Wild Horses

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Wild Horses Page 2

by Ardent Rose

  She was met with gorgeous Native American woven blankets and jackets. She chose a black and red one with hints of yellow and orange. She admired the jacket in the mirror when a voice broke her concentration. “Hello, can I help you find something?”

  Olivia turned to see a lovely young blonde girl wearing jeans and a local tee shirt. Her smile was as beautiful as she was. “That is a good choice in a jacket. They’re one of our best sellers.”

  “I can certainly see why.” Olivia returned her attention to the mirror. “I am Olivia Hughes, I am somewhat stranded here for a few days and I need a few things.”

  “Nice to meet you Ms. Hughes. I am Sarah, my parents own the trading post. So, what can I help you find?”

  Olivia continued her stroll around the store. “Just what I was looking for.” She held a pair of moccasins aloft. A gorgeous doeskin color with beaded artwork on the toes.

  Sarah giggled. “I can see why you might enjoy those.” She nodded toward the four inch heels Olivia was wearing.

  “They are torture, but when you work in the city, some jobs require them.” Olivia joined her mirth.

  Sarah took the shoes and laid them on the counter with the jacket. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been to the city.”

  Olivia’s shocked expression surprised Sarah. “A beautiful girl like you, should visit at least once in her life. Tomitown, is an old town. It resembles nothing like Carlton, where I am from.”

  Sarah shrugged her shoulders. “When it is all you know, you learn to live with it. I’ve always wanted to see the sights and taste the food, even wear the clothes.” She walked away. “My parents don’t approve.”

  Olivia gathered up the rest of her needs and proceeded to check out. Something caught her eye. “Wow, what gorgeous sketches. You have a good eye for color and your style is impeccable. These are some of the best designs I’ve seen.”

  “You are very kind. They’re just doodles.” Sarah remarked and folded the purchases and placed them in a bag.

  “Not at all, Sarah, these are very good. I am an interior designer and I know quality and talent when I see it. And girl, you got it alright.” Olivia appreciated her drawings.

  “You really think so?” Sarah scrunched her nose.

  “Can I borrow a couple to take home with me? I will get you a second opinion and I think these might even get you into the design institute.”

  “That is too kind of you, I could never ask you to do that. Besides, my parents would never let me leave Tomitown.”

  “Just leave that to me.” Olivia noticed the time and offered her a credit card. “What do I owe you? I have just enough time to get ready for dinner.”

  Sarah waved it away. “It has been taken care of Ms. Hughes.” Sarah handed her the bags.

  Olivia confused, asked. “By whom was my bill paid?”

  Sarah smiled. “Mr. Thomas of course. He instructed me to keep a tab for you and add it to his monthly bill.”

  “Is that so?” She picked up her purchase. “Thanks Sarah, very nice meeting you. I’ll be back soon.”

  Olivia contemplated whether to be mad at his arrogance or grateful for his attentiveness. “Nah, oh hell no, I am not going to have another man run my life. I am guessing mad it is.”

  She stomped up the stairs and made herself irresistible. At least as much as possible with trading post souvenirs.

  Chapter Three

  Olivia slinked into her new jeans and tied the strings on her pink eyelet peasant top. She slipped her feet into the softest moccasins and viewed herself in the full length antique mirror.

  The jeans fit perfectly and hugged her curves sensuously. The pale pink of her blouse set off the softness in her eyes. “Not bad for trading post couture.”

  She slung the suede cross body medicine bag over her head and started for the stairs.

  Garrett strode toward the staircase and was mesmerized by the transformation of professional city woman to sweet country girl. He felt a familiar stirring and reveled in her beauty.

  Olivia had decided to be mad at him until she saw the look in his eyes. He ate her up and it was clear she could not harbor any anger toward this bear of a man.

  Garrett took off his cowboy hat and took the last few steps to greet Olivia. “You look beautiful in your new attire.” He kissed her hand.

  Olivia flushed a darker shade of pink than her blouse. “Thank you for the more comfortable clothes. A girl could get used to this, you know?”

  She wasn’t necessarily talking about the clothes. She bent down, kissed his cheek, and whispered, “Your generosity knows no bounds, Mr. Thomas, but I AM buying dinner.”

  Garrett chuckled and led her down to the floor. “Do you mind if we walk? The restaurant is only a few blocks from here.”

  “I would love to walk. It’s a beautiful evening full moon and all.”

  Her time travel continued, escorted into a steakhouse with wagon wheel chandeliers and red satin booths, dark wood chairs sat around round tables. The bar was flanked with a boot rail and no stools. The most noticeable attribute of the present was the number of bottles of spirits that lined the mirrored wall behind the bar.

  “Garrett, so good to see you tonight.” A husky female voice beckoned him upon entry. He leaned in and kissed the older red-headed woman.

  “Hello, Sue. My regular table please.” He guided Olivia across the room to a quiet booth in the corner.

  Sue laid out menus. “What can I get you to drink? The usual Garrett?” She lingered just a little too long on Garrett’s arm for Olivia’s liking. Olivia pushed back, jealousy? She barely knew this man, what could possibly elicit such a response.

  “No, I think a bottle of Druzy Wine the rosé will be fine. Water with lemon? Ok with you Olivia?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Olivia said in her best southern sweetness.

  “Can I suggest the prime rib for dinner?” Sue continued.

  Garrett tilted his head at Olivia. She shrugged her shoulders. “Just bring the wine and some jalapeno straws. We are in no hurry.” He smiled at Olivia.

  “Uh, ok I will be right back with the wine.” Sue huffed off in a miff.

  Olivia folded her hands over the menu. Garrett caressed her knuckles. “Don’t let her bother you, her bark is worse than her bite.”

  “I am quite used to being told what I will and won’t drink or eat. Thank you for the opportunity to choose my own.” She rarely had a chance to look at menus, Phillip always just ordered what he thought she should eat.

  “Please take your time. I am not feeling much like prime rib tonight, myself.” Garrett pointed out some other great menu items.

  A waiter appeared with the appetizer and the wine. The delicious sweetness caressed her tongue. “Druzy Wine? I am not familiar with it? But it is delightful.”

  Garrett mapped out the label for her explaining the grape orchards were his grandmother’s pride and joy. “Her name was Drucilla and as a child I called her MaMa Druzy. My grandfather had given her the pet name and christened the wine in her honor.”

  Olivia was intrigued. “What a charming story. I will need to purchase some before I head home.”

  “Home?” Garrett changed the subject, he wasn’t ready for her to leave. “…tell me about yourself Olivia? Why real estate?”

  “A girl’s gotta eat. My true passion is interior design. Valerie, my boss, she allows me to stage homes with my expertise. Unfortunately, it won’t pay the rent, yet, so I took the real estate course to help her out in the meantime.”

  “Interior design? I have a brand-new house that needs to be decorated. Would you come out to the ranch and have a look. I would love to show you around, maybe go horseback riding?”

  A strange look crossed her face. “That is a strange coincidence. I met a lovely young lady at the trading post today, Sarah. She is quite the designer herself, given the chance.”

  Garrett noticed her obvious change in direction. “I apologize for being so forward. When my wife died, the cabin wasn’t fi
nished. For a while I wasn’t sure if it ever would be. After living there unfinished, I decided Katie would never have wanted me to be a quitter. It would be an honor for someone with knowledge to finish what I can’t.”

  Olivia’s demeanor softened. “I am very sorry about your loss. I would love to give you some suggestions and ideas for your home.” She sipped the sweet liquid before making her confession. “But, I am afraid I have never ridden a horse.”

  Garrett’s face split into a huge grin. “If you are up for it, I ‘d be glad to teach you.”

  Olivia stabbed a bite of her salad. “Maybe, we’ll see. I don’t think I will be here long enough to learn to ride.”

  Dinner progressed with more small talk and lots of laughter. Before long they stood outside the hotel bathed in the romantic glow of the moonlight.

  Garrett loved the way the light cast shadows on Olivia’s neck and shoulders. The twinkle of her earrings taunted him. He wanted to be kissing that ear and neck and shoulders.

  Olivia wasn’t sure how to respond to Garrett. After all she was engaged, kinda sorta, and yet the feelings he brought out in her only confirmed what she already knew.

  He melted her heart with his kindness and attention. Here and now she fantasized about being with this gentle bear of a man. To regain something that had gotten lost in habits and wasted years.

  He spoke first. “I will be here at nine to pick you up. We can brunch and you can tour the house. Sound good?”

  Less than a foot of space separated them. She could smell him and the passion that radiated from him. She desired him, but her feelings frightened her.

  She replied in a hushed tone. “Yes, Garrett. I will be ready.”

  Her eyes sought his in the hazy glow of the moon. When she tipped her head up, his mouth took her invitation and descended upon her lips. She didn’t hesitate. She had wanted to feel his beard on her face and taste his lips all evening. Maybe it was the wine, but she parted her lips and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Garrett felt her respond and pulled her flush to his body. He felt the softness of her curves. He answered involuntarily, as the memories flooded back.

  Suddenly embarrassed by his ardent display, he stopped. “I am not sorry, but I should go before we both do something we may regret.”

  Her hand caressed his cheek and he kissed her fingers. “I am not sorry either, but you are wrong about one thing.”

  He pushed a fly-away tendril of hair behind her ear. “And what would that be?”

  Olivia pulled him down nose to nose. “There would be no regrets.” She whispered against his lips for one more kiss.

  “That is good to hear, but slow is best for this old man. It’s been too long since I have been with a woman. I won’t be a weekend fling, no matter how enticing you are.”

  Olivia shook her head. “You are right. I just got carried away.”

  “…‘til the morrow my beauty?”

  “The morrow my Bear.”

  Garrett chuckled. “Bear. I like that.” He kissed her once more and said goodnight.

  Chapter Four

  That night Olivia dreamt of soft kisses and wild horses. She awoke refreshed and anxious to take on the day.

  Promptly Garrett arrived in his black chariot. The ride to the ranch was quiet, both lost in their thoughts and replayed the events of last night repeatedly. Neither knew what to say.

  The black truck trundled along a path of trees overhanging the driveway. They stopped at a beautiful log cabin in desperate need of curb appeal. A quaint patio hidden behind the house held Adirondack chairs and cushions, a picnic table graced one corner, a fire pit center stage and the smell of bacon frying greeted their noses.

  “Who is cooking? It smells fantastic.”

  “That would be my father in law, Homer. He helps me take care of the horses.”

  “Oh, I see.” She was worried what he would think of Garrett bringing another woman to his daughter’s home.

  “Homer, smells good. I’d like you to meet Olivia Hughes. She’s come to look at the house and possibly lend a hand in decorating.”

  Homer Granger was a bent over old man. He wore coveralls and a ballcap. He resented Olivia being there. “Hello.” Is all he said to Olivia, but he lit into Garrett. “Can’t believe you are throwing money into this place when it’s just you living here. Widower don’t need much.”

  “We’ve been through this before, old man. I can’t sell it like it is. Besides you know damn well, Katie wanted it finished. So, hush up.”

  Garrett took over meal prep. “Thanks for starting breakfast, I think I can take over from here. Besides, the new stud needs a fed and brushed.”

  Homer didn’t reply, just mumbled obscenities and went toward the barn.

  “I have to apologize for Homer. Sometimes he forgets his place. He’s also bad about speaking his mind. Not always at the best of times.” Garrett flipped the bacon over and started the pancakes.

  Garrett nodded his head in the direction of a coffee urn. “I could use a big black cuppa if you don’t mind pouring?”

  Olivia grabbed the potholder. “Thought you’d never ask. After that conversation, I could use one too. It’s early for this city girl.”

  “You’d get used to rising earlier than this if you lived out here. Can’t burn daylight. Some things can’t be done in the dark.”

  “I suppose I never thought of it that way.” She handed him a cup of coffee. She sipped and the taste was orgasmic. She had not realized how good coffee could taste. “This is some kind of wonderful stuff. Don’t tell me you grow coffee beans too?” She laughed.

  Garrett handed her a plate of pancakes and bacon. “No, some things just taste better eaten outdoors.”


  After breakfast, Garrett showed her the horse barn. The tack room smelled of leather and sweat. It invoked images of lust and reprisal for Olivia. Her instincts took over when her fingers cascaded down the riding crop. The decadent thoughts tingled through her and she shivered. Phillip ventured to indulge in her proclivities. She hungered for the experience.

  Garrett noticed she was fixated and stepped up behind her to see what was the object of her attention. She trembled at her admission. He rubbed his nose on her ear. “Are you cold my Olivia?”

  He realized she fingered the leather riding crop. “It has many uses, mostly for taming wild horses.” His words sent chills down her spine.

  She leaned back against Garrett’s chest. Her buttocks cradled his hardness. Thoughts of him swatting her bare bottom inflamed her body. Garrett kissed her neck. She gasped and his hands itched to slide down her body.

  He breathed close to her. “You’ve awakened the bear who growls within me.”

  The door popped open breaking the lust filled aura around them. Olivia flushed red and Garrett moved swiftly, like teenagers being caught instead of adults lost in the moment.

  Of course, Homer spoke. “I thought you were gonna show her the house. What do horses have to do with her?”

  “Homer, I think you better go home for the day. Your insolence has broken my last nerve. Ms. Hughes is my guest and this is my ranch. I will not take this from you.”

  “Be careful, Thomas. You never know what you might get yourself into. I’ll go this time.” He slammed the door behind him.

  Olivia was astonished at Garrett’s reaction. “This was a bad idea, maybe I am the one who should go.”

  He closed the gap between them. “It isn’t your fault. Katie’s death was hard on us all. I want you to stay. I meant it when I said you’ve awakened me. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time.” He smiled and cupped her cheek.

  Olivia leaned into his touch. “Ok I will stay.” She laid her hands on his folded arms. “You know I am unsure of how my life is going. But I have no regrets.” She sighed and grinned. “Show me more of this ranch.”

  Garrett opened the door for her and led her into the horse barn. He pointed out several horses. “And this one is Obsidian, my new stud.�

  Obsidian, of course, was completely black. He had a small star patch of white on his nose. He stood menacingly tall and shook his head with the knowledge he was superior.

  Garrett fed him and they finished Homer’s chores. He shoveled out the stalls, while Olivia fed the horses. When Olivia stood on a three-legged stool to replace the feed sack it wobbled and Garrett raced to catch her.

  Olivia crashed and fell on a bucket. Garrett carried her indoors and placed her on a couch.

  He raced to the medicine cabinet and broke open a smelling capsule. He waved it under Olivia’s nose. She pushed his hand away and grabbed her head. “Ouch, what happened.”

  Garrett gently pushed her shoulders back onto the couch. “Be still, you fell off that wobbly stool and hit your head. Just lie back.”

  She laid still and made a mental check of her body for pain. “It’s my head, Garrett. I am fine really. I can sit up.”

  “No, you can’t. You may have a concussion. Let me get you something for your headache.” He rummaged around in the first aid kit and came up with some ibuprofen. “Let me get you some water and a blanket.”

  Olivia swallowed down the medicine and examined her surroundings. He desperately needed decorator. The structure itself was gorgeous. Hardwood floors and exposed beams, a rock fireplace, but the furniture was sparse and worn. A few frames littered the mantle and tables. The feeling was more like a hunting lodge than a home. She smiled to herself, “this will be a joy to design.”

  Garrett carried in some firewood. “How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?”

  “I am fine, just a bump on the head.” She put her feet on the floor to stand and immediately felt dizzy. Garrett made short work of the distance between them and caught her.

  He eased her back down onto the couch. “Stay put, it is apparent you have a nasty bump. Are you nauseated?”

  “Maybe a little, I don’t want to be a bother. Just let me go on back to the hotel.”

  The wind howled outside and the rain pelted the windows. In the distance, thunder roared.


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