara,
It’s pretty spectacular what 24 hours and a ton of chamomile tea bags can do. My face is just about back to normal. Sure, I still have a gash on my cheek from the locker I crashed into, but both Joy and Stacey think it looks cool and that having a really long, really big slice on my face will only add to the authenticity of my portrayal of Tony. So in some absurd way I want to thank you for TRIPPING ME.
I was walking down F Hall with Pam, and we saw you and Kathy throwing punches at each other. Knowing what I know (from you), I thought to help. Thank god Pam got in the middle of you two, because I bet Kathy would have more than cauliflower ear if she hadn’t. But when I ran over to help, you saw me. I saw you see me, and you threw your friggin’ leg out specifically to TRIP ME. Again, I have a great gash that will make my performance even stronger, but really? You TRIPPED ME? Why would you do that?
But most importantly . . . the thing I cannot get out of my head . . . the thing that is making me mad in a way I don’t think I’ve ever been mad before is that you lied to Stacey. You lied to her and told her that I agreed with you that she used her family connections to make sure
you got rejected from NYU!!! Are you kidding me?
First of all, Tara, I thought YOU rejected NYU! I thought YOU CHOSE NOT TO GO THERE! You know, because “No Quad,” etc., etc., etc. You tried to pit me and Stacey against each other! Lying to her that I told you I AGREED with you that Stacey made sure you didn’t get in there!! What planet are you living on?! Nice try trying to sabotage my friendship with Stacey, but it didn’t work and NEVER WOULD!
I am so mad at you right now! After everything we’ve been through together you do this! To me! Why??
See ya around,
Dearest Matt,
Oh my GODDDD, you tripped? Babe, I am so sorry to hear that! The whole Kathy Connery thing was so chaotic, and then when that giant woman got involved I just lost my perspective. Like, totally gone! Matt, I would never trip anyone, let alone you! Are you sure Kathy or the Note-Readin’ Candy Store Gossip didn’t trip you, or maybe your sneaker sole caught a floor tile? You know these cheap, waxy floor tiles are prone to trippin’ people up.
You got a gash on your face? Not the Keanu FACE!! You should sue the school. I bet that’s exactly what your parents are thinkin’ right this second! And good for them. This friggin’ school deserves to be sued. Tell ’em to sue the entire town, while they’re at it! But so glad you’re healing. The notion of doing West Side without you (and with your understudy Ari Levy) makes me sick! Thank god that won’t be happenin’!!
So you’ve fallen for the classic Stacey Simon spell, huh? Can’t say I don’t get it. There was a blip in time this year when I did, too. I know, I know. Me fallin’ for anyone’s trickery is shocking. Even to me it’s shocking. But alas . . . spider-women like Stacey spin their silk so fast there’s really no way to get away. She has her long brown hair (which she should cut, if you ask me . . . it’s like, “Stacey, long hair is awesome and all, but that long? Seriously?”) and her jean jacket and her “vulnerability” and her “everything is private and sacred” thing. She’s what I call a Master Manipulator. You really gonna believe someone like her, Matt? Come off it . . . I know you better than that.
How excited are we for opening night? I’m gonna go shopping after school so I can get a great after-show outfit. Hey, this girl’s gotta look amazin’ when she meets and greets her fans. Ya know? Do you know what I mean?
To a Speedy Recovery . . .
P.S. Want me to bake you some of my famous gooey double-chocolate-chip cookies? Word is they make people feel better!
No thanks. I don’t want any cookies. I want you to tell me the truth. Admit that you tripped me intentionally and admit that you lied to Stacey. Admit this stuff to me, then maybe we can move on. Don’t you think I deserve the truth from you, Tara?
Oh my GOD, Matt,
Listen, I am wicked sorry you’ve been injured. And that your injury is on your face . . . oh, Matt, how awful that must be. It makes me terribly sad for you, as I know how highly you regard that face of yours. I know that face of yours has been a calling card for you this year, as your entry into South High timed perfectly with Paula Abdul’s release of the “Rush, Rush” video. But maybe it was time for the Matt Bloom/Keanu comparisons to end, ya know? You are such a unique kid, I for one wouldn’t want you spendin’ your entire high school experience livin’ up to the expectations of a real movie star. But hey, I’m not gonna fib (not my style)—if I “got” tripped and got a gash on this face, well . . . I’d likely be gunnin’ for someone to blame, too. So, do trust I feel your angst, Matt. As someone known for steppin’ brilliantly and wicked authentically into other people’s shoes (Connie Wong, Patty Simcox, Anne Frank, Maria, and the list goes on), I can absolutely step into yours and empathize with how you are feeling, Kiddo.
But as for your “admit it or else” note . . . sorry . . . but I just can’t take your bait. Not sure what scheme you and Ms. Simon are cookin’ up, but I’ve had my fill of chaos, Matt. The people in this town have tried their darnedest to TRIP me up, but alas, I am college-bound and standin’ tall (not as tall as your dear friend Pam . . . and don’t think I don’t see her tiny little pock-a-book . . . I see it. She can call herself Pammy and carry a mini pock-a-book all she wants, but those things can’t conceal what these eyes see, k?).
You fell. In a hallway. At South High. And that plain sucks. I’ll admit that, k, Matt? I’ll gladly admit that trippin’ in a South High hallway sucks. There . . . satisfied?
And while I’ven’t a clue what hogwarsh Ms. Simon is throwin’ your way, I can admit this: I don’t care. Not interested in immature stuff like that anymore, Matt. Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve just evolved outta that. I know, bummer. Here you are just startin’ to get excited by real-life drama and here I am literally so beyond it. Ahhh, life!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Opening night!!!! We are gonna give this town a story (a West Side Story) to remember!!
Um . . . Hello . . . Stef . . . You there?
I needed to tell you this, and I’m wicked sorry for being the one to tell you, especially because you’re still healing, but I promised you I would never hurt you again and I don’t want anyone else to, so I am just telling you, and whatever I can do to help you stop this I will.
There’s a big rumor going around that you and Tara slept together outside of the Senior Prom after party.
You know how I work at Fanny Farmer Candy Shop? Duh, I know you know that, but okay, so . . . Kathy Connery works at the mall, too, at Coconuts, and she came into my shop—and oh man, is her cauliflower ear wicked bad—with Tricia Simms and Deena DeLuca, who are my friends or honestly as of now used to be my friends, and Kathy just started tellin’ everyone that she saw you and Tara sleeping together, like, doing it together outside at this after-Prom party. She even said you did it on your paisley tuxedo jacket!!
I know you and Joy are basically back together or maybe you are together—I don’t know because I’m only stage crew, it’s not like I’m one of the leads or even in chorus, but I’ve known you my whole life and I just don’t believe this rumor.
I know you probably don’t care ’cuz you don’t care what people think or say about you, and I know you don’t need my help, but just if you do or anything . . .
Sorry again that I told you, but I just wanted you to know before this spreads around wicked fast, especially ’cuz West Side is opening tomorrow night, and after everything you’ve been through you deserve the best opening night ever!!
Thank you so much for telling me. I appreciate it. And don’t knock your role on stage crew . . . you are the eyes and ears of the whole production.
Glad you don’t believe that pathetic rumor. Kathy Connery, huh? Never trust a woman (or women) scorned . . . but never mind about that.
By the way, I forgot to tell you that Stacey thinks you’re incredible. How brave you were to break up that fight.
Okay . . . um . . . yes. Your help. Let me think about that, okay?
Thanks for everything,
Stacey Simon said that? Oh my GOD!! She’s so pretty.
And seriously . . . let me know what I can do to help.
Dear Pammy,
I took some time to think and you know what? I do actually need your help. Can you swing by my house after rehearsal? I know how to deal with this. I used to need my brother to help me with shitty people like this, but man, I really grew up this year! See you at my house, and bring your crew keys, okay?!
Hey Tara,
So, are you sure you don’t want to tell me the truth?
br />
Hey Matt,
I told ya what I told ya, Matt. Look, if you wanna talk about this further I can absolutely see if I can possibly carve out a potential window to meet up with you. It’s not lookin’ wicked likely (as my Month-At-A-Glance is chock-full . . . busy, busy, busy), but I will for sure do you the solid of checkin’. Just don’t get your hopes up, k? And if and until we meet up, just chill out, ya know? And hey, you, look at the bright side . . . it’s almost showtime!!!
P.S. How are you, by the way? I’m worried your trip-gash did somethin’ to your head ’cuz you’re seemin’ different, ya know? Do you know what I mean? DYKWIM?
P.P.S. Free tip from me to you: Never falsely confess to somethin’ in a folded note. There are reading giants at science desks ’round this neck-a-the-woods.
Yeah, I think my “trip-gash” did do somethin’ to my head. But that’s a good thing. A very, veeery good thing. And no need to check your Month-At-A-Glance, k?
Matt Bloom
What the HELL?! I slept at Christopher’s last night, and when we went out to our cars this morning there were, like, a thousand copies of the pictures of him and Kathy all over his driveway and your street. They were everywhere, Matt!!
You told me you destroyed those photos!!
Folded Notes from High School Page 15