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Wild Horses

Page 1

by Ardent Rose

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Dedication and Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Wild Horses

  Ardent Rose

  A Smoke and Mirrors Book

  Smoke and Mirrors Ink, 83 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JQ

  First published by Smoke and Mirrors Ink 2017


  © Copyright Sherri Clark 2017

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events and organisations are purely coincidental.

  ASIN B071R6D1J5

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor translated into a machine language, without the written permission of the publisher.

  Condition of sale

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Cover design © Copyright Smoke and Mirrors Ink 2017

  Cover Design by Rebecca Weeks

  Editing Carol Tietsworth

  Book formatted by Taniquelle Tulipano

  Dedication and Acknowledgements

  I dedicate this book to my friend Tom, who shared his love of horses with me and inspired this story.

  I would also like to thank Shanna Blanton, my PA, without her I would not have time to concentrate on writing or keep up with my schedule. She works diligently daily to keep my name and my work front and center on social media.

  I also thank Candy Beck for being a beta reader and a constant supporter of my work. As well as my dedicated Rose’s Petal Street team.

  This story is born from the imagination of Ardent Rose. Any resemblance to person or persons living or dead is simply ridiculous.

  Chapter One

  Olivia had driven over three hours on mostly backroads and dirt roads from Carlton to the boonies. She showed a ranch to a prospective buyer. It had been a monumental waste of time. His offer was an embarrassment to the sellers. No way was she taking his low-ball offer to the Edwards.

  She started back home and took a wrong turn. She was blinded by anger and drove too fast for the condition of the road. Her vehicle swerved, she gripped the steering wheel tightly barely missing the ravine.

  Olivia gained control of her vehicle and brought it to a gravel popping stop. She cursed aloud.

  She checked her cellphone. “Dammit!” she cursed again. “Of course, no cell service in this godforsaken dustbowl.”

  She surveyed the damage and kicked the tire. She shrieked and spat out. “Do I look dressed to roll around in the dirt with you?”

  Olivia was dressed in professionally, down to her four inch heels. Her boss and best friend, Valerie Buchanan, insisted on it when representing her company, Red Rose Realty.

  She shook her head, shrugged off her jacket and opened the trunk. “What the…? Not even a donut to get me to the nearest town?”

  She slammed it shut and paced around the car. She grabbed her purse from the seat and locked the car. “Guess I will just hoof it… oo-oh my feet will be killing me tonight and my Louboutin’s will be ruined.”

  Before she walked two feet, a sleek black truck, Ford F-150, pulled up behind her car. The truck frightened Olivia. She fumbled in her purse for her car keys, she carried mace for protection.

  A tall man with graying hair and a beard emerged from the cab of the truck. He wore aviator sunglasses and dressed as most farmers do. His broad shoulders filled out his flannel shirt and his faded jeans were ass hugging perfection, along with scuffed boots. He was a tall drink of water that set her mouth to watering.

  He stopped midway of her car. “Hello, seems you are a damsel in distress, can I offer you a hand?”

  The timbre of his voice raised goosebumps up and down her arms. She watched him tentatively, wary of this hunk of man. “Yes, these rough roads take my city car to task. But I don’t have a spare.”

  He leaned against her car. “That is a problem.” He rubbed his hand across his bearded chin. “If I may ask, what is a city girl like you doing on this rocky country road?”

  She pondered the question for a moment, then found no reason not to tell the truth. “I have been to the Edwards’ Ranch for a showing. The real estate company I work for is trying to sell it.”

  He shook his head, “I know it well and old man Edwards. He wants a mint for the place I hear.”

  She stood tall and confident, although her insides were like jelly. “It is fair market value, and move in ready, not to mention the 20 acres that accompany the home.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean to rile you up. Can I offer to take you into town?”

  She bit her lip and tucked her auburn hair behind her ear. She knew it was a reasonable offer. This stranger made her feel at ease somehow.

  He studied her movements and sensed her uneasiness. He stood and extended his hand in greeting. “Listen, my name is Garrett Thomas. Tomitown is about 20 minutes from here. It is the closest town. Shall we? I don’t think those pretty shoes would make it two blocks much less 15 miles.”

  Olivia suddenly realized the levity in the situation. Here she stood on a gravelly dirt road in a business skirt and jacket with high heels and imagined herself walking toward town. She laughed heartily. “I guess I do appear a bit foolish dressed like this and planning a walking tour of roads unknown.”

  He chuckled at her speech. “C’mon, I even have cold water in the truck.”

  “I am Olivia, by the way, Olivia Hughes.” She walked closer to Garrett. In her best southern accent, “Well, Mr. Thomas, truth be told a damsel in distress must often rely on the kindness of strangers.” She continued past him and toward his truck.

  His eyes followed her. He watched every step and sway of her hips. “Ms. Olivia, it is my pleasure to be your kind stranger. Alas, I rode in on a black horse. Be careful the intentions of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  She smiled sweetly, hands on hips and continued in her southern accent. “I hope you are an honorable wolf, I would hate to ruin your clothing when I skin you.”

  They laughed again. Garrett helped Olivia into the truck and offered her a bottle of water. “Thank you, I am parched.”

  The cool leather seats felt good on Olivia’s warm body. She detected an unfamiliar odor, but sipped her water in silence.

  Garrett navigated the large truck expertly. “I apologize for the smell, I just got back from market with some new horses. Haven’t had a chance to clean up.”

  “Ah, horses. Beautiful creatures. Do you raise them?”

  Garrett nodded, “Yes and breed them. I just purchased a prize stud.”

  “So, you have a ranch as well?” Olivia was quite content asking questions of this handsome cowboy. Something about him drew her toward him.

  “Married? Kids?”

  “I am a widower, my wife passed about two years ago, no children. And you?” He cocked an eyebrow in her direction.

  “I am…” her phone rang. “We must be close to town. I need to take this. I am sorry.”

; “Don’t be. its fine. I’ll try not to eavesdrop in the two feet of space between us.” Garrett winked at her and focused on the road.

  “Yes Phillip?” She grumbled.

  Phillip was her fiancé. They had been high school sweethearts and even attended college together. Lately, she had been thinking too much togetherness. Things between them had become habitual and the flames of passion have fizzled. Lately, Olivia felt she was going through the motions. They had been together for so long, but now she wanted her independence to make her own mark on the world. His agenda didn’t include that for her. He wanted her to be his trophy wife while he carried on behind her back. She forgave him once, but now it was too little too late.

  “Good god Olivia, have you any idea the time. Where the hell are you? We have dinner with my parents tonight.”

  “I am fine thanks for asking. I am late because my car broke down, that’s where the hell I am.” Olivia became agitated and raised her voice. She glanced at Garrett, but he stared straight ahead.

  “When are, you are coming back?” Phillip often suffered from selective hearing. He only ever heard what he wanted to.

  “What part of ‘car broke down’ did you not understand? I will be glad to let you know once I get to town and get it sorted out.”

  “What do I tell my parents about you skipping dinner?”

  “The truth works for me. Oh, that’s right, you never use the truth where your parents are concerned. Afraid you might lose some of daddy’s money. Call up one of your bimbos. Maybe she’s free. Good bye.” She slammed the button and tossed the phone into her bag.

  Silence followed her outburst, after breathing deeply, “I am sorry you had to listen to that garbage. I am… was engaged, it’s complicated. We have no children, thank goodness.”

  “I understand. I think so anyway.” He could not believe anyone would treat this angel so poorly. At least she stood up for herself. He smiled. “I will take you over to the garage. Jim is the mechanic. He will fix your car up.”


  Garrett rushed around the truck to help Olivia down. His big hands grasped her waist. Her heel caught on the step and she fell against his solid body. He closed his eyes at the feel of her softness in his hands. She smelled like orange blossoms. Instantly, his body sparked to life at her touch.

  Olivia felt the strength in his arms and a hard chest beneath the flannel façade. She licked her lips and smiled. She spoke barely above a whisper. “Thank you, I think I can take it from here.”

  He hadn’t realized she was still in his arms. “I am sorry, of course you can.” He cleared his throat and focused on where he was. “Hey Jim, how is it going?”

  “Not too bad, what can I do for you Garrett?” Jim was about five -ten with dark greasy hair and dirty hands to match.

  “This is Ms. Hughes. Her car broke down on Dirty Creek Road. She blew a tire. Would you tow it to town and replace the tire?”

  “Sure, no problem. What kind of car Ms. Hughes?”

  “A 2016 red Lexus.” Garrett quickly interjected.

  Jim flipped through some pages in a book. His greasy finger traced down the entries. “I don’t keep many tires in stock. The one you need I can order, but not until Monday.”

  Disappointed, Olivia turned to Garrett. He tipped her chin up, “It isn’t what you were expecting but Tomitown is a lovely place for a quiet weekend.”

  “I don’t have much of anything with me. What am I going to do?”

  “Leave everything to me. Let’s get you checked into the hotel, ok?”

  Olivia reluctantly accepted his offer. She retrieved a small bag from the car and followed him. “This town is a throwback to the 1800’s. It is quaint and quiet but we have a few modern amenities.”

  For the first time, today, she felt peaceful. A mini vacation may be just what she needed to clear her head and make some hard decisions.

  Chapter Two

  The hotel was aptly named ‘Tomitown Inn’. She began to see a pattern emerge. “Garrett is this your town?”

  Garrett grinned. “Well, my great grandparents started the farming community in 1846. It was once large thriving, but with the changes in technology and the organic movement. Many ranchers and farmers couldn’t stay and moved on to more industrialized areas. Tomitown is more of a tourist stop these days, but we do have a dry goods store and a couple places to shop. A few restaurants and bar with music on Saturday night.”

  Inside the inn, a tall slender man with dark skin and eyes to match greeted us with a grin. He gave Garrett a hearty handshake. “Garrett, what brings you to town? And who is this pretty young woman?” He nodded toward Olivia.

  “Sam, this is Ms. Olivia Hughes and she is my guest for the next few days. See to it she has everything she needs and of course, the gambler’s suite.”

  Sam winked at Garrett. “Yes sir, I’ll have Millie see her to her room.”

  Olivia danced back and forth on her sore feet. A foreboding cloud of apprehension crept over her. “Garrett this is way too much, I have an expense account that will take care of this. Don’t suppose there is a car rental place nearby?”

  Garrett placed his hands on her shoulders. He hoped to reassure her. “Olivia, if you need to get back so urgently, I will take you.” He spoke softly. “But forgive me, after what I overheard, maybe you might think this an opportunity to think things over.”

  “Garrett, you read my mind, but I can’t have you playing host to my whim for a small retreat. I am extremely grateful for your kindness.”

  Olivia smiled a wanton grin at this hunk of a man. She poked his chest and bit her lip “Let me buy you dinner tonight. Surely there is a steak house near here?”

  Garrett studied this beautiful auburn-haired woman. Her eyes the softest blue and flushed rosy cheeks. She was small in stature but an ample figure. The blouse she wore left little to his imagination to what lie beyond the buttons. Her skirt hugged a firm round rump that swayed nicely when she walked.

  He shook himself from his lust induced fog before he picked her up and bolted for his suite. His mind reeled at the thought of ravishing her body. He had not felt this way about a woman since his Katie died.

  He licked his lips. “Yes, ma’am a very fine steak house. I will pick you up at 7:00 sharp. We can talk more then, ok?”

  She tipped her chin towards him and felt a warmth caress her body. A reaction from his mere words that would resonated with her. “I will be ready and it’s on me, remember that.”

  Millie appeared from behind a beautiful brocade curtain. “Can I assist you Ms. Hughes?”

  “Yes, I am curious to see my room.” Olivia’s eyes never left his. He eventually dropped his hands from her shoulders. She immediately felt the loss of connection. “See you at 7, Garrett.”

  He winked and started for the door. He looked back over his shoulder and watched Olivia ascend the stairs to his room, the gambler’s suite. He imagined her around his bed and in his tub. His body responded by his cock crushing against his zipper. He brushed it aside and continued out the door.


  Millie was a small, older woman. Her long gray hair was wound up in a braided bun. She wore jeans and a tee shirt, and moccasins on her feet. She appeared Native American. Her weathered skin led Olivia to believe she had lived a hard life.

  When they topped the grand staircase, a landing dipped to the left, where Millie opened the door. “Ms. Olivia, this is the Mr. Thomas’ suite.”

  She pushed the door back for Olivia to enter. Olivia, felt she had stepped into a time machine. A fireplace was across from the door surrounded by a sofa and two high back chairs. Bookcases flanked the window that overlooked the street below. The wooden floors were covered with woven rugs.

  A doorway on the left of the fireplace opened into a large bedroom. A patchwork quilt adorned the iron bed and a large dresser was decorated with trinkets from a bygone era. A mother of pearl mirror and brush set laid neatly on a crocheted doily and ornate silver frames held old photos of
I am sure some of Garrett’s ancestors.

  “Thank you, Millie. It is a beautiful room. We do have indoor amenities, I hope?”

  Millie laughed at the look on Olivia’s face. “Yes ma’am, we have indoor plumbing.”

  She reached to the right and opened a door to the nostalgic bathroom, complete with clawfoot tub. “Towels in this cupboard.” She motioned to a spot behind the door.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you? Breakfast is at seven, dinner at 6.”

  “Yes, Millie where can I find some clothes like what you are wearing?” Olivia was anxious to ditch her heels and soak in that inviting tub.

  She stepped toward the window and pointed toward the left. “Just follow the road to the corner and turn left and the Trading Post is three doors down.”

  . Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, “Do we have cell access here? I need to check in with my office?”

  “It comes and goes, but usually we have decent access. Anything else?” Millie walked toward the door.

  Olivia took a seat next to the fireplace in the high-back chair, “Thank you so much, I think I can take it from here.”

  “Just ring the desk if we can be of any assistance to you.” She pulled the door closed behind her.

  Olivia, finally alone with her thoughts, mulled over the day’s events. Garrett Thomas was a breath of fresh air in her stale world. He conjured up emotions long suppressed by the dying relationship with Phillip. The way Garrett looked at her made her feel beautiful.

  She grabbed her cellphone and called her boss, Valerie. They have been best friends since college. Roommates thrust together by lottery. The answering machine picked up.

  “Hello Valerie I didn’t get back. My car broke down and they can’t repair it before Monday. So, I am stuck in a time warp, but enjoying it. Cell service is sporadic so try to call me back. I had a fight with Phillip, it’s time to say good bye to him. I need to live my life with a person who doesn’t have his own agenda. Talk soon…”

  Olivia decided to find the Trading Post. The air had cooled as the afternoon sun hide behind the trees. The wonderful wooden sidewalks led her right to her destination with no obstacles.


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