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One Night in Bangkok (Passport to Passion #1)

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by Rhian Cahill

  One Night in Bangkok

  ISBN 978-1-60592-029-0


  One Night in Bangkok Copyright 2009 Rhian Cahill

  Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any existing means without written permission from the publisher. Contact Noble Romance Publishing, LLC at PO Box 467423, Atlanta, GA 31146.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Book Blurb

  One night in Bangkok is all it takes to turn Beth Martin's future plans upside down. After being betrayed by her fiancé the last thing she needs is another man screwing up her life. But Tom is different. He makes her feel sensations long forgotten, makes her want in ways best left unspoken. Can she live out her wildest fantasies in one decadent night? And when it's over, can she walk away, or will what she doesn't want prove to be what she needs?

  One Night in Bangkok

  By Rhian Cahill

  Sweat oozed from every pore, pooled and then dripped between Beth’s breasts, the slide of moisture a warm caress, like a lover’s tongue. The loose blouse she’d picked in hope of beating the oppressive heat failed miserably when faced with the stifling temperature of downtown Bangkok. Plastered to her skin, the saturated blue silk had turned opaque and did little more than cling to her leaving nothing to hide her flesh from roaming eyes.

  Her back and arms hadn’t escaped the flood of fluid this humid, stinking hot climate pulled from her body either. Her flowing cotton skirt stuck to the rivulets of sweat that coated her legs. Beth could imagine her knees making squelching sounds with every step she took.

  Her thighs clung together on every pass, grabbed and held before they let go with a small pop. Her hotel stood at the end of the block, and she lengthened her stride as the urge to run the last few steps stole through her. The ten minute walk from the American Embassy felt like hours.

  If today’s heat and humidity were the norm, it would take far longer than she’d anticipated to acclimate to living in Thailand. Every breath she dragged in bathed her airway with a layer of the moisture that hung heavy in the air. Was it possible to drown in such humid conditions?

  As she approached, the doorman offered a smile and opened the door to the hotel foyer. A blast of cold air reached out and wrapped around her. The chill burned as it stroked over her hot flesh. Each step inside the air-conditioned room took her temperature down by small increments. The coat of sweat she wore turned tacky and cool, not much of an improvement but relief was in sight. Beth turned away from the elevators and toward the lobby bar. An ice cold drink would do wonders to help restore her composure.

  Beth made her way to the far corner, picking three chairs grouped around a large, low timber table. As she sank into the plush leather upholstery she breathed a sigh of relief and dropped her bag on the table. Her body sagged into the cold seat and her head fell against the backrest. As her eyes closed, she drew in her first deep breath. Bliss. If today was what she could expect weather-wise, then these small, cool respites would be enough to get her through until she could adjust to living in a tropical location.

  Around her the room started to come alive. Beth hadn’t taken notice of anyone when she’d made her way to the corner but now she could hear others. To her right, two business speaking English held a murmured conversation. Off to the left she heard a man and woman speaking in what she assumed was Thai.

  She turned her head and opened her eyes to see. The man behind the bar smiled and placed drinks on a tray as the woman spoke rapidly in a language Beth didn’t understand and he laughed. With an ease that belied her small stature, the waitress picked up the tray, placed it on one hand and turned as she brought it up to hold over her shoulder.

  Beth knew it wasn’t an easy skill to learn; she’d dropped many a tray in her first years as a waitress. She smiled at memories of a life that until six months ago had been all she’d ever wanted.

  Her lips pulled down in a frown. It had all been a lie. How did one man’s deceit shatter everything she thought about herself? Just thinking about what she’d allowed Alexander to turn her into and the doubts about herself his words had provoked had her grinding her teeth.

  No more. He would never again have the opportunity to hurt her. The waitress stepped up beside her. About to order a drink, Beth watched in shock as the server placed a drink coaster and a tall glass filled with an orange liquid and ice on the table in front of her. As the woman straightened, Beth snapped out of her stupor enough to speak.

  “I didn’t order that.”

  “No ma’am. It’s compliments of the gentleman over there.” The waitress turned and pointed to a man sitting on the other side of the room.

  “Oh.” Lost for words, she turned back to look at her own table. When was the last time a man had bought her a drink? A man she didn’t know. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d been in a bar. Beth reached for the glass, the cold surface slick and wet against her fingers. She plucked the little umbrella stabbed into a piece of pineapple from the top, brought the beverage to her nose and tried to distinguish the contents by smell.

  “It’s the house specialty, a tropical fruit cocktail, ma’am. There’s no alcohol, just fresh fruit from the local region.”

  Beth hadn’t heard the woman return and she jumped at the sound of her voice. As she jostled the glass, ice clinked and some of the cocktail sloshed over the side and onto her fingers. She swapped hands and quickly brought her fingers to her lips to lick up the runaway drink. The juice’s fresh sweetness burst across her tongue. As Beth slid her finger out of her mouth she looked over at the man who’d sent her the drink. Intending to send him a smile, her lips froze in a half curl when their gazes connected.

  He watched her with such rapt attention over the top of his drink her breath caught in her throat. Holding her gaze, he raised his glass in a silent toast. She could see the predatory gleam in his eyes and knew it was more than a simple toast, so when she raised her glass in response, she knew she’d just extended a silent invitation for him to join her.

  The stranger kept his eyes on hers. With little effort he stood from his chair and walked toward her. No. Not walked. Stalked. He took each step like an animal hunting its prey. Measured, precise, driven. In no time he stood next to her, all lean, sexy, and breath-stealing. Even with his suit a little rumpled from the heat, on the surface he appeared smooth, cultured businessman. Waves of testosterone poured off him.

  “May I join you?”

  A shiver skittered down her spine. His voice was a little rough, a little taut, like he strained to hold himself back. She offered him a small nod and he sat in the chair next to hers. He placed his drink on the table, leaned closer and extended his hand. Reflex, training and manners had her putting her hand in his. Cool and hard, his skin glided over hers. Pins and needles sped across her palm and up her arm. Startled, she breathed deep. Her nostrils filled with the smell of him, a tickle of cologne, soap and warm man. Her blood raced.

  Eyes wide, she met his gaze, aware her nipples had gone rock hard beneath her blouse and moisture filled her panties. Their hands held for longer than was polite and she’d be a fool to ignore the extra squeeze he delivered before he let go. The quirk of a smile and the twinkle in his eyes told her he knew exactly what he was doing to her. She’d never responded to a man so quickly. Could her body be waking up from the deep freeze it had been in for the last six months?

  Beth sat staring
at him and wondered what it was about him that so excited her senses. Long fingers wrapped around his glass and she imagined how they would feel wrapped around a part of her body. Any part.

  His skin was dark and the contrast his hands would make against her pale coloring gave her goose bumps. Her breathing had gone shallow and she knew her pupils were dilated. She was aroused. More aroused than she’d been in months, maybe even years.

  She could easily imagine rolling around on a bed with this man. Imagine the thrust of his cock as he sank deep inside her clenching pussy. Heat flooded her. Cream flowed from her core and drenched her already damp panties. She breathed deep and tried to slow her pulse rate as he sat watching her with hungry eyes. Those dark eyes did nothing to help her cool down. They fanned the flames higher, told her things he wouldn’t say out loud. Not here. Oh, she had no doubt he’d say them in private. The question was would she ever get to hear them?

  Did she want to hear them?

  “Maybe we should introduce ourselves? I’m Tom.” His smile bordered on little boy cheeky and had Beth’s own lips curling in response.


  What was that flicker in Tom’s eye when she said her name? Whatever it was, he quickly covered it with that sexy gleam he’d had trained on her since he sat down. No, that gaze had been on her long before he’d joined her.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Beth. I hope you don’t mind me buying you a drink, but you looked so hot when you sat down I knew you needed one of the hotel’s famous fruit cocktails.”

  Was it her imagination or had he put emphasis on the word hot? His gaze roamed down to her chest where her nipples still poked out against the front of her blouse. Her breasts weren’t large, but her nipples were and they were definitely drawing his attention. She shifted in the chair and tried to make the fabric pull away from her skin. She only succeeded in thrusting her chest out toward him. In slow motion, Tom ran his tongue over his bottom lip. The gesture made her nipples ache painfully. She wanted that tongue wrapped around one while he used his hand on the other.

  Arousal spiked through her belly, centered low and fanned out to fill her rapidly swelling pussy. Tom shifted and Beth found her gaze drawn to his lap. His legs were thick, solid, and the material of his pants pulled tight across them and the impressive bulge sitting at the top of his thighs. How much larger would he grow? Tom cleared his throat and her gaze darted up to meet his. She didn’t miss the smile that curved his lips or the flared nostrils and dilated pupils. He was as aroused as she was. Oh my God!

  What was she doing? She was in a foreign country checking out a guy she didn’t know and getting so horny for him she was ready to jump his bones. She hadn’t let herself behave like this in public like this since . . . well, since she’d become Alexander Hollister’s fiancée. Keeping up the proper appearances in public, befitting that of a Governor Elect’s future wife, had put a stop to any and all of Beth’s naturally flirtatious personality traits.

  Could she find herself again? She’d taken the new job in Phuket to do just that. But did she want to take this step? Maybe she should do something she hadn’t done in a long time. Should she enjoy the moment and not worry about what someone else might think? The press was no longer interested in what she did, not after she’d exposed the so-called ‘perfect’ Alexander Hollister for the lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch he was.

  “That’s an evil little smile. Care to share what prompted such a grin?”

  For a second she’d forgotten Tom sat across from her. “I was just thinking how revenge can be sweet.” She didn’t elaborate because he didn’t need to know the sordid details of her past.

  “I can think of other things that are sweeter.” Tom’s gaze left her in no doubt about what he thought would be sweeter.

  “Can you now? Care to share?” Beth couldn’t believe she was flirting. It had been so long and yet, like riding a bike, apparently you never forgot.

  “I’d prefer to show you.” Tom reached over and placed one finger on the back of her hand. With a light touch, he stroked up over her wrist and along her arm to the crease of her elbow. In the trail he left behind, the fine hairs lifted and stood like a crowd applauding a show. A tremor shuddered through her.

  “Oh, I, um . . . .” Beth stammered.

  Tom’s finger made a leisurely journey back to her hand. His touch sent her pulse skyrocketing and her temperature back up to rival the heat outside. “Will you let me show you, Beth?”

  Beth swallowed, her dry throat raw and in need of relief. Before she could think of an answer he was talking again, using his voice and his caress to win her over.

  “Let me show you how sweet things can be. Show you the pleasure to be found in the simplest of things and help you forget the unpleasantness that mars your life.”

  His fingers wrapped around hers. He tugged lightly and her limp arm lifted as he pulled her hand toward his mouth. Light, feathery strokes of his lips graced the back of her hand. “I promise you pleasure greater than you’ve ever known.”

  She tried to speak, but could only call forth a whimper of delight as he turned her hand and treated her palm to the warm, wet sweep of his tongue. Lost in the thrill of what he was doing to her hand—and in a domino effect, her entire body—Beth feared she would agree to anything he suggested as long as he didn’t stop.

  “Have dinner with me.” He spoke against her skin and his breath puffed over the moisture left by his tongue. It cooled and heated at the same time as sparks of fire shot through her hand and up her arm leaving a trail of tingling starbursts in their wake.

  Beth nodded and didn’t even think about what else she’d agreed to. The man oozed charm and no doubt his smooth ways had scored him numerous victories in his life, both personal and business. He twined their fingers and lowered their hands to his thigh.

  There was no flare of triumph in his eyes, just a steady calm that spoke of the confidence he felt in his ability to get what he wanted. And what he wanted was her. He may have invited her for dinner but she’d be a fool to think he didn’t want to have sex with her. She might not have been in the dating scene for a few years but she knew a come-on when she received one.

  “Do you always get what you want?” Beth asked.

  Tom considered her question for a second before answering. “No, but if I don’t, I obviously didn’t want it badly enough.”

  Beth absorbed the truth of his words. This man would go all out for what he wanted. He wouldn’t care what others thought; unlike the man she’d pledged her life to not so long ago. She used to be like Tom. Before Alexander, she’d never pretended to be something she wasn’t. Now that her life was her own again, did she have the courage to be the woman she used to be? The woman she wanted to be again.

  “Beth?” Tom squeezed her fingers as he spoke, drawing her attention back to the here and now. “The creases in your forehead tell me your thoughts are far too serious. We’ll have to do something about that.”

  She studied him. Why was she letting her past get in the way of enjoying this man and this moment? Even in her younger days she’d never accepted this type of invitation with a stranger, but she was tired of her old life. Tired of the Beth who never got what she wanted. She was especially tired of being someone else’s doormat. She was here to begin her life over again.

  This was the new Beth. The one who took every experience life sent her way and held on for the ride. No point dipping her toes in the water. She needed to dive in and immerse herself in all the world had to offer. No more sitting back and waiting for things to happen or for someone to drag her into them.

  “What did you have in mind?” she asked. Was that sexy purr really her voice?

  “How about we enjoy our drinks, spend some time getting to know each other. Then after you return to your room to freshen up, you can join me in my suite for dinner.”

  Here it was. All or nothing. Once she’d made up her mind she wouldn’t back out. She just hoped she didn’t lose her nerve halfway i

  “I’d love to.”

  * * * * *

  Hand suspended in mid-air, inches from the door, Beth froze. Could she do it?

  Could she take the next step? A simple thing, knock on the door, wait for him to answer.

  But there was nothing simple about knocking on this door.

  A tap of her knuckles and everything would change.

  Her nostrils flared to pull in as much air as she could. She sucked it down deep, filling lungs suddenly void of oxygen. It didn’t help. Didn’t make her any less lightheaded, no less anxious and did nothing to quell the swarm of butterflies performing aerial acrobatics in her stomach.

  She had her eyes wide open and she knew what she was getting into. She knew this night was the chance of a lifetime. The chance to indulge her fantasies with a sexy stranger, a chance to become the bold woman she wanted to be. There would be no morning after to worry about, no lies to tell. Both of them knew tonight was a one shot deal. They would take it for what it was, nothing more than ships passing in the night. No last names, no phone numbers, no facing each other over the breakfast table.

  Back in her room, her bags were packed, ready for her early morning flight to the island of Phuket. She never dreamed she’d be handed this perfect opportunity to give the new Beth a chance to stretch her wings.

  With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Beth held her breath and knocked on the door. The first two were barely more than taps; she bit her bottom lip and knocked twice more. No chance anyone inside would miss them. The door opened before her hand made it back to her side.

  He stood in the doorway in jeans and a t-shirt, casually dressed like he’d told her he would be. She thought he’d looked yummy earlier, dressed in a business suit with his tie pulled loose and the first few buttons of his shirt undone. Now he looked downright delicious and her mouth watered at the thought of peeling those clothes off him.


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