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Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  “Do you have anything that might be a defense against them?”

  “We rule the air and their boats are made of wood. We’ll just need to develop a tool to set them on fire.” Andy paused and looked at her, “I suspect we won’t be waiting for them to come to us.”


  “We will probably start this war on their turf.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “Is it wise to wait? I really don’t know what the Elders will choose to do but we can’t just sit here and wait for them to show up.”

  Andy tied the backpack closed and pulled the pin that set it to expand when opened. He shook his head and nodded toward Dinah, “We should go.”

  Harmony pulled the whistle from around her neck and handed it to Andy, “I think this belongs to you.”

  Andy took it and smiled, “Yes it does.” He went to Dinah and jumped in the saddle and she trembled with her excitement at having him back. Harmony climbed up and smiled, “She really does love you.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “You know love when you see it. Describing it is impossible.”

  Andy said go and was once again amazed at the simple way Harmony made difficult concepts easy to understand.

  • • •

  It took two months to arrive at the cave Andy spent the first night in when he originally left the community. He opened the cave and invited Harmony inside. Harmony was stunned at what she saw. Andy looked at her and said, “This is one of the original caves that our ancestors awoke in more than two and a half centuries ago.” Andy pointed at all the rooms cut into the walls and said, “Every human had supplies in those rooms that corresponded from the time they were taken. Only those humans from that particular time could open the door.”

  “This is where you found those bow and arrows you use?”

  “Yes. The cutter with the blue blade also came from a civilization called Atlantis. They were extremely brutal and took slaves. My ancestors had to confront several of their communities and defeat them. We eventually found all the human communities north and immediately south of here and they joined us. You’ll see our community in the morning.”

  “Why don’t you go now?”

  “I’ve been banished. I don’t want to show up without them knowing I’m coming back. They’ll see me during daylight and inform the Elders.”

  “You’re apprehensive about how they’ll receive you?”

  “I am.”

  “They must know who you are. I expect they’ll celebrate your return.”

  Andy shook his head, “I doubt that. I deserved my sentence and once I’ve told them what I’ve found, I’ll leave to complete it.”

  Harmony stared at him, “How much longer do you have?”

  “About five months.”

  “I want to go with you.”

  “Are you out of your mind? You’ve seen how dangerous it is out there.”

  Harmony raised her left shoulder and said, “The safest place on the planet is close to you and Dinah. I wouldn’t feel safe if you weren’t around.”

  “There are others in the community who possess skills that are equal or even better than mine.”

  “It’s not skills that make me feel safe, Andy. I promise not to cause you problems with your commitment here. I’ll stay if you stay. But if you leave, I go with you.”

  “That won’t be a decision I can make. The Elders will have the final say on that issue.” Harmony saw he was adamant and she took a deep breath and blew it out. “What are you thinking, Harmony?”

  “If they want my help on what I know about the Destroyers, they will honor my request.”

  Andy saw she was also adamant and he shook his head. “Let’s leave this for tomorrow. We won’t know if it’s an issue until we show up.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Andy stared a fire with the cutter and they had the first cooked meal since they met. Harmony savored it and closed her eyes, “This is fabulous. You’re a great cook.”

  “Actually, this is pretty simple. I’ll prepare a real meal before I leave.”

  “Before we leave?”


  • • •

  They finished eating and Harmony took one of the water pouches and moved across the cave from him. She lay down on the floor and closed her eyes. Andy stared at her and wished she was lying next to him like she had been doing. He knew she was respecting his commitment to Lyla. That was another issue he would face tomorrow. It bothered him that Dinah went over to Harmony and put her head down next to her. Harmony smiled and rubbed her jaw. It appeared that Dinah loved her too. Andy jerked his head up. He shook it and put his head on the water pouch. He was filled with confusing thoughts and it took a long time for sleep to find him.

  • • •

  “I think we need to get going.” Andy opened his eyes and Harmony said, “I’m sure it’s about mid-morning.” Andy shook his head and she smiled, “I let you get some sleep. I’m sure you’re going to need it once we arrive.”

  She walked over to Dinah and he saw Harmony had already saddled her and attached his gear to her harness. Andy stood up and stretched, “Take her outside and I’ll close the cave.”

  Harmony nodded and said, “Come!” Dinah looked at Andy and then followed her out.”

  • • •

  The Archer flew over the southern border of the community and saw the door to a cave open. He whipped the glider around and came circling back. A woman was leading a Cursor out of the cave and she was not anyone he had ever seen. Her white hair was different from any he had ever seen. He pulled his bow off his vertical bars and came flying back in for a closer look. She had some kind of wooden weapon slung over her shoulder. Damn that was a huge Cursor. Then he saw Andy step out of the cave and close the cave’s door. He was shocked speechless. He slammed his bow back into the bracket and screamed his joy. He whipped off his face mask and came spiraling in.

  Harmony heard the scream and saw nothing until a head appeared moving through the air toward them. The head arrived at the ground and the Archer dropped the glider and came running forward. He moved to within twenty feet of Andy and came to an abrupt stop.

  Andy looked at him, laughed, and said in English, “Jonathan, it’s so good to see you. Sorry about the smell.”

  Johnathan held his nose and ran forward and hugged Andy with his free arm and spoke in English, “We were told you’re dead!”


  “A human body was found in a dead predator. We thought it was you! My God how good it is to see you!”

  “What were the Archers doing that far south?”

  “They were looking for you. The Elder Archers decided to install you as Leader and remove Maxius.”

  Andy started shaking his head, “I would never do that, John.”

  “We suspected you wouldn’t but you are the one that should be leading us.”

  “Maxius is the best one for the position.”

  “He is good, but he’s not you.”

  “I need you to go to the Elders and tell them I’ll be arriving in six hours. Warn them that I’ve had to use a plant to protect us from predators and that the odor might be…”

  “Just short of wanting to barf.”

  Andy laughed and hugged John, “Something like that.”

  John paused and said, “Some things have happened after the community was told you were dead.”

  “I’ll discuss that with the Elders. Please go and tell them that I have some news about a threat to the community. I need a council meeting as quickly as possible.”

  Jonathan nodded and decided that he wasn’t going to tell Andy about Lyla. Andy said, “Jonathan, this is Harmony. I found her out in the wilds during my travels.”

  Jonathan looked at Harmony and bowed, “You are incredibly beautiful. It’s my pleasure to meet you and I’ll see you when you arrive.”

  Harmony smiled, “Thank you, Jonathan. That’s very sweet of you to say.” Jonathan put on hi
s face mask to find the glider and ran away.

  Harmony watched Dinah stare out at the sand and then appear to watch something moving away. “It appears you are thought quite highly of in your community.”

  “The warriors think highly of me.”

  “I suspect everyone does.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “You know love when you see it.”

  Andy shook his head, “Let’s get moving. I suspect there will be some problems when Jonathan arrives.”

  • • •

  Jonathan came in at high speed and landed at the Archer’s Command Center. He dropped the glider and pulled his shirt down to his waist. Dottie said, “Hey, slow down, what’s going on?”

  “Where’s Mark?”

  “He’s over at the Cursor pen.”

  Jonathan turned and sprinted away. “What’s going on?”

  “Andy’s coming.” Dot’s eyes went wide and she sprinted after him. Jonathan arrived at the pen and saw Mark examining one of the new Cursors. He saw Jonathan running toward him and knew he was supposed to be on guard duty over the southern border. Jonathan ran up and said, “Andy is coming.”

  Mark’s mouth fell open, “Say what!”

  “I just spoke with him. He’ll be here in six hours.”

  “Are you sure?” Jonathan looked at Mark with an expression that said he was crazy to ask. “Oh boy! Keep this to yourself until I can speak with the Elder Judge.”

  Jonathan nodded and Mark ran away. Dot watched him go and shook her head, “I didn’t know he was capable of running that fast.”

  Jonathan was bent over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath, “He’s not. He’ll feel it tomorrow.”

  “Was it really Andy?”

  “Yes and there is a woman riding with him that has to be one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever laid my eyes on.”

  Dot stared at John and said, “Now I’m starting to wonder if you really saw him.”

  “Dot, he’s back. He’s come home.”

  Dot looked out at the south wall and slowly shook her head, “I don’t know if we’re ready for this, John. It could tear the community apart.”

  John stood up straight and took a deep breath, “If you know anything about Andy, you know he’ll never let that happen.”

  “I really hope you’re right.”

  • • •

  Mark burst into the Elder’s cave and ran up to Harvey who was teaching a history class to a group of young children. He looked at Mark, “CAN THIS WAIT?”

  “Andy will be here in six hours.”

  Harvey stared at Mark and had to force himself to close his mouth. He stood up, “Class is over. You will remain here until we dismiss you.” He followed Mark out and went to find Jonathan. He sent an Elder to find Maxius and bring him to them immediately.

  • • •

  The sun was about two hours from setting and Harvey sighed. He was supposed to be the wise one with all the answers and he had to admit that he was out of his league. He had climbed to the top of the southern wall and waited for Andy’s arrival. Mark and Maxius were standing next to him and he could see they were just as apprehensive as he felt. He didn’t plan of others being present but too many had seen them rush up to the wall and it wasn’t hard to figure out that something important was happening. The wall was standing room only and that only made matters worse. A grand entrance was not something the community needed.

  Harvey looked at Jonathan, “You say that there is an odor…”

  “You have no idea how bad it is, Elder.”

  “And he said…”

  “That he needed it to deter predators.”

  “Well, we’ll see.”

  “Trust me on this one, you don’t want to be downwind.”

  Mark nudged Harvey and he looked out from the wall. A distant object was slowly moving toward them. As it moved closer, it could be seen that it was an Archer riding a Cursor. The crowd started talking among themselves and were of the opinion that the archer was either the smallest Archer they had ever seen or the Cursor was a giant. It didn’t take long before the crowd grew silent. They put the giant Cursor together with the only Archer that ever rode one. Harvey could feel their anticipation. Could it possibly be true? It only took a little longer for them to see that it was Andy. Their cheers were immediate.

  Harvey looked at Jonathan, “It appears you were right.”

  “Wait until you see the woman riding with him.”


  “You’ll see.”

  Maxius leaned forward and looked down the wall to where Lyla was standing. He saw her recognize Andy and her hand went to her throat. When they were in clear view she saw the woman riding with him. She turned, ran down the steps, and ran toward their home. Harvey put his hand on Maxius shoulder and said, “She needs some time to digest this.”

  Maxius nodded and shook his head, “I never knew what mixed emotions were until this moment.” Harvey was forced to agree.

  Harmony could hear the cheers from the wall and leaned forward, “Only the warriors, huh?”

  Andy blew out a quick breath, “Oh be quiet.”

  “Just saying.”

  Andy saw Harvey, Maxius, and Mark and nudged Dinah toward them. Suddenly a huge Allosaurus burst out of the forest next to the river and charged in on the Archer and Cursor. Mark said, “That’s the rogue Allosaurus we’ve been chasing. How did it get to the south of our walls?”

  Andy had his bow notched and he waited. He felt Harmony raising her rifle and he said, “Don’t shoot.”

  Harmony released the tension on the rifle’s trigger, “Are you out of your Archer mind?”

  “We have time. Wait!”

  • • •

  Those on the wall yelled for Andy to fire. Then they saw the Allosaurus move to within a hundred feet of Andy and suddenly stop so fast its feet slid out from under it. It scrambled up to its feet and shook its head savagely. It started coughing and sprinted back into the forest.

  Harvey looked at Jonathan, “I fear you have understated the strength of that odor.”

  “I told you it would gag a Pterodactyl!”

  Andy put his bow away and moved faster toward the wall. A breeze sent a whiff of the odor to the wall and everyone grabbed their mouths and noses. Andy stopped and moved further away. He straightened in the saddle and yelled, “I fear we are going to have to take some time to minimize this smell before we’ll be able to meet.”

  Harvey shook his head while holding his nose, “God, please don’t come any closer. We’ll send some cleaning items to the river and please take as much time as you need.”

  The citizens on the wall started laughing and Harvey smiled. The tension was over and now they could try to come to equilibrium.

  Andy turned Dinah toward the river and saw four archers riding out to handle the Allosaurus. He said over his shoulder, “I was hoping the smell would deter it. I think this was needed to show the Archers the benefit of using the pods.”

  “Even in high stress you keep your wits. You are really one of a kind, Andy.”

  He nodded and didn’t remember seeing Lyla at the wall.

  Chapter Six

  The sun had gone down and Andy and Harmony were sitting beside the river while Dinah rolled in the water. “I don’t know how you can allow her out in the water. Isn’t it too dangerous?”

  “We’ve got screens built north and south of the walls that prevent predators from passing. This part of the river is safe.”

  Harmony looked at Andy, “What are you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. My appearance has to be a problem for Maxius.”

  “You’re worried about him?”

  “I am. He’s my best friend and a good man. He’s one of those with superior skills as well.”

  “Then why do the Archers support you?” Andy shrugged. Harmony looked at him and after a moment said, “Am I going to ask one of them to find out the real reason?”

y looked at her and said, “I am a direct male descendant of the Royal Couple that led the original arrivals.”


  “The Community takes genetics very seriously. It tells us which of us can open the various doors in the caves. Every one of the couples on the male side of my family tree have had a male child. I carry the genes of the original Andy.”

  “Original Andy?”

  “That was his name. All of the first born males in my family are also given that name. If the oldest dies, the second assumes the name.” There was a long moment of silence and Andy said, “My father divorced his first wife when another woman he was unfaithful with had a male child. He married her and here I am.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “I know. I love my half-sisters but they despise my father.”

  “What do you think about all this?”

  “I guess I felt a huge burden to prove that his actions were worth it. It was those feelings that caused me to put myself ahead of the community.” Andy looked at Harmony, “Your heart is actually purer than mine.” Harmony snorted. “It’s true. I should have never existed. My father dishonored his vows to his first wife and I can’t accept that no matter how hard I try.”

  “That’s why your commitments are so important to you.” Andy looked Harmony in the eyes and nodded.

  • • •

  She said, “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I deliberately tried to get you to forget your commitment.”

  Andy stared at her and finally said, “I really wish I could.”


  They looked up and saw Jonathan approaching, “Yes.”

  “Harvey sent me to see if you were bearable yet.” Andy’s eyes furrowed and John shrugged, “He says no one else should be exposed to it. Since I have been, I get the honor of determining if you are.”

  Andy smiled, “Well, we’ve almost scrubbed our skin off. Come over and take a whiff.”

  Jonathan walked slowly forward one small step at a time and arrived two feet in front of them, “It’s bearable. It’s not flowers, but bearable.”

  “Where do they want us?”


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