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Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three

Page 22

by Kristen Middleton

  “Can you set one up?”

  “Maybe. I know some people,” said Mira. “But, she’ll need to be farther along in order for us to see anything.”

  “How far along?” I asked.

  Mira shrugged. “Four months, probably.”

  “By then we’ll know anyway,” said Chelsey. “I would think, at least.”

  “Hold up. There is another way. We should be able to hear a heart-beat as early as six weeks, with a Doppler.”

  “Maybe Slade could hear it earlier,” said Chelsey. “By just listening in on my stomach.”

  “Maybe,” I replied, a little freaked out by the fact that Chelsey thought she could be pregnant.

  “He very well might. Anyway, I still think I should get you a pregnancy test, just in case,” I replied.

  “It won’t hurt,” said Mira. “Wait until the morning, though.”

  “We’re in no hurry,” I replied, taking Chelsey’s hand. “We’ve got forever.”

  Chelsey smiled. “Yes, we do.”

  I SLEPT THE entire night and when I woke, it was to the smell of Slade’s blood.

  “Drink,” he said, holding his arm out to me once again.

  My mouth was dry and admittedly, I was hungry, but I also felt guilty. “Slade, I can’t keep doing this. Feeding off of you.”

  “I can’t allow you not to,” he replied, shoving his arm up to my face. “Now, drink.”

  My hunger won out and I fed from him, delighting in the flavor of his blood, which tasted so much better than the packages that were in the refrigerator.

  “Okay” he gasped, putting a hand on my shoulder after a few short minutes. “That’s good.”

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” I asked, pulling away.

  “It’s okay,” he answered and then explained to me how to make it pleasurable for him.

  “So, I’m basically sharing the pleasure with you, only it’s like telepathy?” I said, when he was finished.

  “Yes. As you’re taking blood and it’s seeping into your body, you feel a rush of ecstasy, right?”

  I nodded.

  “If you concentrate hard enough, you can share that feeling with your donor.”


  He pulled his sleeve over his arm. “It takes some practice, but something tells me that we’ll be doing a lot of this.”

  “What’s wrong with me?” I pouted, feeling guilty and ashamed.

  “Your body is just taking a while to adjust. Oh, by the way… here,” said Slade, handing me small brown bag.

  I opened it up. “A pregnancy test.”

  “Yes. You may as well try it out. I’m sure it’s a waste of money, however.”

  “You don’t think I’m pregnant.”

  “No, I don’t. Like I’ve been saying all along, the chances are improbable.”

  I got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. “How much do you want to bet?”

  “You don’t really think you’re pregnant, do you?” I asked, shocked. She sounded so sure of herself.

  “I just don’t feel right!” she hollered from inside.

  “I wonder why?” I said dryly.

  A few minutes later, we both knew the answer.

  AFTER LEAVING SEVERAL messages on Chelsey’s phone, she finally got back to me. But, it was two days after leaving Castle Rylan, with Slade, and I was not happy.

  “Where in the hell have you been?” I snapped angrily.

  “I’m sorry, Melody. I’ve been sick,” she answered, her voice hoarse.

  My eyes widened. “What do you mean, sick?”

  That’s when she told me.

  I gasped. “You’re a freakin vampire?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Lucian did it.”

  I just sat there, stunned.


  “I’m here,” I replied.

  “Are you angry?”

  “Yes, but not at you. It’s not your fault, obviously. I wish someone would have told me what happened to you, though.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I rubbed my forehead. “Don’t say that. You’re not to blame. Slade could have called and said something. I’m angry at him.”

  Chelsey let out a ragged sigh. “Don’t be. He’s been so good to me and probably didn’t think about it.” She laughed nervously. “There’s something else. Two things, actually.”


  “Slade and I are engaged.”


  “You should see the gorgeous ring he gave me.”

  “You got a ring?” I squealed and then elbowed Liam in the side. We were in Liam’s bed and he was lying next to me, watching television. “She got a ring.”

  “I already know,” he said.

  “You knew? And you didn’t tell me?”

  “Not my place,” replied Liam, turning up the volume on the television.

  I grunted. “You’re so… irritating sometimes.”

  Liam glanced over his shoulder at me. “You knew that before you seduced me, lass. You should be mad at yourself, not me.”

  Chelsey laughed. “How are you and Liam doing?”

  “Good, although I’m about ready to throw his remote away.”

  Liam shot me an angry look and growled.

  I threw a pillow at him.

  “Oh, so you want to play?” said Liam, smiling wickedly.

  “Congratulations, Chelsey. I really am happy for you,” I answered, watching as Liam put the remote control down and crawled over to me, a determined look on his face.

  “Thanks, Mel,” she replied.

  “Stop,” I ordered, as he tried tickling me.

  “What’s going on over there?” asked Chelsey.

  “It’s just Liam. He’s lacking attention.”

  Chelsey laughed. “Sounds like he’s working hard to get some.”

  “You could say that.” I pushed Liam’s hand away from my inner thigh, which was now trying to do more than tickle me. He was a relentless horn-dog. Normally I didn’t mind, but I’d missed Chelsey and wanted to find out what the other thing was. “So, what else were you going to tell me?”

  “I’m… pregnant.”

  I almost dropped the phone. “What? How is it possible?” I asked, stunned. “You said you were a vampire, now, right?”

  “Yes and… I don’t know. I guess it was a miracle.”

  “It has to be. So, you really think that Slade got you pregnant?”

  “What was that?” asked Liam, his face suddenly serious.

  “Shush,” I said, waving at him. “I’ll tell you in a minute. So, let me get this straight, Chelsey – you’re now a vampire, you have an engagement ring, and you’re soon going to be having a baby?”


  “That’s amazing news,” I said, truly happy for her. “It really is.”

  “I know. I’m kind of scared though. I think Slade might be, too. He keeps it to himself, but I can tell by the look in his eyes.”

  “Don’t be frightened,” I replied, although I was nervous for her as well. “You’ll be fine.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m a pregnant vampire. I’m not even twenty years old yet.”

  “I know. Everything must seem so freaky now, but just remember that you have all of us.”

  She sighed. “That’s what Slade keeps saying.”

  “He’s right. Anyway,” I squealed. “I’m so happy for you. A baby. Wow.”

  “Thanks Melody.”

  “Will it be a vampire, too?”

  “Probably, although we don’t know yet. It’s too early to know anything at this point.”

  “Just remember that I’m always going to be there for you, okay? Whatever you need. Everything except for, well, you know.”

  “Blood?” she said, a smile in her voice.

  “Yes, although you know I love you and if it was a life-or-death situation, I’d try and help you out.”

  “I know you would. I’d do the same for you.”

  “I know. So, what�
��s it like?”

  “Drinking blood?”

  “Yeah,” I said, biting the side of my nail.

  “Not as bad as I thought, although, my taste buds have definitely changed. Last week I would have hated it.”


  “There’s so much more I’d like to tell you but Slade and I are going out for a ride on his motorcycle in a couple of minutes. I just wanted to check in with you.”

  “Thank you. I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Have fun and call me later, Chelsey.”

  “I will. We’re flying back to the castle tomorrow.”

  I sighed in relief. “Good. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me neither.”

  After we hung up, I looked at Liam. “You heard most of it?”

  He scratched his shoulder. “Yes. She’s really pregnant?”

  “I guess so.”

  He grinned. “Does she know about us?”

  “Not yet. I didn’t want to ruin her moment.”

  “Maybe we can have a double-wedding,” he said, grabbing my left hand, the one with the large sapphire engagement ring. He’d asked me last night, surprising the hell out of me. Even though we barely knew each other, he claimed that he’d already fallen in love with me and was afraid to let me go.

  I sucked in my breath. “Oh my God, that would be so awesome! In the castle?”

  “Sure. If Slade and Chelsey agree to it.”

  “We might have to do it soon, especially now that she’s pregnant.”


  “Why? She’ll be showing. She’s not going to want to walk down the aisle with a baby-bump.”

  “Oh. Then do it after she has the baby.”

  “What if I want to have a baby around that time?” I pouted.

  Liam looked surprised. “You want to have kids?”

  “Yes. We talked about that,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “Weren’t you paying attention?”

  Liam laughed. “I’m joking. Of course, if you get pregnant now, you could both wait.”

  I squealed. “Liam! You’re brilliant!”

  He smiled arrogantly. “Damn right I am. Now, come over here,” he said, grabbing me around the waist. “So we can start trying for one now, unless you’re closed down there for maintenance again?”

  I curled my hand around his manhood. “Oh, I think I found just the right tool needed for the repairs.”

  “I hope so because it’s all I got.”

  “It’s all I need,” I said, dragging him back down to the bed with me.

  THE NEXT SEVERAL months seemed to whiz by and were filled with many emotions – joy, expectation, hope, and plenty of apprehensiveness. Fortunately, Slade stood by me through everything, even postponing Venom’s European tour until after the birth of the baby and our wedding ceremony, which would take place afterward.

  The first three months of pregnancy was a difficult time. I couldn’t consume any blood, unless it was through Slade, or it would immediately come back up. After the first trimester, however, Mira talked me into trying it solo again. To our relief, I was able to digest the refrigerated blood and things became much easier for all of us.

  The baby arrived on a warm August evening and it was a difficult birth, lasting for several hours. When our child finally made it’s entrance, I’d lost several pints of blood, but the baby, who weighed in at just shy of eight pounds, appeared to be healthy in every way.

  “Is that a tear in your eye?” I asked, watching Slade as Mira hooked me up to an I.V. of fresh blood. He was cradling our new daughter in his arms and staring down at her, a look of wonder on his face.

  “Maybe,” he replied, walking over to me. He sat down on the bed and my heart swelled as we sat there, now both of us enthralled with the small little person, sucking on her fists. She was beautiful, with jet-black hair and eyes that were a bluish gray. Mira said they’d probably change, but she wasn’t sure. Personally, I hoped they stayed that color.

  “So, what are you two planning on naming her?” asked Mira, smiling down at the baby.

  “Anna Susan Lazar,” I said softly, touching the baby’s soft hair. “Anna, after my mother. It was her middle name.”

  “Susan was your friend that died in Shore Lake, right?” she asked.


  “You’ve picked out a beautiful name.”

  “I think so,” I replied. “I really wish my mother could be here to see her.”

  “Oh, she just might be,” said Mira, a twinkle in her eye. “There are times when I feel like someone else is in the room. Maybe a spirit from beyond?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, you never know, right?”

  We all knew for sure now that my mother was gone. The same with my father, grandmother, and Aunt Jody. Torin had actually confirmed it, a few months ago, when he’d visited Shore Lake. He, Megan, and Meredith had taken Caitlyn back to the states, so that she could connect with her father, a man named Mitch Falcon. After dropping Meredith and Caitlyn off in Minnesota, the couple had taken a trip to Montana, where they’d stayed at one of the cabins on the lake, pretending to be honeymooners. Apparently, quite a bit had happened in the last few months, Faye Dunbar had even disappeared with some of her Roamers. But, not all of them, so Torin was able to confirm that Faye had ordered hits on my family and that they were indeed now at the bottom of the lake. Upon learning the depressing news, I vowed to one day search the ends-of-the-Earth until I found Faye and avenged their deaths. For now, however, I would be where I needed to be – in Romania, raising our miracle daughter and enjoying the man who’d stolen my heart. We both deserved some peace and were determined to try to be as normal of a family as we could.

  I suddenly laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” asked Slade.

  “I was just thinking about how crazy it is to think we’d ever be just a normal family.”

  “Who is to say what’s normal?” asked Mira.

  “Come on now, Mira. How can you even say that with a straight face?” I replied, amused.

  She waved her hand. “So, the three of you are vampires and your husband is a Rock Star… it’s no big deal.”

  “Yeah, but don’t forget that my cousin is marrying a Lycan, who lives in a castle, and it takes me less than an hour to fly there without a plane,” I joked.

  “I’m thinking reality show,” said a voice by the door.

  The three of us turned to see Aiden standing in the doorway with Melody and Liam.

  “Chelsey, oh my God! The baby is already here? What did you have?” cried Melody, rushing over.

  “A girl,” I replied proudly.

  “She’s so precious… Can I hold her, Slade?” she asked timidly.

  “Of course.” Slade handed Anna to Melody. “There you go Aunty.”

  “Watch out,” said Mira. “She’s hungry. We need to feed her soon.”

  Melody touched Anna’s cheek. “She’s gorgeous. I could just gobble her up, she’s so darn cute.”

  “Watch out or she’ll gobble you up,” said Liam, looking over her shoulder. “She is a vampire, isn’t she?”

  Right on cue, Anna bit Melody’s finger, drawing a little blood.

  Aiden laughed. “She’s a little fire-cracker already.”

  “No doubt,” said Liam, also laughing.

  “Are you okay, Melody?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt,” said Melody, pulling her finger away and wiping the blood on her jeans. “I didn’t think babies had teeth when they were first born?”

  “She’s a vampire. Everything is different,” said Mira. “Let me go and get her some blood from the refrigerator.”

  “No, one of us will feed her,” said Slade, taking Anna from Melody. He looked at me. “Would you like to breastfeed?”

  “Breastfeed a vampire. Now that sounds painful,” said Melody, wincing.

  “It kind of does,” I admitted.

  “Her teeth are tiny,” said S
lade, sticking his finger in Anna’s mouth. “See.”

  There were two tiny fangs and nothing else but pink gums.

  “That’s adorable,” gushed Melody. “If I wasn’t afraid of her turning me into one of you, I’d let her bite me again.”

  “You definitely don’t want that” I said, smiling. “Although, I have to admit – it isn’t all bad.”

  Melody looked at Liam. “So, should we tell them?”

  He grinned. “Like I could stop you from saying anything even if I wanted to.”

  “You’re right.” Melody looked at me. “I’m pregnant!”

  My jaw dropped. “You are?”

  She nodded quickly, a smile on her face. “Yes! About a month. Now our children can be raised together!”

  Tears filled my eyes. I could tell how excited she was and I was overcome with emotions. “That’s wonderful, Melody.”

  She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “We’ll never be alone again.”

  “No,” said Liam, kissing the top of her head. “You won’t.”

  “You never were,” said Slade. “You always had us. Both of you.”

  Melody’s eyes filled with tears, too. “It’s funny but the day we met you guys happened to be the worst night of our lives, but… it was also the beginning of the best days of ours.”

  “Oh Christ,” joked Aiden, wiping under his lashes. “I told myself I wasn’t going to cry but you just had to go there and get all emotional. Is my makeup running?”

  We all laughed.

  “Speaking of which, when is Meredith coming back to Dublin?”

  His smile fell. “She’s not.”

  Slade frowned. “What do you mean? I thought things were getting serious between you.”

  He frowned. “We got into a fight, the night before she left.”

  “Over what?” asked Slade.

  Aiden grunted. “I don’t even know, exactly. It was stupid I guess.”

  “And you just let her go?” said Melody.

  “She said she didn’t want to see me again,” he said, looking embarrassed. “Who am I to piss her off even further?”

  “And you believed her?” I said dryly.

  “It’s what she said,” he replied.

  Melody and I looked at each other.

  “You know, for someone who’s supposed to be very intelligent, you really know nothing about women,” said Melody, shaking her head at him.


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